AOSS 321, Winter 2009 Earth System Dynamics Lecture 3 1/15/2009 Christiane Jablonowski 734-763-6238 Eric Hetland 734-615-3177 Class News • Class web site: • Homework #1 posted today, due on Thursday (1/22) in class • Our current grader is Kevin Reed ( • Office Hours – Easiest: contact us after the lectures – Prof. Jablonowski, 1541B SRB: Tuesday after class 12:30-1:30pm, Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm – Prof. Hetland, 2534 C.C. Little, office hour TBA Today’s lecture • Ideal gas law for dry air • Pressure • Hydrostatic equation • Scale height • Geopotential, geopotential height • Hypsometric equation: Thickness • Layer-mean temperature • Mathematical tools Pressure, temperature, density • Unit 3: Pressure (online resource) CD/MAIN3.swf • Consider a hot air balloon • What is the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the hot air balloon? • What is the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the balloon? • What is the density difference? Pressure, temperature, density The ideal gas law • Pressure is proportional to temperature times density • Temperature is proportional to the average kinetic energy (mass times velocity squared) of the molecules of a gas • Density is the mass divided by the volume: m V Ideal gas law • One form of the ideal gas law is: p V = n R* T where the number of moles n in mass m (in grams) of a substance is given by n=m/M • M is the molecular weight of a substance, e.g. for nitrogen (N2) in the gas phase: M = 28.0116 g / mol • p, V, T: pressure, volume and temperature • R* = 8.3145 J/(K mol): universal gas constant Another form of the ideal gas law • Another form of the ideal gas law for dry air: p = Rd T where Rd is the gas constant for 1 kg of dry air • is the dry air density, units are kg/m3 • Dry air is a mix of different gases, mainly nitrogen N2, oxygen O2, argon (Ar), carbon dioxide CO2 Gasi N2 Mi (g/mol) 28.016 Volume ratio Molecular mass of air 0.7809 21.88 O2 32.000 0.2095 6.704 Ar 39.444 0.0093 0.373 CO2 44.010 0.0003 0.013 g 28.97 mol Ideal gas law: Conversions • Dalton’s law applies: – each gas completely occupies the whole volume – each gas obeys its own pressure law – total dry air pressure = partial pressures = pi • Partial pressure of each gas with index i is: * mi * R piV R T mi T Mi Mi * mi R pi T i RiT V Mi n n * R with Ri Mi n n mi • Using p pi , i , m mi V i1 i1 i1 i1 Ideal gas law: Conversions • It follows: n m i m i n n n 1 m i R* i1 M i * p pi T R T n V i1 i1 V M i i1 mi i1 m n m i i n * M i * M R n TRd R T TR* i1n i T Md i1 mi mi i1 i1 Conversions • with Md: apparent molecular weight of dry air n Md m i 1 n i 1 i g 28.97 mol mi Mi • Gas constant for dry air: R* 8.3145 J mol J Rd 0.287 M d 28.97 g mol K gK J Nm 287 287 kg K kg K Ideal gas law (used in atmospheric dynamics) • Ideal gas law for dry air: p = Rd T • p: pressure in Pa • : density in kg/m3 • Rd: gas constant for 1 kg of dry air Rd = 287.0 J /(K kg) • T: temperature in K Hydrostatic Equation: Derivation • Pressure (per 1 m2) at point 1: Column of air with density p1 gz1 • Pressure (per 1 m2) at point 2: p2 gz2 gz1 z with z z2 z1 • Compute pressure difference between layer 1 and 2 • p p1 p2 gz1 gz2 2 p2 z2 1 p1 z1 • Rearrange: p gz z z = 0m higher p gz1 gz1 z gz1 gz1 gz gz higher z p g z Hydrostatic equation p g z • • • • p: pressure in Pa z: height in m : density in kg/m3 g: gravitational acceleration of the Earth, approximately constant, g = 9.81 m/s2 Pressure • Pressure decreases with height in the atmosphere – Why? • Pressure increases with depth in the ocean – Why? • Atmosphere exerts a downward force on the underlying surface due to the Earth’s gravitational acceleration • Downward