Black, TR, (1999). Doing quantitative research in the social

Perceptions of Delivering Training Competency among Pakistani
Naseem Saeed Sherwani, Ph.D.
Edgar Yoder,Ph.D.
William J. Rothwell,
The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA
The research paper investigated the Pakistani Workplace Learning and Performance
(WLP) practitioners’ perceptions of the evolving importance of delivering training in the
workplace. By focusing on themes and the contents of designing, delivering and
improving training, this research illuminated gaps in current knowledge and need for
future improvements with respect to occupational expertise. Looking at the context of
the growing formal workforce in Pakistan offers insights into the demographic and
technological shifts occurring in the economies of the developing world. Forty WLP
practitioners volunteered to respond to a paper-pencil based survey using convenience
and snow-balling sampling approaches. This study employed inferential statistics to
identify the differences in perceptions of practitioners regarding the current and future
importance of selected delivering training competencies. The results of this study
suggested that degree of engagement in knowledge and actions areas in delivering
training would be sufficient for predicting the development of a skillful workforce. Very
little empirical research had been done to connect delivering training in knowledge and
actions areas. Despite possible sampling bias, this research bridged the information gap
by examining the relationship between perceptions of Pakistani practitioners regarding
the current and future importance of delivering training competency.
Keywords- Delivering Training, Workplace Learning, Performance, Technology,
Knowledge, Actions, competencies
Paper type: Research paper
Delivering training is one of the most pronounced areas of interest in Workplace
Learning and Performance (Bernthal, Colteryahn, Davis, Naughton, Rothwell and
Wellins, 2004). Delivering training has the overarching goals of upgrading and retaining
the existing global workforce. Especially in developing countries problems such as
outdated skills have made majority of the workforce more vulnerable to economic
challenges (International Labour Organization, 2003). Improving methods for delivering
training may equip individuals with the skills that are in demand so that people have
greater access to job opportunities. Normally, in the field of workplace learning and
performance, delivering training has been considered a simple task of delivering
instructions. Looking at the other disciplines of Adult Learning, Instructional Methods,
and Performance Systems, though, gives delivering training a new dimension of
complexity. These knowledge areas have largely been neglected by the practitioners in
workplaces outside the economies of developed nations. In particular, Pakistani
managers, trainers, and executives have indicated that the most important skills to gain
relate to delivering training (Labor and Manpower Division, 1998; 2008).
Although India has made impressive inroads into the global economy, its
neighbor to the northeast, Pakistan, has occupied a more tenuous position in the world.
Pakistan is a highly populated country of 155.8 million and ranks 139 th out of 179
countries of the world on the Index of Human Resource Development (HDI) by the
United Nations (UNDP, 2008). The Human Development Index looks beyond gross
domestic product to a broader range of well-being. However, economic development is
necessary to address the pressing political and social concerns that have tarnished
Pakistan’s image on the world stage. In order to improve the standard of living in
Pakistan, the workforce must be developed for the jobs that are in demand.
The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) has developed a
competency model (Bernthal, et al 2004) that conveys important knowledge areas for
delivering training. According to ASTD, delivering training is not just delivering
instructions, but also encompasses a wide variety of knowledge areas (e.g., adult
learning theories, instructional design theory and methods, delivery options such as
online learning, classroom training and print media, learning technologies and support
systems). Further, delivering training requires several key action areas to communicate
effectively, (e.g., preparation for training delivery, alignments of learning solutions with
course objectives and learner needs, conveying objectives, and facilitating learning).
The expertise of delivering training needs to be generalized to the contexts outside of
the United States of America and the developed world.
Today, organizations are continuously facing changing business environments,
increasing global competition, and rapid advances in technology. All of those factors
impact Pakistan’s economy which requires building a flexible and highly skilled
workforce (Long and Smith, 2004). Thus, organizations that provide training and
development opportunities to their employees are better able to develop employees’
know-how into a strategic asset.
Training delivering is different than common teaching principles because it is
geared towards adult learning environments (Noe, 2002), instructional designs and
various instructional methods (Cantor, 2002). Adult learning theories play a key role in
delivering training instructions. Cercone (2008) cites in her research a leading scholar,
Malcome Knowles (1970), who suggested that activities conducted prior to and during
the first session could "greatly affect it" (p. 270). These activities include promotional
materials and announcements, activities designed to assess learner needs prior to the
event, physical arrangements, and the opening session, including greeting, learning
activity overview, introductions, and treatment by the instructor. More recently, adult
educators are recognizing that these factors in the learning environment relate to
psychological, social and cultural conditions and exert a powerful influence on the
growth and development of learners (Hiemstra, 1991).
Due to globally expanding, knowledge-driven economies, diverse skills, such as
the ability to train new or existing employees (Sloman, 2007) have become more
crucial. A need exists to think deeply about the current training practices and training
career anchors. A 2004 research study interviewed 540 managers, and a questionnaire
measured the relative importance of individual career anchors. The study found that
younger managers were more oriented towards their own skills and what they could
contribute, while older managers were more inclined to be aware of the limitations of
their roles in the organization. The study stressed that the difference between the
younger and older managers’ perceptions of their careers is something which the trainer
needs to consider. Also significant to the trainer was how similar male and female
managers were in their perceptions of their career anchors (Kniveton, 2004).
