4th Grade Physics: Energy Lesson Plan - Kinetic & Potential

Energy- Physics Lesson Plan
Names: Sarah Kope &
Brooke Stewart
February 21, 2014
Time: Approximately 1-1½ hours
School: Adrian College
Grade: 4th Grade
Subject: Physics
Lesson: Energy
Lesson 1
 S.IA. 04-PS3-4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts
energy from one form to another
 S.IA. 04-PS1-5 Use evidence when communicating scientific ideas
Through these learning activities, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
 Know the different types of energy
 Understand how energy is never gained or lost, only transferred to other forms
 Be able to experiment with forms of energy
 The teacher will have vocabulary for the day written on the board, so students
5 min.
know what they will be talking about. (Energy, work, potential, kinetic, transform,
conservation, pendulum, mass, velocity, weight, height, tension)
 To begin the lesson, before the students arrive in class, cards will be placed under
each student’s seat. Once the students arrive they will be split into 3 groups.
 Engagement-(What is an example of energy?)
1. The teacher will read the definition of energy; “in general, energy is the
property of a system that enables it to do work.”
2. Students will one by one retrieve their card from under their seat.
3. Each student will have a different example of the various forms of energy.
An example would be “A boy dropping a Popsicle.”
4. Clarifying, the teacher will explain or write on the board that energy
comes in many forms and is conserved or energy is never gained or lost,
only transferred.
5. The formula for Energy is E=(mc)^2
6. Students will individually stand up decide if their picture describes
energy. “Is energy present in your picture?”
7. Teacher will record the answers on the board
8. After each student has spoken, the class will have a discussion on what
they (as a whole) think are the answers, and why they should all be yes.
1 min.
Anticipatory Set
 After talking about energy throughout the past week with the class, and refreshing
from the engagement, the teacher will lead into the discussion stating, “Today we
are focusing on work, potential energy, and kinetic energy.”
 Exploration (Three types of energy)1. Work “Work is a product of the force on an object and the distance through
which the object is moved (when force is constant and motion is in a
straight line in the direction of the force.)”
 Measure in Joules (hint: rhymes with cool)
 Two things enter the picture when work is done: application of force
and the movement of something by that force.
 EX. A weight lifter who holds a barbell weighing 100N overhead does
no work on the barbell. He may get really tired holding it, BUT, if it is
not moved by the force he exerts, he does not do work on the
barbell. Work may be done on the muscles by stretching and
contracting, but this work is not done on the barbell. Lifting the
barbell however, is a different story. When the weight lifter raises the
barbell from the floor, he does work on the barbell.”
 EX. “A man pushing on a brick wall may expend energy when he
pushes on the wall, BUT, if the wall doesn’t move, no work is done on
the wall.”
2. Potential Energy(PE)
 Potential energy can be described as energy of position, usually
related to the relative position of two things. Furthermore, potential
energy is energy that is stored and held in readiness, because in stored
state it has the potential for doing work.
 Found in fossil fuels, electric batteries, and the food we consume
 Formula is PE=weight* height
 The amount of potential energy possessed by an elevated object is
equal to the work done against gravity in lifting it
 Potential energy turns into kinetic energy
 EX. “When a bow is drawn, energy is stored in the bow. That built up
energy has potential to do work (because of the positioning of the
bows parts.) The bow can do work on the arrow. Once the arrow is
shot through, potential energy then becomes kinetic energy.
3. Kinetic Energy (KE)
 “Kinetic energy is best defined as the energy of motion, equal to half
the mass multiplied by the speed squared.”
 The kinetic energy of an object depends on the mass of an object as
well as its speed.
 Formula is KE= ½ mass* v²
 EX. “When you throw a ball, you do work on it to give it speed as it
leaves your hand. Since the ball has energy of motion, we say it has
kinetic energy. Now, say the moving ball hits something, and pushes it,
the ball is doing work on what it hits. Kinetic energy is not just the
work required to bring an object from rest to speed, it is also the work
the object can do while being brought to rest. In that case, the kinetic
energy would be equal to the distance multiplied by net force (F*d=
 EX. “Earlier we said that potential energy turns into kinetic energy.
Think of a pendulum. Energy transitions in it. Potential energy is
relative to the lowest point of the pendulum, when it is vertical. As the
pendulum bob swings down to a horizontal position, it forms into
kinetic energy.”
QUICK NOTE: Conservation of energy- Energy is never gained or destroyed. Energy
is only conserved and transformed from one type to another, unless another force is
acted upon the object.
 We are going to show you a quick video about the types of energy.
 Materials will be set up at each of three stations ahead of time. The handouts at
each station will explain in depth what each student will be doing.
5 min.
5 min.
1. Station 1 is the mini bow and arrow experiment. Student will create their own
bow and arrow and make observations about how much work is applied to
change the distance of the arrow.
2. Station 2 is the tennis ball drop. Here students will experiment and use a
diagram to label when they feel each type of energy (work, potential, and/or
kinetic) is being applied to the ball drop.
3. Station 3 is the swinging pendulum. Students will create and experiment with
the pendulum, explaining on a sheet of paper, how each energy form is applied.
 During this time, the teacher will walk around at each station and help any
students who are struggling or have any questions or concerns.
Check for understanding
 After everyone has been through each station we will ask questions about their
conclusions in the groups?
1. What did you find when you dropped the pendulum from a greater height?
o The weight had more potential energy causing the weight to swing
2. What happened when you placed you hand in front of the swinging string?
o There was an outside force, technically making the weigh lose energy.
3. Does the work increase when you drop the ball from a greater height?
o Yes, you have to have more work to increase height.
4. What happened when you pulled the bow string back farther?
o Used more work, to have greater potential, and the arrow traveled
5. Does this make since when you have to shoot for a distance?
o Yes, the more work applied the more potential for greater distance.
 To make sure students understand the three different types of energy we focused
on, after students have been through each station we will ask discussion questions.
1. What is work?
2. What is potential energy?
3. What is kinetic energy?
4. Where does the energy go once it’s been used?
5. Does anyone have a different example or type of energy?
6. Does anyone have any questions about the energy we talked about today?
 Picture cards of examples of energy
 A pendulum
 String
 Weight
 Popsicle stick
 Dental floss
 Q-Tips
 Tennis Balls
 Paper
 Pencil
 Nail Clippers
 Scissors
 Water
 Students will be instructed when at the bow and arrow station, to use caution in case a
Popsicle were to break, they need to dispose immediately.
 Arrows are not to be aimed at a person; they must be shot to the designated area.
 The ball drop station is made to drop vertically, not to be thrown around the room.
 While using the pendulum use caution when swinging, use an appropriate height.
 Walking is mandatory during this whole lesson.
 The classroom physics book
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHG0kKFLPEw
 Was there enough time allotted for this experiment?
 Were students on task at each station?
 Were students able to assemble the stations, or should they be done ahead of time?
 Can students explain the types of energy in their own words, and fully understand it?
 Can they distinguish between kinetic and potential energy?
 Was the material presented in an orderly manner?