Minutes - University of North Florida

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – July 1st 2013 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:36 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senator Collin Waychoff
Invocation – Vice President, William Namen
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez – sgaspt@unf.edu
Quorum is established with 15 voting members
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Reich to table the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Morrison to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Timothy Clarke, freshman, computer science major.
Kyle Henry, freshman, political science major, seeking general seat.
Student Remarks
Guest Speakers
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz (sgajc@unf.edu) (5-minutes)
Tonight for my report pretty simply we have five people on the branch right now. We have two for
appointments tonight. They are very good candidates. They met me and Billy, as well as my associate chief
justice Bennett Smith. I ask you that you appoint them this evening.
Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Osprey Productions – Director John Chwalisz - opdir@unf.edu
Good evening senators. This past week as you all probably had classes was the start of summer B. We hosted
four events which we had great turnouts from not only returning students but also from our brand new
freshman. I just wanted to talk about some of the upcoming events that we’ll be having. We are showing Jaws
on July 3rd, which is this Wednesday at 8:00 pm. We’re having it in kind of celebration of July 4th. If you
haven’t seen the movie it takes place on 4th of July weekend. So I know you’ll all be going to the beach right
after that. We also have our trivia in the Boathouse on July 9th at noon and yes Alex we did that just for you,
as a special request. And last but not least we are proud to announce we had a lot of SG members at
orientation this past week. Mainly it was from the executive branch but please if you want to get involved and
meet some of our freshman come by my office. I’m in room 3102, I’m pretty much always there as I have no
b. Club Alliance – Director Brett Weismann - sgacluba@unf.edu
A couple things we’re doing. We’re doing registration right now, if you’re in a club you know that process is
going on right now. We’ve got about three-quarters of the clubs re-registered by July 1, so we’re excited about
that. We began planning for Week of Welcome and Club Fest still. Anything that we did last year, we had two
recruiting events, this year we’re actually expanding to 16 more, so we have 19 recruiting events as opposed to
2 year last, so we have 17 more. I’m great at math apparently. But other than that nothing.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Attorney General – Paige Lehman, sgaag@unf.edu (3-minutes)
b. Treasurer – Joe Turner, sgasbt@unf.edu (3-minutes)
Thank you, Senate President. Happy new fiscal year everyone. Currently I’m just reviewing the end of the
fiscal year reports for all our indexes from last year. Tonight as you all know we have a Title XIII bill coming
up and we’re going to be handling the free printing special request. Stay tuned for those. I’ll be here to answer
any questions on either of those you might have.
c. Vice President – William Namen, sgavpres@unf.edu (3 minutes)
I’m just going to take this time to endorse the free printing special request as I do not have much to report
for you guys. This is something as treasurer I worked on heavily last year. It did see some success and I think
with the orientation of the new program that Treasurer Joseph Turner has done in the past couple of weeks I
think he has finally found the right flooring in that trying to get free printing done the right way for the
students and the most cost effective way. I really do insist you guys do approve on this.
d. President – Carlo Fassi, sgapres@unf.edu (5-minutes)
Good evening everyone. Few things to talk about. First, the first Board of Governors meeting occurred two
weeks ago in Tampa where each of the individual universities presented their strategic work plans in which
they laid out what their universities will be seeking financially and professionally between now and 2025, so
we’re saying about 15 years. Fees were proposed on behalf of quite a few of the schools. 8 of the 11
institutions requested increases in their CITF fee, 2 universities requested new green fees and 4 universities
requested orientation fee increases, pass the statute 45 $30 limit. I spent a majority of my time reviewing all
the works plans, reviewing the fee increases, and whatever policies were being proposed to the BOG. None
of those fee increases or fee proposals passed. Governor Scott has taken somewhat of an oppressive ending
stance on increasing the financial commitment for students at public universities, specifically those within the
SUS and he urged all the members on the Board of Governors to shoot down these fees, at which point, the
orientation fees were pulled from the agenda by FSU, FAMU, and UWF. For the other schools on there the
green fees died with only 1 vote in favor and all the CITF fees died with only 2 votes in favor. It’s a 17
member board along with myself and one of the other BOG members were the only yes votes for the CITF
fees and one of the other BOG member was the only yes vote for the FAMU and FSU green fees. The FSA,
Florida Student Association is hosting it’s planning conference. It’s annual planning conference will be here,
held at UNF on July 27th. That’s a Saturday, and I will be inviting all the Senators to come to our actually
board meeting that will occur around roughly 3:00 pm on Saturday the 27th. I’ll be sending all of you an
invitation thought as it gets closer as we haven’t confirmed the agenda just yet. We will have all the other SG
presidents here; we’ve invited the Governor, the speaker and the Senate President from Tallahassee to come
speak and they will be our keynote speakers. We are meeting with the Vice Presidents of Governmental
Affairs so all the University Presidents’ have a VP, a lobbyist essentially who works for them and represents
them in Tallahassee. I’ll be meeting with all of their president’s lobbyists to discuss what the top legislative
priorities will be for the 2014 legislative session. Hopefully, if the other SG Presidents are willing to we will
mirror our legislative agenda with that of the University Presidents so that we are one unit going in to the
session next year. This worked really well last year with Aim Higher and we’d only like to continue that.