Technology is ubiquitous in the field of workplace learning – in the context of
delivering training and learning it cannot be ignored. Learners are exposed to the
superior quality products of advance technologies such as ipods, web-based
applications, and social networking tools in other fields around them. Therefore, current
training delivery practices demands relevance with today's multidimensional digital age.
Although scholars have investigated training studies, mostly in the health, business and
manufacturing sectors, they do not address delivering training as a subset of workplace
initiatives. Current research will highlight a specific area of expertise for WLP
practitioners as specified by the ASTD. This approach will bridge the knowledge gap of
the importance of practitioners’ perceptions about various aspects of delivering training.
The background research will help to determine that the theoretical framework of
delivering training developed for the USA can also be applied to a developing economy.
Like other countries around the world, Pakistan is, on the one hand, experiencing
extremely high unemployment, elevated costs of living, and high debt. On the other
hand, as a developing country, Pakistan faces additional challenges. Whereascountries such those in Europe and the US are experiencing an influx of immigrants
seeking job opportunities (however scarce), in Pakistan_ the reverse is true. The
mounting emigration of highly skilled individuals is creating skill shortages. Lack of
sophisticated workplace training is contributing to slow economic development of the
country inhibits the corporate decision makers in utilization of resources. This
phenomenon indicates the importance of delivering training to overcome the skill
shortages and to enhance the retention of workers. Insufficient research has focused on
delivering training in Pakistan and other developing countries. The current research
filled the gap in understanding the perceptions of Pakistani practitioners in terms of their
current and predicted future preparedness for performing their jobs.
Literature Review
Delivering training can occur in several ways. Three of the most influential and widely
applied forms (Wyrick, 2001) are: Instructor-led training, technology assisted training,
and blended learning. Each has benefits and drawbacks. The first and most traditional
form of training has the benefit of not requiring much technology but it has a hidden cost
of lost productive man-hours. On the contrary, technology-assisted training helps to
preserve employee productivity but requires Information Technology (IT) and technical
know-how. The blended learning approach “utilizes e- learning and instructor-led
training to address the diverse learning needs of all its trainees on a 24/7 basis” (Kapp
and McKeague, 2002, p. 10). The following sections examine several studies in order
to evaluate the attributes of several methods of delivering training. Ultimately, the
examination discusses some of their shared characteristics in order to illuminate the
complexity of delivering training, particularly in the context of the Pakistani workplace.
Effective training delivery leads to employee job satisfaction, motivation and
commitment. A research study examined the responses of 134 employees and lower
managers of five large Greek organizations after they completed a training program.
The questions asked contained information about employee attitudes towards the
training received, as well as their attitudes towards their employers. Results indicated a
significant correlation between the employees’ perceived training effectiveness and their
commitment, job satisfaction, and motivation (Sahinidis and Bouris, 2008). However, the
study examined employee feelings, and it did not take into account their demographic
characteristics, which may be important. Findings of this study for managers and
especially for professionals are quite significant, given their roles in funding, designing
and delivering training interventions. Apparently, training appear to be important to
offering training programs to employees, but also the training program content must be
perceived as effective and of value to those participating in it. Moreover, the study
examined employee attitudes, which appear to be related to a greater or a lesser extent
to organizational performance outcomes including, productivity, turnover, and
Organizations undertake learning and development interventions to improve
employees’ performance. Delivering training is one of the most important interventions.
The demand for professionals in learning and development, especially from smaller
financial services, has increased due to downward twisting in the job market.
Recruitment specialists want to recruit dedicated training professionals to develop their
managers. Companies seek learning and development professionals who offer
experience in delivering training in areas such as presentation skills, people
management and recruitment and selection. Training professionals are also increasingly
being expected to show added value and a strong business understanding in an
organization (Bentley, 2006).
The delivery of training has a direct impact on the quality of learning that the
employee retains. Suzy Siddons book draws attention of all kinds of trainers
So it is every trainer's responsibility is to provide appropriate training, to the right
audience, with the right tools, and in an engaging way. Drawing on a wealth of
personal experience, Suzy Siddons provides trainers with practical advice on: answering the fundamental questions - who, why and what am I training? gathering vital pre-course information sets achievable objectives, fulfill
expectations and avoid logistical glitches - establishing rapport, understanding
group dynamics and opening a course successfully - accommodating learning
preferences using a range of methods and ensuring your pace, presentation and
feedback encourage a learning climate - handling training room crises and
difficult customers (Siddons, 2003).
Moreover, delivering training is a multitasking phenomenon and trainers need to be fully
equipped with the knowledge areas and actions needed to perform those skills
Knowing more about additional skills like Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
helps individuals and organizations, whether developing or delivering training and
learning solutions. NLP focuses on helping clients to overcome their own self-perceived
or subjective problems. It seeks to do this while respecting their own capabilities and
wisdom to choose additional goals for the intervention as they learn more about their
problems, and to modify and specify those goals further as a result of extended
interaction with a therapist However, NLP is therapeutic, and its patterns have also
been adapted for use outside of psychotherapy including business communication,
management training, sales, sports and interpersonal influences As a personal
effectiveness tool, learning to change or adapt limiting beliefs helps managing time
more effectively. However, NLP is useful when it becomes part of everyday life and
work -- and not just a toolkit to delve into imparting instructions (Yemm, 2006).
