Warm Ups Aug 2013 Oct23 - Mountain View

Biology Warm Ups
Wed/Thur August 21/22 2013
Warm Up:
Learning Objective:
• Use the scientific
method to answer
Warm Up: Observations
• Simpson’s: Controls and
Variables (front and back)
(answer questions in sentences)
Make as many observations as
you can about the shell that you
have been given. Write down at
least 6 things you observe.
Write a question about an
observation you had.
Monday August 26, 2013
Warm Up: Life
Learning Objective:
• Be able to explain what
all living things have in
common and how life is
Warm Up: Life
Seating Chart Quiz
BN: 7-8: Levels of
• BN-9-10: Using Ch 2 in
your text book
(answer questions in sentences)
Draw the following table in the top 1/4 of your
warm up box:
Once was Living
Categorize each of the following on the data
table: Turtle, Tree, Fire, Bacteria, Water,
Mushroom, Bread, Virus, Cat, Human, Log,
roasted peanut, Cloud.
There are 8 things that all living things have
in common. Look at your list and try to figure
out what each of the living things have in
Tuesday August 27, 2013
Warm Up: Levels of Org.
Learning Objective:
• Be able to explain what
all living things have in
common and how life is
Warm Up: Levels of Org
Correct Caterpillar Lab and
BN 7-8
Start BN 9
(answer questions in sentences)
• BN-9-10: Using Ch 2 in
your text book
Quiz Wednesday
What is the difference between an
ecosystem and a community?
Is the following statement true or false
(explain your answer): All of the humans,
plants and animals in Los Altos make up the
population of the city.
List 4 different type of ecosystems.
List at least 4 different parts found inside of
a cell.
List at least 4 molecules that are important
to life.
Wed/Thur August 28-29, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Be able to apply
Hydrogen bonding to
real world applications
Warm Up: Basic Chem
Review Levels of Organization
Take Quiz
Water Lecture
Water Lab
• Finish Water Lab
Warm Up: Basic Chem
(answer questions in sentences)
(May need information about the periodic table)
1.If an atom has 6 protons, 8 neutrons and 10
electrons. List at least three things you know
about the element described above.
2.Explain how you could find out how many
protons there are in a specific element?
3.What determines the mass of an atom?
4.What is the main difference between a
covalent and an ionic bond?
5.What kind of animals use VanderWaals Forces
to their advantage? What can they do because of
these forces?
Wed/Thur August 28-29, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Be able to apply
Hydrogen bonding to
real world applications
Warm Up: Basic Chem
Review Levels of Organization
Take Quiz
Water Lecture
Water Lab
• Finish Water Lab
Warm Up: Basic Chem
(answer questions in sentences)
(May need information about the periodic table)
1. Explain how you could find out how
many protons there are in a specific
2. What determines the mass of an atom?
3. What is the main difference between a
covalent and an ionic bond?
4. If an atom has 6 protons, 8 neutrons
and 10 electrons. List at least three
things you know about the element
described above.
5. What kind of animals use VanderWaals
Forces to their advantage? What can
they do because of these forces?
Wed/Thur August 28-29, 2013
Warm Up: Basic Chem
(answer questions in sentences)
(May need information about the periodic table)
1. Explain how you could find out how many
protons there are in a specific element?
2. What determines the mass of an atom?
3. What is the main difference between a
covalent and an ionic bond?
4. If an atom has 6 protons, 8 neutrons and 10
electrons. List at least three things you know
about the element described above.
5. What kind of animals use VanderWaals Forces
to their advantage? What can they do
because of these forces?
Friday August 30, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Apply knowledge of
Hydrogen bonding to
real world situations.
Warm Up: Polarity
Finish Water Notes (BN-11)
Turn in Penny/Cohesion Lab
Review CIS
• Get a Biology Binder to
keep all your Biology
notes in
Warm Up: Polarity
1. What does polar mean?
2. What makes a water molecule polar?
3. Some pesticides dissolve in water like salt.
Many insects need to sit on the surface of
the water to survive. What do you think
happens to the insect populations in
rivers and lakes near farm land? Explain.
Monday September 3, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand the
differences and
characteristics of acids
and bases
1. Warm Up: pH
2. pH Lab
• Finish pH Lab
Warm Up: pH
1. What do you know about pH?
Thursday September 5, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Discover what a buffer is.
1. Warm Up: pH and cabbage
2. Review pH Lab
3. Buffer Inquiry Lab
• Study for Friday Quiz:
Quiz will cover: BN 9-15
Warm Up: pH and cabbage
1. pH paper and cabbage juice are both
different types of pH indicators. What is
an indicator?