Besides that we are working internally on the Your Voice, Your Choice Student Government Convention, in
which a majority of you will be a part of. We’ll have student voting, essentially prioritizing what the initiatives
are that the executive branch and legislative branch will be working on this year. Vice President Namen and
the offense committee within Exec will have a proposed initiatives list by the end of this month and we’ll
have a ballot set up for the actual day of the convention which is the first Thursday of the Fall semester,
during Week of Welcome, and at the same time as the Jaguar ticket sales. So a lot of those initiatives will
involve or somewhat require senate support, so please when those initiatives are released and going to be
placed on the ballot we’d like to get as much of your input as possible. We’d also like to have all the senators
out on the day of the convention but again we’ll get all of this information to you as it gets closer.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Kaitlin Ramirez (sgacsc@unf.edu)
I had 2 bills on tentative as you saw on the email about a second ago that were moved because they will be
going back to Senate. If you are interested in Title X or the Graduate Seat Consttution Referndum, please
come see me. I expect to see all my members, I’d love to see any of you senotars that are not members to
join. Title X was brought back to the committee because there are even more pages that we want to see in
there and for the CR there were quite a few contradictions in article II that need to be revised and that’s why
it’s going back to the table.
b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Fransua Estrada (sgabac@unf.edu)
In our last committee we had four requests come up and one Title XIII revision. The four requests were a
sign club, dance marathon, free printing, and executive branch wage increasing. Three of those passed, free
printing is coming up in front of you guys tonight as Joe Turner said. Dance Marathon and Sign also passed
as well. Something new in the committee that’s not going to be in Title XIII is like an After Action Report, is
having all the travel people that receive travel request funds come back to B&A to give a basic synopsis of
what their experience was like and this is basically a way for the committee to see where the funds are going
to so they can actually see the difference that their making in the students themselves. I’m hoping to make it
successful and tie it into Title XIII and like Joe said, Title XIII revisions are coming up tonight. That’s it.
c. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Emily Antworth (sgaesac@unf.edu)
We have one appointment coming up tonight so please be ready to question her. She has a lot of experience
and I want to see you guys ask questions, talk with her, interact with her. My committee did a really good job
this past one, asking her questions about everything so please keep that up. Other than that ITS is working on
our voting system right now. So that’s really exciting. That’s it.
d. Student Advocacy Committee – Chairman Aaron Anderson (sgasac@unf.edu)
So we had a vote in our committee about Osprey Voice and we’d like to see as per Senate President’s idea
have an online component of Osprey Voice. We had a vote that approved that in our committee. Another
thing that we’ve done in our committee is that we’ve gotten some signs that will advertise the senate and
committee meetings around campus. We’re still in the process of getting those all taken care of. But you’ll see
those around campus that our committee has paid for. That’s it.
e. University Affairs Committee – Chairman Justin Turner (sgauac@unf.edu)
It’s good to be back the university-wide committee assignments are almost done there are a few more that
need assignments so Brady will be bringing that up. If you’re interested, it’s a really good experience to be
sitting on these committees. It allows you to know what’s really going on in the university. So once those are
finalized everyone will be emailed what their assignments are. Besides that, nothing else.
Senate President Christopher Brady (sgasp@unf.edu)
Thank you for coming to our meetings tonight. All the students that are here coming in for an appointment
or just here we appreciate you coming out. Also a big shout out to my entire cabinet you guys have made my
job extremely easy all summer. For those of you who don’t know this they’re doing a fantatic job. They’re all
working very very hard this summer and I couldn’tbe any more proud than the five of you this summer and I
hope you guys keep it up the rest of the year.
Moving on from there. There are two openings on the university-wide committees that President Fassi has
asked me to have you all fill. Thoe are the bookstore advisory board and the food service advisory board. If
you are interested in either one of those please come talk to me after this meeting a soon as possible. I really
hope it’s something you guys are interested in. As Aaron talked about we are looking into changing Osprey
Voice, his committee voted on it and hopefully by the end of the summer we’ll have a formalized plan, as well
as we had a TNT bill coming up tonight but our Attorney General has some changes she wants to
recommend so we’re holding that bill off until the next senate meeting. Look forward to that, there will be
some changes that we haven’t had in the past, in terms of outreach issues in senate. That is all I have to
Judicial Appointments
a. Benjamin Jager
William Namen, Vice President – Good evening everyone this is Ben Jager. A little bit about himself, he’s a
pre-Law student here, he’s trying to go to law school. This is something he’s always had his eyes set on. After
interviewing him through the interview process I really enjoyed talking to him. He seems to have a lot of
passion for this position and its something that I found that a lot of senators when you guys went up for
appointment had as well. And I fully support Mr. Jager and he truly embodies everything that Mr. Fassi and
Mr. Goetz want in an associate justice.
