Economics 101



Understanding Economics

What is Economics

Economics is the social science that studies economic activity to gain an understanding of the processes that govern the:

• Production

• Distribution

• consumption of goods

• services in an economy.

• Economics deals primarily with the concept of:

– Scarcity

• What is scarcity?

Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having

– unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources.

Explain the picture in your own words

Market Economy

• What is a market economy?

• A market economy is an economy in which decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are based on

• Supply

• demand

• Main purpose of a market economy would be:

– Encourage political and economic cooperation between member nations

Market Economy

Market Economy

• Market economies are guided by the idea that they are:

– Governed by self interest

– Set prices

• If more people want a product – the price goes up and companies make less

• If less people want a product – the price goes down and companies make more

Deficit Spending

• What is deficit spending?

– The act in which the federal government spends more than it receives

– Deficit spending is normal in times of economic slowdowns

• Job:

– Pumps money into the economy to:

• Stimulate activity and job growth

Deficit Spending

• Purchasing power will increase and economic growth will be stimulated

• The overall amount of money that the U.S. owes to its creditors is

Deficit spending

Deficit Spending

• Some issues that

Governments face with deficit:

– Hard to reduce the size of a deficit

– The larger the budget deficit – the greater the national debt

– Deficit occurs when the government spends more than it receives

Economic Depression

• What are the causes of

Economic Depression?

– High unemployment

– overproduction

Business Cycle

• Business cycle:

– The fluctuations in economic activity that an economy experiences over a period of time.

– A business cycle is basically defined in terms of periods of expansion or recession.

Business Cycle

• Business cycles purpose are for governments to look at:

– Irregular fluctuations in economic activity

Government Spending

• People disagree with the laws of deficit spending

– Do you support /not support the idea of government intervention to help stimulate the economy?


• Work with a partner to track the nations deficit and debt over a period of 10 years

• Write a brief explanation on your findings

• Draw a detailed graph or chart of the information you found
