Look at me!

The Overture, Act 1, and Act 2
Act 2 Characters
Name two times we see
tension between John and
Elizabeth in Act 2.
 During their interaction at the beginning of the play
(described in the stage directions—he kisses her, she
does not seem to care)
 When they argue as to why John did not go to and
speak to the court about Abigail lying about
Act 2 Characters
Describe the change in
Mary Warren.
 She seems to think very highly of herself since she
became an official of the court. Very different from
her description in Act 1.
Act 2 Characters
What was Reverend
Hale’s purpose in Act 2?
 To question The Proctors- wanted to get to know the
people mentioned in court before he could judge
their character.
Act 2 Characters
What advice did Hale
give to The Proctors?
 Baptize their youngest son and begin attending
church again in order to maintain a good standing in
Act 2
How did those accused
of witchcraft save
themselves from hanging?
 Confess and give up their property
 Identify the speaker of the following quote and the
significance of the quote.
“My wife is the very brick
and mortar of the church.”
 Francis Nurse- His wife Rebecca was an important
part of the church and the community.
 Identify the speaker of the following quote and the
significance of the quote.
“Good then her saintliness
is done with. We will slide
together into our pit.”
 John Proctor- He and Abigail will be revealed as
sinners and he will no longer care about being a
hypocrite in his society
 Why are the deputies shocked when Elizabeth
exclaims the following about Abigail :
“Why the girl is murder!
She must be ripped out of
the world!”
 She was accused of murder and her statement seems
to support the accusation
Background Info
Name the decade in
which The Crucible was
 1950s
Background Info
What senator made
accusations of Communism
without any evidence in
Arthur Miller’s time?
 Joseph McCarthy
 Identify which Puritan principle applies best to the
given situation or quote.
 “Abominations are done in the forest.”
 The forest is evil-The devil lives in the forest
 Identify which Puritan principle applies best to the
given situation or quote.
 “You’ll be whipped for dancing”
 Puritans should not indulge in anything considered
 Identify which Puritan principle applies best to the
given situation or quote.
 “What are we Quakers?”
 Critical of other religions. The Puritans believed
theirs was the one true religion.
 Identify which Puritan principle applies best to the
given situation or quote.
 “Rebecca Nurse is no Bridget that lived three years
with Bishop before she married him…”
 Puritans had ne’er do wells in their community
Other things to study…
 Go over basic literary terms: Allusion, foreshadowing,
symbolism, irony…
 Know general info about characters-You will have a character
matching section AGAIN
 Know the importance of stage directions
 Read through the overture and understand Puritan principles
 Know the difference between American & British Lit (it’s in
your Crucible packet)