Ben Jager – as Mr. Namen said my name is Ben Jager. I’m currently a junior year and currently majoring in
economics and planning a minor in community leadership. I also plan on pursuing an additional degree in
marketing. I’m currently the president of the UNF chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. It’s an international law
fraternity. I also served as the founding treasurer of the chapter as well as the vice president and president of
the Pre-Law Student Society. As he pointed out I am very interested in going into law so this meshes with my
career aspirations. I’m very interested in the judicial process. I have a firm stance when it comes to
commitment. I guess you could say I have a commitment to commitment; I don’t believing in committing to
something unless you are fully able to commit to it, and this is something to which I am full willing and able
to commit.
Sen. Anderson – why would you like to be a member of the judicial cabinet?
Ben Jager – I’m very interested in going in to law and it’s something I feel extremely passionate about. I’m
very interested in the judicial process.
Sen. Estrada – I’m sorry I may have missed it, what year are you?
Ben Jager – I’m a junior.
Motion from Sen. Turner to approve Ben Jager for justice. Second. No objections. No discussion. Electronic
vote. Passes 15-0-0.
b. Gerald Lozano
William Namen, Vice President – This is Mr. Lozano. Also when he came to his interview he showed a lot of
passion. What really kind of jumped out at me when I was talking to him was how much he wanted to hear
the student complaints and judicate and that was really his passionate obsession and want to help students
with their problems. That’s what really made me so comfortable in selecting him and appointing him as a
justice so I’ll let him talk more about himself.
Gerald Lozano – Good afternoon I’m Gerald Lozano, I’m a junior at UNF, I am focusing in law studies, my
majors are English and philosophy, minoring in real estate, which is still being discussed. I’m also a voluntary,
active licensed realtor within northeast Florida. My whole passion has been law since I was young, watching
court cases as a kid. I love understanding what law is, I’ve memorized every housing law in northeast Florida.
I also passed my examination course in less than 2 months. I’m just passionate; I’m very obligated to what
I’m doing. I have never backed down from a challenge and I’d really like to give this justice thing a shot.
Sen. Turner – What makes you feel as though you are a really excellent choice for justice?
Gerald Lozano – I’ve been known to be unbiased in many positions especially when I was the VP of loss
prevention or risk management for some people in my freshman year as soon as I became initiated into my
fraternity. I held that position for a full year and during that time I learned you had to be non-biased in many
positions and learn to hear both sides of the story.
Motion from Sen. Turner to confirm Gerald Lozano as justice. Second. No objections. Discussion.
Sen. Turner – I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Gerard in a class, and he has a really great work
ethic. He really makes sure everything gets done, he really knows what he’s doing, and really makes sure he
knows all the rules set forth to him. I really think he’s an excellent position; I really endorse him.
Electronic vote. Passes 15-0-0.
Senate Appointment
a. Alexandria Brown
Emily Antworth, Elections & Appointment Chairwoman – This is Alex, she’s coming up for a general senate
seat. She passed unanimously through my committee. She answered every question they threw at her. She
seems really well-rounded, she has a lot of experience and I want you guys to give her your attention and ask
her questions.
Alexandria Brown – My name is Alexandria Brown, I’m a senior. I’m studying political science, minoring in
sociology and I am part of the Pre-Law program.
Sen. Turner – what inspired you to come out here for an appointment?
Alexandria Brown – I really want to get involved in Student Government, it’s always been something I’ve been
interested in but I never knew how to get involved, until I was in a class in summer A and I had three
committee chairs in my class and they really encouragement to come out, and get leadership experience and be
a part of UNF.
Sen. Abreu – Why wait until your senior year?
Alexandria Brown – I transferred in last suer so I started as a junior here at UNF. I waited until my senior year
because I honestly did not know how to get involved in student government. I didn’t know what the process
was like I didn’t really know anyone who was in student government. Then magically I had three senators in
my class and Kaitlin came up and talked to my class and she really encourage everyone to get involved.
Sen. Wisz – What qualities or past experiences do you have that would make you a good senator?
Alexandria Brown – I have leadership experience at Florida State College of Jacksonville. I was the founding
member of the Future Educators Club at Kent campus. I also work as a bookkeeper at an accounting firm
currently and I have two employees that I oversee and delegate work to. So I have leadership experience. I also
am Pre-Law so I know a lot of how government works and I’m really interested in how student government
works and learning how they’re alike and different.
