CURRICULUM VITAE ALWYN DE KOKER B COM (CAPE TOWN) M COM (WITS) CA (SA) H DIP TAX LAW (WITS) Page 2 of 11 CONTENTS PAGE 1. Personal Information 3 2. Appointments to International Bodies 4 3. Professional Qualifications 4 4. Academic Qualifications 4 5. University Appointments 4 6. Special University Responsibilities 4 7. Membership of University Committees 5 8. Awards 5 9. Other University Appointments 5 10. Previous Employment 6 11. Professional Bodies 6 12. Professional Activities 6 13. Directorships 8 14. Books Published 8 15. Journals Edited 9 16. Professional Publications 9 17. Internationally Refereed Conferences 10 18. Major Presentations 11 19. Research Surveys And Assignments 12 Page 3 of 11 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname : de Koker First Name : Alwyn Telephone : +27 11 717 8050 (office) +27 86 553 5074 (fax) +27 82 881 0024 (mobile) E-mail : Marital status : Married with three children Nationality : South African Present position : Professor of Taxation School of Accountancy Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg Other appointments: Professor ‒ International Tax Program School of Law Thomas Jefferson University San Diego, USA (2007 to date) Adjunct Professor in the Walter H and Dorothy B Diamond International Tax Program, School of Law St Thomas University Miami, USA (2001 to 2006) Adjunct Professor School of Law Regent University Virginia Beach, USA (1998 to 2000) 2. APPOINTMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL BODIES Executive Board member of the Royal Society of Fellows The Society of Fellows is a learned society consisting of scholars, practitioners and those involved in the administration of justice, taxation, finance and information security around the world. Its objectives are to promote and facilitate research at many levels and in particular to engender greater collaboration between scholars and those involved in the Page 4 of 11 practice. The Society seeks to achieve these objectives through a number of initiatives including academic publications, conferences, seminars, symposia, on-site consultations, informational services, research and training. Advisory board member of the Foundation for Fiscal Studies Faculty advisory board member of the Royal Society of Fellows Law Review Academic adviser to Editorial Board of Shoreliner 3. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 1974 4. : Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Board Chartered Accountant (SA) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1984 : University of the Witwatersrand Master of Commerce (M Com) 1980 : University of the Witwatersrand Higher Diploma in Tax Law (H Dip Tax Law) 1973 : University of Cape Town Certificate in the Theory of Accountancy (CTA) 1971 : University of Cape Town Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) 5. UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS 1994 to date : 1987 - 1994 : 1978 - 1986 : Professor School of Accountancy Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Associate Professor Senior Lecturer Appointed 13 February 1978 Page 5 of 11 6. SPECIAL UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITIES 1991 to 1996 : Administrator of Faculty Masters Programme 1986 to 1991 : Course developer and leader for Tax Planning and Fiscal Theory module in the Masters (by coursework) degree 1992 to 1999 : Course developer and leader of the Taxation elective for the B Com Honours in Accounting 1984 to 2001 : Director of the Centre for Fiscal Studies and a member of the board of control Member of the Scholarships Committee of the Centre for Fiscal Studies 7. MEMBERSHIP OF UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Senate Academic Board Executive Committee of the Faculty of Commerce Board of the Faculty of Commerce Higher Degrees Committee Research Committee Joint Professional Advisory Committee Master of Commerce degree sub-committee (Chairman 1991 to 1996) Senate Committee on Salaries and Conditions of Service 8. AWARDS Convocation Distinguished Teachers’ Award : 1992 9. OTHER UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS 1987 to 2006 : Honorary tax advisor to the University Administration 1994 : Member of the task group to investigate options to replace the University’s membership of the Associated Institutions’ Pension Fund and the Temporary Employees’ Pension Fund 1994 - 1995 : Member of the Retirement Funds Sub-Committee of the Finance Committee 10. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Feb 1977 - Jan 1978 : Practising Chartered Accountant / Tax Consultant Page 6 of 11 Jan 1975 - Jan 1977 : Financial Director of Vavasseur (SA) Limited - a public company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (Later taken over by Trumpcor Limited) Jan 1972 - Dec 1974: Welby Steward Bass and Company - Chartered Accountants, Cape Town Articled Clerk 11. PROFESSIONAL BODIES Member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Member of the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Board 12. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Tax Advisor 1984 - 1986 : Research adviser to the South African Revenue Service 1984 - 1993 : Tax adviser to the Eastern Cape Government 1986 - 1990 : Member of the sub-committee to evaluate the annual draft Revenue Laws for the South African Revenue Service 1991 - 1993 : Advisor on economic development policy and member of the subcommittee on Border Region Economic Development Plan Member of various financial and other committees in Eastern Cape Region, including: 1990 - 1993 : Economic Advisory Board 1991 - 1993 : Revenue Resources Committee This committee optimized Government revenue from all potential sources, such as user charging, privatization, commercialization, sale and leasing of government assets 1991 - 1993 : Planning and Priorities Committee Determined and coordinated Government financial policy and priorities 1991 - 1993 : 1984 - 1994 : Adviser on economic development policy and member of the subcommittee on Border Region Economic Development Plan Tax Advisory Committee 1987 - 1988 : Member of the bilateral committee on Tax Harmonization Page 7 of 11 International Fiscal Association 1985 - 1989 : Member of SA Executive Committee - International Fiscal