
Unit 4: The Presidency and the Executive Branch
Chapters 7 and 8 – Terms and Concepts
The Presidency
1. Trace the development of the presidency and the provisions for choosing and replacing presidents and vicepresidents.
2. Why is “energy in the executive” an important aspect of the presidency?
3. What are the qualifications and the term of office for a president?
4. What are the major differences between presidents and prime ministers?
5. Explain the impact of Article II, the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, and the 25th amendment on the order of
6. What are the major constitutional powers of the president? What are some of the inherent powers?
7. Analyze the development and expansion of presidential power throughout American history.
8. Outline the structure of the presidential establishment, and describe the functions of each of its components.
9. Describe the rule of propinquity, and identify key positions of influence within the presidential establishment.
10. How are the cabinet, the EoP and the White House office similar and how are they different?
11. What is the influence of the cabinet on the president, and how does this vary depending on the department?
12. What are the factors involved in presidential appointments to the “establishment”, and why might some of these be
13. Explain the concept of presidential leadership, and analyze the importance of public opinion to the president’s ability
to “get things done”.
14. What makes a great president? What are the different “typologies” of presidents? Who fits these molds?
15. Assess the president’s role as policymaker, and describe the tools at his disposal in this regard.
Executive agreements
Executive order
Executive privilege
Inherent powers
Line-item veto
Signing statements
25th amendment
22nd amendments
US vs. Nixon
War Powers Resolution
The Federal Bureaucracy
1. How has the federal bureaucracy’s size and function changed throughout American history?
2. Describe the structure/organization of the federal bureaucracy.
3. Who are bureaucrats? How do they get their jobs?
4. What does the federal bureaucracy “do”?
5. What rules govern the political behavior of bureaucrats?
6. How are CAs, IAs, RCs and GCs different? (Think: purpose, leadership structure and accountability to the elected
branches of government)
7. What are the various powers of the bureaucracy?
8. Describe the power of rulemaking, and major parts of the process.
9. Evaluate controls designed to make agencies more accountable.
Administrative adjudication
Administrative discretion
Civil service system
Federal bureaucracy
Government corporations
Hatch Act
Interagency councils
Iron triangles
Issue networks
Merit system
Pendleton Act
Policy coordinating Committees
Spoils system