The evolution of federalism

The evolution of
Dual, cooperative and fiscal federalism
Draw a timeline (1787 to present) on your paper. Place the following on your
timeline in the appropriate spot
• Arizona v US
• Nullification Crisis
• Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act
• 16th Amendment
• Reconstruction era
• “War on Poverty”
• 17th Amendment
• Gibbons v Ogden
• New Deal Legislation
• Progressive federalism
• New Federalism/
• McCulloch v Maryland
• US v Lopez
• Progressive era
• Dred Scott v Sandford
Importance of these events
• Work with your group to identify and determine the
significance of each of these ideas.
• Highlight the factors that increased the power of the national
Blurring of lines
• Where does cooperative federalism become a factor? Why?
Examples today?
• What motivates the use of fiscal federalism?
• Where do categorical (formula and project)grants fit into this
• Where do block grants fit into this timeline?
• Since all types are still used, which are states most likely to
advocate for and why? Why do many still accept all types?
• Mandates: arguments for and against?
• What is meant by “laboratories of democracy?” Is this
appropriate? Why or why not?
• How can the Congress affect federalism?
• How can the President affect federalism?
• How can the courts affect federalism?
On a sheet of paper, please
respond as a group
• Identify federalism
• Describe federalism.
• Explain why federalism contributes to conflict.