anti-formalism and anglo-american commercial law

Professor John Glover
RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia
Change in the world’s developed
Electronic communication and
computers replacing paper-based
Production of services, by value, is
eclipsing the value of goods
Effect on commercial law.
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The significance of title and ownership in
common law jurisdictions.
Reliable means of proving ownership is
an important feature of commercial law
How do you prove ownership of an
apartment, a car . . . or
shares/securities transferred
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Electronic title:
US Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”)
and Uniform Electronic Transactions
Act 1999 –
Title = control of an electronic
document (including through agents).
A vague and indeterminate criterion?
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Can “control” of an electronic dealing
– a momentary sequence of
electrons – ever match the certainty
of documentary titles?
Do electronic transactions have any
hallmarks or distinguishing features?
Surely fraud in an “open” system will
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But the UCC electronic title protocol
will doubtless work effectively.
Many thousands of businesses now
rely on the new legal regime for
electronic commerce.
This is the realm of praxis – where
solutions have to work.
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Electronic commerce changes typified in
the UCC’s amended definition of “good
Requiring the “observance of reasonable
commercial standards of fair dealing”
in place or mere “honesty”.
More woolly words – or is the benchmark
for commercial interaction changing?
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More about electronic title systems:
Contrasting “closed” systems of
electronic title – where participating
members agree to play by the rules.
Systems of land title registration are
“going electronic” all over the
developed world – these are closed
systems, too.
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How the prevalence of “closed”
electronic title systems make the
UCC’s “open” system based in control
all the more remarkable.
But electronic money is different.
How “DigiCash” or “ECash” has not
become fully negotiable yet – like
notes and coins.
Legal doctrine is causing problems.
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What do these examples show?
• That the form of commercial
interaction is changing;
• Exchange is becoming more fluid;
• The system requires higher levels of
trust and reciprocity between
participants in order for it to work.
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Commercial law has adapted to the
new regime of production and
In structural terms:
standards and principles are taking
the place of rules and regulations in
common law commercial law
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“Mechanical jurisprudence” of rules is in
e.g., consider the size of the rule-book
needed for regulation of UCC
electronic title.
Rules could not cover all the
possibilities for fraud - requiring
“reasonableness and conductevaluation are the only way that the
system could be policed.
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Ways of teaching commercial law and
argument in commercial courts has
also changed.
Commercial lawyers reason
Legal outcomes are preferred
according as they advance or retard
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Changes in society and its commercial
law – accompanied by a moral
Is robust individualism dying?
Is there still a capitalist “right to be
Does the law increasingly require
people to make sacrifices and
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Legal norms have a more goodneighbourly aspect.
The idea that justice inheres in
outcomes rather rules for action is
Max Weber wrote about the
phenomenon in the early 20th
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Weber believed that trusting was
increasingly required by modern
commodity exchange.
Weber said that regulation of
commerce had to be through
categories which expressed
meanings and intention – and not a
“mechanical jurisprudence” of rules.
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Vehicles for anti-formalism differ in
different countries.
In the US, change in commercial law
led by statute.
In Britain, Australia etc caselaw has
been more significant.
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An example of US anti-formalism in
commercial law:
Article 242 of the UCC – the multipurpose “unconscionability” criterion
for disallowing commercial
The age of unrestrained self-interest
has passed.
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How the commercial law in non-US
common law countries prohibits
aspects of transactions which are
morally objectionable.
e.g., estoppel doctrine require
commercial actors to be consistent and
not deceive others.
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e.g., the fiduciary relationship and
maintaining the social value of trust.
How this is even efficient –
well-ordered commercial systems
work better if clients trust attorneys,
suppliers can trust distributors etc
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Is this the “reclusive inner morality of
capitalism” – a “moral territory”
• commercial actors are regularly
acknowledged to be unequal.
• people regularly promise to act and
do business in the interests of
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