In addition to the design and delivery of training instructions itself, the
implementation of training can also maximize the efficiency and productivity of
employees. Partnerships among organizations lead to better training delivery. For
example, Meridian Community College and Rush Health Systems are partners in
delivering training focused on Rush's mission statement of hospital-wide commitment to
excellence in service management. Rush and MCC have delivered customized classes
in areas such as medical billing, leadership management, computer training, admissions
administration, and system-wide customer service training (Willis, 2007).
Assessment of training approaches strengthens the program of developing a
skilled workforce. For example, the US government successfully used the Assess-TrainAssess (ATA) approach for delivering training on the National Employer Training
Programme (NETP), which planned to reduce the number of unskilled workers by
offering free, flexible training. The effort could have been undermined by widespread
use of unsuitable delivery methods. NETP aimed to cut the number of unskilled workers
by 2.4 million by 2010. An earlier IES study established that only 15% of pilot projects
for the NETP used ATA (Sheppard, 2005).
The quality in the delivery of programs by maintaining high standards is essential
by following best practices. For example, Tanzania recognizes quality assured tertiary
qualifications for training at both national and international levels. To ensure registration
processes and institutional accreditation for delivering training programmes, the
National Council for Technical Education offers awards at appropriate levels. Tanzania
National Council for Technical Education is one of the first regulatory bodies in Africa to
introduce academic quality standards in tertiary technical institutions. The experience of
setting standards and accreditation for delivering training in Tanzania is an example for
other countries interested in similar initiatives for professional development.
Accreditation and standards instill best practices in education and training to achieve
expected results over a period of time. Finally, all key stakeholders make a joint effort to
ensure quality in (Manyaga, 2008).
New developments in employee training with the latest technologies are
beneficial to the learning organization. For example, by aligning training strategies with
corporate goals, continuous learning, training of manufacturer-user, and designing and
delivering training are more cost effective. The American Transtech aligns its training
with corporate goals. The company trains its managers to hire their own personnel and
encourages teamwork participation in its 2-day orientation where company policies and
procedures are outlined. S. B. Thomas Inc. adopted 2 types of training in its continuous
learning plan - social and technical task training. Its commitment to in-house training
and motivation of all employees has proven effective. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
initiated a manufacturer-user program with its suppliers. It requires its suppliers to enter
into a training agreement when awarding an equipment bid. C&P Telephone Co.
implemented accelerated learning and found its costs of one course reduced by 42%
(Derouen and Kleiner, 1994).
Delivering training works well to improve knowledge and skills in an environment
that is conducive for learning such as social networking. For example, the Staff
Development Unit of the University of Birmingham within Birmingham Heartlands
Hospital delivered a training course on effective teaching skills. Initially, the course
structure allowed many doctors as possible who had an interest in medical teaching
could attend and become part of a network sharing. An initial introductory half-day was
followed by 13 monthly one-hour lunchtime sessions. Fifty-six doctors attended at least
one session and formed a mailing list to receive relevant documents. Of those returning
feedback forms, all found the sessions enjoyable and felt they had gained knowledge.
The majority felt they had gained in skills and many commented on the value of being
able to discuss medical teaching issues with colleagues and the tutors. The network of
colleagues continues to meet and is actively involved with developments in the
universities undergraduate medical curriculum. This way of delivering training in medical
teaching is practical, successful, and contributes to improving a hospital's learning
environment (Rawer, Morton, McCulloch, Heyes, and Ryan, 1997).
Managing the learning environment plays a crucial role in delivering training by
creating outreach learners. For example, John Matchett Ltd. conducts short training
sessions in London sushi bars to change the way executives work and to boost their
potential. Sushi-bar learning, from John Matchett Ltd, targets people who do not have
time to attend traditional training courses, yet have to develop in order to achieve their
goals. Similar sessions are a way of delivering training to people who would not
normally receive training. Short learning sessions are often run in the evening, and
sometimes they are held during weekends to avoid interrupting the busy patterns of the
work day (Anonymous, 2003).
Today, knowledge about learning management systems plays a supportive role
for large audiences at diverse locations. For example, Marshall, and Swift/Boeckh, a
US-based global player in the insurance world, is using a new learning-management
system (LMS) to bring training to insurance agents, underwriters, claims adjusters and
contractors across the US. Using Pathlore's LMS, the company delivers training via the
Internet to its stakeholders in the insurance industry (Anonymous, 2003).
One alternative is electronic performance support systems (EPSS). Nguyen and
Klein (2008) examined the effect of EPSS and training on user performance, time-ontask, and time-in-training. They found that participants receiving only EPSS and those
receiving training and EPSS performed significantly better on a tax preparation
procedure than participants who received only training. Training-only users also spent
significantly more time completing the procedural task than their counterparts in other
treatment groups, leading to a negative correlation between time-on-task and
performance. The findings indicate that design, development and delivery of training
and performance support have important implications for performance improvement of
Interestingly, creating a successful learning environment is crucial for motivating
learners, especially in an on-line situation. A research study focusing on the
experiences of adult learners in a self-directed e-learning environment indicated the
challenges they faced during their learning process. The twelve adult learners took selfdirected e-learning courses in either academic (e.g., universities) or workplace settings.