force (here: the weight force) of a unit volume (1 m3) of air with density is given by F/V = g Pressure and mass • The atmospheric pressure due to the weight (per unit area) of the air in an overlying column p(z) gdz' m(z)g 0 z • Usually we assume that the gravitational acceleration g is constant: g = g0 • m: vertically integrated mass per unit area of an overlying column of air at height z: m(z) dz' z Surface Pressure ps • At the surface ps gdz' 0 • With m: m dz' 0 integrated mass per unit area (!) of an vertically overlying column of air at the surface, units:kg/m2 • We get: ps mg0 1st Exercise p g z • Compute the pressure profile p(z) with respect to the height z for an isothermal (constant) atmosphere T a flat Earth (no mountains): The • Assume surface height is z0 = 0 m • Assume the surface pressure p0 = p(z0) is known Scale Height Rd T H g • T : average (constant) temperature • Scale height of the atmosphere: around 8km • This is the height where the pressure of the atmosphere is reduced by a factor of 1/e • For isothermal atmosphere with z0 = 0 m (as seen before): p p0 exp(z /H) 2nd Exercise • Compute the pressure profile p(z) with respect to the height z for an atmosphere whose temperature varies with height like: T = T0 - z • T0 = T(z0) is the known surface temperature at the surface height z0 • is a known, constant vertical temperature gradient (lapse rate) = -∂T/∂z, units K/m • Assume a flat Earth (no mountains): z0 = 0 m • Assume the surface pressure p0 = p(z0) is known Some definitions • Ideal gas law for dry air: p Rd T • Hydrostatic equation p g z • Define the geopotential: d • Note that dz g d gdz z gdz 0 Hypsometric equation: Derivation • Express the hydrostatic equation in terms of the geopotential: p g z p pg z Rd T Rd T dp gdz d p dp d Rd T Rd T dln p p • The variation of the geopotential with respect to pressure only depends on the temperature Hypsometric equation: Derivation • Integration in the vertical gives: z2 p2 d R Td(ln p) d z1 p1 (z2 ) (z1 ) Rd p1 Td(ln p) p 21 • Hypsometric equation: p1 p1 T (z2 ) (z1 ) g(Z 2 Z1) Rd dp Rd Td ln p p2 p p2 Hypsometric equation • With the definition of the geopotential height: (z) (with constant g) Z g • the hypsometric equation becomes: Rd ZT (Z 2 Z1 ) g p1 T Rd p dp g p2 p1 Td ln p p2 • ZT: Thickness of an atmospheric layer (in m) between the pressure surfaces p2 and p1 Hypsometric equation for isothermal atmospheres • If the atmosphere is isothermal with T=T0 the hypsometric equation becomes: Rd T0 ZT g p1 d ln p H lnp 2 p2 p1 • with scale height H = RdT0/g, g = 9.81m s-2 • We see: the thickness of a layer bounded by two isobaric pressure surfaces is proportional to the mean temperature (here constant T0) of the layer Layer mean temperature • In an isothermal atmosphere with T0 the layer mean temperature is T T0 • More general definition of the layer mean temperature (for non-isothermal atmospheres): p1 Td ln p T p2 p1 d ln p p2 Examples • Unit 3 (online resource), frame 20: Dependence on the 800 hPa height on temperature D/MAIN3.swf • Assess the height of the 800 hPa surface on a cold and hot day: Source: Dale Durran, University of Washington Hot air balloon revisited • Pressure is the same at the top of the two columns. hotter (red) column is taller than cold (blue) column O I • How does the pressure at point O compare to the pressure at point I ? • Pressure is the same inside and outside at the bottom of the balloon Example: Weather maps • 500 hPa geopotential height map • Blue: isolines that connect equal geopotential height values (in dm= 10 m) 552 564 576 Weather maps: Real weather situations: 850 hPa temperature and geopot. thickness warm cold air, low geopotential