2. Describe in complete sentences what
cabbage juice does when it is added to an
acid, a base or a neutral.
Tuesday September 5, 2013
Warm Up: pH and cabbage
1. pH paper and cabbage juice are both different types of
pH indicators. What is an indicator?
2. Describe in complete sentences what cabbage juice
does when it is added to an acid, a base or a neutral.
Friday September 6, 2013
Learning Objective:
Warm Up: Carbon
Answer in Complete sentences
• Understand why Carbon is
unique and important for life.1. What number is carbon on the periodic
1. Warm Up: Carbon
2. Quiz: U1Q2
3. BN-17 from Text
4. Collect BN-9-15
(Never Wet Moved to Monday)
• BN-17: Use Text Book Ch 2-3
2. How many protons and electrons does a
neutral carbon atom have?
3. How many bonds can a carbon atom
make? Why?
4. Name some molecules that are made of
Friday September 6, 2013
Warm Up: Carbon
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What number is carbon on the periodic table?
• Carbon is number 6 on the periodic table
2. How many protons and electrons does a neutral carbon atom have?
• Carbon had 6 (+) protons and 6 (-) electrons.
3. How many bonds can a carbon atom make? Why?
• Carbon can make 4 bonds because it has 4 valence electrons.
4. Name some molecules that are made of carbon.
• Carbon Dioxide, Sugar, Fats, Proteins, DNA
• Methane, Ethane, Butane, Octane
Monday September 9, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand the structures
and functions of the four
Warm Up: Carbon Molecules
Pass back papers
BN-18: Macromolecules.
Never Wet Demo
• None
Warm Up: Carbon Molecules
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What does the term “organic molecule’
2. Compare and contrast monomer and
Tuesday September 10, 2013
Learning Objective:
Warm Up: Good vs Bad Fats
Answer in Complete sentences
• What type of Lipids and Carbs
should I eat in my daily diet to1. What type of foods do you think have a
LOT of carbohydrates in them?
stay healthy.
2. What do you think the best carbs are to
1. Warm Up: Good vs Bad Fats
3. What type of foods do you think have lots
2. BN-19/20: Notes on Binder Paper
of fat in them?
“What Carbs and Lipids should I eat?”
4. Is all fat bad for you? Explain.
• Bring in three food labels.
• Quiz Tomorrow: BN-17-20
Wed/Thur September 11/12, 2013
Warm Up: Fats?
Answer in Complete
Learning Objective:
• What type of Lipids and Carbs are sentences
in the foods that I eat? Is it
1. What is the difference between a
saturated fat and an unsaturated fat?
1. Warm Up: Fats?
2. Finish BN-19/20: (Binder Paper)
3. BN-21-22: What macromolecules are in
my diet?
4. Macromolecule Go-Fish (Moved to Friday)
5. Quiz: Macromolecules
• None (Finish BN-21-22 if you didn’t
in class)
“Macromolecule Go Fish”
1. Every player is dealt 5 cards.
2. Each player takes a turn asking another player if he/she has a specific building block
of a specific macromolecule.
– “Sally, I’m building a carbohydrate, do you have any sugars?”
3. You can only ask for things you have:
• If they have it: they must give it to the player who asked.
• If they DON’T : the asker draws the top card from the “Go Fish” pond (pile in the
center of the table)
• If they did NOT use the name of the poly/monomer you don’t have to give them
the card.
4.Then it is the next players turn (person to the left)
οƒ To Win: Must create one set of each macromolecule:
Carbohydrates: Lipids:
Nucleic Acids:
Any 4
Any 4 sugars
Any 4
1 Glycerol,
3 Fatty Acids Amino Acids Nucleotides
Friday September 13, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Correctly identify polymers
and monomers of the four
Warm Up: Carbs
Collect BN: 21-22
Macromolecule Go-Fish
Quiz: Macromolecules
• None
Warm Up: Carbs
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What is the difference between a mono,
di and poly-saccharide? Include drawings
2. What is a complex carbohydrate? How is
that different from a simple
3. Describe a full day of food (breakfast,
lunch and dinner) that would be high in
complex carbs and unsaturated fat, but
low in simple carbs and saturated fats.
Monday September 16, 2013
Learning Objective:
Warm Up: PreLab
Answer in Complete sentences
• Correctly use indicators to
identify the presence of
Read the introduction paragraph on page BN-23.
carbohydrates, lipids and
1. What indicators are we going to be using
proteins in food items.
