Set A

The Research of Mos Promotion
Project—Double sharing meal
Group members:
9543040 張閔涵, 9412060 陳思吟, 9643029 吳嘉蓉
9543008 鄧詩瑩, 9643020 廖捷如,
Cook to Order
MOS Burger
“M” stands for mountain--- dignified and noble;
“O” stands for ocean--- wide and vast;
“S” stands for sun--- vibrant and life-giving.
Basic Meal
Total price: Hamburger price + combo price
Set A
Price: Hamburger price pluses $55
Contents: One hamburger, large French fries and a drink.
Set B
Price: Hamburger price pluses $60
Contents: One hamburger, salad and a drink
Set C
Price: Hamburger price pluses $75
Contents: One hamburger, a fried chicken and a drink
Set D
Price: Hamburger price pluses $75
Contents: One hamburger, five chicken nuggets and a
Double Sharing Meal
NT$299 for all food below
The Poster
Each Price if
Two Hamburger
Two Drinks
One Fried nuggets
Fried onion rings
French Fries
$35 Source:
Would the “Double Sharing Meal” increase
Research Concept:
4P: Product , Price, Place, Promotion
STP: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
Consumer Behavior
Literature Review
We got inspiration from
《為何速食店老推套餐?》作者馬渡晃(Mawatari Akira)
<Why combo is always a good idea for fast
food store?>
Hamburger is the main product of fast food restaurant,
but its cost is much higher than the fries and drinks. It’s
difficult to make profit by primarily selling hamburgers.
Therefore, the fast food restaurant brings in money by
increasing the price of fries and drinks. Selling combo
can stimulate sale numbers and promote the affiliated
products because combo effectively lowers the variable
cost. That’s the reason why combo is always a good idea
for fast food store.
Customers will choose the combo set for
two people due to its food variety in spite
of the higher price.
Customers will choose the combo set for
two people because they can eat more food
with less money.
Customers will choose the combo set for
two people because the advertisement is
H4: The double sharing meal will better attract
specific group of people who eat with
H5: People who have higher allowance for food
will order the double-sharing meal.
we focus the correspondents on the campus of NCTU.
Our target customer will be the students, the faculty of school,
and some visitors in the campus.
we apply the method both in person questionnaires and online
surveys to interview people’s opinion on the Moss Burger’s
promotion projects. We give out the questionnaires in front of
that store during lunch time and we collect about 50 samples
from the customers.
The main questions will be focused on the three different type meals with
different discounts.
In person questionnaires are designed in both close and open questions.
Besides, there are online questionnaires is be post on the NCTU BBS board
to collect opinions.
After collecting all the data, we analyze the result to testify our hypothesis.
The Questionnaire Sample
The questionnaire of Moss Burger Promotion Project
This questionnaire is only for academic use, be free to answer these questions which we promise to keep them confidential.
□male □ female
Personal status : □ undergraduate □ graduate □ in-service program students □ others
Average spending on diet per month
□NT $0~3000 □NT $3000~6000 □NT $6000~9000 □ more than NT 9000
Do you often have meals with? □ alone □ 1 friend □ more than 2 friends
The frequency of visiting Moss Burger in NCTU
□ more than 3 times a week □ once or twice a week □ once a month □ two months or more for once
Have you ever ordered the new 雙人分享餐 □yes(go to question7) □ no ( go to question 8)d
Why do you want to order this 套餐 ?
□ the meal is worthy of the price □ the kinds of food is various □ the ads is appealing □ friends recommendation
Survey results
(Unit: people)
The average diet
spending/per month
7 people forNT$0~3000
32 for NT $3000~6000
10 for NT $6000~9000
1 for above NT $9000
The habit of dining
34 people often have meals
8 people usually eat “with
one friend”
8 people are usually
accompanied by “more than
2 friends”
Experience of ordering the new “doublesharing meal”
15 answer “no”
35 answer “yes”
The reasons why unwilling to order the
11 people for “the meal is not worthy of the price”
7 for “the contents are too much to eat”
5 for “dislike specific food in that combo”
16 for “there is no recommendation from friends”
2 for “never heard of this combo”
2 for “other” —
the food is not delicious and he/she does not know about this new
promotion activity as other reasons
Types of companion interviewees may dine with
if order the double-sharing meal
0 choose for “family”
23 for “friends”
18 for “boy/girl friend”
2 for “co-worker”
7 for “none of above”
Satisfaction of the promotion
12 are “satisfied”
31 are “not satisfied”
7 does not show
Advices interviewees provide for the doublesharing meal
10 vote for ”the price could be
26 vote for “the increase of the
quantity of food”
11 vote for “free choice of side
2 vote for “wanting coupons or
1 votes for “other suggestion”
— improve the advertisement of
the promotion
Food variety and attractive advertisements are
indeed the main factors which motivate people to
order the double-sharing meal.
However, in NCTU, most people have meal alone;
therefore, people seldom order the meal since the
combo set is mainly for two people.
→ too much to eat for one person!
Nevertheless, if go to MOS Burger
with friends, customers’ motivation to order the
meal will enhance.
People have more money on food allowance will
order the meal.
→not really!
Food quantity is too little, and they cannot
choose the side treats they actually want.
Customers are not satisfied with the meal, thus
cannot effectively increase the total sales of MOS
→the value of the meal does not worth that price, and
the fixed dishes of it does not catch the really wants
of customers.
The meal is not a good promotion in NCTU.
→ the single dining habit of interviewees reduce the
Enhance the motivation of customers
Lowers the price of the double-sharing meal.
Increase the quantity and choices of food.
Then, there will be more people willing to
order the combo.
Subsequently improves the possibility of sales