Georgia On My Mind - University of Georgia Libraries

Georgia Government
Publications Database on
Prepared for
2002 ALA-GODORT Program
Innovation in State Government Information Sources
Susan Tuggle
Coordinator of Georgia Government Publications
University of Georgia Libraries
• 1993 - Official Code of Georgia Annotated
(O.C.G.A.) Title 20-5-2 was amended. The
director of the University of Georgia Libraries
assumed responsibility for the Georgia
government publications depository program.
• State agencies are required to submit five copies
of all publications to UGA Libraries.
– Two copies remain at UGA Libraries as archival
copies and are available through Interlibrary Loan.
– One copy is digitized by the Digital Library of
Georgia located at UGA Libraries.
– One copy is distributed to Odum Library at Valdosta
State University. Odum Library assumed depository
status for Georgia government documents in August,
– One copy is distributed to Henderson Library at
Georgia Southern University. Henderson Library
assumed depository status for Georgia government
publications in May, 2001.
GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online
• Feb. 1995 - Georgia General Assembly and
Governor Zell Miller approved legislation to fund
GALILEO, a world wide web-based virtual
statewide library.
• Sept. 21,1995 - 150 days later GALILEO
premiered at the 34 University System of Georgia
• Georgia government publications were included in the
initial proposal for resources to be included in GALILEO.
• GALILEO provides access to multiple information
resources, including secured access to licensed products.
• Participating institutions may access over 100 databases
indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals.
• Thousands of journal titles and books are provided in fulltext.
• Other resources include encyclopedias, business
directories, and government publications.
• Today there are more than 2000 GALILEO
institutions, including University System of
Georgia institutions, K-12 schools, public
libraries, adult technical institutes and
colleges, and a group of private academic
colleges and universities.
Georgia Government Publications
Database (GGP)
• Dec., 1995 - Began designing the interface and
metadata for the GGP with Brad Baxter,
GALILEO programmer at UGA Libraries.
• Bob Henneberger, former director of the Digital
Library of Georgia, UGA Libraries, set up
scanning equipment, file directories, and provided
technical expertise.
• March, 1996 - Test mode
• May 2, 1996 - GGP goes into production
on GALILEO. Only publicly available
database in GALILEO at the time.
GGP Database Description
• Provides bibliographic access to documents
published since 1994.
• Contains scanned images of over 13,000
paper documents.
• Contains electronic text for almost 800
documents received in electronic format .
• Searchable by keyword, author, title, place
of publication, call number, and text (OCR
GGP Database
• Joint project of Digital Library of Georgia(DLG),
GALILEO, and UGA Libraries
• Coordinator of Georgia Government Publications,
UGA Libraries, is responsible for collection
development, implementation of depository
requirements, document classification, and
management of the GGP database.
• UGA Libraries is responsible for processing and
cooperative cataloging with Odum Library at
Valdosta State University.
• DLG is responsible for digitizing documents,
including scanning, file creation and maintenance,
database entry, and file preservation.
Digital Library of Georgia
• Based at the University of Georgia
• Digital repository of primary source
material of importance to the history and
culture of Georgia, including letters, official
documents, diaries, first-hand accounts,
maps, photographs, books, and newspapers
Digital Library of Georgia
• Funded through GALILEO.
• Georgia Government Publications database,
one of the original GALILEO projects, is
part of DLG.
• GALILEO and UGA provide the resources
to digitize and present materials online.
GGP Database - Enhancements
• 1999 - 2000 - Replaced GIFs with PDFs.
All images in the GGP are now PDFs.
– Created app. 232,950 PDFs from TIFFs.
• 2000 - Converted GGP from SiteSearch to
Ultimate - Perl based custom database.
– Improved database structure and searchability.
– Created a system that can be applied to other
databases in the DLG.
Electronic Documents - The Law
• O.C.G.A. Title 20-5-2 was amended in 2000
and became effective July 1, 2000.