Motion from Sen. Turner to confirm Alexandria Brown for Senate. Second. No objections. Discussion.
Sen. Anderson – I was one of the people that was in class with Alexandria and she seemed to really get into
the class, which was Mock Trial, and get up and presented herself well, and seemed to really be interested in
law. I think she’ll make a great legislature.
Electronic vote. Passes 15-0-0.
All confirmed appointees are sworn in.
Fiscal Requests
a. SB-13SA-2699: Executive Branch Free Printing – Sen. Mitchell Moore
Sen. Moore – This is a bill that attempts to continue & amend on the free printing bill from last year, and I’ll
let President Fassi talk about it.
Carlo Fassi, President – So last year quite a few of us in this room ran on providing the students with free
prints, like University of Central Florida and Florida State University have done and we had done I believe
back in 2007. What we did in last year’s administration was we allocated a set amount, 7 cents I believe, 7 or 9
cents, as it was per print and we multiplied that out by the amount of students we have enrolled in the
university times 25. We found it was a nice round number that would provide students who have however
many so papers they needed to write to be printed immediately from the library. This could be accessed to any
of the Ricoh printing stations on campus, they’re the larger printers with the scanners and the copy machine in
there. So potentially you get to your computer you say you want to print something out, you swipe your
OspreyCard and it charges the account that Student Government has created within your Osprey1Card, it’s
been pre-approved for $2.25. and that is multiplied out to equal 25 free black-and-white prints and I believe
it’s 17 or 11 colored prints. The one issue we had with this last year, aside probably from marketing the actual
initiative, was the fact that we had set aside a certain amount of money that couldn’t be sent unless it was
actually spent on free prints. And we had a lot of money that went unused. So I charged our treasurer to do
this year, was to find a program or to come up with a program that saved as many of the cost as possible,
while still providing that same service to all students. So at this point I’ll turn it over to Joe.
Joe Turner, Treasurer – good evening everyone. I’m not sure if you can see the same detailed information that
the Budget and Allocation Committee had, so for that purpose I put it up on the board for you. This is kind of
my analysis of last year’s program,, and proposal for this year’s program. I just want to start out by talking
about the numbers up on top; they are the analysis of tlast year. You’ll see what we budgeted for and then
you’ll see the expended and then you’ll see what we had at the end of the fiscal year and the percentage of the
total allocation that we had actually spent. So if you go down to the bottom where the total is, we spent less
than one-third of the money that we allocated for this program last year. Thus tying up over $60,000 of
student fees that could have gone to better serve them in a different way. So what I did this year, was I looked
at the last time student government had done this initiative which was in 2007-2008 I believe, and I looked at
the numbers expended there and saw there was a big difference between the numbers spent there a couple
year ago and the numbers spent this past year, and there was not. So what I did based off that, and coming
down to the proposal part now, you’ll see for Summer ’13 I am proposing that 3,000 amount, and how I got
that number it doesn’t actually add up to the 9 cents a print, because what I did was I took the amount that we
actually spent last summer and I said alright more people know about the program now, but based on history
and what we did last year there’s not going to be a drastic amount of people more, increased, who are going to
use this service. So just to be on the safe side I projected a 30% increase and we’ll budget for that. So, just
because we’re not funding the total liability doesn’t mean we’re decreasing the service that we’re giving to the
students at all. What we’re doing on our end, and we’re still completely reliable for the same amount we were
last year, what we’re doing is we’re going to be smarter with the money that we put aside using statistics, saying
we’re going to be funding this amount knowing that this will be the total amount we would have to pay if it’s
fully utilized but we know it’s not going to be utilized. So I did a 30% increase for summer, and then I took
the actual amount spend in the previous fall and spring semesters and projected a 15% increase in the program
and that comes out to that number and you’ll see there the percentage of the prior years. What we allocated
for spring last year, or for fall last year, sorry, we’re only allocating 42% of that amount that we allocated last
year. So you’ll see the total amount we’re allocating is 37% of what we allocated last year and then I want to
build in a safety net just in case I’m horrible at doing these projections and history’s wrong and something
drastically changes here, so I added $7,000 in there. That money will allow us to cover any debts for months of
that if it drastically changes and realize that instead of the 16,000 that we’re proposing that we’re going to
spend to cover. Let’s say it goes over and we have to cover the full 24, or separate, amount. Then we have that
funding and then we can go back in and say well we’re going to need another $7,000 for that semester, we’re
going to need some more money for the next semester, but I don’t expect us to have to do that, but I’m
adding that in there just in case so we don’t go into scramble mode when the invoice comes in. and I also built
in the final thing, and what I did was built in advertising money just to make sure that at every printing station
there is a sign that says student government is doing this and this is how you use it, and if you have any
questions about it this is who you contact. The goal of the advertising really isn’t to get many more people to
use the program it’s just to get the people to use the program to understand where the money comes from, if
they have any question, problems, concerns, they know who to contact. I would venture to believe that the
vast majority of people who use the current initiative really don’t realize they’re using it and the reason that is
is because we add $2.25 to each student’s card, when they can add their own money. So say you put $50 at the
beginning of the semester on it, do you really know if you spent $52.25 or the $50 when you run out, you
don’t really know.
