FIFA Woman’s world cup semi-final Japan 2 - 1 England Dipole P0larizability and Energy Density Functionals Takashi Hashimoto Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) For RCNP-E282, E316 Collaborations NuSYM15 June 29 – July 3 at Krakow, Poland Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physics motivation and Strategy Experimental method Results Discussion Summary Physics Motivation and Strategy Symmetry energy of Nuclear EoS is important for nuclear physics as well as nuclear astrophysics Structure of neutron star Core collapse supernova Y. Suwa, Apj764(2013)99 Accreting neutron star X-ray bursts Neutron star mass vs radius Physics Motivation and Strategy EoS for Energy per nucleon E E ( , ) ( ,0) S ( ) 2 .... A A (r ) n (r ) p (r ) n (r ) p (r ) (r ) n (r ) p (r ) Symmetry energy K sym L 2 S ( ) J ( 0 ) ( 0 ) .... 2 3 0 18 0 L: Slope parameter L P Rnstar P: baryonic pressure Salutation density 0=~0.16 fm-3 4 Determination of J and L is important for nuclear astrophysics related to neutron star Physics Motivation and Strategy Neutron matter ~L Symmetry energy (+ ~ Coulomb) J Ksym Saturation density A. W. Steiner et al., Phys. Rep. 411(2005)325 B. A. Brown, Phys. Rev. Lett, 85(2000)5296 Prediction of the neutron matter EOS is much model dependent Physics Motivation and Strategy Slope parameter (L) and Neutron Skin Large L ⇔ Small Esym in low ⇔ Thick neutron skin Small L ⇔ Large Esym in low ⇔ Thin neutron skin Lie-Wen Chen etal., PRL94(032701) X. Roca-Maza et al., PRL106, 252501 (2011) Physics Motivation and Strategy Neutron Skin Thickness and Dipole Polarizability (aD) P. –G. Reinhard, W. Nazarewicz, PRC81, 051303 (2010) Covariance analysis of energy density functional calculations with Skyrm SV-min effective interaction Strong correlation between the dipole polarizability and the neutron skin of 208Pb X. Roca-Maza, et al., PRC88, 024316 (2013) Correlations observed in various interaction sets. a DM D » p e2 A < r 2 > é 54 J 5L ù eA ú êë1+ 3J û insights from the droplet model Physics Motivation and Strategy Electric Dipole Polarizability (aD) Inversely energy weighted sum-rule of B(E1) B(E1) 8 aD 9 dB( E1) Ex ? Discrete E1 states PDR Sn GDR Excitation Energy Key of experimental issue: precise measurement of E1 strength in wide energy region including PDR and GDR. (Especially, low excitation energy region is Physics Motivation and Strategy How to measure electric dipole response of nuclei, precisely? NRF, (g, g’) (g, xn) B(E1) (p, p’) The (g, xn) reaction has been used to measure the GDR region. → There is difficulty to measure at around Sn due to the threshold problem. Discrete E1 states PDR Sn GDR The (g, g’) reaction has been used to measure the PDR region. → Extraction of the E1 strength is quite model-dependent. Excitation Energy Polarized proton inelastic scattering can measure the total strength in wide excitation energy region Physics Motivation and Strategy Merits and demerits of relativistic proton inelastic scattering at forward angles as probe of electric dipole response of nuclei An electromagnetic probe (Coulomb excitation) High-resolution (20 -30 keV), high and uniform detection efficiency in Ex Covers a broad excitation energy of 5 – 22 MeV Sensitive to the total strength Insensitive to the decay channel Requires a small amount of target material (several mili-gram) and a few days of beam time Applicable to stable nuclei. → Coulomb excitation/dissociation in inverse kinematics for unstable nuclei Physics Motivation and Strategy The results of 208Pb(p ,p’) A. Tamii et al., PRL107(2011) 062502 X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC88(2013) 024316 S = 1 → Spin M1 S = 0 → E1 aD= 20.1 ± 0.6 fm3 Drnp= 0.165 ± (0.009)expt ± (0.013)theor ± (0.021)est fm for the estimated J = 31 ± 2est Physics Motivation and Strategy All EDFs agree on the strong correlation aD, rskin, L, but the prediction for a given aD differ considerably. → - 208Pb result already exclude many Skyrme interactions - Modern Skyrme-Hartree-Fock and relativistic models can be brought into agreement without distorting the fit of the interaction parameters Experimental information on aD in other nuclei is high interest to further constrain the isovector part of the EDF interaction. We focused Sn isotopes Z = 50 1.24 (A-Z)/Z 1.48 (g, xn) (g, g’) Coulomb dissociation At first, we have been measured the electric dipole response of 120Sn 1.64 Experimental Method High-resolution polarized (p, p’) measurement at zero degrees and forward angles Experimental method Experimental method High-resolution WS beam-line (dispersion matching) RING cyclotron AVF cyclotron High-resolution spectrometer Grand RAIDEN Polarized proton beam Energy: 295 MeV Energy resolution: ~25 keV Intensity: 2 nA Averaged polarization: ~ 0.7 (both of longitudinal and sideway) Experimental method Grand Raiden spectrometer @ RCNP Focal plane detectors p VDC VDC PLA PLA C