Occupational Illness Dr. Mohie Bakinson – MCO/1 (CSM/3) What Is An Occupational Illness? Any work-related abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from a work injury, caused by or mainly caused by exposures (Health hazards) at work. When is an OH illness work related? •Has an illness indeed occurred? •Is causal agents/conditions present at work? •Was employee exposed? •Is exposure sufficient to cause illness? •Is there any non-occupational exposure? Occupational Illness - CRITERIA A) Has an illness clearly been defined? B) Does it appear that the illness is caused or mainly caused by suspected agents or other conditions at work? C) Are these suspected agents present ( or have they been present) in the work environment? D) Was the ill employee exposed to these agents in the work environment? E) Was the exposure to a sufficient degree and/or duration to result in the illness or condition? F) Was the illness attributable mainly to a nonoccupational exposure? International classification of diseases of the WHO ICD 10th-CODE 1. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases A00-B99 2. Skin Diseases and Disorders: L00-L99 3. Respiratory Conditions due to Dust or Toxic Agents J60-J70 4. Poisoning (Systemic Effects of Toxic Materials) T36-T65 5. Disorders due To Physical Agents T66-T78 (Other than Noise and Toxic Materials) 6. Disorders associated with Repeated Trauma T00-T07 7. Cancers and Malignant Blood Diseases C00-D48 8. Disorders due to Mental Stress F00-F99 9. Noise Induced Hearing Loss H83.3 10. Other Illnesses and Disorders V01-Y98 Classification of Occupational Illness 1. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases: malaria, food poisoning, infectious hepatitis, dysentery, lambliasis, legionnaire's disease 2. Skin Diseases and Disorders: contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, rash caused by primary irritants and sensitisers or poisonous plants, oil acne, chrome ulcers, chemical burns or inflammations. 3. Respiratory Conditions due to Dust or Toxic Agents: silicosis, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, pneumonitis, (allergic) bronchitis, alveolitis, asthma, pharyngitis, rhinitis or acute congestion due to chemicals, dusts, gases, or fumes. 4. Poisoning (Systemic Effects of Toxic Materials): poisoning by lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, or other metals; poisoning by carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, or other gases; poisoning by solvents; poisoning by pesticides; poisoning by other chemicals such as formaldehyde, plastics and resins. 5. Disorders due To Physical Agents (Other than Noise and Toxic Materials) Examples: heat-stroke, sunstroke, heat exhaustion and other effects of heat stress; freezing, frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperatures; caisson disease; effects of ionising (isotopes, X-rays, radium) and nonionising (welding flash, ultraviolet rays, microwaves, sunburn) radiation Classification of Occupational Illness (continue) 6. Disorders associated with Repeated Trauma: synovitis, tenosynovitis, and bursitis; Raynaud's phenomenon; other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue associated with repeated trauma. 7. Cancers and Malignant Blood Diseases: mesothelioma; bladder cancer; leukemia and other malignant diseases of blood and blood forming organs 8. Disorders due to Mental Stress: tension headache, depression, neurosis, "stress", functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract 9. Noise Induced Hearing Loss: definition and criteria for reporting are given in the SHC Noise Guide 1991. 10. Other Illnesses and Disorders: Benign tumours; eye conditions due to dust and toxic agents; other (non-malignant) diseases of blood and blood forming organs. Occupational Illness (Why Reporting?) •Health is line management responsibility •Ideal extent of the problem •Health data needed to manage performance •Also what controls to put in place Difference between OH illness and Injury •Work injury is a case which results from a work accident or from exposure involving a single event. Single-incident concept! •If the case resulted form something that was not instantaneous it is considered as an illness Role of Supervisor/Line manager/HSE adviser •They understand the definition of OH illness and will try to identify early cases •Refer to medical officer for confirmation and reporting •Reporting by Contractors Occupational Health Illness GROUPINGS FOR REPORTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Back problems and lower limb disorders Cancers and malignant blood disease Infections and preventable disease Mental ill-health Noise induced hearing loss Poisoning Respiratory disease Skin disease Upper limb and neck disorders Other occupational illness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GROUPINGS FOR REPORTING (2002) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIEP Back problems and lower limb disorders Cancers and malignant blood disease Infections and preventable disease Mental ill-health Noise induced hearing loss Poisoning Respiratory disease Skin disease Upper limb and neck disorders Other occupational illness 9 0 0 16 11 0 1 1 6 0 44 Table 2 Identified cases of occupational illnesses of PDO employees in 2002, international classification of diseases of the World Health Organisation I. V. VII. VIII. IX. X. XII. XIII. XIII. XIX. XX. No. of cases 0 16 0 11 0 1 1 9 6 0 0 0 Infectious and parasitic diseases Mental and behavioral disorders (stress) Diseases of the eye Diseases of the ear ( Noise Induced Hearing Loss) Diseases of the circulatory system Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of the skin Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Repetitive strain injuries ('mouse disease') Injury, poisoning (exposure to chemicals) Certain consequences of ext. causes (heat stress) External causes of morbidity ('shoe bite') Total PDO 44 TROIF 1997 – 2003 25 24.2 20 19.1 15 16.8 2003 Target = 12 10 10.5 9.7 5 5.4 4.3 0 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESSES 1997 – 2003 - PDO STAFF N=4000 180 160 140 160 154 165 120 100 80 89 79 60 40 45 36 02 03 20 0 97 98 99 00 01 OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESSES 1997 – 2003 - CONTRACTOR STAFF N=14000 180 160 140 161 120 79 100 80 95 60 64 40 20 25 0 97 98 99 00 01 45 14 02 03 Occupational Health Data Sheet Operating Unit Name:PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN Reporting period: 2003 BusCom: SIEP Company Staff Occupational Illnesses Total Fatalities Total Fatalities Reportable due to Recordable due to Occupational Occupational Occupational Occupational Illnesses Illness Illnesses Illness 1 2 1 2 Infectious and parasitic diseases 2 Skin diseases and disorders 0 Respiratory conditions due to dust or toxic agents 14 Poisoning (systemic effects of toxic material) 2 Upper limb and neck disorders 13 Back problems and lower limb disorders 0 Cancers and malignant blood diseases 0 Disorders due to mental stress 0 Noise induced hearing loss 4 Other illness and disorders 1 Total 36 Exposure Hours 8386921 TROIF Total Non accidental deaths reported Contractor Staff 4.292397651 11 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 How Can You Help Us? Last Line…………….. Your Greatest Asset We squander health in search of wealth. We scheme and strife and save and We squander wealth in search of health and all we have is the grave. We live and boast of what we own but when We die we own only a stone, Your health is your greatest asset, so make it last!