Carlo Fassi, President – Just to wrap everything up, I would urge that you recognize that we’ve taken the sets
here to cut costs where necessary. Joe and I don’t necessary feel that allocating 60 grand when only 20 of it is
being spent, is a too appropriate with student fees. We’ve built in a contingency clause, a contingency line, so
that if we do have an anomaly break out, we’ll have the funds there just in case that those are necessary.
Currently as of today, the executive programming line is paying for free printing so this will be securing the
funds so that we have the money to continue this program. I also urge that we pass this tonight. And I say that
because we have roughly 4,000 students on campus right now who are at their FTE or are on campus for
summer B classes and there are only a fine amount of program and amounts that SG fund; this is one that
really hits home to students, it’s essentially putting their money back into their pockets. And to not pass this
tonight would be a disservice to them especially considering that this is something that we’ve run on for
multiple years now.
Sen. Wisz – Does there have to be money on your OzzieCard in order for this to work?
Carlo Fassi, President – No. whenever you print anything on campus it automatically goes from your SG card,
your SG account, before it bills any of the $50 on your OzzieBux. And that money can’t be spent unless it’s at
a Ricoh printing station, so you can’t go to Chartwells or any of the Chartwells vendors on campus and spend
it on you know, beer and whatnot.
Sen. Turner – Now for what you are adding on to what was previously spent you said it was a 30% over what
was for summer and 15% for both the fall and spring?
Carlo Fassi, President – Yes.
Joe Turner, Treasurer – I’m not sure if you can read it but it’s down at the bottom.
Sen. Morrison – It seems that such a small percentage was used last time, why not actually take some of that
out and put it more towards advertising to, you said that advertising was to let people know, those who are
using it, to let them know what it’s using; why not try to take some of that money or contingency to
advertising and let people know that it’s there who aren’t using it at all?
Joe Turner, Treasurer – I agree. In the advertising I kind of misspoke when I said it’s just to inform people
about the program. Of course, as in any advertising it gets the word out, more people are going to use it, more
people are going to see it. But at the same time it’s a double edged sword because even if we advertise all the
way, I’ve spoken to the person in auxiliary services who has handled the printing program for years; he said
last time we did this, the numbers were about the same. So I don’t think that if we spend $5,000 on advertising
we’re going to change the historical mark, the historical percentage of the students who print on campus who
would use this service. So it’s kind of there for information and of course it will introduce new people to the
program, just with more advertising.
Carlo Fassi, President – The executive branch has spent it’s own, we’ve spent our own executive programming
line on advertising this for the free printing program before, and if for any reason the numbers, they update us
every week on how many students are actually using the program, if for any reason they are unprecedently low,
we’ll spend the money on advertising that we haven’t already spent from this request so we an assure that
students know about it.
Sen. Turner – You said that the advertising doesn’t make any difference, so why put the money there if it’s not
going to be making any difference, speaking statistically.
Joe Turner, Treasurer – Well it’s to let the people know who aren’t using the program know that student
government is paying for it. As opposed to folks using it and for some reason maybe they didn’t remember
putting money on their card, they were able to print. If we’re going to spend what the Allocation Committee
came out with, we’re going to be spending $41,000 on an initiative; we want to know that people know. We
put ‘Funded by Student Government’ on everything else, do we put it on this the only way we really can.
Sen. Farrell – If it happens like last year, we had less printing so we had more money that was saved up, if that
happens again is there any way we can tell students, look, send them a mass email to everyone that instead of
25 we’re increasing the number of prints to, say, 40. So they got more printing and people are aware that we
have free printing and there’s more printing so we can’t waste that money, instead we can use it up?
Joe Turner, Treasurer – Yes we could. But the way the program is set up currently, we had it through auxiliary
services and we had a contract more or less signing with them saying this is the program. Could this semester
we go in and say we’d like to amend this and we’re giving the students 40 prints, absolutely we could. But I
don’t foresee that happening, but for when we receive these weekly updates and we realize we’re tracking really
low, then yes. Because we want to spend this money; this money that is set aside now and we want to get this
service out as soon as possible.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve SB-13SA-2699. Second. No objections. Discussion
Sen. Waychoff – I, like most students, have been in the library many a time before this program started and
where we have experienced running late for class, have to print something off and simply don’t put money on
your Osprey1Card, this alleviates a huge headache for students and this plan of how they cut the amount
allocated really shows fiscal responsibility in student government, so I 100% support this bill.