block MWPC MWPC p Focal plane Polarimeter Polarized Proton beam Ep = 295 MeV Total Spin Transfer (S) 3 (2 DSS DLL ) S 4 DSS and DLL : Spin transfer observable Polarized Proton beam Ep = 295 MeV 120Sn target Thickness: 6.5 mg/cm2 Purity 98.4 % Results Dipole polarizability of 120Sn Results Differential Cross Section (mb/sr/MeV) Excitation energy spectrum 120Sn(p, p’) Ep = 295 MeV q = 0° – 2.5° Excitation Energy (MeV) Results E1 and spin-M1 decomposition Polarization observable at 0 degs Spin flip/non-spin flip separation 120Sn(p, p’) 120Sn(p, p’), E1 120Sn(p, p’), Spin M1 120Sn(p, p’), E2 (DWBA) Total Spin Transfer 3 (2 Dss DLL ) S 4 = 1 for DS = 1 (Spin M1) 0 for DS = 0 (E1) Results E1 and spin-M1 decomposition Comparison with Multi-pole Decomposition Analysis Good agreement within respective error bars MDA was performed by A. M. Krumbholtz PLB 744(2015)7 Results The B(E1) strength distribution Comparison with (g, xn) results (p, p’), present (g, n) H. Utsunomiya et al.,PRC84(2011)055805 (g, xn) S.C. Flutz et al.,PR186(1969)1255 (g, xn) A. Lepretre et al.,NPA219(1974)39 All data agree with each other Results Electric Dipole Polarizability Ex 0.0 aD 22.0 10.0 1.12 7.00 135 MeV 28.9 0.51 120Sn(g, 0.31 xn’) natSn(g, xn’) fm3 Total: 8.93 ±0.36 fm3 Results Electric Dipole Polarizability Dipole Polarizability is saturating at around 30 MeV Results Quasi-Deuteron Excitation Contribution? Absorption of a photon by a virtual deuteron in nuclei 120Sn 120Sn aD(120Sn) = 8.93 ± 0.36 fm3 quasi-d: 0.34 ± 0.08 fm3 cf. 208Pb case aD(208Pb) = 20.1 ± 0.6 fm3 quasi-d: 0.51 ± 0.15 fm3 quasi-d contribution The contribution is small but is include in the numbers. It is unclear whether it should be removed it for comparison with theoretical predictions. Discussion Test of EDF by using aD of 120Sn and 208Pb Neutron skin thickness of 120Sn Discussion Skyrme interaction SkM* SG-II BSk4 SV-min SkT6 SkP SkI3 SLy6 UNEDF2 SV-bus RD-min Theoretical calculations: P-.G. Reinhard J. Piekarewicz (FSU series) Relativistic mean field model DD-PC-min FSU DD-ME-min (Parameters were optimized) FSU2 Open symbols: result varying symmetry energy param. (J = 30 -34 MeV) SV-min RD-min 0.08 +0.3 –0.4 fm Antiproton annihilation 0.16 ± 0.03 fm (proton inelastic scattering) 0.18 ± 0.07 (spin dipole) 0.148 ± 0.034 fm Discussion Neutron Skin Thickness Summary Electric Dipole response of 208Pb and 120Sn have been precisely measured by proton inelastic scattering at very forward angles including 0 degrees. The continuous excitation energy spectrum was obtained from PDR to GDR region. The E1 and spin-M1 cross section is decomposed by using the total spin transfer (PT) and Multi-Pole Decomposition analysis. The PT and MDA results are consistent with each other. The extracted E1 cross sections are good agree with the results of (g, xn) measurements. Electric Dipole Polarizability (aD) is clearly defined as the inversely energy weighted sum-rile of B(E1) strength with less ambiguity in the integration range and good convergence up to 30 MeV. aD(208Pb) = 20.1 ± 0.6 fm3 aD(120Sn) = 8.93 ± 0.36 fm3 Summary Theoretical models are indispensable for extracting the neutron skin thickness and the symmetry energy parameters. The correlation between aD of 208Pb and 120Sn provides an important test of EDFs. - Skyrme interactions can describe the data - Relativistic mean field models are not good. Obtained neutron skin thickness of 120Sn Drskin(120Sn) = 0.148 ± (0.034) expt+thor fm Considering the importance of polarizability data, systematic study is called for. Measurement on 112,114,124Sn and on 92,94,96Zr was done at last month Data analysis on 90Zr, 96M0, 48Ca, 154Sm Collaborators Thank you Backup Slides PDR in 120Sn A. M. Krumbholtz et. al., PLB 744(2015)7 PDR in 120Sn A. M. Krumbholtz et. al., PLB 744(2015)7 (g, g): B. Ozel-Tahenov et al., PRC90(2014)024304 PDR in 120Sn A. M. Krumbholtz et. al., PLB 744(2015)7 The observed strength by (g, g’) is significantly smaller than the present (p, p’) data GRAF (Grand RAiden Forward beam line) To measure g-ray at around the target position of GR, low background condition is necessary. Primary beam particles are led to wall beam dump! GRAF Beam dump CAGRAF (CAGRA+GRAF) Combined between GR (GRAF mode) + g-ray detector array LaBr3 CAGRA GRAF Beam dump BRILLIANT project Beam system for Reaction of Isotopes of Long-life with Light-Ions Applying Normal kinemaTics This plan extend to unstable nuclei the know-how of precise nuclear spectroscopy by using light ion scattering that is developing at RCNP. Recoil mass separator Gas Cather , gas jet ISOL etc.. Production target Implantation Long life unstable nuclei, which are of isotope produced by fragmentation, fusion, fission, and transfer reaction, are implanted in a material to use as a reaction target. Light ion beam 100Sn 138Sn year sec min day min sec msec Quasi-deuteron contribution Quasi-d removed Quasi-d removed