Highlights - Beyond2015

Beyond 2015 Asia Media Challenge
Project Highlights
Key Activities
 To disseminate information on the SDGs and how social enterprises can contribute to its
achievement through the use of radio, online radio, TV and social media platforms
To strengthen the capacity of social enterprises in SDG advocacy using media platforms
Key activities
3 radio shows on the SDGs and the role of social enterprises in reaching the goals.
Key Outcomes
Socialisation of the SDGs and promotion of social entrepreneurship through various
platforms such as radio, SMS (mobile phone), Twitter and Facebook.
Social entrepreneurs capacitated to advocate about their development impact
Media capacitated to engage on the SDGs to highlight relevant national issues.
Opportunities provided to social enterprise advocates to link with influential social
media voices and collaborate with media. The project had initially planned only two
radio shows, but the interest generated by the shows enabled the project team to link
up with another radio program for free and engage more social enterprise advocates in
the process, including a social health enterprise (PHANSUP) and an organic food
producer (First Harvest).
The overall concept was “Informed People are Powerful”
Key Activities
TV show on Waseb channel (over 1.5 million viewers, broadcasted in 42 countries) in
which Mr. Zia-Ur-Rehman (National coordinator of the Pakistan development Alliance),
Mr. Khalid Saed (Academic Expert), Ms. Maryam Amjad Khan (campaign coordinator for
SDGs) discussed the post-2015 agenda
2 radio shows on FM 101 (highly popular radio station targeting youth and women) in
which Mr. Zia-Ur-Rehman (National coordinator of the Pakistan development Alliance),
Ms. Zahida Qureshi (president of the Society for special persons, and coordinator of
CBIDN), Ms. Maryam Amjad Khan (campaign coordinator for SDGs) discussed the post2015 agenda. Ms. Zahida advocated for SDG 11 focusing on the inclusion of disabled
Media brief on the post-2015 agenda conducted at Multan press club with other civil
society organizations who are working on the SDGs and highly recognized media
agencies including print and online agencies.
Key Outcomes
Increased public awareness of the SDGs through simple communication of the goals in
the local language
Increased public awareness of the shared responsibility for people in all sectors of
society to achieve the SDGs
Government pressured to translate its commitment made during the UN Summit into
action on the ground to fight poverty and inequality and protect our planet.
Key Activities
Workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of media
Orientation workshop organised
for journalists on 10 October to explain the
SDGs, their importance, their relevance in India,
India’s commitment to reach them, and
mechanisms to monitor the progress in
achieving the goals.
numerous members of the Dalit and Adivasi
groups: media, newspapers, CSO members and
representatives from youth organisations.
Press Conference on land, the SDGs and affirmative action
Press conference given on 9 October
by Shri Ashok Bharti, Chairman of NACDOR (Beyond 2015
lead agency in India), demanding reservation for Dalits and
Adivasis to private sector.
Over 40 media professionals from
print and online media participated in this conference.
Large-scale event at Allahabad on Land, the SDGs and affirmative action:
Organised by NACDOR on 9 October, bringing
together thousands of Dalits, Adivasis and other minorities
from 50 districts of Uttar Pradesh to share their views on the
SDGs, land and affirmative action.
Based on these discussions, NACDOR has come up
with a charter of demands put forward to relevant officials
and ministers.
Convention of indigenous people on Land, Nutrition and SDGs: NACDOR organized a
convention of Indigenous people on land, nutrition and SDGs.
Key Outcomes:
Massive awareness of the SDGs and related processes in India, both among policy makers
and the general public
Creation of a pool of media professionals who can write about the SDGs and connected
local issues, and who can be regularly updated on the SDGs, at both the global and national
Special attention given by the government to address the exclusion, discrimination and
inequalities faced by marginalized youth, women, Dalit and indigenous communities and
poor unorganized sector workers in the post-2015 agenda.
Joint efforts made by organizations led by socially excluded communities to give visibility to
their issues in the post-2015 agenda, in coordination with other social movements
Elected representatives, government officials and media professionalized sensitized to
land/nutrition security challenges faced by excluded communities.
South Korea
Key Activities
Gathering of 148 media contacts with experience writing on the SDGs or other
international development issues.
Emails and phone calls to those journalists to raise their awareness of the 2030 Agenda
Press kits sent out to those journalists, to share relevant material in Korean such as the
meaning of 17 SDGs, the result of the survey on the implementation of the SDGs.
Key Outcomes
Assessment of media interest in the SDGs and recognition that senior level connections are
needed to initiate media dialogue.
Focus will now be on disseminating issues related to the SDGs and enhancing public
awareness on the goals by outlining how they relate to people’s daily life.
Key Activities
 Press briefing after the Summit
Held at the National Press Club on 14 October 2015 with the participation of online
and print media, with large-scale TV broadcasting.
Content: information on the UN Summit and CSOs’ position (Beyond 2015 in
particular), drawing attention to civil society’s demands for the implementation of
the SDGs at the country level.
 Design and publication of a poster translating the SDGs in Bangla
Key Outcomes
Public and government awareness on the SDGs, and the need for government to plan
the implementation and monitoring of the goals
CSOs encouraged to form networks or watch groups