2. What molecules will the indicators react with,
1. Warm Up: Pre Lab
2. BN-23-24: Macromolecule Lab
3. Homework:
• Finish BN-23-24
(Macromolecule Conclusion
and what reaction do we expect to see?
Tuesday September 17, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Correctly use indicators to
identify the presence of
carbohydrates, lipids and
proteins in food items.
1. Warm Up:
2. Review BN-23-24:
Macromolecule Lab
1. Homework:
BN-25: Chem Rxns and
Enzymes #1-10
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
Using information from yesterdays lab.
1.What macromolecules did the MMM contain?
Be specific about referring to what indicators
were used and how they indicated what
macromolecule you identified.
-Your answer should be at least 4 sentences.
Wed/Thur September 18/19, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand that chemical
reactions can absorb or
release energy and that
enzymes increase the speed
of chemical reactions.
Warm Up: Chem Rxns
Pass Back and Review Quiz 1
Review BN-25: HW
Class Notes: BN-26-28: Chem
Reactions and Enzymes
Pass Back and Review Quiz 2/3 (Moved to Friday)
6. Homework:
None: (UNIT 1 TEST Sept 30th)
Warm Up: Chem Rxns
Answer in Complete sentences
Using information from yesterdays lab.
1. What grade would you like to earn in
this class?
2. How much time did you study for
each of the quizzes?
3. How often would you say you
complete your homework
4. How much time do you dedicate at
home to homework for all classes?
Friday September 20, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand that some
factors can increase or
decrease the rate at which
enzymes work
1. Warm Up: NONE
2. Finish Notes
3. Pass Back and Review Quiz 2/3
4. Homework:
UNIT 1 TEST: Block Day Oct 2/3
-Test covers all of Ch 2 of text book
Friday Sept 27th Quiz: Ch 2-4
Warm Up: NONE
Answer in Complete sentences
In 4 sentences write about what we
learned last class period.
Monday September 23, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Compare and contrast
catalysts and enzymes.
1. Warm Up: Enzymes
2. BN-29-30: Catalyst and Enzyme
Reaction *Lab Demo
3. Homework:
• Finish BN-30
• Read BN-31
• Quiz Friday: BN-25-28
• Ch2 Test Block Day: Oct 2/3
Warm Up: Enzymes
Answer in Complete sentences
Why are enzymes important for
living things?
2. What macromolecule are enzymes
made of?
3. What are two things that can make
enzymes work less efficiently?
Tuesday September 24, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Follow procedures to
complete enzyme set up for
Liver Lab
1. Warm Up: None
2. BN-31: Day 1: Liver Lab
• Review Sheet BN-39:
Section 1 Only
Warm Up: Enzymes
Answer in Complete sentences
None: Lab requires whole period.
Wed/Thur September 25/26, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand that some
factors can increase or
decrease the rate at which
enzymes work
1. Warm Up: Liver Lab
2. BN-32: Liver Lab Day 2
• Calculations on BN-33
• Review Sheet BN-39:
Section 2 Only
Warm Up: Liver Lab
Answer in Complete sentences
What enzyme are we testing in
today’s lab?
How will we know if H2O2 is being
broken down?
How will we know if the enzyme is
damaged? (In other words: what
observations would make you think
the enzyme is not working well?)
Friday September 27, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Analyze data to form
conclusions about rates of
reaction catalyzed by enzymes
in various conditions .
Warm Up: Liver Analysis
Answer in Complete sentences
1. Warm Up: Liver Analysis
2. BN-34-36: Graphing Data and
3. Quiz: Ch 2-4
• Liver Lab Due Block Oct 2/3
• Review Sheet BN-39/40:
Section 3 Only
What was the rate of reaction for
each of the following:
a. Raw Liver Enzyme:
b. Boiled Enzyme:
c. Lemon Enzyme:
d. Salted Enzyme:
e. Cold Enzyme:
Which Liver Environment from our
bags of Liver was the most
damaging to the enzyme? Use data
from above in your answer.