Sen. Morrison – It’s a great bill they obviously know what they’re doing with this but also not only with this
advertising but being in the library as senators we can also let people outside of the academics know we’re
paying for it. It’s good to let people know, you see any of your friends in the library just let them know, small
things like that.
Carlo Fassi, President – I just wanted to comment on Sen. Farrell’s point. I think that’s something that actually
we should be looking into if we don’t spend the amount of money that’s been projected, that down the year
we add more to the individual accounts, just logistically, I don’t know if that’s possible, but I’ll have Joe and I
talk to Tully to see if that is. And if so, at some point mid-Fall semester we’ll reallocate if possible how much
each student has so they can print more.
Sen. Farrell – if those, just as an idea, if that works great and I think it will do us a double favor so not only
does it help out students but also let’s them all know hey if you’ve been using it we have this service for you
and not only is it free but now we’re putting down more prints.
Sen. Reich – I have the privilege of asking and having an answer to Carlo during the committee meeting when
this was discussed. I suggested that instead of taking this money from students and using it on something else,
why don’t we just advocate to lower the student fees. And Carlo said, and I agree with him, it’s really hard to
lower fees that are already in place, it’s really easy to take those fees and put them back in students’ pockets. So
I applaud you, Mr. President, for advocating on this behalf and this is a great way to just take that money that
is already being collected from students anyway and giving it back as something that they can use.
Electronic vote. Passes 16-0-0.
XVII. New Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. SB-13SA-2691: Title VIII 2013 Summer A revision – Sen. Fransua Estrada
Sen. Estrada – So I’m just going to go through all the changes that we have, you guys can follow along
and if you have any questions just hold it until the end. We’ll just go through it like that since it’s faster
and quicker. Starting off at 800.1, where should I begin? Most of the changes that you’ll see are just
basically friendly word-adding, some small lettering and definitions to these words. Number 801.2
we’re specifying the word money, we’re not using the word money we’re saying revenue instead and
adding expenses to the next page just to cover more time. 801.4 provisionary language of club alliance
handbook, that’s already implemented right now we’ve just added it to the constitutions so it’s more
formal. 801.5 that’s a new definition we came up with just to clarify the term like spring break or
winter break or something like that whenever we’re not in session or whenever we don’t have any
business per se, just to make sure that’s on there. 801.13 provisionary language. 801.15 it may seem
like a big change but right now the cash flow reserve is the $300,000 is what we use right now, so
we’re just making it legal; for the past few years we’ve been using the $300,000 so it’s already
implemented we’re just making it into our constitution. 802.5 number 15 the travel reimbursements,
trips, currently renting the car, you get paid for the car and for mileage, we’re just trying to print that
out. If you have any questions later on we can go through that. 810.1 just adding the number 5 there.
810.3 that is just clarification and taking out unnecessary words. 811.8 adding another duty to the SG
treasurer as a job title. 811.11 strike that against the senate president does that currently. 811.13 that’s
just something we added so we could have a more bigger transparency from the B&A chair to the
senate. 812.11 changing from 1 to 2 business days so it’s easier for people to not be on a time
constraint. SG Treasurer and B&A Committee already does that so we’re just clarifying that as well.
814.6 the removing of operations of the previous title of that position so we’re just clarifying. 814.8,
same thing, and just including all budget issues to be more specific. 816.6 adding SG Director, taking
off Operations and adding that position access to all accounts not just centralized. 816.7 is the same
thing as well, SG Director and cutting out of Operations. 816.8 SG Treasurer and setting all that out
and not trying to leave anything out set by the SG Treasurer, 823.2 again just minor details, adding the
budget, and taking out the budget process just because we already have that. And no faculty and staff
so it remains just within the students. We already have the director and the business manager looking
over it as well. I think two-thirds on 830.2 just clarification as well. 830.3 subject to a two-thirds vote
within the senate. 830.6 moving the amenities to have general reserve. 830.9 all decentralized must
obtain prior written approval from the SG Business Manager and the SG Business Manager must put
in writing to the Treasurer and B&A Chair of any changes. Again this is for a more student-lead,
student-based kind of politics, government. We’re just trying ti implement new system. 831.1 adding
in provisionary language. 831.2 just clarifying it could just one, or two, or more than two. 831.3 that’s
just wordy, we don’t need that in there. 832.1 again adding of provisionary language. 832.2, same
thing. Changing instead of 1 week to say 5 business days just as a more clarification on the business
days is what we’re using. 833.10 instead of conference registration having related expenses because
they can use it, they could use it for other things before. 834.1 that’s where the budget transfers, that’s
one of the biggest one’s we have. But this is giving the required signatures and the request may be
presented to any committee, it was before we’re just adding that part from stripping from B and
moved to A and another section for B was added, which gave the SG Treasurer approval of the
transfers and gave the Business Managers notification of it. If it doesn’t pass it goes into B&A. C, the
budget director shall have sole authority to request line of transfer with the category or index. D,
decentralized indexes, the only difference here is that the business manager would have approval of
these transfers. If it’s denied by the business manager it comes back to the Committee and then
Senate. And then C, is the same one as centralized. It used to be 5 business days, this is the whole
copy of the constitution; it used to be 5 business days now it’s going to be up to 9 business days, just
because of the time difference now that we’re having Senate on Fridays, it’s just going to be a lot
easier for those people to get it in on time, or to get ahead of time.
