Final Exam Study Guide

Sociology Final 2015
**You may bring ONE index card with you to the final (typed or handwritten) –
it can be no larger that 5”x7”!!***
1. Deviance-
2. Positive functions of deviance-
3. Anomie-
4. Strain theory-
5. Control theory-
6. Cultural transmission theory-
7. Differential association-
8. Labeling theory-
9. Self-fulfilling prophecy-
10. What two categories is crime classified into-
11. Two factors sociologists look at in order to classify crime-
12. Four categories of crime-
Race and Ethnicity
13. Race-
14. Ethnic group-
15. Majority group-
16. Minority group-
17. Prejudice-
18. Ethnocentrism-
19. Stereotype-
20. Racism-
21. Scapegoat-
22. Discrimination-
23. Individual discrimination-
24. Institutional discrimination-
25. Cultural pluralism-
26. Assimilation-
27. Legal protection-
28. Segregation-
29. De jure segregation-
30. De facto segregation-
31. Subjugation-
32. Slavery-
33. Population transfer-
34. Genocide-
35. Ethnic cleansing-
36. Self-fulfilling prophecy-
37. Underclass-
38. Hate crime-
39. Hidden unemployment-
Sex and Gender
40. Sex-
41. Gender-
42. Gender role-
43. Sexism-
44. Where is gender-appropriate behavior learned and socialized from? –
45. Gender-segregated work-
46. Labor-market segregation-
47. Pay gap-
48. Pay equity- (comparable worth)-
49. ”Second shift”-
50. Talcott Parsons-
51. Human capital-
51. Feminism-
52. Four types of feminism-
Marriage and the Family
53. Family-
54. Kinship-
55. Family of orientation-
56. Family of procreation-
57. Extended family-
58. Nuclear family-
59. Marriage-
60. Monogamy-
61. Polygamy-
62. Patrilineal descent-
63. Matrilineal descent-
64. Patriarchal family-
65. Matriarchal family-
66. Egalitarian family-
67. Endogamy-
68. Homogamy-
69. Exogamy-
70. Heterogamy-
71. Blended family-
72. Polyandry-
73. Polygyny-
74. Boomerang kids-
75. Dual-employed marriage-