Monday September 30, 2013
Sample Conclusion BN-35 #4
• I expected that the boiled enzyme would not be able to
catalyze the break down of Hydrogen Peroxide. The data
supported my hypothesis as the height of reaction and
rate of reaction were much lower for boiled enzyme
compared to the raw enzyme. The rate of reaction was
0.09 C/sec for the boiled enzyme. This leads me to believe
that the active site of the enzyme peroxidase was
denatured by the temperature change. This prevented the
reaction of hydrogen peroxide breaking down into water
and oxygen. The raw liver had a rate of reaction of 0.66
C/sec, which was 0.57C/sec faster than the boiled
Sample Conclusion BN-35 #4:
Highlight Vocab and DAta
• I expected that the boiled enzyme would not be able to
catalyze the break down of Hydrogen Peroxide. The data
supported my hypothesis as the height of reaction and
rate of reaction were much lower for boiled enzyme
compared to the raw enzyme. The rate of reaction was
0.09 C/sec for the boiled enzyme. This leads me to believe
that the active site of the enzyme peroxidase was
denatured by the temperature change. This prevented the
reaction of hydrogen peroxide breaking down into water
and oxygen. The raw liver had a rate of reaction of 0.66
C/sec, which was 0.57C/sec faster than the boiled
Monday September 30, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand that some
factors can increase or
decrease the rate at which
enzymes work
1. Warm Up: Liver Lab Rxn
2. BN-37-38: Pretzelase Activity
• Liver Lab Due Block Day:
– BN-29-36
• Review Sheet BN-40:
Section 4
Warm Up: Liver lab rxn
Answer in Complete sentences
What was the chemical reaction we
observed during the liver lab:
Was this an endothermic or
exothermic reaction? How do you
Why are buffers in your blood
important for chemical reactions?
Tuesday October 1, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Reviewing Chemistry of Life
1. Warm Up: Quiz Corrections
2. Review for test
3. Homework:
• Use review sheet as practice
test-Check answers online
• (see online calendar Oct 2-3
for review sheet answers)
Warm Up: Quiz Corrections
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What are atoms made of? Describe the
structure of an atom.
2. What is a covalent bond?
3. When “NEVER WET” is sprayed on
something, what property of water does
this change? Explain.
4. Is bacon fat healthy to eat? Why/Why
5. If someone can not drink milk because
they are lactose intolerant, what does
this mean?
Wed/Thur October 2/3, 2013
Learning Objective:
• TEST: Biochemistry
1. Warm Up: None
2. Test: Chapter 2
3. Homework:
Warm Up: Quiz Corrections
Answer in Complete sentences
Friday October 4, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Know the difference between
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
cells. Understand the
functions of cell organelles.
1. Warm Up: Intro to Cells
2. BN-41-42: Use text books to
complete the front and back of the
worksheet reading Chapter 7.1-7.2
3. Homework:
• BN-41-42 if you didn’t finish it
Warm Up: Intro to cells
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What organelles can be found inside of
plant or animal cells?
2. What do you about the differences and
similarities between plant and animal
3. In what ways do you think a human cell is
different from a bacteria cell?
Friday October 4, 2013
Example Answers:
Warm Up: Intro to cells
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What organelles can be found inside of plant or animal cells?
Example Answers: Nucleus, chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane, Endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi Complex, microtubules, mitochondria, ribosomes
2. What do you about the differences and similarities between plant and animal cells?
Example Answers: Plants have chloroplasts and cell walls while animals do not.
3. In what ways do you think a human cell is different from a bacteria cell?
Example Answers:
size: bacteria is VERY tiny
complexity: human cells have lots of organelles
bacteria are single celled organisms, humans are multicellular
Monday October 7, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Know the difference between
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
cells. Understand the
functions of cell organelles.
1. Warm Up: Intro to Cells
2. BN-41-42: Review Cells
3. Label and Color the Cell Diagram
4. Homework:
• None
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What is a Eukaryote?
2. What is a Prokaryote?
Tuesday October 8, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Review how you did on the
Unit 1 Test
1. Warm Up: Future Bio Tests
2. Review Answers from the test
3. Homework:
• Color Cell Diagram
• Get Test Score Notice Signed
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
1. List three steps you will take to do better
next time on the Biology Test
Wed/Thur October 9/10, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Be able to explain diffusion
and osmosis. Understand that
a cell membrane is fluid and
Warm Up: Diffusion
Review Cell Diagram Parts
BN-45: Diffusion/Osmosis
BN-49-50: Kidney Dialysis Article
(Did not finish-move to Friday)
5. BN-47: Dialysis Lab
6. BN-46: (Did not finish-move to Friday)
• Color Cell Diagram
• Get Test Score Notice Signed
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What kinds of things do you think can
move into and out of a cell membrane.