Special request that requires contract services must be done 7 weeks prior to the event; that’s just for
the B&A office for processing and procedures. 844.6 was more of a suggestion on my part; I saw that
many of the entities that came up must have been presented in front of people for committee
members and I don’t see it necessary to bring 20 copies of a 30-page to just for 4 people; we’re
changing that to 15, just based on the chair’s jurisdictions. 841.4 is also the travel request procedure;
what it is now is an RSO can come up 4 times a year but they are allowed to request up to $2,500 so if
an RSO did want to go 5 different conferences per year, they couldn’t because they had the right to
those funds, so I recommend we changed that to 5 times so at least one person from the RSO wants
to go to 5 different conferences per year we are allowed to do that. 843.3 adding subject to a twothirds vote. 851.3 all contracts must be submitted 6 weeks prior to the event centered; contracts must
be submitted 21 days prior to the event to the B&A office to the procedural process; adding
provisionary language for committing and offense to measure.
Sen. Anderson – 811.11, where it strikes the B&A chair shall maintain a bill numbering system, and
you said that was where the Senate President does, is that part of the Senate President’s duties written
down anywhere?
Chris Brady, Senate President – Yes.
Sen. Anderson – but it’s in your P&P somewhere, yes? So if you could on 816.6, if you could explain
the differences between all accounts and centralized accounts.
Sen. Estrada – That includes decentralized accounts as well.
Sen. Anderson – What are centralized accounts.
Sen. Estrada – Centralized are SG executive, recreation.
Joe Turner, Treasurer – What centralized accounts are, are in essence all accounts that we fund that
are controlled and managed out of our budget office. Whereas decentralized are indexes that we fund
that also have their own external budgets.
Sen. Morrison – 801.15, the cash flow reserve definition, I know you said we normally do $300,000,
that’s what we’re doing normally but does that $300,000 restrict us in any way; does that mean if we
have a certain amount we always have to make sure that $300,000 goes this way?
Joe Turner, Treasurer – I’ll explain that a little bit more than Fransua did, and you may sit down.
Every year we pass in our budget along with our budget provisionary language which is a whole, pretty
much book, of guidelines and footnotes of how that budget is to be expended. One of the things we
put in there and it’s consistently put in there is we have to keep on hand enough cash to cover our
first quarter’s liability and while this language says we have to have at least $100,000 what our
provisionary language says is we have to have more than that because our first quarter expenditures
and liabilities are generally around $300,000. And since that’s been the case for the past couple of
years we saw it fit to add that into Title XIII just incase there’s ever a time when someone says they
want to use some of this money that’s sitting in our fund balance and is kind of unclear about what’s
going on in the provisionary language.
Sen. Turner – May we better explain 802.5, because some of the wording on it is a little confusing for
me personally.
Sen. Estrada – This was suggested by Joe Turner as well.
Joe Turner, Treasurer – this stems from something in state’s statutes that says you’re able to claim 44
and a half cents per mile that you drive, on your personal vehicle for business-related travel, and it
says right undernearth that unless there is a more economical policy adopted. So what I did, I don’t
really drive a fuel efficient vehicle, I mean I get about 16 miles to the gallon, and I calculated that out
that if I took a trip, personally my vehicle is about 22 cents a gallon for cost. So I would be for every
mile I drive if I was to take a trip SG-related on my personal vehicle, I would be making 22 and a half
cents a mile I drove on the vehicle. So it’s a lot more cost effective to say that no one can drive their
personal vehicles if you’re taking a trip, you have to do it on a rental car because it saves us money in
the end.
Sen. Turner – So this makes it impossible for people to take their own car, regardless of its fuel
efficiency whether it’s more fuel efficient?
Joe Turner, Treasurer – It says if it’s more economical, we’d be able to determine that. And the
vicinity part is just saying that if you go on behalf of your committee to Chick-fil-A and pick up a
platter of nuggets that you can’t claim that 88 cents for that travel.
Angela Rivera, Business Manager – Just a point of clarification vicinity travel is 50 miles or under but
exceptions can be the case.
Sen. Waychoff – In the 800.1, you changed the introduction, there are no other fees that we allocate
so I see it’s a pointless addition to this, unless there’s another fee that we allocate; it says A&S portion
of tuition and fees, does that mean that there’s another fee?
