Welcome to English 10 Mrs. Ganter Dear Parents/Guardians: I am your child’s English teacher for the 2014/2015 school year. I am really looking forward to teaching and getting to know your child. This year’s course syllabus is rigorous, as we are in the midst of implementing the Common Core Standards recently adopted by New York State. My expectations for each student are very high. I know that with effort and support each student can be successful. I am confident that we will have an enjoyable and productive year together. I believe in keeping in contact with parents, so expect to hear from me from time to time to let you know of the success your child is having in English. I will also keep you informed of any difficulties that may occur. It is my goal that each student experience sustained success in the classroom. Please feel free to call, e-mail or meet with me in person if you have any concerns. Students are urged to meet with me for extra help after school when needed. After school writing workshops will be offered prior to writing assignment due dates. I can be reached at 332-3239 ex. 2179 or emailed at katie.ganter@newarkcsd.org Homework and class reminders will be sent out via Remind101. Please see the last page of this packet for information needed to sign up for text / email alerts. Please also use the class website that can be accessed on the school’s website under Newark High School / Connect to Our Staff / Ganter, Katie. Course Overview- Required reading for the course includes the following literature. Each unit of study will contain vocabulary, reading, and discussion of the text, group work, activities, a project, various forms of writing, quizzes, and tests of the material. This course work will build upon and refine students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Fall Semester o The Road by Cormac McCarthy o Poems: The Second Coming by Yeats, Darkness by Lord Byron, The Horses by Edward Muir o Mini writing assignments o Argument Writing o Socratic Seminar o Macbeth by William Shakespeare o Shakespearean Sonnets o Additional Short Readings Spring Semester o o o o o o o Stiff by Mary Roach Argument writing Research Paper Nonfiction Articles Selected Poems The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak Additional Short Readings Expectations/ Grading PolicyHomework assignments- Homework (weighted 10% of grade) must be turned in on time for credit. Late work will not be accepted. Quizzes- Reading comprehension and writing skills will be assessed and graded as quizzes (weighted 20% of grade). Essays/Tests/Projects- These grades are the largest part of the overall average (Tests weighted 30% of grade and Essays/Projects weighted 30% of grade). Essays, research papers and projects will be penalized 10% of the total grade for each day after the due date. Attendance- Daily attendance is crucial for success in English 10. All missed work will be available in the extra copies bin in the back of the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to check the bin and obtain the work that was missed. Make-up Work- Students have 5 days from the date they return to school to make up missed work, quizzes, and tests. Participation- Participation points (weighted 10% of grade) are awarded to students who arrive to class on time, are prepared, and engage actively in class discussion. Plagiarism/Cheating- Cheating is unethical will not be tolerated. Work that is not a student’s original work will receive a zero. Students caught letting peers cheat off them will also receive a zero. Necessary materials- Folder or Three-ring Binder, 3x5 Index cards, 40 Pens and pencils, Lined Paper Electronic devices- Cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices are not allowed unless it is appropriate and permission is granted by the teacher. Students will receive one warning to put their device away. After the first warning the device will be confiscated until the end of class. See the student handbook for the full school policy on electronic devices. Hall PassesAll students must sign in and out of class via the sign in log. All students must have a pass when in the halls. Tardy to ClassStudents exceeding the threshold established by staff for arrival to class are subject to administrative consequences. For example, a staff member may track minutes tardy in a ten school day period. When the minute total exceeds five, the teacher will write a disciplinary referral to request an administrative consequence. Class CutA class cut is defined as an unexcused absence or an unexcused tardiness of more than 10 minutes from any class period in the school day. We expect each student to follow his/her assigned schedule. Misbehavior for a SubstituteAll students are expected to be well behaved in classes being taught by a substitute teacher. Misbehavior for a substitute teacher interrupts your own learning and the learning of your classmates. Students with concerns about a substitute must report them to a school counselor or the principal or his designee immediately after leaving the class covered by a substitute. Please sign below after reading the English 10 overview Name of student_______________________ Class period______ I have read the syllabus for Mrs. Ganter’s English 10 class and understand the course outline, expectations and grading policy. Signed (parent/guardian) _________________________ Date_______ Signed (student)_________________________________ Best way to communicate (phone #, e-mail address, other) __________________ _____________________________________________________________ Comments welcome ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________