2. What do you think diffusion is?
3. What do you think osmosis is?
Animation links
Hypo, Iso, Hyper
• http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/scie
• Diff Across Membrane (+salt)
• http://www.stolaf.edu/people/giannini/flashanimat/
The tube inside the machine is called dialysis tubing: this is what
we used in our lab today
Friday October 11, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand how diffusion and
osmosis relate to kidney
1. Warm Up: Popcorn
2. BN-47: Review Dialysis Lab
3. BN-46: Facilitated Diffusion and
4. BN-49-50: Dialysis Article
• Finish BN-46 if you did not in
• *Small Test: Friday Ch 7.3 in
text (BN-45-46)
Warm Up: popcorn
Answer in Complete sentences
Monday October 14, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Compare and contrast
Warm Up: Slugs and Salt
diffusion with facilitated
Answer in Complete sentences
diffusion and active transport.
Answer the question using the following
vocabulary words in complete sentences:
1. Warm Up: Slugs and salt
2. BN-47: Review Dialysis Lab
3. BN-46: Facilitated Diffusion and
Active Transport
4. BN-51: Apple Osmosis Lab
5. BN-48: Practice
• Finish BN-48
• *Quiz Fri: Ch 7.3 in text (BN-4546)
1. Why will a slug/snail die if you pour salt on it?
A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Free Water
D. High concentration
E. Low concentration
F. Solute (salt)
G. Cells
2. Draw a picture of a slug/snail under your
written answer.
Tues/Thur October 15/17, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Demonstrate understanding of
Warm Up: Sponge Bob’s Vacation
Answer in Complete sentences
• Know which types of cell
SpongeBob gets some time off from the Krusty
transport require energy and Krab and is trying to decide whether to take his
vacation in fresh water Lake Michigan or Waikiki
Beach in Hawaii (Pacific Ocean).
1. Warm Up: SpongeBob's Vacation
2. BN-51: Apple Osmosis Lab
3. BN-46: Facilitated Diffusion, Active
Transport and Phagocytosis
• Study: *Quiz Friday:
– Ch 7.3 and a little of 7.1.
– (BN-41 & 45-46)
– See animations on Calendar
1.Which do you think is the best choice for
SpongeBob and why?
A. Draw a diagram to help explain to
SpongeBob how the environments may
effect his cells differently.
B. Use all of the following vocabulary in
your answer:
1. Hypertonic
2. Hypotonic
3. Osmosis
4. High/Low Conc.
Tues/Thur October 15/17, 2013
SpongeBob gets some time off
from the crusty crab and is
trying to decide whether to take
his vacation in fresh water Lake
Michigan or Waikiki Beach in
Hawaii (Pacific Ocean).
1. Which do you think is the
best choice for SpongeBob
and why?
A. Draw a diagram to help
explain to SpongeBob
how the environments
may effect his cells
B. Use all of the following
vocabulary in your
1. Hypertonic
2. Hypotonic
3. Osmosis
4. High/Low Conc.
Lake Michigan will not be good because
your cells will be more hypertonic than the
solution. Osmosis will move water into
your cells towards the lower water
concentration. Your cells will all puff up
with water!
Waikiki Beach is a better destination for you because you
already live in the ocean, so your cells are Isotonic to the
ocean water. Osmosis will not move water into or out of
your cells because there is not a high or low
concentration to move water from.
Animation Links:
Diffusion Animation: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_diffusion_works.html
Osmosis Animation:http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_osmosis_works.html
Facilitated diffusion: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007337797x/student_view0/chapter5/animation_quiz__how_facilitated_diffusion_works.html
Active Transport: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007337797x/student_view0/chapter5/animation_quiz__the_sodium_potassium_exchange_pump.html
Second Active Transport: highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_the_sodium_potassium_pump_
Phago/Endo/Exo/Pino Cytosis: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/0072437316/120068/bio02.swf::Endocytosis%20and%20Exocytosis
Friday October 18, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Demonstrate
understanding of cell
1. Warm Up: Review Transport
2. Quiz: Ch 7.3 (little of 7.1)
• Relax
Warm Up: Review Transport
Answer in Complete sentences
Write down this Key:
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Facilitated Diffusion
D. Active Transport
E. Phagocytosis (Endo/Exo)
F. Pinocytosis
Classify each type of cell transport:
1. Requires NO Energy:
2. Requires Energy:
3. Requires Protein Channel:
4. Moves from High to low concentration:
5. Movement of water could be:
6. Molecules do not mix with cytoplasm after
being transported in:
Monday October 21, 2013
Learning Objective:
• See progress in class
1. Warm Up: 1st quarter grade
2. Pass back work
• Get organized
Warm Up: Review Transport
Answer in Complete sentences
1. Write down your grade % by category:
1. Tests/Quizzes
2. Labs
3. Homework and classwork
2. What area’s are you proud of about your
Biology grade?
