Polar Bears By Amy Vardsveen Classification Scientific

Polar Bears
Polar bears
By Amy Vardsveen
by Amy Vardsveen
Scientific Classification
Kingdon: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Urus(Bear)
The polar bears coat is 1-2in.
thick. They have blubber
around 4 inches thick.
Length: male polar
bears(boars) weigh about
772-1,433lb. and are 8.2-9.8
ft long. Females weigh 331551 lb. and are 6.0-8.2 ft long.
Pregnant females can weigh
1,102 lb. The largest polar
bear was a male that weighed
2,209 lb and was 12 ft long.
Colors, markings and shape
Colors and markings
It has white fur with black skin
and this helps it get more
heat from the sun.
oval shape body with a white
coat, a tiny tail and 4 legs(like
other bears). Compared to
other bears polar bears have
a longer neck and slender
Habitat and Diet
Polar Bears live in the artic
and parts of Canada. Its
surroundings are artic sea
ice, lots of water, islands,
and continental coastlines.
The environment there is cold
and harsh most of the time.
Polar bears eat seals,
fish, and any thing else they
can find like ocashionally a
dead wale.
Family life
Polar bears usually have 2 cubs that they carry for 8 months. The
mothers dig wholes in snow drifts where they give birth to their
cubs.The cubs are usually born in the winter and they are with
their mothers for 28 months until they are ready to go of on their
Social behavior and Characteristics
Polar bears are social,
frendly,and easy going. Polar
bears are the largest and
most predatory of all the
Polar bears live from 15-18
years but every once in a wile
one will live to be 30 or older.
They are the only true
History and Present Status
Polar bears have lived in the
artic for many years so their
bodies are adapted and
developed for their suvival.
People hunted and distroyed
the polar bear population until
1970 the International
Agreement on the
Conservation of Polar Bears
and Their Habitat made laws
to stop them from distroying
the polar bear population!
Thanks to them polar bears
are still alive today!
The Polar bears population is
slowly growing! Now their is
about 20,000-25,000 bears.
About 60% of them live in
canada.Scientists have found
out that the number one
threat to polar bears is global
warming. Global warming is
melting the ice that polar
bears need for hunting,
breeding and denning.
Relationship to Humans and Other
Polar bears relashionship with
humans is like the
relashionship dogs have with
rabbits, the polar bear could
kill the human or it could
become friends with the
person.It just depends on if
the polar bear chooses to like
you or not!
Polar bears are not scared of
humans and will atack if
someone gets to close or it
feals threatened!
Plolar bears are the largest
land predator and biggest
member of the bear family.
Polar bears often have a
problem with over heating.
Polar bears are also medical
Denning females spend long
periods of time immobile
without eating or drinking, yet
they do not lose bone mass
or suffer from lack of water.