UNIT PLAN Lesson Topic: Chapter 1: Cells Time/Date February 11, 2014 Microscopes February 12, 2014 Living Organisms February 13, 2014 Classes: February 11-February 24 (8 Total Lessons) Learning Outcomes/PLOs A1-Demonstrate safe procedures A6-Demonstrate cooperative behaviour A8-Competence in the usage of technologies B1-Demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of living things A6-Demonstrate cooperative behaviour B2-Relate main features and properties of cells to their functions Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Cell Theory February 14, 2014 B2-Relate main features and properties of cells to their functions Cell Organelles February 17, 2014 3D Cell Construction B2-Relate main features and properties of cells to their functions 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Assessment Hands on introduction to microscopes Demonstration of wet mounting Activity involving viewing text, pictures, and pond water under the microscope Students provided with activity sheet that will be marked Microscope labelling sheet for homework Microscope quiz Short discussion on commonalities of living things Introduce 5 characteristics of living things Activity to differentiate between living and non-living organisms Introduce viruses: Living or non-living? Go over answers to microscope quiz Show introductory video of cells Role-play as Louis Pasteur, recreate some of his experiments and facilitate inquiry session Summarize cell theory Introduce cell organelles and compare the cell to a factory Differentiate between plant and animal cells Students will make a multiple choice quiz on cell organelles independently for other students to complete Formative: Participation and proper safety behaviour in superlab Summative: Activity sheet + microscope labelling sheet for marks and homework completion Formative: Participation in pair discussion Students will create a 3D model of the animal cell out of modelling clay A completed 3D cell will be shown as an example prior to this activity. The teacher will provide a rubric for marking the cell activity. Materials/Resourc es One microscope for each student in class Activity sheet Microscope labelling sheet Prepared microscope quiz, activity, virus powerpoint, video Summative: Microscope quiz Formative: Participation in inquiry Formative: Participation in inquiry Marked quiz, prepare introductory cell video, prepare roleplay + materials for inquiry, prepare to introduce cell theory PowerPoint introducing cell organelles Summative: Quiz will be marked on quality of questions 3D cell information sheet + rubric for students Formative: Participation in activity, how well a student works with his/her partner. Prepare modelling clay for students Summative: 3D cell will be marked on accuracy and inclusion of organelles Prepare a completed cell as an example Time/Date February 18, 2014 Diffusion Learning Outcomes/PLOs Activities B2-Relate main features and properties of cells to their functions 1. 2. 3. 4. February 19, 2014 Osmosis B2-Relate main features and properties of cells to their functions 1. 2. 3. 4. Drop dye in water and discuss observations Visual + Kinesthetic demonstration of diffusion using students as particles Real-life application: How human body requires diffusion to function (oxygen diffusion into bloodstream) Activity sheet featuring questions regarding diffusion Naked egg demonstration showcasing osmosis Visual + Kinesthetic demonstration of osmosis using students as particles PowerPoint summarizing process of osmosis Activity sheet featuring questions regarding osmosis Assessment Summative: Activity sheet to be checked for homework completion Materials/Resources Prepare dye, beaker of water Prepare coloured paper circles to represent particles Summative: Activity sheet to be checked for homework completion Prepare activity sheet Prepare at least a day in advance naked egg demo Prepared coloured paper circles Prepare activity sheet February 20, 2014 Start of Chapter 2: Lesson will be detailed in Chapter 2 Unit Plan Human Body Systems February 21, 2014 N/A N/A N/A N/A Summative: Exam Prepare test PRO-D Day February 24, 2014 B1, B2 1. Chapter 1 Test 2. Chapter 1 Test: Covers characteristics of living things, cell organelles and functions, differences between animal and plant cells, viruses Have students provide test feedback: How hard did you find test? What was easiest? What was hardest?