3. What area’s need improvement about your
Biology grade?
Tuesday October 22, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand how to
correctly use a
1. Microscopes: Parts and
Functions (BN-53/54)
2. Warm up: DO’s and DON’Ts for
• None 
Warm Up: Do’s and Don’ts for Microscopes
Answer in Complete sentences
What are some things you should and should not
do with a microscoe?
1. Do’s:
2. DON’Ts:
Wednesday October 23, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Stem Presentations
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
1. None
1. STEM Presentations in Theater
• None 
Thur/Fri October 24/25, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Demonstrate proper use
of microscopes.
• Understand how to find
the diameter of the field
of view.
1. STEM Thank you cards
2. Intro to microscopes Lab
(sub Monday/Tuesday: be on best
• None 
Warm Up:
Answer in Complete sentences
1. Describe steps you should take to find and focus
a specimen under a microscope.
Monday October 28, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand what ATP is
and why we need it for
energy in addition to
• Understand where plants
get their mass.
1. Warm up: plants
2. BN-57-58: Ch 8.1 & 8.2
• Finish BN-57&58
Warm Up: plants
Answer in Complete sentences
1. Where do plants get
2. What organelle in the
plant uses this energy?
Monday October 28, 2013
Warm Up: plants
Answer in Complete sentences
1. Where do plants get energy?
Plants get energy from sunlight.
1. What organelle in the plant uses this energy?
The chloroplasts inside of plants use sunlight
to do photosynthesis.
Tuesday October 29, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand the structure
of a leaf and why it is
designed the way it is.
1. Warm up: leaves
2. BN-59-60: Ch 23.4
• Finish BN-59&60
Warm Up: leaves
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What part of a tree do you
think does most of the
photosynthesis and the
least photosynthesis:
Explain your answer.
Tuesday October 29, 2013
Warm Up: leaves
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What part of a tree do you think does most of the
photosynthesis and the least photosynthesis:
Roots: likely do the least amount of
photosynthesis because roots are underground away
from light. Photosynthesis requires light.
Leaves: likely do the most photosynthesis
because they are exposed to sunlight the most and
contain a lot of pigments (like chlorophyll) which is
used in photosynthesis.
Wed/Thurs October 30, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Proper use of microscope.
Warm up: leaves
Collect pg BN-57 and 59
Finish Intro to Microscope lab
Difference between sugar and
• If you are not finished
with any pages up to BN60: finish them
Warm Up: leaves
Answer in Complete sentences
1. (see questions on
following slides)
1. Describe the difference in
accuracy of a micrometer vs a
2. Can you accurately measure the
field of view under low power with
a micrometer, why/why not?
3. What is the field of view under
medium power. How could I make
my measurement more accurate?
3. What is the field of view under
medium power. How could I make
my measurement more accurate?
• Line up the
right with a
line that
allows you to
see the 0.01
place on the
4. What is the field of view. Explain
how you figure it out
Friday November 1, 2013
Learning Objective:
• Understand that pigments
absorb some wavelengths
of light, but reflect other
• Understand Color
1. Warm up: ATP vs Sugar
2. BN-61-62: Light and Energy
• Have a good weekend.
(Don’t eat too much candy)
Warm Up: ATP vs sugar
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What did Van Helmont’s
experiment tell us about
2. What did Priestley’s
experiment tell us about
3. Does ATP or sugar have
more energy?
4. Why do our cells use ATP
instead of sugar directly,
for energy?
Friday November 1, 2013
Learning Objective:
Warm Up: leaves
Answer in Complete sentences
1. What did Van Helmont’s experiment tell us about plants?
• Plants do NOT get their mass from the soil, they get it from
the air.
• (his plant didn’t lose any of the soil’s mass)
2. What did Priestley’s experiment tell us about plants?
• Plants produce oxygen. (the fire was able to burn longer)
3. Does ATP or sugar have more energy?
• Sugar has 90x more energy than ATP
4. Why do our cells use ATP instead of sugar directly, for energy?
• Sugar contains so much energy we would catch on fire if
we burned all the energy in sugar fast. We use ATP because
it is a small unit of energy that can be used for small jobs
inside of a cell.