Course Syllabus A. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE TITLE: College Algebra COURSE NUMBER: MAT1083 CREDIT HOURS: 3 INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Jessica Smith OFFICE LOCATION: LHS Room 327 CLASS TIMES: Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30-3:30 PM OFFICE HOURS: Thursdays: 3:30-5:00PM OFFICE PHONE: (913)837-1768 EMAIL ADDRESS: BLACKBOARD ADDRESS:, login name = student id, password = last four digits of social security number. PREREQUISITE(S): C or above in Intermediate Algebra (MAT1073 or MAT1075) or appropriate COMPASS score or a score of 21 or above on the math portion of the ACT. TEXTBOOK(S) AND REQUIRED TOOLS OR SUPPLIES: 1. Hawkes Learning Systems College Algebra – ISBN: 0-918091-59-4 (Courseware only) OR ISBN: 1-932628-29-0 (Text/Courseware Bundle) 2. Required Hardware if installed on home computer: 400 MHz or faster processor Windows 98SE or later 64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended) 150 MB hard drive space 256 color display (800 x 600, 16-bit color recommended) Internet Explorer 6.0 or later CD-ROM drive 3. Optional Textbook (see bookstore for details) 4. Scientific or graphing calculator (NOT A CELL PHONE OR OTHER NONCALCULATOR ELECTRONIC DEVICE) COURSE DESCRIPTION The course covers algebra at the college level. It includes a review of factoring, rational expressions, radicals, rational exponents, equations and inequalities, graphs; functions; zeros of polynomials; exponential and logarithmic functions; and systems of equations and inequalities. Summer 2013 1 College Algebra Syllabus Course Syllabus B. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION This will be a problem-solving oriented class. Lesson presentations may include Interwrite Board, whiteboard, PowerPoint, and practice problems from the courseware/textbook. All homework must be completed via the Hawkes software program. Unit quizzes will be given over the homework assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all homework assignments in order to be ready for unit quizzes. Due dates for the homework will be listed on your progress report when entering the software. Practice tests can be completed on the courseware for study purposes. C. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course will: 1. Help the student develop skills which will enable him or her to solve problems and communicate effectively using the language and techniques of algebra. 2. Acquaint the student with some of the general concepts and principles of mathematics that will serve as a basis for further studies in mathematics. 3. Help the student build confidence in his or her ability to solve problems in mathematics. 4. Encourage the student to develop and use a sound mathematical vocabulary. D. COURSE TOPICS/UNITS 1. Equations and Inequalities of One Variable (Chapter 2) A. Linear Equations in One Variable B. Linear Inequalities in One Variable C. Quadratic Equations in One Variable D. Higher Degree Polynomial Equations E. Rational Expressions and Equations F. Radical Equations 2. Linear Equations and Inequalities of Two Variables (Chapter 3) A. The Cartesian Coordinate System B. Linear Equations in Two Variables C. Form of Linear Equations D. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines F. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables 3. Relations, Functions, and Their Graphs (Chapter 4) A. Relations and Functions B. Linear and Quadratic Functions C. Other Common Functions D. Transformations of Functions E. Combining Functions F. Inverses of Functions 4. Polynomial and Rational Functions (Chapter 5 and 6.1) A. Introduction to Polynomial Equations and Graphs B. Polynomial Division and the Division Algorithm C. Locating Real Zeros of Polynomials D. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra E. Rational Functions and Inequalities 5. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Chapter 7) A. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs B. Applications of Exponential Functions C. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs D. Properties and Applications of Logarithms E. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations 6. Systems of Equations and Inequalities (Chapter 8) A. Solving Systems by Substitution and Elimination B. Matrix Notation and Gaussian Elimination C. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule (optional) D. Non-linear Systems of Equations Summer 2013 2 College Algebra Syllabus Course Syllabus E. COURSE COMPETENCIES Students performing at a “C” level or higher should be able to: Analysis and Graphing of Functions and Equations Use functional notation. Recognize and distinguish between functions and relations (equations). Use concepts of symmetry, intercepts, left- and right-hand behavior, asymptotes, and transformations to sketch the graph of various types of functions (constant, linear, quadratic, absolute value, piecewise-defined, square root, cubic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic) or relations (circle) given in description. Determine the domain and range of a function. Write the equation that describes a function (for types given above) or circle given its description. Use graphs of functions for analysis. Find arithmetic combinations and composites of functions. Find the inverse of a function. Solutions of Equations and Inequalities Solve equations listed in the third bullet above, i.e., literal equations, quadratic equations by factoring and the quadratic formula, equations involving rational expressions, equations involving radicals, and equations involving absolute value expressions, along with equations involving exponential or logarithmic functions. Solve inequalities of the following types: linear (in one and two variables), polynomial, rational, absolute value. Solve systems of inequalities by graphing. Apply equations from the first bullet in this core outcome to real-world situations, including but not limited to depreciation, growth and decay, and max/min problems. Examine and analyze data, make predictions/interpretations, and do basic modeling. Solve systems of equations by various methods, including matrices. * Designates core outcomes and competencies for College Algebra from the Kansas Core Outcome Project (2001, 2004, 2005, 2010). F. GRADING PLAN Grades can be accessed at any time by logging into the courseware and selecting Progress Report. The grade will be calculated as follows: 20% Homework (mastery homework of 80% = 100%) 40% Unit quizzes (three online quizzes – may take twice – highest score for grade) 20% Midterm Exam (paper/pencil test - completed during a class meeting session) 20% Final Exam (paper/pencil test – completed during a class meeting session) Students will take on-line unit quizzes using the following option: Computer Option: Students are allowed one re-take of any unit quiz within the open testing window. The student’s highest score will be recorded in the gradebook. In-Class Quizzes and Tests - There are no re-takes allowed on these activites. G. ATTENDANCE POLICY Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time. A record of attendance will be kept. Students may miss up to 4 class periods before consequences may occur. Students should login to the courseware frequently for any updates and/or changes in the schedule. If the instructor cancels class, this is not considered an absence for the student. Also, if the class is dismissed for a test, then the student will be counted as attending if the test is taken on time and absent if the test is taken late. The instructor reserves the right to drop/withdraw any student for attendance problems. Summer 2013 3 College Algebra Syllabus Course Syllabus H. COURSE COMPONENT SPECIFICS dent Getting Started Directions Purchase the software required by your instructor. Please note that once you open the package, the materials are NOT refundable. TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE AT HOME: 1. Place CD #1 in the CD-ROM drive. (CD#1 is the only CD needed for the installation.) 2. Double-click on the My Computer icon. 3. Double-click on the CD-ROM drive (has a picture of a CD-ROM disk). 4. Double-click on Setup.exe. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions. 6. You will be prompted for a Course ID. -If you have internet access, enter fortscottcol in the box after -If you do not have internet access, select the option that says “No, I will not be accessing the internet from this computer”. TO GET YOUR ACCESS CODE: 1. Go to and click on get your access code. 2. Fill out the form (including your 15-digit license number on the yellow sticker on the CD sleeve). 3. Your personalized Access Code will be displayed on the screen. You will also receive an email containing your Access Code in the body of the email as text and as an attachment called "access.cod". Save this attachment to a floppy disk or another option. If you have any questions, please email us at TO ENTER THE SOFTWARE AND SAVE YOUR ACCESS CODE: 1. Double-click on the purple diamond icon on the Desktop (or go to Start, Programs, Hawkes Learning Systems). 2. Enter your Access Code when prompted. You may type it, paste it, or load it from disk (if you saved it) by clicking the “F1-Load From Disk” option and browsing to the path where you saved it. If you type or paste your Access Code, you will be prompted to save it. We recommend you save your Access Code to a floppy disk or another option to avoid typing it each time you enter the software. TO CERTIFY (DO YOUR ASSIGNMENT IN THE SOFTWARE): 1. The Certify option is where you will complete your assignment. 2. After certifying, you will be given a certification code (this verifies that you completed your assignment). It is recommended that you print and/or save your certification code. 3. a. If you have internet access, you should receive a message that says your certificate has been submitted in your instructor’s gradebook. You are now done with that assignment! If you do not receive this message, follow the directions under “b.”. b. If you do not have internet access, you will need to manually submit your certification code on the internet to get credit for your assignment in your instructor’s gradebook. To do this, - go to and log in using your Access Code - click the Register Certificate(s) link - select the Lesson Name from the drop down list. Load from disk or type in your certification code and click OK. Your certification code is now submitted! - you need to perform these steps after you Certify to get credit for each of your assignments *** Be sure you register your Certification Code ON or BEFORE the due date to get full credit for the assignment. If the lesson is submitted AFTER the due date, it is LATE. *** Student Directions for taking a WebTest or Practice WebTest: 1. Be sure you are connected to the internet. 2. Log into the Hawkes Learning Systems courseware using your access code. 3. Click the button titled WebTest found on the bottom right-hand corner of the Table of Contents screen. 4. Click on the Take Test button on the left hand side of the screen 5. Select the Assigned Test option and click OK. 6. Choose the appropriate test from the list and click OK. 7. The test will download and begin immediately. 8. When finished with the test, click End Test to submit your test results. 9. You will be notified of your score immediately. 10. You can review your answers after taking a practice test at any time. Summer 2013 4 College Algebra Syllabus Course Syllabus I. SERVICE LEARNING – N/A J. CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCT Students are expected to show respect to others in the classroom at all times. If a student is disruptive in class, the student will be asked to leave and an absence will be recorded. If this continues to be a problem, the student and the instructor will meet with the Dean of Students to see if a solution can be worked out. K. CELL PHONE USE No cell phones or electronic devices such as MP3 players are allowed!!!!!! Absolutely no cell phones can be used as a calculator! If a cell phone is used or seen during a test, the student will receive a zero for that test score. If the student chooses to bring a laptop to class, the laptop is to remain closed until the instructor gives the student permission to open it. If this becomes a problem, no laptops will be allowed during class time. L. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students may NOT receive ANY help on the certification phase, the homework webtests, the in class quizzes, or during a test. Do not ask tutors, instructors, staff, or peers for assistance since it will be labeled as “academically dishonest” and consequences will occur! Academic dishonesty will result in no credit given for the particular assignment, quiz, or test. The instructor also reserves the right to drop/withdraw or fail a student for any act that may be labeled "academically dishonest." All tutoring must be on the practice and/or instruct phases of the software. No notes or formulas may be used during a test! A scientific (or graphing) calculator is required for the class, but this CANNOT be a calculator on a phone or musical device (i.e. ipod, ipad, mp3, etc.). No headphones or electronic devices allowed during class time No cell phones are allowed during tests! If a cell phone is seen while the student is testing, the instructor reserves the right to withhold credit for that test. M. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1. Evacuation procedures (TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS) 2. Location of first aid kit (TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS) 3. Campus security: (TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS) 4. Universal Precaution Kit (TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS) Summer 2013 5 College Algebra Syllabus Course Syllabus N. MISCELLANEOUS The final exam will be given in the classroom during the designated time. The website, contains valuable information. If you click on Students, Hawkes TV, select college algebra, there will be tabs on the top for each chapter and this contains video lessons for each section. The courseware itself has an instruct phase that explains how to do the problems in the section with an oral description if you have speakers or headphones as well as the written explanation, the practice phase including the tutorial buttons to help you learn the concept, and also the certify stage to see if mastery has been achieved. Please do not have your spouse, parent or anyone else contact the instructor regarding this course. By law, I am not allowed to give information to anyone except the student. O. WEEKLY TENTATIVE SCHEDULE We will follow the Fort Scott Community College calendar ( Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Syllabus, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2a, 4.2b, 4.3a, 4,3b 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Week 7: MIDTERM EXAM (6/25) (must be present in class), 5.4, 6.1a, 6.1b 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 (no class Thursday – 7/4) 7.4, 7.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.7 NO CLASS Week 8: Final Review – attendance is optional, FINAL EXAM (7/25) (must be present in class) **lessons may be adjusted if needed** NO CLASS JULY 16TH & 18TH Summer 2013 6 College Algebra Syllabus