Transitions AND the Advanced Clinical Experience

Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine
Curriculum Committee Presentation
October 22, 2012
Spring Break: 3/25 – 4/1/13
Comprehensive Basic Science Test: 4/2 – 4/5
Step 1 Study Time: 4/6– 5/31/13
Deadline to Take Step 1: Friday May 31st
To the best of our knowledge i.e. subject to
Transitions: 6/1 – 6/30/13
3rd Year ACE: 7/8 – 6/29/14
◦ Includes 3 weeks vacation and 9 weeks selective
4th Year ACE: Starts 6/30
Recertify in BLS
Acclimate to hospital settings
Navigate hospital systems and EMR
Refresh basic skills- CXRs, EKGs, phlebotomy,
IV placement, suturing, knot tying
Learn new skills- new procedures, inpatient
and outpatient notes, the 1min/3min/15min
Experience new horizons- e.g. anesthesia
Pick up some longitudinal patients
Lack of meaningful responsibility or an
authentic role
Insufficient development of clinical reasoning
Conflicting interests between learning and
getting a good grade
Inadequate information to make an informed
career decision
Inadequate assessment data
Give students authentic responsibility for patients
and place them where the thinking occurs
Cultivate “whole illness” relationships with patients
and develop longitudinal coaching relationships with
Assess students in a way that drives learning and
integrates science into clinical education
Give students better insight into careers in medicine
and facilitate “differentiation” through self-directed
learning time and electives
to be feasible as tracks in leading medical
schools (a decade of experience)
to improve long term retention and capacity
for learning
to provide students with a superior clinical
experience in terms of depth and volume of
core diseases (by orders of magnitude)
to create patient-centered doctors
Feasibility for our class size
Considerable multi-tasking for students
 Keeps
the discipline-specific
focus of traditional clerkships
 Integrating
cumulative and
longitudinal features of a
Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship
 6-week
cycles focused on one
 Discipline-specific morning “ACE”
 Discipline-specific class time, one
full half day per week
 Shelf exams (national multiple choice
exam-one for each specialty) every 6
Self-directed time for follow-up of
Ongoing, cumulative experiences in
Internal Medicine and Surgery
Longitudinal continuity clinic experiences
in Internal Medicine
Highly select group of longitudinal
patients to follow
Week-long “Reflection, Integration, and
Assessment” (RIA) weeks at the end of
each trimester
ACE Manager – combo course manager and
student affairs – at both campuses
ACE Directors – at least one for each
discipline – paid to dedicate half of their time
to you
Me – office on campus with candy
Grades will be given for each discipline
◦ Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail
◦ Assigned at the end of the year (though will have
tentative grades at the end of each trimester)
◦ Will reflect achievement of real milestones
Dean’s letters will not only look familiar but
will include more robust data
We will have AOA and Gold Humanism