VTL 7 Game - UAEU Integrated English

Synonyms, Antonyms, Collocations, & other fun grammar!
Synonyms Antonyms Collocation Lucky Dip!
$100 $100
$100 $100
$200 $200
$300 $300
What is the meaning of
the word:
Adjective: Absolutely necessary
or important; essential: "secrecy
is of vital importance".
Noun: The body's important
internal organs.
Synonym: Essential
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What is the meaning of
the word:
Verb: Experience or be subjected
to (something bad or unpleasant).
Be affected by or subject to (an
illness or ailment).
Synonyms: endure - bear undergo - tolerate - sustain –
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What is the meaning of
the word:
Noun: (1) A small piece of shaped
metal, with incisions cut to fit a
particular lock, that is then
inserted into a lock and turned to
(2) A low-lying island or reef.
Adjective: Of paramount or
crucial importance.
Verb: Enter or operate on (data)
by means of a computer keyboard:
“She keyed in a series of
Synonyms: Verb: tune
Adjective: main - principal primary - leading – prime.
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What is the meaning of
the word:
Verb: Come near or nearer to
(someone or something) in
“The train approached the main
“She heard him approach".
Noun: A way of dealing with
something: “We need a whole new
approach to the job".
Verb: near - approximate - draw
Noun: access - oncoming
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What is a synonym for
the word:
Synonyms for the word:
Suitable =
Fit, appropriate, proper,
fitting, convenient
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What is a synonym for
the word:
$200 Synonyms for the word:
Locate (verb) =
1. (locate, turn up): find, regain.
2. (situate, locate): find, determine,
find out, ascertain.
3. (locate, place, site): station,
post, send, place.
4: settle, locate.
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What is a synonym for
the word:
Synonyms for the word:
Allow (verb)
1: permit, allow, let, accept,
consent, go for;
2: allow, grant, give
3: leave, allow for, allow, provide
yield, give, afford;
4: admit, allow
Synonyms for the word:
Allow (verb)
5: let, allow, permit;
6: allow, appropriate, earmark,
set aside, reserve, assign,
allot, portion;
7: allow, take into account,
calculate, estimate, reckon,
count on, figure, forecast
Synonyms for the word:
Allow (verb)
8: give up, allow
9: allow discount
10: allow, permit, tolerate, let,
permit, allow, countenance
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What is a synonym for
the word:
Synonyms for the word:
Label (verb)
1: label: designate, denominate
2: tag, label, mark: attach
3: pronounce, label, judge:
declare, hold
Synonyms for the word:
Label (verb)
4: label: distinguish, separate,
differentiate, tell, tell apart
5: label: distinguish, separate,
differentiate, tell, tell apart
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What is an antonym for
the word:
Antonyms for the word:
Major =
Minor, insignificant,
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What is an antonym for
the word:
Antonyms for the word:
Available =
Unavailable, restricted,
off limits, out of stock.
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What is an antonym for
the word:
Antonyms for the word:
Achieve =
Abandon, fail, forfeit,
give up, let go, lose, miss
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What is a antonym for
the word:
Antonyms for the word:
Appropriate =
Inappropriate, wrong,
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What is a collocation for
the word:
Collocations for:
Estimate =
Accurate, conservative,
realistic, reliable, rough
Estimate (noun)
ADJ. official, unofficial / current,
recent - Current estimates suggest
that supplies will run out within six
months. /early, initial, preliminary /
accurate, fair, good, realistic,
reasonable, reliable / best - Flight
times in the brochure are based on our
best estimate, and will be confirmed as
soon as possible.
Estimate (noun)
/ approximate, rough / conservative,
low - I think 15,000 will turn out to be
a very low estimate. / high - According
to the highest estimate, over 10,000
people died in the tsunami. /optimistic,
pessimistic / cost
Estimate (noun)
VERB + ESTIMATE make - Can you
make an estimate of the numbers
involved? / give, provide, submit Three firms submitted estimates for
the work. / revise
Estimate (noun)
ESTIMATE + VERB be based on /
indicate, predict, show, suggest One estimate suggests that 30,000 jobs
may be lost. / put at - Some estimates
put the figure as high as 50%. / range,
vary - Cost estimates vary from
$50,000 to $200,000.