Results showed that learners found courses with a low degree of interactivity and
lacking in application and integration of content to be motivationally challenging. In
contrast, courses that provided learners with authentic and interactive learning activities,
such as animations and simulations, a positive learning climate, and control over the
pace and sequence of instruction proved to be motivating for the learner. Therefore,
delivering training should create motivational design for self-directed e-learners (Kim,
Estimates suggest that over $51 billion is spent on formal training each year in
the US (Nguyen, 2007). However, delivering training is not only costly but also requires
a significant time away from actual responsibilities. Therefore, organizations have
reduced their costs by adopting alternative training strategies. Kay Baldwin-Evans
(2004) explained the factors responsible for a shift from classroom training to e-learning
in restrictive economic climates, such necessities as reduced staffing means less time
and resources available for employees to attend workplace classroom training. Tighter
training budgets are expected to train more employees with fewer resources.
In this situation, e-learning proves to be an accepted method of delivering
training to increase skills and knowledge of diverse and geographically dispersed
employees. E-learning delivers a significant return on investment through effectiveness
and monetary terms. For the most part, organizations have seamlessly integrated elearning into their training strategies along with all the other methods of delivering
training. Even organizations that waited until e-learning was proven effective are now
enjoying the many benefits that e-learning brings. However, SkillSoft conducted a
qualitative investigation into the attitudes and views of the users by interviewing over
200 employees, across a range of organizations, in over 14 countries. Findings
indicated that 93 percent of respondents enjoyed e-learning, 87 percent said that they
put into practice skills and knowledge they gained, and almost 100 percent said that
they would recommend e-learning to a friend or colleague. The large number of
employees are learning in this way proves that e-learning as a delivering training
method is here – a permanent fixture (Baldwin-Evans, 2004). Research, undertaken by
Taylor Nelson Sofres, a leading market research company on behalf of SkillSoft
International, indicated that companies embrace e-learning as a method of delivering
training in critical management, business and professional skills (Anonymous, 2001). So
e-learning as a method of delivering training has also gained significance for the
organizations to seek learning and performance outcomes.
At the beginning of 2000, e-learning seemed poised to displace traditional
training programs. Even though e-learning - delivering training over the Internet or
corporate intranet - offered such great promise; however, many banks have not
integrated e-learning into their training strategies due to the difficulties with the
technology sector. Resultantly, banks tended to evaluate technologies and vendors
more carefully than ever before in order to avoid the challenges associated with the
applications and tools of e-learning. In addition, broader economic downturn during the
same period has caused banks to scrutinize all non-interest expense items more
vigilantly, especially those requiring an up-front investment, such as e-learning
(Carlivati, 2002).
Many companies view their training budgets strictly as a cost center which is
susceptible to cuts when the business needs to reign in expenses. Eugene Deeny’s
research (2003) explores the benefits of training investments with a particular focus
upon measuring the value of delivering training via an enterprise e-learning initiative. In
addition to the many hard/measurable returns, the study explores the greater "benefit
halo" of an e-learning initiative and offers a number of formulas for calculating the ROI
and justifying the cost to senior managers. The study concludes with a case study
detailing the experiences of Rockwell Automation when the company implemented an
enterprise e-learning initiative to deliver much of its training to both employees and
customers (Deeny, 2003).
Currently, companies increasing demand for "just-in-time”, "just-for-me” training
has exalted to meet the need for cost-effective and performance-focused
competitiveness. In order to meet changing company objectives, technological
communication is more supportive for delivering training. In addition, harnessing inhouse e-mail facilities creates better individual responsibility and empowerment for
learning, particularly in cultures of distance learning. Therefore, e-mail training acts as a
catalyst for successful change-making by providing training with a minimum of delay
and maximum of personal tailoring, while also helping to transcend the cultural divides
between East and West (Gilleard, 1996).
Advances in computer technology facilitate innovative methods for delivering
training in organizations. For example, the internet enables the delivery of computerbased training across time and distance. This medium, known as Web-based distance
learning (WBDL), provides opportunities to develop human resources to support
creating a competitive advantage for an organization. Principles of WBDL design
measure the effectiveness of training delivered and build the relationship between
WBDL and human resource development planning in organizations (Long and Smith,
Delivering training is performed in a combination of different methodologies such
as web-based, classroom instructions, and on-the job training. Blended training
methodologies have become the norm in large enterprises as a method of delivering
training to large, diverse employees as well as have made the job description of
instructors more complicated. In an interview, Keith Phillips, learning and development
consultant talked about his training life in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He shared
the nature of his job tasks involved in delivering training. He works in a true blended
learning environment so he does everything in a trainer's job description: training needs
analyses, workshop development, creating e-learning courses, delivering training, and
coaching and consulting (Anonymous, Personal communication, March 2006).
Blended training delivery methodologies empowers individual to achieve
understanding of a given topic, become self-sufficient, improve job performance, and
drive results that support business objectives. Knowledge of various training
methodologies expands the traditional role of training by providing a robust set of tools
that allow employees to obtain the information and instruction they independently and
uniquely need, all within the daily flow of work. A blend of traditional and synchronous
and asynchronous tools have given a new dimension to delivering training (BaldwinEvans, 2004). Again, learners can personalize their training interests and needs, as well
as how content is delivered. Personalization of learning leads to customize the relevant
training contents for a better learning retention (Hartley and West, 2007).
