Parents Induction Meeting 2 nd June 2015

Parents Induction Meeting
2nd June 2015
Aims of the Session
Share the ethos of St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School.
Find out arrangements for your child starting school.
Learn more about the curriculum your child will follow.
Learn more about life at St Augustine’s.
Our Mission Statement
‘In all things love.’
Anyone who welcomes this child in my name
welcomes me. Luke 9 v.47
All in our school are special and unique. We welcome
everyone into our community. We value and respect one
another's gifts for the contribution they make to our
daily lives. In all we do, we give thanks to God for his
blessings and ask that with His grace, we can work
together to fulfill every child's spiritual, social and
academic potential.
'By this love you have for one another, everyone will
know you are my followers.' John 13 v.3
Links to Our Local Parish
The Virgin Mother of Good Counsel
Timeline for Starting School
Home visits and visits to nursery settings will take place in late
June early July. The dates for appointments will be:
29th June between 09:00am and 3:00pm.
30th June between 09:00pm and 3:00pm.
1st June between 9:00am and 4:00pm.
2nd July between 9:00am and 12:00pm.
Please sign up for one of these dates before you leave tonight.
Each child will be receiving a small goodie bag from us. Please
keep the bag and send it back into school with a sensible pair
of names rubber soled slippers, an apron and a set of
waterproofs. These will be kept on a unit for wearing in the
Transition activities
To help introduce your child to our school setting,
we would like to invite you and your child to join us
for various sessions over the next few weeks.
Friday morning sing-along, followed by a ‘stay and
play’ session.
Children in group 1 (see info pack) on Friday 19th
June 9:15am – 10:00am.
Children in group 2 (see info pack) on Friday 26th
9:15am – 10:00am.
Transition activities
Story-time with your new teacher and year 6
All reception children will be allocated a buddy for
when they start in September and these story
sessions are a chance to meet and get to know
Come and listen to a story, or two.
Tuesday 7th July 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Thursday 9th July 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday 14th July 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Transition activities
Join us for a reunion and welcome picnic.
All parents and children are invited to bring a
picnic to join some fun and games with past,
present and future pupils and parents.
Friday 19th June from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
And finally!
School taster morning. Spend the day in the
classroom with your new teachers.
Friday 17th July 9am – 12am.
What is the Early Years Foundation
Stage ( E.Y.F.S)?
•The E.Y.F.S. is the stage of education for children from
birth to the end of the Reception year. Your children will
have been working within this stage during their time in
previous early years settings.
•It is based on the recognition that children learn best
through play and active learning.
It has developed around 4 themes that underpin the EYFS
1. A unique Child- Observe what a child is learning
2. Positive Relationships- What adults can do
3. Enabling Environments- What adults could provide
4. Learning and Developing- Children’s achievements
through the above
Areas of learning…
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
2. Physical Development
These are crucial for developing children's curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning.
Then there are 4 SPECIFIC AREAS
4. Literacy;
5. Mathematics;
6. Understanding the world;
7. Expressive arts and design
What can you do to help your child’s
learning when they begin school?
 Sharing books, talking about the pictures
 Reading Book, make comments in their reading diary
 Read/share books at least 4 times a week
 Encourage mark making, shopping lists, writing in cards, drawing,
stories through pictures etc.
 Encourage children to talk in full sentences and ask questions that
do not require just a yes or no answer.
 Practise counting and recognising numbers for example when
climbing the stairs, shopping, counting out objects, number puzzles
 Play simple board games (this is good for learning about counting on,
number recognition and turn taking).
 Sing number rhymes and other songs together.
 Support any homework that comes home, sounds and number work.
Lunch time arrangements
In St. Augustine’s your children will eat in the
dining hall with the other children from Key
Stage 1.
However, they will have their own separate play
area as they continue to develop their social
skills and will be slowly integrated into the larger
playground later on in the academic year.
 Compulsory- Sweater/cardigan with school logo.
 Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING!!!
(it is impossible to relocate lost jumpers when they all look the same!)
 Send coats in EVERYDAY regardless of weather. It is very changeable
up here!
 Sensible shoes and no jewellery.
 P.E. kits – White T-Shirt with school logo on, navy blue shorts, navy blue
tracksuit bottoms and plimsolls. These should all be in a drawstring bag,
preferably with the name on the outside of the bag. The kit will be left
in school and will be sent home for washing at the end of term.
 A pair of wellies and waterproofs to allow for all weather play and a pair
of sensible rubber soled slippers for indoor use.
(Waterproofs could be an all in one or separate jacket and trousers).
Things to remember!
 A book bag should come into school everyday, containing
their reading book and their reading record book.
 Free fruit will be provided for snack time.
 Don’t forget to sign up for free milk, if your child is under
the age of five.
 Please bring in an old, named, shirt or an apron for
 The equipment in the playground is for school time use
only. Children should not be playing on it after, or before
school (this is an insurance issue).
Other matters……
 Please let us know if someone different is
collecting your child!
 Dinner Money must be paid in advance.
 Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by at
least 24 hours absence.
 Head lice are common! Please check regularly and
treat as recommended.
 Any absence requires a telephone call to the school
office by 9:00am
 Any prescribed medication can only be administered
by prior arrangement with the school office
School involvement
We welcome your involvement and would like to invite you to become part of our school
Throughout the year there will be various opportunities for you to become involved with the
school community. FoSA is run by a group of parents, whose aim is to support the school by
organising fundraising events such as the summer fair, bingo evenings and dressing up days.
Anyone is welcome to join FoSA please contact Mrs Balcomb via the school secretary. There is
also a FoSA facebook page where news and details of events are posted.
Though out the year there will also be various opportunities for you to attend Mass, celebration
assemblies, as well as meetings, workshops and events out of school hours.
For details of upcoming events please look on our school website.
Fundraising – Friends of St Augustine’s page.
Events – newsletter page and events.
Homework – your class’ homework page.
And of course check out our class pages and galleries for updates on the fun activities that your
child has been engaged in.
Finally there is also a suggestion box located on the wall opposite the reception desk, by the main
door in the foyer.
Thank you
Any questions?
Useful website: