I. Course Designation: Honors World History Vision: The mission of the Rankin County School District is to prepare every student with the cognitive and social skills necessary to be productive members of an everchanging global society. Guiding Principles: 1. Education is a lifelong endeavor, requiring an ever-expanding content knowledge base, a repertoire of skills, and a broad experience base. (GP1) 2. Education is interactive and reflective, a process that is accomplished through assessment and reflection of a collaborative nature. (GP2) 3. Education is culturally contextualized, requiring both an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of all individuals within the learning community. (GP3) 4. Education is dynamic, with change being driven by assessment data and the needs of all segments of the educational community. (GP4) 5. Education is enhanced by technology, infused throughout programs and services. (GP5) II. General Course Goals/Objectives 1. To compare the interrelationships among human institutions, including political, social, cultural, religious, technological, and economic 2. To analyze the relationship between the physical environment and historical trends and events. 3. To evaluate and critique how the arts and humanities of diverse civilizations relate to historical developments. 4. To assess the historical development of diverse political systems. 5. To cite evidence supporting the role economic systems play in determining historical events and contemporary issues. 6. To synthesize the causes and consequences of complex events such as wars, conflicts, and revolutions. 7. To investigate and analyze the impact of science and technology on human and physical systems. 8. To apply the content literacy skills necessary to analyze historical documents, artifacts, and concepts. 9. To use information, media, and technology literacy skills necessary to research, communicate, and demonstrate critical thinking. 1 III. Course Subject Matter and Content A. Primary Text: B. Content Topics The Great Depression The New Deal President FDR, JFK, LBJ, and Nixon Rise of Dictators World War II Cold War Vietnam War Civil Rights Movement Watergate Scandal Rise of Conservatism End of Soviet Communism Tech. in the New Century Globalism, Economic Internationalism, and Terrorism C. Technology Students will use a variety of technology resources as learning tools. These will include, but not be limited to, Canvas, PowerPoint, Promethean Board, Internet web searches, and programs such as Microsoft Word for managing files. D. Diversity Rankin County School District adheres to a policy of non-discrimination in educational programs, activities, and employment and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination against the handicapped. IV. Major Course Activities A. Course Activity Descriptions Class Discussions/ Participation The purpose of class discussions and participation is to provide opportunities for deep exploration into relevant content and information connected with world history. Students are responsible for completing online or in class discussions. Research Articles The purpose of the research articles is for candidates to learn to research relevant and current literature and resources pertaining to historical events. Students are 2 responsible for researching various historically based articles, as well as reading and annotating the articles which are used. B. Spring 2016 Course Outline Semester rd 3 Semester Scheduled Content, Projects, and Assignments 4th Semester Great Depression & New Deal Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt Rise of the Dictators 1920s-1933 MAJOR TEST WWII 1939-1945 The Rise of Dictators 1920s-1939 MAJOR TEST The Cold War 1945-1961 Origins of The Civil Rights Movement 1945-1961 MAJOR TEST Spring Break (Mar. 7-11) Presidency of John F. Kennedy The Civil Rights Movement 1961-1963 Origins of Vietnam Conflict 1945-1963 MAJOR TEST President Lyndon B. Johnson President Richard Nixon Vietnam Conflict 1964-1975 Civil Rights Movement 1964-1970 Watergate Scandal 1972-1975 MAJOR TEST st 21 Century 1976-2016 Rise of Conservatism and The End of Soviet Communism Rise of Technology in The New Century 1981-1993 Globalism and Economic Internationalism and the Rise of Terrorism 1993-2016 MAJOR TEST FINAL EXAMS 5/17-5/20 (Comprehensive Summative Test) 3 V. Methods of Instruction The instructional methods used to accomplish the goals and related objectives include lecture, modeling, class discussion, cooperative learning activities, simulations, demonstrations, and experiences. VI. Evaluation Methods A. Student’s tests and assignments will be graded with subjective and objective measures to include rubrics, grading scales, and answer keys. B. Evaluation: I. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Consequently, teachers shall employ formative assessment strategies for the purpose of adjusting ongoing instructional procedures to improve the learning progress of students. Summative assessments shall also be used to measure a student’s progress toward or degree of accomplishment relative to stated goals and objectives (standards) for a subject. Both types of assessments shall be factored into the grade received, with primary weight (60% inclusive of exam grade when applicable) being on summative assessments and denoting the degree of mastery learning of material presented. Grading scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D Less than 60 F 4 5 VII. Contact Information Jessica Rodgers Phone: 601-825-2261 Email: Jes204@rcsd.ms VIII. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Honors World History Brandon High School Office/Planning Hours are A days during 2nd block and B days during 1st block. Library. Requirements for courses include activities, projects, and/or papers where use of the library is essential. Library hours are posted on the website. Class Attendance. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Only authorized absences will be recognized for make-up work missed. Students will be entitled to make up work according to the following regulations: in cases of personal illness and illness within the student’s immediate family (medical excuse required); in cases of death in the immediate family; personal emergencies (handled on an individual basis at the discretion of the instructor); and absences authorized by the attendance office. Tardiness. A student is tardy for class if he/she arrives in the class after the class period has officially begun or the bell has sounded. If students come in late, they are considered to be absent until they speak with their instructor to change it to a tardy. The tardy must be recorded by the principal or his/her designee prior to the admittance to class. Tardies to school and class may be excused or unexcused at the discretion of the principal or his/her designee. Any student who receives an unexcused tardy for being late to school or for being late to class may be disciplined in a manner deemed appropriate by the principal or his/her designee. Such discipline can include, but is not limited to, detention and in-school suspension. Tardies to school and class will be counted per semester of the school year, and all tardy reports will be kept on file in the principal’s office. Course Deadlines. Failure to meet a course deadline for submitting projects, activities, and/or papers will result in a grade penalty. At the discretion of the instructor, for each late project, activity, or paper, the grade can be lowered by as much as one letter. Incompletes will not be given except for extenuating circumstances determined by the instructor and with prior approval of the dept. chair. Point deductions will be taken each day an assignment is late. No assignments will be taken after 3 calendar days. Point deductions will be solely the instructor’s discretion. Exceptions must be brought to the instructor’s attention and will be handled on a case by case basis solely at the instructor’s discretion. 5 6 Examinations. Students are expected to take examinations at the scheduled times. Should an authorized absence occur on a test date, the student may schedule a time to take the test early if they wish, or after the test date. Cheating and Plagiarism. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. School policy will be followed, according to current issues, and procedures specific to the history dept. will be enforced. Accountability for Individual Work. Unless otherwise directed, all papers and assignments are to represent the individual student’s efforts. Students submitting a personal assignment that represents the collaborative works of others or the work of another individual will not be given credit for the assignment. If the offense constitutes cheating or plagiarism, school policy will be followed. VIIII. Disabilities Statement and Policy Accommodation of Disabilities. It is the responsibility of students who have professionally diagnosed disabilities to notify the instructor so that necessary and/or appropriate modifications can be made to meet any special learning needs. X. Student Conduct Each student will be responsible for providing a positive, safe, and healthy educational environment for others by maintaining order, self-discipline, and having consideration for the rights and property of others. The accomplishment of this objective will entail the following: 1. Each student will bear the responsibility for his or her own conduct, including responsibility for neatness and cleanliness of personal attire and hygiene. 2. Each student will respect the rights of other students, teachers, administrators, other school personnel, and visitors as human beings and fellow citizens of the school community. 3. Each student will respect the personal property of others and refrain from causing intentional damage or unnecessary wear and tear to books, facilities, school materials, school buildings and furnishings, and the personal property of others and obey all state laws pertaining thereto. 4. Each student will refrain from violating all state laws, school discipline codes, or city ordinances and will refrain from: a. using profanity or inappropriate language. b. fighting or making threats. c. creating disturbances. d. carrying any weapon or any instrument which could be used as a weapon on school grounds or at school functions. e. intentionally injuring another person or acting in such a negligent or indifferent manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury. f. using threats or intimidation against any other person. g. denying others the use of school facilities or buildings. 5. Each student will respect the health and safety of others and will refrain from: a. smoking or using; possessing on their person, in their automobile or vehicle, or in their locker; or transmitting tobacco on campus or at extracurricular activities. b. using, possessing, transmitting, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage. 6 7 c. using, possessing, transmitting, or being under the influence of any narcotic substance, illegal or prohibited drug, or controlled substance as defined by state law. 58 d. engaging in gambling or extortion. e. engaging in theft. f. assaulting or attempting assault of another person. g. producing excessive noise. h. engaging in any other unlawful activity. i. making suggestive sexual remarks to other persons, students, or teachers or engaging in any type of conduct or action relative in any way to sex or sexual advances or sexual threats or gestures to or in the presence of another person while at school, on the bus, or attending a school related activity or function of any type at any location. j. exposing one’s self sexually by the removal of clothing or the wearing of see-through clothing or clothing that is otherwise inappropriate or which might jeopardize the enhancement of the educational process or learning environment. k. showing disrespect to or failing to obey instructions or requests of his/her teacher, principal, or other school authority figure employed by the Rankin County School District, including bus drivers. 6. Each student will respect the educational process and learning environment of others by refraining from: a. tardiness. b. being absent from school for reasons that are unexcused or for reasons not associated with sickness, injury, or death in the family unless excused in advance by the principal. c. any activities which diminish the rights of others and the opportunity for other students to receive an education and obtain the maximum benefit from a public education. 7. A student who enhances their educational performance or allows other students to enhance their educational performance through any dishonest means shall be given a zero and is subject to suspension or expulsion for the remainder of the year. It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent and principals to develop such further rules and regulations as necessary to insure that students conduct themselves in a manner conducive to the best interest of the school, and it shall be the responsibility of the students to obtain and follow such rules, oral or written, upon request and in an expedient, efficient, and timely manner. 7