Ch19 & 20 Review

Ch.19 & 20 Review
Question 1
Which ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth’s
Pacific Ocean
Question 2
Which of the following is the correct value
stating how much of the Earth’s total mass the
oceans make up?
 1/100
 1/4000
 1/40000
Question 3
What describes a system that uses acoustic
signals and returned echoes to determine the
location of objects
Question 4
What are the two major areas the ocean floor
can be divided into?
Continental margins and deep-ocean basins
Question 5
What is the shallow sea floor that is located
between the shoreline and the deep-ocean
Continental margin
Question 6
What is the part of the ocean floor that is under
deep water beyond the continental margin?
Deep-ocean basin
Question 7
Name 4 features characteristic of continental
Continental Slopes, submarine canyons, turbidity
currents, continental rises
Question 8
Name at least 4 features characteristic of a deepocean basin.
Trenches, abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges,
abyssal hills, fracture zones, seamounts, guyots,
Question 9
Where are seamounts often formed near?
Areas of increased volcanic activity called HOT
Question 10
What are continental shelves and slopes often
covered with?
Question 11
Sediments, rocks, soil, snow that are often
collected from the deep-ocean basin by drilling
are called what?
Core Samples
Question 12
What are lumps of minerals that are made of
oxides of manganese, iron, copper, or nickel
that is scattered in groups on the ocean floor?
Question 13
Sediments on the ocean floor such as the
remains of marine plants and animals are
examples of what?
Biogenic sediments
Question 14
What are the two main gases dissolved in ocean
Nitrogen and oxygen (same as atmosphere)
Question 15
Gases dissolve more readily in cold water or
warm water?
Cold water
Question 16
Where does most oxygen in the ocean enter
Question 17
Which of the following are factors that affect
the salinity of ocean water? (There are two)
 Light
 Energy
 Chemicals
 Temperature
Density and temperature
Question 18
What is the process of removing salt from
ocean water?
Question 19
What is a layer of body of water in which water
temperature drops with increased depth faster
than it does in other layers
Question 20
If 60% of sea salts is Chloride ions, how much
chloride ions are present in 500g sample?
Question 21
If sonar is used to measure the depth in a
particular area of the ocean and the time it took
for the waves to hit the ocean floor and then the
surface of the ocean was 3.9 seconds and the
speed is 1400 ft/sec, what is the depth.
700 ft/sec x (3.9 sec) = 2730 ft
Question 22
What is the density of oxygen gas if 0.369 g
occupies a volume of 567 mL?
0.369 g / 567 mL = 6.51 g/mL
Don’t forget your units!!!
Question 23
A Sample of wood has the dimensions of 5cm x
3cm x 4 cm. If the mass of the wood is 456 g,
what is the density of wood?
(5cm x 3cm x 4cm)= 60 cm^3
456 / 60 cm^3 = 7.6 g / cm^3