GEMT A.P. Triton LLC© GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Opportunities exist that allow public ambulance providers to receive supplemental reimbursement from the Federal Government These programs are part of the Federal Medicaid program Each state participates in the Medicaid program so each state is eligible GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Program draws down Federal Medicaid dollars to help offset the cost of providing emergency ambulance and transport for Medicaid patients Two primary mechanisms for drawing down money are CPE’s and IGT’s GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT CPE’s are Certified Public Expenditures for use in Fee For Service Cost sharing program 50/50 split of the uncompensated cost of the service Entitlement program that is mandatory, is not subject to federal appropriations GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT IGT’s are Inter-Governmental Transfers Cost sharing program 50/50 split of the total cost of the service Entitlement program that is mandatory, is not subject to federal appropriations GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Example Your state has 20% population of Medicaid assistance Your state pays average of $180 per transport Your FFS cost is $1,180…..your UCC is $1,000…..your CPE share is $500 GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT CPE/IGT all inclusive costs can average $2,000 per transport Based upon a 9,000 call EMS system at 20% FFS/MC (HMO), new revenue would exceed $1.8 million per year (9k x 20% = 1,800) 1,800 x $1,000 = $1,800,000.00 GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT QAF ‘s are Quality Assurance Fees The program places an assessment (or tax) on each Medicaid transport The assessment is used to draw down a Federal match Distribution of funds creates winners and losers in reimbursement amounts Typically requires mandatory participation GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT 9,000 calls per year @20% Medicaid rate Current reimbursement 1,800 x $180 = $324,000 GEMT / IGT = $1,800,000.00 560% increase to revenue GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Every state participates in CPE or IGT programs The Medicaid programs have existed for more than 30 years Not likely to change in the near future, even with the ACA. In fact they may expand. GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Create enabling legislation to facilitate a State Plan Amendment SPA SPA creates the program that establishes the “rules” for participation GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Providers must develop the SPA, the State will ensure it meets state regulations The State will present the SPA to CMS for Federal approval The State and Feds will only approve what is asked for (don’t ask/don’t receive) GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT All costs associated with the development of the program are applied to the cost of service Participation is always voluntary GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT Participation is not granted unless reimbursement of shared program development is paid to the Host Agency Cost of participation will never exceed the revenue received FIRST RESPONDER FEE TREAT AND RELEASE FEE A.P. Triton LLC © FRM 2015 FRF / TRF What is it? • Legal, ethical, honest billing for services that are recognized by most private insurance companies • Is charged for all encounters that result in a patient assessment • Has NOTHING to do with ambulance transport • Is not regulated by your LEMSA FRF / TRF What is it not? • It is NOT a “crash tax” • It is NOT a money grab • It is NOT a scam FRF / TRF Methodology • Average time on task E/T = 20 minutes • Average hourly rate per unit = $150.00/hr. • 67,200 calls/3 (20) = 22,400/hrs. on task • 22,400 x $150.00 = $3,360,000.00 FRF / TRF Actual reimbursements to date • Collection rate is about 17% • 17% collection = 11,424 billable calls • 11,424 x $275.00 = $3,141,600.00 FRF / TRF What is the backlash and how do we handle it? • Since introduction in February 2012 – 67 complaints • Most will come from senior groups – most vocal • Explain that taxes do Not cover the full cost of service • Explain the cost of response and treatment of “individuals” medical cost FRF / TRF What is the backlash and how do we handle it? • Most will come from senior groups (continued) • “Individual treatment above and beyond suppression is costing ALL taxpayers • Without supplemental payments the service would be cut back or eliminated • “Individual” service that can be covered offsets the cost and allows continuation of medical services • Because 20% of patient has FRF/TNT coverage it allows us to wave the fee for those who do not PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER 2010 METRO FIRE OPERATIONS • Operated thirteen 24-hr. ambulances • 1/3 of the engines were ALS • EMS operating budget of $14.6 million • Revenue $13.8 million • Began working on GEMT 2011 OPERATIONAL CHANGES • Converted all units including trucks to ALS • Began feasibility study for FRF/TRF fees • Began feasibility study for phasing out private contractor 2012 CHANGE IN FEE STRUCTURE • Reassessed transport fees • Instituted FRF/TRF • Began detailed RAS/AMA review 2013 OPERATIONAL CHANGES • Replaced our private contractor with SRP’s • Placed seven SRP units into service • Instituted twelve-hour staffing on SRP units 2014 RESULTS • Increased service coverage to 100% ALS • Increased number of units from 13 to 24 • Increased system costs from $14 million to $24 million 2014 RESULTS • Increased EMS revenue from $13 million to $31,845,000 million • GEMT / IGT revenue collected = $8.4 million • Total EMS revenue collection FY14/15 = $40,245,000