Key knowledge areas, like adult learning, instructional design, and technology,
from around the globe, have affected the work environment in Pakistan. Generally,
technology is not embedded in the training delivery process to capitalize the role of
learning and performance at workplace. Trainers must upgrade new knowledge areas
comprising of changing skills and behaviors (Bartell, 2001). In a new knowledge- based
economy, trainers’ roles become more challenging when developing more practices that
ensure knowledge transfer and sharing between organization members. The literature
suggests that diffusion of technology does not minimize trainer’s roles rather it enlarges
them (Bartell, 2001).
[H]e/she becomes a knowledge resource, facilitator, liaison, conduit consultant
and architect for the learning experience. In other words, a [SIC] trainer’s
expanded role is to maximize total learning in the organization (p. 358).
Research indicates factors responsible for the slow learning process are
incompetence of instructors, traditional curriculum, low exposure to computers, and lack
of facilities at the workplace (Haider, 1998). In the 1990’s, the Netherlands Library
Development Project in Pakistan funded the technology related courses for the
librarians in cataloguing, classification and the use of computers (Mahmood, 1997).
Currently several issues are inhibiting Pakistani practitioners competing with the
global market. First, the workplace learning and performance disciplines are not taught
as a part of degree programs at Masters, M. Phil or PhD. levels at higher academic
institutions. A very few courses are taught as a part of Masters of Business
Administration programs. Second, technology is not embedded in delivering
instruction. Due to the advent of technology, textbooks are quickly outdated and the
technology that is on the cutting edge for practitioners and learners using the internet
need to be updated continually. Third, designing relevant curricula or content
development is an important element in delivering training (Siddons, 2003). Government
sources reported “Curricula tool [is], mostly non-relevant in the present day
requirements” (Economic Advisor’s Wing, 2000-01, p. 149).
In addition, official sources indicated that the education and training system of
Pakistan encompasses low quality education, lack of qualified trainers, and lack of
proper physical infrastructure. A report further stated that “Teachers lack training,
dedication, motivation, and interest in their professions” (Economic Advisor’s Wing,
2000-01, p. 149).
The purpose of the current study was to discover differences of knowledge area
and actions needed for training delivery among the practitioners in Pakistan. Forty
participants were selected from Training and Development and related fields using
convenience and snowballing sampling approaches. The data collected was analyzed
using inferential statistics to establish differences between current and future perceived
effectiveness required to be successful on their jobs as compared to the standard set by
the ASTD.
This research identifies the Pakistani Human Resource Development (HRD),
Organization Development, Career Development, Training & Development (T and D),
and Human Resource Management (HRM) practitioners’ perceptions of the current
levels of importance and the future levels of importance for WLP competencies grouped
within the delivering training category.
What do Pakistani practitioners believe are the most important competencies in
delivering training in the present and near future for their work performance? This study
points a baseline for further studies of WLP competencies in Pakistan. Furthermore, this
research will add to current knowledge of delivering training particularly in the context of
a developing economy, and “enable(s) practitioners to effect positive, progressive and
enduring change in organizations” (Bernthal et al., 2004). This research justifies the
continued investigation of the importance of delivering training competency for Pakistani
Research Questions
This research seeks to answer the following research questions:
RQ1. What was the demographic profile of the respondents?
RQ2. To what extent do the perceptions of Pakistani practitioners differ on the current
and future importance regarding delivery of training (1) knowledge areas and (2) action
The target population for this study consisted of Pakistani Workplace Learning and
Performance (WLP) practitioners who were over 18 years old, had post-secondary
degrees but were not currently students. They each worked in one of the following
Workplace Learning & Performance (WLP) disciplines: Training and Development,
Organization Development, Career Development, Human Resource Management, or
Human Resource Development, and related areas such as workers’ compensation,
occupational health and safety. After recruiting the initial subjects to participate in the
research study, the researcher asked for assistance from the subjects to help identify
people with a similar Workplace Learning and Performance discipline.
The survey instrument used to measure practitioner’s importance in delivering
training has used in the ASTD 2004 Competency Model for Workplace Learning and
Performance questionnaire developed by Bernthal, et al. (2004). That questionnaire
was originally designed for WLP professionals in the United States. The instrument
used a 5-point Likert-type response scale (1=Not important to 5=Essential) to evaluate
self-reported technical competence called delivering training, which was defined by
Bernthal, et al. (2004).
Delivering learning solutions (for example, courses, guided experience)
in a manner that both engage the learner and produces desired
outcomes; managing and responding to learner needs; ensuring that the
learning solution is made available or delivered in a timely and effective manner
(p. 69).
Theoretical Framework
The Delivering Training competencies shown in The ASTD’s Delivering Training survey
are based on the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and
Instructions (IBSTPI) standards consists of two major sections: (a) Key knowledge
areas and (b) Key actions or behaviors.