• “(m) Any person or agency required by the
provisions of this Code section to submit to
the director of the University of Georgia
Libraries copies of documents shall also
submit such documents in such electronic
form as the director shall specify, if such
electronic form is readily available.”
Let’s Take Action
• March, 2001 - mailing sent to directors
and/or heads of app. 100 agencies. Included
copy of the law and bookmark.
• Dec., 2001 - follow-up mailing sent to same
list. Included insert explaining how to
submit electronic documents and depository
• Mailings included references to web pages
pertaining to state of Georgia publications.
Web Pages for Georgia Documents
Depository Requirements
Submitting Electronic Docs
Good Response
• Over 50% of the agencies have responded
via phone or e-mail to departmental e-mail
account (
• 38 user id and passwords have been
assigned to access the FTP server. Each
agency has a separate folder on the server.
• Only a few agencies have notified us that
they produce no e-docs.
What Is A Georgia Government
• Any publication (print, cd, video, e-doc)
that an agency publishes with the intent to
distribute to the public.
• O.C.G.A. Title 20-5-2 - excludes forms,
reports of the Supreme Court and the Court
of Appeals, the journals of the House and
the Senate, and the session laws enacted by
the General Assembly.
How Do We Define An
Electronic Document?
• A document that is created on and for a
computer. UGA Libraries accepts the
following electronic formats: PDF, Word,
ASCII text.
• Text of electronic documents is searchable
in the Georgia Government Publications
database using Adobe Acrobat.
Digitization Process - Paper
• Prepare documents - disbind, remove
staples, and iron if necessary.
Digitization Process
Best Practices
• Scan documents at 300 dpi bitonal, TIF
• Some color and grayscale images are
scanned at 150 dpi in order to minimize file
• Create TIF files from bundled software.
Digitization Process - Paper
• Convert TIF files to PDF files using Adobe
Acrobat Exchange.
• Move PDF files to image server.
• PDF files are placed in appropriate
directory on server, organized by call #.
Digitization - Paper
• Bibliographic data from the paper workform
is entered into the web workform to add
records to the GGP metadata database.
• Bibliographic data links to the image when
user displays record in the GGP.
Digitization Process - E-docs
• Agencies FTP files to server at UGA
• Retrieve PDF files from FTP server.
• Move PDF files to image server.
• Place PDF files in appropriate directory on
server, organized by call #.
Digitization Process - E-docs
• Some exceptions are made for agencies to
submit Word or ASCII docs to a
departmental e-mail account. PDF files are
created for these documents.
• Bibliographic data from the paper workform
is entered into the web workform to add
records to the GGP metadata database.
• Bibliographic data links to the image when
user displays record in the GGP.
Digitization - Preservation
• TIFF images are preserved to CD when
directory size (hard drive) reaches capacity,
650 mb - 700 mb.
• Files received in electronic format (Word,
PDF, ASCII) are preserved to CD in PDF.
• Preservation CDs are re-burned every five ten years for back-up retrieval purposes.
Digitizing E-Docs - Issues
• Some agencies have interpreted e-docs as
documents scanned from paper.
• FTP server problems create new
communication issues.
• Should we purchase more software to
convert unsupported file types?
• How do we handle corrupt files sent via email or FTP?
More Issues
• How much technical support do DLG and
Coordinator provide to the agencies?
• How do we respond when agencies want to
submit entire website?
• What do we add when paper document and
companion e-doc are not the same exact
• Continually assess workflow for efficiency.
• Convince agencies their publications are
being preserved for posterity in the Georgia
Government Publications database.
What Is Next ?
• Contact agency webmasters and encourage
their cooperation in submitting e-docs.
• Strive for 100% agency response.
• Digitize more video and audio material.
• Continue to promote the Georgia
Government Publications database as an
archive and encourage agencies to comply
with the law.
Publications Database
Georgia Government Publications Database
Initial Search Screen
Search Options
For More Information Contact
Susan Tuggle
Coordinator of Georgia Government Publications
University of Georgia Libraries
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-0663