Grand Canyon Preparatory Academy CIVITAS II: Political and Economic Systems Scope and Sequence Unit Theme The State of Nature and Social Contract: Why is Government necessary, what should it do, and how should it change with the times Unit Dates and Duration August 12 to September 16 Unit Focus Description This unit focuses on the development of the concept of government from the ideas from the earliest historical periods to the present, its types (from monarchy, dictatorship, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, anarchy and its other forms like fascism, socialism to what should it do (right wing or left wing) how it should change with the times or what should happen when things do not change and how the ideas of Federalism and Republicanism developed within our constitution in this country fuse those ideas Social Studies Standards (Concept One is Universal) Strand Three Literacy in History/ Social Studies Standards Reading Writing Grades 11-12 R.H. 1-10 Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 R.H. 1-10 Grades 11-12 Strand Three Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 Civics/Governm ent R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Civics/Governm ent WHST 1-10 Concept One PO 1-4 Concept Two PO 1-4 Concept Three PO 1 Structure of the American Constitutional System on the City, State and Federal Level September 17 to October 5 This unit will focus on structure of the American Constitutional System at the City, State and Federal Level and how powers are separated and shared between and within these parties according to city statutes, state constitution and federal constitution. Strand Three Civics/Governm ent WHST 1-10 Concept Two PO 3-11 Concept Three PO 1-4 The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches October 13 to November 10 The student will learn about the separation of powers and checks and balances among the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches and Grand Canyon Preparatory Academy CIVITAS II: Political and Economic Systems Scope and Sequence at the City, State, and Federal Level: their functions and how they interact with another through their separate powers and checks and balances The Power of the People: The Promise and Drawbacks to Democracy: the rights and responsibilities of the citizen Alternatives to the American System: Different Types of Government /Economic Systems around the world The Power Game: The Non Democratic Influences on our Political and how they interact with one another. Concept Two PO 3-11 Concept Three PO 1-4 November 12 to December 1 December 1 to December 18 Students will learn about what the goals and responsibilities are of the citizen (staying informed, civic participation and voting for example) and how it is essential to the running of a proper democracy and what happens if citizens do not do what is necessary. Students will learn about other systems of governments and economies with examples like parliamentary, theocratic, communist, totalitarian and the countries that have them. Strand Three Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 Civics/Governm ent R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Strand Three Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 Civics/Governm ent R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Strand Three Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 Civics/Governm ent R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Concept Four PO 1-5 Concept Five PO 1-3 January 5 to February 5 Students will learn about the behind the scene influences on our government officials (lobbyists, special interests), how they influence and corrupt the process and steps that can be taken to reduce their power. Concept Four Grand Canyon Preparatory Academy CIVITAS II: Political and Economic Systems Scope and Sequence Economic System Regional and Supranational Political and Economic Organizations like the WTO, UN, NAFTA, Red Cross, EU PO 5 February 5 to February 19 Students will learn about regional and supranational GO and NGO organizations that influence political, cultural and economic events like the U.N., the Council on Foreign Relations, The World Trade Organization, OPEC Strand Three Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 Civics/Governm ent R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Grades 11-12 Grades 11-12 R.H. 1-10 WHST 1-10 Concept Five PO 1-3 Strand Five Economics Concept Four PO 2 Theories of Economic Systems February 20 to March 5 Students will learn about the theories governing our economic system and how it blends them (democratic capitalism) Strand Five Economics Concept One PO 1-5 Concept Four PO 1 The United States Economic Model: In reality and applications The American Taxpayer: Rights and responsibilities March 14 to April 15 Students will learn about how the United States Economic System functions in reality from the stock market to small business to supply and demand. Concept Three PO 1-7 Concept Two PO 1-3 April 18 to May 6 Students will learn about their obligations as tax payers and rights and how it compares to other groups and businesses. Students should also learn about the intricacies of personal finance like setting a household budget and balancing a checkbook Concept Five PO 1-6 Grand Canyon Preparatory Academy CIVITAS II: Political and Economic Systems Scope and Sequence The General May 9 to June Welfare for all: 2 What obligation does the Government have to its citizens and how has the pendulum gone back and forth. The Power Game Revisited: who has more sway the one or 99 percent. Students will learn about the varying approaches to social welfare and public policy from the conservative to centrist to liberal approach and how they think governments and economic interests should invest in the people and infrastructure. There really is no standards in the State ones that conform to this unit.