(a) Key knowledge areas include 14 items (see Table 2)
(b) Key actions include 12 main items (see Table 3) had the following sub-items
Prepares for training delivery (three items)
Aligns learning solutions with course objectives and learner needs (three
Conveys objectives (two items)
Delivers various learning methodologies (two items)
Facilitates learning (seven items)
Encourages participation & builds learner motivation (six items)
Establishes credibility as instructor (three items)
Manages the learning environment (six items)
Delivers constructive feedback (five items)
Creates a positive learning climate (four items)
Ensures learning outcomes (four items)
Evaluates solutions (two items)
Competencies are defined per the 2004 ASTD competency study “Competencies are
clusters of skills, knowledge, abilities and behaviors required for job success” (p. 51).
This definition will be used to assess the self-perceived importance on levels of
competency (Ogbeide, 2006; Drummond, 2005).
Data Collection
Dillman’s (2007) and Borg and Gall’s (1996) survey research methodologies
were guidelines for the data collection process. The original questionnaire and the
mailing list were sent, via email, to a colleague in Pakistan for administration of the
survey. He administered these questionnaires by first class Pakistan Postal Services
with a stamped, self-addressed return envelope. The questionnaires were sent to the
participants with requests to return them, via an included self-addressed envelope
within two weeks after receiving the survey packet.
Telephone calls to request participation in this study, as well as to check on the
contact information were made to each prospective respondent before sending the
questionnaire. In total 120 respondents were contacted by phone, mail and e-mails.
During these correspondences, the purpose of the study, requests for cooperation, and
identification of the researcher were shared with the prospective respondents. A
questionnaire was sent only to those who agreed to participate in this study.
In this study the random sampling technique was infeasible due to lack of
financial support and time constraints, which become problematic due to the study’s
focus on Pakistan and its developing economy (For similar justification see Norman and
Streiner, 2008). Therefore, the criterion sampling technique (Patton, 2002) was applied
in order to identify qualified, potential participants. These participant-practitioners were
first contacted by Skype phone to acquire their willingness to participate. They then
received a questionnaire delivered by a colleague currently living in Pakistan.
Furthermore, criterion sampling and snowballing, or chain sampling, were employed.
The snowballing technique requested willing participants to provide additional contacts
who would also become potential participants (Patton, 2002). The initial telephone
contacts included a request for names and telephone numbers of other practitioners
who met the criteria. These networked, potential participants were contacted by phone
and surveys were mailed to them by a research colleague in Pakistan.
Research Design
The research design of this non-experimental, quantitative study is descriptive
and correlational in nature (Black, 1999). This study seeks to examine the Pakistani
practitioners’ perceptions regarding the current and future importance of competencies
with regard to delivering training. Correlational research investigates the relationships
between two or more variables (Kerlinger and Lee, 2000; Graziano and Raulin, 2000).
However, this type of research typically does not establish causal relationships (Cohen,
Cohen, West and Aiken, 2003). Using this methodology brings statistical reliability and
validity to the practitioner’s assertions of the importance of knowledge areas and skills
pertaining to delivering training. In other words, this correlational analysis seeks to
examine whether or not a majority of the practitioners surveyed believe that delivering
training occupies a fundamental place in building the future of Pakistan’s workforce
development. Accordingly, this research does not need to establish a causal kind of
relationship between the current importance and future importance of such
competencies. Rather, comparing perceptions of the current with those of the future
shows the statistical probability that these skills are perceived essential in the next five
years. Examining perceptions of the current and future importance of delivering training
recognizes the importance of knowledge areas and actions that need to be taken to
improve training delivery.
Justification for Inferential statistics
Nonparametric test for two related samples was used to test for differences between
paired scores because of limitations to make the assumptions required by the pairedsamples t test. Procedures were used for testing ordinal variables. The Wilcoxon
signed-ranks method test was used to compare paired medians from the same sample.
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. Descriptive statistics and the
Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test were used in the analysis (Huck, 2008, pp.
Profile of the Respondents
Participants were predominantly male (62.5%) and most participants held a
masters degree (69.2%). At the time of the survey, 12 (30.0 percent) had more than 15
years of Learning and Performance (L& P) experience, 11 (27.5 percent) had 3-5 years
of L& P experience, six (15.0 percent) had 11-15 years of L& P experience, five (12.5
percent) had less than 1 year of L& P experience, four (10.0 percent) had 1-2 years of
L& P experience, and two (5.0 percent) had 6-10 years of L& P experience. The
average age was 36.6 years (SD=10.7 years). According to respondents’ job titles, eight
(20.0 percent) identified themselves as supervisors, seven (17.5 percent) were
managers, six (15.0 percent) were executives, five (12.5 percent) were university
professors, college instructors, or entry level professionals, while three (7.5 percent)
identified themselves as directors, private consultants and team leaders.
The type of industries in which the participants worked included business schools
and company management training, broadcasting and communication, finance and
insurance, health care and social services, information and other services, management
consulting services (including HR consulting), education, publication (including
government), real estate and rental and leasing, software publishing and retail trade.
Information in Table 1 describes the participants in greater detail.
[Insert Table 1 here]
Differences in Perceived Current and Future Importance of Knowledge Areas
Respondents’ perceptions regarding current and future importance of knowledge
areas are summarized in Table 2. Generally across the 14 specific knowledge areas
respondents perceive a current moderate level of importance. The median value for the
14 specific knowledge areas ranged from a low median value of 2.50 (instructional
design theory and methods) to a high median of 3.00 for the remaining knowledge
Future perceived level of importance for the 14 specific knowledge areas
reflected an increase in each of the median values when compared to median values for
current perceived level of importance. This increase was statistically significant (p ≤
.05) for all 14 knowledge areas as reflected in the alpha level of the Wilcoxon matched
pairs signed rank test.