Mike McGuire, SG Director – the A&S fee is actually not part of tuition it’s actually a separate fee and
they lump it at the controller’s office as the accountant to the university as tuition and fees, and we’re
just kind of making the language consistent with the university’s.
Sen. Estrada – I would like to motion to amend chapter 816 to include in the SG Treasurer’s job
duties to say,
Joe Turner, Treasurer – Just a point of reference, Fransua, the next available number would be 816.10
Sen. Estrada – That is more for a transparency, to add any transfer that comes before the committee
so the committee knows what’s going on, with all the processes.
Motion from Sen. Estrada to add 816.10, the SG Treasurer shall inform the Allocations Committee of
all transfers. Second. No objections. No discussion. Electronic vote.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Morrison to approve SB-13SA-2691 as amended. Second. No objections. No
discussion. Electronic vote.
Motion from Sen. Turner for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
ii. SB-13SA-2693: Title X Revisions Act – Sen. Kaitlin Ramirez
iii. SB-13SA-2693: Club Funding Revisions Act – Sen. Ramirez
Sen. Ramirez – In your packet you have the club funding revisions act which I will let our club alliance
director, Brett Weisman, explain.
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – Has everyone read it so I’m not just talking nonsense? Yes?
Great. Relatively easy changes, basically there were a couple of things in there, no less than 8
members. We changed that to a lower amount; we changed that the process a little bit this year, where
as last year we had every club come in and do the club funding, this year we’ve given the option of a
written request so we’re expecting it to be a lot more written requests. We feel the need to lower the
amount of people on the board to kind of streamline the process, make it a little easier. It’s going to
be 6 members this time, we’re also adding someone from Club Alliance for the reason of direct
contact to the clubs, seeing all issues they’ve had, if they have any questions to answer them as best as
they can, so a couple more people that have real direct contact with the clubs. Other than that it’s
pretty self explanatory.
Sen. Waychoff – In 1104.7 you took out, it just says ‘and a member appointed by the president’, so
does that mean that anyone, any student, you’ve kind of taken a senate, a regular senate member out
of the committee, so then it’s just anyone?
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – I’m not 100% sure what you asked but a member appointed
by that is completely up to the president at that time.
Advisor Delaney – The SG President only has jurisdiction over the student government so technically
he/she wouldn’t really be able to appoint just anyone, unless of course they were running for
something, so I think it does imply that they would be a member of student government. I don’t
believe it has to be but then again, it really does fall, my understanding is that it would fall mainly on
student government. So if he asked someone specifically who was mainly interested.
Sen. Grego – 1104.7, is it supposed to end with ‘and the’?
Senate President Brady – In the past you had about half senate, half club representatives, why has it
changed to the B&A Chair sitting on it?
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – The main reason is simply just more people that have a better
contact. I put the coordinator in there because everyday their at the front desk listening to all the clubs,
listening to allegations; let’s say their doing a special request, they were listening to where they need to
go, if they need to go to Fransua, so they really hear how they’re doing things so I really think this is
going to be better for discussion and to know what they’re talking about.
Sen. Turner – Just out of curiosity, why change the meetings from biweekly to monthly?
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – For Club Funding or for my regular meetings?
Sen. Turner – It says club funding.
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – Club funding stays the same I think it’s just the meetings of my
Sen. Turner – It just says monthly meetings, is that to mean with your staff?
Brett Weisman, Club Alliance Director – I believe it’s under the section of just my staff.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to add “Senate” on line 54-55 under 1104.7A. Second. No objections.
Sen. Waychoff – personally I don’t like how this pretty much cuts Senate out of this process with only
having the B&A Chairman in, so I really want to see another member of Senate in here. It has to be a
person in senate appointed by the president, because there is a possibly that someone outside of SG can
be appointed to it and we have the full working knowledge of the budget and the budget process and I
really just want to assure that is the senate member.
Electronic vote. Passes 16-0-0.
Motion from Sen. Morrison to approve SB-13SA-2693 as amended. Second. Objections.
Sen. Anderson – So this might be friendly as well, but if you look on line 67 it has ‘and the’ and then
nothing afterwards.
Sen. Anderson rescinds objection.
No further objections. No discussion. Electronic vote. Passes 16-0-0.
iv. CR-12S-2583R: The Graduate Student Constituency Act – Sen. Louis Reich
d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
XVIII. Announcements
Senate President Brady – Just a reminder that in 2 weeks we have committee meetings and in 3 weeks we have our
final senate meeting of the summer. The reason is that we’re having senate the week after is because it’s finals
week. And with that we go to final roll call. And those who are on university wide committees please come see me
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez – sgaspt@unf.edu
Quorum is reestablished with 16 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:56 pm.