height values warm air, high geopotential height values cold Mathematical tools: We use • Logarithms and exponential functions • Integrals • Derivatives: – Partial derivatives – Chain rule, product rule • Sine, cosine • Vectors and vector calculus • Operators: – Gradient – Divergence – Vector (cross) product • Spherical coordinates Logarithms and exponentials • Natural logarithm, manipulations – – – – – – • • • • ln (x) for x > 0 ln (x/y) = ln(x) - ln(y) ln (x*y) = ln(x) + ln (y) a * ln(x) = ln (xa) Values: ln(1) = 0, ln x ,lim ln x ln (exp (x)) = x, lim x x 0 exp (ln(x)) = x xa * xb = xa+b (xa)b = xa*b (x y)a = xa ya Integrals • Integrals without limits, a ≠0 is a constant: 1 x dx ln x 1 1 ax dx a ln ax 1 sin( ax)dx a cos(ax) 1 cos(ax)dx a sin( ax) exp( x)dx expx 1 exp(ax)dx a expax a n n 1 ax dx x (for n -1) n 1 Derivatives, partial derivatives • Derivatives, a ≠0 is a constant: d 1 d ln x cos(ax) asin( ax) dx x dx d d exp ax aexp(ax) sin( ax) acos(ax) dx dx d a(x n ) = anx n1 dx • Partial derivatives: treat the variables that are not differentiated as constants, e.g. f(x,y,z)=xyz (xyz) yz, (xyz) xz, (xyz) xy x y z Cartesian Coordinates Local vertical z k north y j x i east Velocity vector v = (ui + vj + wk) i: unit vector in x direction j: unit vector in y directon k: unit vector in z direction Vector notation Define two vectors, A and B, in a Cartesian coordinate system: A A Ax i Ay j Azk B = B Bx i By j Bzk A=(Ax,Ay,Az)T is a vector other symbol: A=(Ax,Ay,Az), also AA i, j, k are unit vectors (here in Cartesian coordinates), normalized, orthogonal Vector calculus Are you comfortable with: • c * A, c is a scalar constant • Magnitude of a vector A: |A| • A + B, A - B • Scalar product of two vectors: A B • Vector product: A B • Gradient of a scalar, e.g. T: T • Divergence: A • Curl: A Unit vectors Unit vectors in Cartesian coordinates 1 i 0 0 0 j 1 0 0 k 0 1 Unit vectors are normalized: |i| = |j| = |k| = 1 i, j, k are orthogonal: Example: i•i = 1, i•j = 0, i•k = 0 Magnitude and dot product (Cartesian coordinates) • Magnitude of a vector: |A| A 2 2 2 A A A x y z • Scalar (dot) product: A•B = |A| |B| cos() angle between A and B : A B Ax Bx + Ay By + AzBz Sum/Subtraction of two vectors (Cartesian coordinates) • Sum of two vectors: A + B = (Ax+Bx)i +(Ay+By)j +(Az+Bz)k Sum: B A • Subtraction of two vectors: A - B = (Ax-Bx)i +(Ay-By)j +(Az-Bz)k B Subtraction: -B A Vector (cross) product (Cartesian coordinates) • Vector product: A B A B sin i A B = Ax Bx j k Ay Az By Bz • In component form: C B A determinant C = A x B = (AyBz - AzBy)i + (AzBx - AxBz)j + (AxBy - AyBx)k • The resultant vector C is in the plane that is perpendicular to the plane that contains A and B (direction: right hand rule) Gradient (Cartesian coordinates) • Gradient of a scalar, e.g. temperature T: T x x T T = T y y T z z • Resulting vector quantity, use of partial derivatives Horizontal temperature gradients T x • Horizontal temperature gradient vector: h T T y • Imagine the isotherms (solid lines)are oriented in the E-W direction cold y warm X • Draw the horizontal temperature gradient vector. Horizontal temperature gradients • Solid lines are isotherms T T • Compute the components of the x x 2D temperature gradient vector: h T T T y y 270 K y=100 km 280 K y 290 K x=100 km X 300 K Horizontal temperature gradients • How does the situation change below? • Compute the components of the 2D temperature gradient vector: 270 K y=100 km 280 K y 290 K X x=100 km 300 K Horizontal temperature gradients • Draw the horizontal temperature gradient vector. • Solid lines are isotherms, they are 10 K apart. y Can you compute the components of the gradient vector? X y=100 km x=100 km