Character analysis essay Character analysis essay For your final


Character analysis essay 1

Character analysis essay

For your final essay of the course, you will compose an insightful character analysis based on a character we have read and discussed this year. A strong character anaylsis will identify the type of character it is dealing with, describe the character, discuss the conflict in the story and the character’s place in it. Additionally, your character analysis should give insightful commentary about the character, which is supported by direct quotes from the novel. We have discussed these characters often in class. I am looking for you to provide a fresh new perspective on the character you choose, so pick one you feel you are confident you can discuss extensively. You may choose any of the following characters:

✔ Guy Montag ✔ Captain Beatty

✔ Clarisse ✔ Faber

✔ Mildred

✔ Creon

✔ Antigone

✔ Haimon

✔ Jekyll/Hyde ✔ Lanyon

✔ Santiago ✔ The Englishman

The character analysis essay will be written IN CLASS next Wednesday and Thursday.

You will have Monday and Tuesday to begin planning your essay. You will have the opportunity to work on the outlines, thesis statement, and finding supporting quotes in groups. Please be prepared to bring your books and reading materials with you next week.

Overall, the character analysis is worth 100 points. You MUST have your paper in MLA format, which will be a separate 10 point grade. At this point in time, I expect you to be familiar with MLA. If you are not, you may use online resources to help yourself to formatting your paper.

✔ All quotes should be cited in MLA format. However, because you only have one source, the book, and the author is known, the only necessary information in your parenthetical citation should be the page number from which the quote came from.

✔ Each essay should be supported with AT LEAST 6 quotes from the novel pertaining to your character.

✔ Your paper will be submitted to me electronically. At the end of the period on

Thursday, May 23 rd , whatever is complete is what will be graded. No extra time will be granted. However, you may take as much outside of school time to prepare for these two in-class writing days as you wish

✔ Any paper that uses the second person point of view, “you” or “we,” will earn a

5% deduction on the final grade

Character analysis essay 2

✔ Any paper that uses contractions earn a 5% deduction on the final grade

Brainstorming your Character Analysis

What character have you chosen? __________________________

You will want to use the


method to begin thinking about your character.

STEAL stands for 5 different aspects of your character that you will want to include:



Effect on others toward the character.



What does the character say? How does the character speak?

What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings?

What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character?

What does the character do? How does the character behave?

What does the character look like? How does the character dress?

First brainstorm your ideas; then, find quotes from the book to help support your claims. Make sure to also record the PAGE Number the quote was found on.





Ideas Quotes

Character analysis essay 3


Brainstorming your Character Analysis

Here are 11 other points that will help you write your character analysis and develop an insightful, fresh perspective.


Pay attention to the character’s ethics: Does the character make just or unjust choices. Consider Creon in Antigone: was he justified in his decree to kill the person who buried the traitor to their city?


Decide whether the character’s actions are wise or unwise: Was it wise for Jekyll to destroy the key to the laboratory that allowed Hyde access to the house?


What is the character’s motivation? As you think of the pros and cons of the character’s internal thoughts and external actions, you will also want to consider why the character is acting or thinking in a particular way. Why does

Peeta say he has a crush on Katniss? Are his feelings real, or is it a way to win fans?

Character analysis essay 4


Consider the effects of the character’s behavior on other

characters. Antigone only disobeys Creon because she want to honor her brother, not because she has a vendetta against Creon.


Look for repeatedly used words that describe the character:

Santiago is called “the boy” throughout most of the novel; Jekyll is described as deformed and evil.


Be aware of items associated with the character. These may be symbols or say something about the character’s state of mind, Consider:

Santiago and books


Is the character static or dynamic? Does the character change or stay the same? Does he/she learn a lesson?


Read between the lines. Often what a character does not say is as important as what he or she does day.


Consider the historical time period of the character (setting).

Refrain from making modern judgments about the past; put the character’s actions and thoughts in context.

Character analysis essay 5


What does the author think? Look for the author’s own judgments about the characters he or she has created. The author may or may not be directing you toward an intended interpretation.


Study word choice. To begin analysis of a character’s speech, pay attention to the words. Words in a character’s speech often reveal motive, even if the motive remains hard to understand to other characters.



Use the following outline to organize the points you want to make regarding the character you have chosen for the character analysis essay. (20 points- 90%)



Introduction a.

Lead: b.

Background info: c.

Connecting info: d.



First body paragraph: first major point about the character a.

Topic sentence: b.





Closing sentence/transition


Second body paragraph: first major point about the character

Character analysis essay 6 a.

Topic sentence: b.





Closing sentence/transition


Third body paragraph: first major point about the character a.

Topic sentence: b.





Closing sentence/transition


Conclusion a.