Association 1985 : SA reporter to the International Fiscal Association in the Netherlands. The aim of the Association, founded in 1938, is the study and advancement of international and comparative law in regard to public finance and especially international and comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation : Chairman of Tax, Legal and Regulatory Committee of the South African Insurance Association 1985 - 1986 : Member of the Executive Steering Committee of the Special Research Groups. These groups operated under the auspices of the Centre for Continuing Tax Education and primarily carried out research for the Commission of Inquiry into the Tax Structure of the Republic of South Africa (Margo Commission) 1986 – 1993 : Member of the Tax Sub-Committee of the Committee of University Principals 1987 : Member of the ERCOM committee (Education Requirements Committee) of the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Board re specialization 1986 - 1990 : Member of Tax Committee - South African Institute of Chartered Accountants 1987 : Member of Tax Committee - Johannesburg Regional Association of Chartered Accountants Insurance 1996 - 1999 Other Committees 13. BOOKS PUBLISHED Year(s) Title 1987 The Income Tax Handbook 1988 Income Tax in South Africa 1989 - 1994 Income Tax in South Author(s) Publisher De Koker LexisNexis De Koker, Emslie and Frame LexisNexis De Koker and LexisNexis Page 8 of 11 Africa (Volumes 1, 2 and 3: + 2 200 pages) Urquhart 1991- 1994 Value Added Tax in South Africa Collins and de Koker CCTE 1995 to 2002 Value Added Tax (Volumes 1 and 2) De Koker and Jenkinson LexisNexis 1995 to date Silke on South African Income Tax (Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 : + 3 500 pages) De Koker LexisNexis 1995 to date Silke Tax Yearbook De Koker and Jonathan Silke LexisNexis 2003 to date Value-Added Tax in South Africa (Volumes 1 and 2) De Koker and Kruger LexisNexis 2010 Silke on International Tax LexisNexis 15. JOURNALS EDITED Year(s) 1986 to 1987 Title S A Tax Journal Editors Publisher E B Broomberg SC (Consulting) A P de Koker (Managing) H R Levin A J Swerksy SC L Tager H Vorster B Wunsh LexisNexis 16. PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS Date Journal Title Volume / Page Sept 1986 Cahiers de droit fiscal international The transfer of assets into and out of a tax jurisdiction Nov 1985 SA Law Journal Can the court adapt the Income Vol 102 Tax Act? Part IV p 8 - 12 Sept 1985 INDWE The trust - A flexible vehicle for tax planning Vol LXXIa p 109 - 118 No 11 p 8 - 12 Page 9 of 11 Jun 1985 The Commerce Teacher The Matrimonial Property Act No 17 p 27 - 30 Jun 1985 SA Chartered Accountant Tax implications - Interest derived from a foreign building society Vol 2 No 6 p 177 - 180 Jun 1985 SA Institute of Chartered Accountants Aspects of tax planning p 1 - 14 Nov 1983 Finance Week Leasing changes Vol 19 No 9 p 548 Oct 1983 Finance Week Seeking tax reform Vol 19 No 4 p 217 - 220 Jan 1980 SA Chartered Accountant Taxation of restraint payments Vol 15 No 12 p 501- - 502 Nov 1979 SA Chartered Accountant Payments in restraint of trade Vol 15 No 11 p 466 - 467 Oct 1979 SA Chartered Accountant Tax incentive allowances Vol 15 No 10 p 431 - 432 17. INTERNATIONALLY REFEREED CONFERENCES Year 1985 Title of Paper delivered ‘The transfer of assets into and out of a tax jurisdiction’ Name of conference International Tax Congress (39th : 1985 : London) under the auspices of the International Fiscal Association Proceedings published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer, The Netherlands In XL Congrès International de Droit Financier et Fiscal, New York 1986 Page 10 of 11 1999 ‘Recent developments in the South African double tax treaty network’ Name of conference 1999 Asia Pacific Conference held in Mauritius under the auspices of The Offshore Institute 1999 ‘Recent developments in South Africa’s treaty network and domestic tax structure’ Name of conference 1999 European Regional Conference held in Israel under the auspices of the Offshore Institute 18. MAJOR PRESENTATIONS June 1985 : Income Tax lectures on “The choice of business entity” for and on behalf of the SA Institute of Chartered Accountants’ Education Committee in major centres in South Africa 1984 - 1989 : Income Tax implications and developments to members of various industries 1986 to date : Courses offered by the Centre for Continuing Tax Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for the accounting and legal professions 1980 – 1982 : Qualifying Examination update in Taxation for Accounting graduate students in preparation for the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Board Examination with Professors Everingham and Hopkins from the University of Cape Town 1995 : ‘Tax reform and the assurance industry’, a paper delivered to delegates at the Multi Rand Forum Conference at Sun City 1996 : ‘Corporate Tax Planning and Development’, a two-day conference jointly presented with Chris Frame in Johannesburg 1997 – 1999 2000 and 2001 : Seminars delivered on behalf of PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Johannesburg : Addressed the Portfolio Committee on Finance (a committee of Parliament of South Africa) in public hearings on the Budget Page 11 of 11 2000 to 2001 : Co-presenter of the Advanced Certificate in Taxation to the South African Revenue Service 2001 – 2002 : Lectures on international tax delivered to postgraduate students in the Walter H and Dorothy B Graduate International Tax Programme at the St Thomas University Law School in Miami 19. RESEARCH SURVEYS AND ASSIGNMENTS 1982 Prepared a research document for the Standing Commission of Taxation in South Africa with regard to the taxation of married women. 1984 Drafted the 1984 Income Tax Act, to implement the policy devised by the Swart Commission, with Professor E B Broomberg SC for the Government of the Eastern Cape Region. Also responsible for implementing tax collection procedures and minimization of tax avoidance and evasion. 2000 Completed a study entitled Retirement Funding: A Sourcebook for Trustees with Maeve Kolitz and Jacqueline Arendse and edited by Merton Dagut, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, which was published in Business Day as a supplement