Respondents perceive a high level of importance for 13 of the 14 knowledge
areas as reflected in the median values consistently being about 4. The one exception
is for the cultural differences in learning styles knowledge area where the median is 3.5.
The quartile information for the future perceived importance of the cultural differences in
learning styles knowledge area reflects a fair amount of variability (Q1 = 2.25 and Q3 =
[Insert Table 2 here]
Differences in Perceived Current and Future Importance of Action Items
Results summarized in Table 3 reveal statistically significant differences (p ≤ .05)
in the ratings of current and future perceived importance for 11 of the 12 training and
delivery action items. For all 11 action items where a significant difference existed the
median value for future ratings of importance was higher than the median values for
current ratings of importance. Manage the learning environment was the one training
and delivery action item where there was no significant increase (p = .266) in the rating
from current importance (median = 3.33) to future importance (median = 3.50).
The current perceived level of importance for the 12 training and delivery action
items ranged from a low median value of 3.0 to a high of 3.5. This reflects a moderate
level of importance. The future perceived level of importance ranged from a low median
value of 3.5 to a high median value of 4.0 indicating a tendency toward a perceived high
level of future importance.
[Insert Table 3 here]
Current research predicts that technology will be very important in delivering
training instructions to make an efficient and productive workforce in the next five years.
Knowledge areas like adult learning, instructional design and electronic performance
systems are not recognized in Pakistan. Pakistani practitioners have identified strong
perceptions about the knowledge areas identified by the ASTD for delivering training or
instructions in their future jobs. The current research indicates that Pakistani
practitioners need to embrace the knowledge areas identified by the ASTD for meeting
client needs and delivering solutions.
All the values of the items, except “Manages the learning environment” of the delivering
training survey indicate a reliability coefficient greater than 0.5 or higher. The scores
from the items on the instrument are internally consistent (Table 2).
Conclusions and implications
Interestingly, all of the items for future importance are rated higher than those for
current importance. In general, most of the items for current importance average around
3.0. Although the survey of delivering training was developed for the international
practitioners, the findings indicate the survey was applicable for Pakistani practitioners.
The Pakistani participants who reported current and future importance were equivalent
with respect to generalization of delivering training expertise. For some items, they
reported a highly significant mean gains determining future importance as compared to
those in the current. Therefore, the conclusion is that in the future that the perceptions
most of the action areas will be more important than is perceived currently. The findings
are consistent with several previous studies that linked delivering training intervention
with improved learning practices in a variety of fields (Long and Smith, 2004; Hartley
and West, 2007; Gilleard, 1996; Anonymous, 2001, 2003a, & 2003b; Kim, 2009;
Baldwin-Evans, 2004; Rawer et el., 1997).
The results of this study have practical implications for Pakistani instructors,
academia, and researchers for delivering training instructions by providing information
on the importance of existing and future workforce requirements. A well designed, and
standardized training program will prepare the Pakistani workforce to embrace new
roles, changing tasks, and emerging technological trends. Delivery of training within
important knowledge areas will enhance the capacity to efficiently transfer the skills on
the job. However, current research strongly supports that a series of structured training
programs in different delivery formats, for instance, technology-embedded programs will
improve employees’ capabilities to understand automation or workflow processes in the
workplace. Research explains several benefits for individuals and organizations. For
example learners used their computing skills in writing books, articles, delivering
lectures, and providing consultancy services (Sharif and Mahmood, 2001).
Interestingly, Pakistan spends 3.39 percent as a percentage of annual
development programs on education and training. This percentage is very low even
among the developing countries. Following the best practices organizations
incorporating technology in the delivery training may reduce the costs per course by
42% (Derouen and Kleiner, 1994). Though the diffusion of technology is a slow process,
it improves the learning environment (Rawer, Morton, McCulloch, Heyes, and Ryan,
1997), manages to reach the learners (Anonymous, 2003), and manages time more
effectively (Yemm, 2006). Pakistani practitioners’ perceptions of various actions for
delivering training can add value to businesses (Bentley, 2006), profitability in the
private sector, service-delivery in the public sector and the achievement of shared
objectives in the voluntary sector (Sloman, 2007).
Teaching of the WLP discipline can prepare potential Pakistani practitioners to
deliver training using a variety of formats such as classroom, or technology assisted
instruction. The mix of these formats encompasses several benefits, like selfsufficiency for obtaining information and instruction for employees at the workplace
(Baldwin-Evans, 2006). In addition, Pakistani employees can personalize their training
needs for better and relevant learning retention (Hartley and West, 2007). As a result,
effective training delivery will lead to employee job satisfaction, motivation and
commitment on the one hand, and organizational outcomes including, increased
productivity, reduced turnover and absenteeism on the other hand (Sahinidis and
Bouris, 2008).