Estimate (noun) - PREP. according to
an/the ~ According to the revised estimate,
four million people will be without homes. /at
an ~ Even at a conservative estimate, there
is a lot of work to be done. / in an/the ~
In his first estimate, he suggested a figure
of Dhs50,000. / ~ by, ~ from - According
to an estimate by a leading newspaper, she
earns $40 million a year. /~ for -We will
send you an estimate for the repairs. / ~ of
an estimate of profits an estimate of £300.
Estimate (verb) - ADV. currently /
accurately, reliably / provisionally /
conservatively - It is conservatively
estimated that not less than half a
million people died in the famine. /
officially, unofficially - The strike was
officially estimated to have cost $80
Estimate (verb)
VERB + ESTIMATE be difficult to, be
hard to, be impossible to / be used to
- The results of the survey were used
to estimate the preferences of the
population at large.
PREP. at - We estimated the cost at
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What is a collocation for
the word:
ADJ. long, short / complete,
comprehensive, full - We are compiling
a full list of all local businesses. /
alphabetical / waiting - We're on the
waiting list for membership of the golf
club. / shopping / mailing / reading For further information, see the reading
list at the end of the chapter. / guest /
cast - The play has an impressive cast
list. / transfer (= in football) The club
captain has been put on the transfer list
at his own request.
VERB + LIST compile, draw up, make
/ put on - Did you put bread on the
shopping list?
LIST + VERB comprise, contain - a
list comprising all the paintings in the
PREP. in a/the ~ Names of past
members are not included in the list. /
on a/the ~ I can't see your name on the
list. / ~ of a list of 200 names.
PHRASES the bottom/top of a list Variety is near the top of many people's
list of job requirements. / high on a
list - Safety is high on our list of
priorities. / a list of priorities Phoning the bank is top of my list of
priorities today.
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What is a collocation for
the word:
VERB + CHARITY donate (money)
to, give (money) to, support/go to
- All the proceeds from the sale will
go to charity.
ask for/accept - They are proud
people who don't accept charity.
depend on, live on - They have no
money and are forced to live on
CHARITY + NOUN appeal, auction,
ball, concert, event, match, show
/ school / shop / work / worker
PREP. for ~ The school raised over
a hundred dirhams for charity. / ~
for a charity for sick children
PHRASES an act of charity
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What is a collocation for
the word:
Technology (noun)
collocations = ADJ.
current, existing, present-day /
emerging, the latest, modern,
new small businesses that are
involved with emerging technologies
/ basic, low / advanced, complex,
high, leading-edge, sophisticated,
state-of-the-art, up-to-date,
white-hot / alternative,
innovative a car based on
alternative technology /
efficient / communication/
communications, computer, digital,
energy, information, management,
manufacturing, nuclear,
production, software,
telecommunications / educational,
environmental, medical, military
now have the technologies to transplant
limbs. / adopt, apply, employ, exploit,
introduce, take advantage of, use exploiting existing technologies more
fully / create, develop, improve / be
based on a car engine based on
technology developed for aeroplanes /
invest in - The company is investing
heavily in new technologies.
TECHNOLOGY + VERB develop Telecommunications technology is
developing fast. /allow, enable - This
technology enables computers to read
PREP. ~ for the technology for the
extraction of iron ore.
PHRASES advances in technology
recent advances in medical
technology. / the impact of (a)
technology, science and technology
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Give an example of an
adverb for the word:
Adverb for appropriate =
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Give an example of a
noun for the word:
Noun for relevant =
• I don't see the relevance of your
• What he said has no direct
relevance to the matter in hand.
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What is an adjective for
the word:
Adjective for technology =
• technological advances
• technological change
• a major technological
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What is the verb for
the word:
The verb for
modification =
• Patients are taught how to
modify their diet.
• We found it cheaper to modify
existing equipment rather than
buy new.
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