Community Design Team April 30, 2015 Minutes Attending: Evaluation: Brian martin(HOH vista), Chris Christner (MHCD), Linda Barringer (F.T.), Chad Motter (Boulder shelter), Joe Baker (MDHI), Mark Miller (CCH), John Hess (F.T.) Heather Beck (CCH) Assessment: Renee Crews(DRH), Jim B.(St. Francis Center), Angel Hurtado(VOA), Heidi Jones (VOA), Donna Leigh (Empowerment), Megan Lamb (211), MaryJane Carr (F.T. Vista), Katie Bonamasso, Carolyn Barr (MHCD), Kim Foust (MHCD), Ann Selling (MHCD) Policy Group: Angie Nelson, Denver’s Road Home; Rebecca Mayer, Metro Denver Homeless Initiative; EJ Becker, PATH Aurora Mental Health Center; Matt Mollica, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless; Zach Urban, Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.; Sharyl Carter, City of Boulder VISTA; John Claybaugh, Denver Homeless Out Loud; Jackie Gutierrez, Adams County Housing Authority VISTA Announcements Sarah’s last CDT meeting (Congrats!) VISTAs have taken over note taking & sign-in sheets Denver Homeless Out Loud is looking for artist & musicians for commission work if you know anyone send them to John Claybaugh ( Denver’s Road Home is having an open air town hall meeting Monday, May 11th 1-3pm at Sonny Lawson Park---Flyer will be sent out soon! Leadership Team voted to join the Zero: 2016 Campaign Work Groups Policies and Procedures/Best Practices Matt has connect with San Francisco and will be sending his notes to the work group Rebecca has sent DC’s draft of Policy & Procedures we will use this as a guide to work from Matt has agreed to reach out to DC with questions after we create a draft Evaluation: Received handout of Coordinated Assessment tool kit and CAHPS Client experience survey. Client experience survey • Create new question of “How well do you feel supported after being housed?” • Change question 2 with: Are your experiences with services now better? • Change question 3 with: Is there any other follow up you need? Get name and phone number. CAHPS tool kit • Identified two types of people: VI-SPDAT who are housed and VISPDAT who did not become housed. • Discussed what are the options for those who score low on VI-SPDAT? – at this time, not much. And for those people: What sort of services could we provide. • Ask “What is your experience of the VI-SPDAT? Were you comfortable with your interviewer? • Add new questions to VI-SPDAT to rate the experience. • Review the VI-SPDT and possibly eliminate questions. • Create a survey of the VI-SPDAT. • Change question 2 to: “Where did you dill out the VI-SPDAT?” • #4 creating list of multiple choice answers. “Were you offered more resources beyond the agency where you were assessed on the VI-SPDAT?” Alternate Process: 25 Cities community Design Team Assessment Process/ VI-SPDAT Access Points Breakout Group 5.7.2015 Indicate where there is or is not navigator support Where are we not receiving MIFS and or faxes from Identify Central Access points Training for 6-10 Agencies “Hybrid” go to sites for VI-SPDAT Geographic Access points Bring Father Woody’s to the table, Brother Marshall and or Sarah; Operations Manager Actions: Pull more Date for the Agencies How to communicate How to Target Develop and define the process i.e.; Faxes Implement process Identify level of housing navigation