Tutorial 3 - Matt Hall Home

Tutorial #3 Cascading Style Sheets
Review: Last Class
 Image sizing
 Pathnames Project
 Default Path
 Relative Path
 Absolute Path
 Blackboard Homework Submission
Tutorial #2 Review - Anchors
 Links to Site
 <a href = http://www.dmacc.edu>DMACC </a>
 Internal Links
 <section id = “top”> </section>
 <a href=“#top”>Go to Top <a/>
 Mail To
 <a href=“mailto:lehall@dmacc.edu”>Email me </a>
 Local Links
 <a href=“page2.html”> Page2</a>
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
 CSS – Used to format the web page
 Bold, Italics, fonts, outlining, highlighting, positioning
 Advantages
 Consistency
 Easy modification of a lot of code
 More flexible formatting.
CSS – Style Rule
 A style sheet is a collection of rules
 Format
Selector {
property1: value1;
property2: value2;
property3: value3;
CSS – Style Rule
 h1{
color: yellow;
text-align: center;
 Colors (color: color_value;)
 Name, Hex code, RGB triplet
 Black, #000000, RGB(0,0,0)
 Page 141 has a list.
 On the web http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svgcolor
 Inline Style Sheet
<h1 style = “color: orange;”> Orange </h1>
 Embedded Style Sheet
 Wrapped in <style> tags
 Put in the head section
<style type= “text/css”>
style rules
CSS – Embedded Style
<style type = "text/css">
h1 {
color: blue;
text-align: center;
h2 {
color: green;
CSS – Lab
Modify Firstpage.html – Add Color to h1 and h2 tags
using CSS
2. Move“hello world” inside of a paragraph tag if it’s not
already there.
<style type = "text/css">
h1 {
color: blue;
h2 {
color: green;
External Style Sheets
 Styling across multiple pages can be handled with
external css
 Used a link element in the head section
 Same code but in its own file
<link href= “url” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” />
 Good practice for styling to build it locally then
copying the CSS to an external file
The Link Element
 Link element is used to link an external style sheet into
a web page.
 Placed in the head section
<link href=“url” rel=“stylesheet” type =“text/css” />
CSS - Comments
 Comments
 In CSS comments are wrapped in /* */
In here
Is a CSS
CSS Background Color
 In CSS background-color
background-color: gray;
color: blue;
 CSS styles can be applied for all HTML elements
color: orange;
background-color: white;
 Font is a distinct set of characters
 Font Family – A set of fonts with similar characteristics
 In CSS the font-family property can be used change
the font.
Font-family: Font1, Font2, …, GenericFont;
Font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, serif;
 Fonts with spaces need to be in quotes.
Fonts - Size
 Font-size: size;
 Unit of Measurements
 Absolute units
 Relative units
 Centimeters (cm)/Millimeters (mm)
 Inches (in)
 Points (pt) – 1/72 of one inch
 Pixels (px)
 Em – Roughly equal to the size of the letter M
 Percent
CSS – More text formatting
 Italic – In CSS use font-style
 Bold – In CSS use font-weight
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
Font-weight: bold;
Font-style: italic;
Transforming Text
 Capitalize – Capitalized the first letter of each word
 Lowercase
 Uppercase
 None – Removes and of the other values
text-transform: uppercase;
Transforming Text
Other text options:
 Letter-spacing
 White space between letters
 Word-spacing
 White space between words
 Text-indent
 How much to indent the first line of each paragraph
 Line-height
 White space between lines.
Text Transform - Lab
Modify your firstpage to have
1. h1 tags in uppercase
2. h2 in lowercase
3. Change the paragraph font to "Courier new",
4. Change paragraph font size to 2em;
5. Add a CSS Comment at the start of the style saying
This style provided by: <your name>
6. Add letter spacing to h4 to 25px;
CSS – Font Shorthand
 For fonts you could type out all properties or use the
 Does not have to have all but needs to be in order
 Font style
 Font weight
 Font variant
 Font size
 Font family
font: italic bold 1em Courier monospace;
CSS- Text Alignment
Can use text-align property
 Left
 Right
 Center
 Justify
text-align: center;
CSS – Anchor Underline
 Anchor tags (links) can be modified with CSS
 Text-decoration can be used to modify the default
underline of a link
 Options are none, underline (done by default),
overline or line-through
text-decoration: none;
This can be useful for setting up a menu of links where
you don’t want the line.
CSS - Lab
Modify firstpage_css.hml:
1. Make the h4 tag in italics (Using CSS)
2. Add a link to http://www.dmacc.edu (if it’s not
3. Modify the link to have an overline style
4. Modify the link to have a font-size of 3em;
5. Change the background-color of the body to be
#00FFFF and paragraph to #90EE90
CSS Validation
 Validate the CSS similar to the way we did the HTML
 Can alert of possible errors