January 19, 2016
Invocation: Rev. James Nichols, Pastor of First Baptist Church, guest Minister of Councilman Brock.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1. Monthly Reports
a. External Financial Consultant
b. Grant Writer/Administrator
c. Washington County Economic Alliance Executive Director
2. Council to consider receiving minutes of a Greenville Historic Preservation Commission meeting held
December 8, 2015. (page 1)
3. Council to consider adopting minutes of a regular session City Council meeting held January 5, 2016.
(pages 2-11)
4. Council to consider adopting minutes of an Airport Committee meeting held January 14, 2016. (pages
5. Council to consider recommendation of an Airport Committee:
6. Council to consider hearing Rev. Roosevelt Johnson regarding removing the State flag from all City
7. Council to consider approval of Agreement with the Washington County Department of Human
Services for participation in the Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD) Program. (pages
8. Council to consider authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract between the City and the successful
bidder for the Yazoo Depot Renovation project, upon verification and concurrence from the MS
Department of Transportation (MDOT).
City Council Agenda
January 19, 2016
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9. Council to consider authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract between the City and Belinda Stewart
Architects for architectural services during construction for the Yazoo Depot Renovation project,
once the MS Department of Transportation (MDOT) has approved award of the contract above. A
notice to proceed will be issued at the time of preparation of a Pre-Construction Meeting.
10. Council to consider adopting a resolution authorizing Mayor’s signature on documents related to the
Sewer Revolving Fund (SRF) loan #C280-767-08 with the MS Department of Environmental Quality
(MDEQ) for rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer of Broadway Avenue from Nelson Street to Magnolia
Street. (pages 20-21)
11. Council to consider adopting a resolution supporting the filling of an Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) Office of Environmental Justice application to develop and implement solutions to
improve awareness and education of sanitary sewer system issues. (page 22)
12. Council to consider approval of MS River Marathon Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for
February 13, 2016 and request to suspend Ordinance 8-17-3, “Possession of Alcoholic Beverages
in Open Containers in Public” of the Greenville Code of Ordinances from the hours of noon to 5:00
P.M. on Saturday, February 13, 2016 at Stein Mart Square on Washington Avenue between Walnut
Street and Poplar Street for the Mississippi River Marathon finish line celebration. (pages 23-28)
13. Council to consider retaining the services of Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC as
bond counsel for continuing disclosure of General Obligation bonds. (pages 29-32)
14. Council to consider awarding construction bid for Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES) Phase II
on Belmont Subdivision, Broadway Place Subdivision, and Industrial Frontage Road from Scott
Biodiesel to Mars Foods under the Section 592 MS Environmental Infrastructure Assistance Program
Fiscal Year 2015 U S Army Corps of Engineers grant. (pages 33-34)
15. Council to consider awarding bid for inmate pharmacy services to the lowest and best bidder. (page
16. Council to consider declaring a 1996 Ford F150 as surplus, no longer needed for City use, and
donating same to Greater Greenville Housing & Revitalization under MCA § 21-17-1(11). (page 36)
17. Council to consider approval of budget amendment for Municipal Court. (page 37)
18. Council to consider approval of hiring a Sweeper Operator and Dump Truck Driver in the Street
19. Council to consider authorizing the Fire Department to fill four (4) vacancies.
20. Council to consider ratification of travel/training requests for Terrance Batteast, Christopher Grayson,
and Jeffery Johnson who attended the Mississippi State Fire Academy Emergency Response to
Terrorism Course from January 5 – 7, 2016 in Pearl, MS in the amount of $46.00 each. (pages 3840)
City Council Agenda
January 19, 2016
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21. Council to consider ratification of travel/training request for Anthony Byrd, Larry Norton, and Frank
Vick who traveled to deliver and pick up City vehicles on today in Crystal Springs and Jackson, MS
in the amount of $43.00 each. (page 41)
22. Council to consider approval of travel/training requests for Jerome Jackson and Chris Surf to attend
the First Line Supervision: Mastering Leadership Skills Course from January 25 – 28, 2016 in Biloxi,
MS in the total amount of $1,310.00. (page 42)
23. Council to consider approval of travel/training requests for Jeremy Arendale and Jeffrey Stewart to
attend the Critical Incident Negotiations Level I – “The Tactical Negotiator” Course from January 31
– February 5, 2016 in Gulfport, MS in the total amount of $1,849.00. (pages 43)
24. Council to consider approval of travel/training requests for Lee Owen, Latoya Holmes and Prentiss
Smith to attend a Transportation Security Administration Training on January 26, 2016 in Tunica, MS
in the amount of $11.00 each. (page 44)
25. Council to consider approval of travel/training request for Lee Owen to attend the Legislative
Breakfast Banquet/Multi-Modal Group Meeting from February 3 – 4, 2016 in Jackson, MS in the
amount of $23.00. (page 45)
26. Council to consider approval of travel/training request for Latoya Holmes to attend the Fred Pryor
Seminar on February 10, 2016 in Memphis, TN in the amount of $50.00. (page 46-47)
27. Council to consider approval of Pay Request #4336 from Hooker Engineering Services, Inc. in the
amount of $41,400.00 for services performed under the Bowman Boulevard Project grant #STP8204-00(002)-LPA/106724-701000 (80% grant funded). (page 48)
28. Council to consider approval of Pay Request #4346 from Hooker Engineering Services, Inc. in the
amount of $5,630.95 for services performed under the MS River Levee Pedestrian and Bicycle Trail
Project grant #STP-0170-00(009)LPA/106865-701000 (80% grant funded). (page 49)
29. Council to consider approval of Pay Request #JanRec2016 from Greenville Recycling Center, LLC
in the amount of $4,700.00 for services performed under the MS Department of Environmental
Quality Solid Waste Assistance Grant #SWC445 (82% grant funded). (page 50)
30. Council to consider approval of Pay Request #2 from Don M. Barron Contractor, Inc. in the amount
of $38,319.07 for work performed under the Virden Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project
grant #EPA XP-95476611 (55 % grant funded). (page 51)
31. Council to consider approval of Pay Request #8 from APAC-Mississippi, Inc. in the amount of
$248,337.84 for work performed under the Taxiway “E” Rehabilitation project FAA grant #3-28-0027032-2014 (95% grant funded). (page 52)
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January 19, 2016
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32. Council to consider approval of Accounts Payable Claims Docket and Manual Check Report in the
total amount of $640,270.34.
33. Miscellaneous comments and announcements.
34. Council to consider personnel issues in the Water/Utility Department in Closed Session.
City Council Agenda
January 19, 2016
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