
GIT version control
What is GIT
• Have you ever wished you could travel back in time when you develop
a project…?
• Have you ever wished you could collaborate with your friend on the
same project or file at the same time…?
• Ever wished you had a fast reliable and secure backup…?
• GIT offers a remote backup, a possibility to load the project just
before the disaster and an easy way to collaborate with your fellow
What do I need
Git Extensions
• Git has a console line interface
• Git Extensions offers a GUI to ease your daily work with GIT
• Git Extensions will install a plugin into your visual studio when you
install it
• In order to do solve some ‘merge conflicts’ you should install kdiff3
Get your project under control
• Execise
• Install both ‘GIT’ and ‘GIT Extensions’
• Restart your visual studio and locate the new plugin in the top left corner
Create a new project
Click on the yellow folder
Click yes to initialize a new git repository
Click commit and add your project to git
Make some changes and commit again
• Make some changes and commit again
• Make some changes and commit again
Make some changes and commit again
Congratulations – That’s it!
• Now you know how to use GIT
Git Extensions, .gitignore
1. Click “Add default ignores”
2. Add a few more like .exe etc.
3. Click the “Save” button
Version control, using Git
Some Details… Branches
• In the previous exercise we avoided conflicts because we didn’t step
back and worked alone.
• Imagine we change our mind and wants to step back and continue
Some Details… Merging
Collaboration / backup
• Git is a decentralized distributed version control system
• If you create a remote repository somewhere you have still have an
exact copy on your local machine.
• If you share your remote repositiory with fellow students they get a
exact copy of the repository.
Working with a remote repository
Figure from
Version control, using Git
11 ||
• Github is free for open source projects (use general open port)
• Bitbucket offers a free closed project for 5 memebers
• Make a team of 4-5 people
• Create a project on one computer add it to bitbucket or github
• Follow the online wizard to upload a repository
• Add the rest of the team to the remote repository
• Commit to the projects and solve the conflicts…
‘Feature Branch Workflow’
• A free book online
• Videos
• PDF: Git Magic by Ben Lynn
• Console online training
Using Git in Visual Studio