Furthermore, professional development activities like train-the-trainers programs
for instructors, especially those who are new entrants in the WLP field, are highly
recommended. The results of this study are useful in designing learning objectives,
developing learning environment, and providing feedback to learners. In addition,
academia needs to formulate the guidelines for developing curricula to prepare the
potential workforce. Finally, researchers will gain insight into the current and future
directions of competencies in Pakistan. Consequently, a dedicated, motivated, and
engaged workforce equipped with 21st century skills will play a vital role to fill the gap
between haves and have notes.
Delivering training for preparing learners to be successful in their workplaces has
been identified as important areas of expertise of the workplace training practitioners. In
fact, improving competency of trainers will potentially change behaviors of employees
and application of knowledge areas will bring more awareness in terms of decent work
for all (Labor and Manpower Division, 2008) in the world of work. Based on the findings,
the following recommendations for Pakistan’s future research and policy are offered:
Awareness of important knowledge areas that include adult learning and
instructional design theory, methods and principles should be integrated into
delivering training instruction by the instructors or trainers at the Pakistani
This study is based on a limited number of Pakistani workplace practitioners. To
enhance generalizability and practical significance, future research is needed to
examine the effects of delivering training in broader curricula, and a greater
number of industrial and vocational training areas and WLP disciplines.
Research based on each of the subscale items can guide curriculum
development, instructional planning, and evaluation activities in delivering
training programs at the Pakistani workplace.
In summary, additional qualitative and quantitative studies are needed to examine
the effects of delivering training on transfer of skills on the job. Further studies could
provide a baseline to develop training instructions to improve employees’ 21 st century
skills. Delivering training has the potential to unleash the employees’ competencies to
overcome the worst economic crises in the country (Nelson, 1990).
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Table 1. Profile of the Respondents
Gender (n=40)
Highest Education Level (n=40)
Less than Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Post Master Degree
Total years of Learning and Performance
Experience (n=40)
Less than 1 year
1 – 2 years
3 - 5 years
6 – 10 years
11 – 15 years
More than 15 years
Current Level in Organization (n=40)
Team Leader
University Faculty
Private Consultant
Entry Level Professional
Type of Industry/Business (n=39)
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing or Hunting
Finance & Insurance
Information Services & Communications
Business Schools & Management Training
Software Development
Health Care & Social Services
Retail Trade
Real Estate rental & leasing
Other (private consulting, government
Table 2. Summary Descriptive Statistics and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results for
Knowledge Areas Current Perceived and Future Perceived Importance (n = 40)
Training Delivery Action Item
Future Importance
Median1 (1st Q / 3rd
Rank Test
Median1 (1st Q /3rd
3.27 (2.83 / 3.67)
3.00 (3.00 / 3.00)
p value
Key knowledge areas
4.23 (3.69 / 4.85)
Adult learning theories and
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
Instructional design theory &
2.50 (2.00 / 3.75)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
Various instructional
3.00 (2.00 / 3.75)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
methods (lectures,
discussions, exercises)
Various delivery
3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
Existing learning
3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
technologies and support
Emerging technologies and
3.00 (2.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
support systems
Presentation techniques and
3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (4.00 / 5.00)
Organizational work
3.00 (2.25 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
environment and systems
Individual learning styles e.g.
3.00 (2.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
audio, visual
Cultural differences in
3.00 (2.00 / 3.00)
3.50 (2.25 / 4.00)
learning styles
Own personal learning
3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
Tools for determining
3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 . 5.00)
learning preferences
Familiarity with content being 3.00 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (4.00 / 5.00)
Legal and ethical issues
3.00 (2.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.00 / 5.00)
relevant for delivering
Note: 1. Response scale was 1=Not Important; 2= Slightly important; 3=Moderately
4=Highly important; and 5 = Essential.
2. Q refers to quartile.
Table 3. Summary Descriptive Statistics and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results for
Action Items Current Perceived and Future Perceived Importance (n = 40)
Future Importance
Training Delivery Action Item
Median1 (1st Q / 3rd Rank Test
p value
Median1 (1st Q /3rd Q)2
Prepares for training delivery
3.50 (2.00 / 4.00)
3.83 (3.33 / 4.33)
Aligns learning solutions with
course objectives and
learner needs
3.00 (2.00 / 3.67)
4.00 (3.67 / 4.33)
Conveys objectives
3.50 (2.50 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.50 / 4.38)
Delivers using various
learning methodologies
3.50 (2.13 / 3.50)
4.00 (3.50 / 4.38)
Facilitates learning
3.00 (2.75 / 4.00)
3.83 (3.50 / 4.33)
Encourages participation and
builds learner motivation
3.25 (2.67 / 3.67)
3.83 (3.33 / 4.33)
Establishes credibility as
3.50 (3.00 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.33 / 4.67)
Manages the learning
3.33 (3.00 / 4.00)
3.50 (3.17 / 4.00)
Delivers constructive
3.40 (2.65 / 3.75)
3.83 (3.33 / 4.33)
Creates a positive learning
3.50 (2.81 / 4.00)
4.00 (3.31 / 4.25)
Ensures learning outcomes
3.00 (2.31 / 3.44)
3.75 (3.25 / 4.25)
Evaluates solutions
3.00 (2.50 / 3.50)
4.00 (3.50 / 4.50)
Note: 1. Response scale was 1= Not Important; 2= Slightly important; 3= Moderately
4= Highly important; and 5 = Essential.
2. Q refers to quartile.