
Greyson Holcomb
Ben Thiesen
James Breyen
Camilo Caicedo
Erica Schneps
Confucianism’s God
Based on the teachings of Kongzi or confucius.
• Not the teachings about a certain god
• Confucianism focuses on teachings
• Principles of Confucianism are found in a series of
• The Book of Songs, The Book of Changes
Teachings of Confucianism
Confucianism is based on the way you act
with other people
Confucius said that family life is at the core
of being a good citizen in your community
The way you interact with others helps
make society run smoothly
Ren is a key teaching in Confucianism
Confucius taught to respect family religious
traditions but he himself thought that these
matters were unknowable
Practices and Beliefs
Confucius, founder of this religion, reciprocity should
guide all actions. That means to not do stuff to
others that you don’t want them to do to you.
In order to accomplish this simple task, one must follow
seven steps:
The investigation of things to know what their
nature is and to understand how they Cultivation
of the person.
Regulating the Family.
Governance of the State
are connected.
The completion of knowledge.
Sincerity of thought.
Rectifying the Heart.
Because Confucianism doesn’t worship a deity, they don’t have any religious
practices, but they do celebrate important aspects of a person’s life.
Birth is considered to be a link in chain for existence from the past to the
future. It is also believed that a pregnant woman is protected by the spirit
Reaching Maturity is also celebrated. As one gets older, their responsibility
will grow, their minds will expand and develop, their spiritual side will
arise, once they are old enough, they will do teachings on what they have
learned throughout their lives, and finally they will purify themselves by
getting rid of any negative stuff in their lives.
Marriage is another celebration. It is mostly traditional, meaning it’s the
same as what we do.
Death is celebrated as well. People close to the deceased will give money to
the family to help pay for the funeral. The name of the deceased will also
be added to the shrine of the family hall so that may be remembered.
Rituals/Holidays Cont.
There are two Major holidays.
The first is Honor your Ancestor Day. It is on April Fifth
and on that day people burn paper money and offer
food to the dead to show their respects. This holiday
is meant to teach the young about their dead
The second is Teacher’s Day. It occurs on September 28
and it is meant to honor Confucius and his teachings.
It’s is also meant to honor all teachers.
Role of women
Women were at the bottom of the social
Flawless behavior and obedience was
expected of the women
Women were not allowed to see men
other than close relatives, husbands,
masters or palace eunuchs
However, men could have multiple
Major texts
• Lunyu ("Analects") was the collection of aphorisms and
anecdotes put together by Kongzi’s disciples after his
• Lunyu were not as important to Kongzi followers as
Wujing ("Five Classics“)
• Wujing were the first canonical writings of the Confucian
tradition in the 2nd century B.C.E.
• Texts did not directly concern Kongzi and other founders
until 12th century C.E.
Missionary and Outreach
Confucius spent time traveling
China and teaching his philosophy
However, his teachings didn’t catch
on very much until after his death.
Origin and Diffusion
Started by the philosopher Confucius in
approximately 500 B.C.E.
Became the official state religion of China during the
Hand dynasty, but gave way to other philosophies
after the fall of the Han
Was used in legal doctrine in a mixture with legalism
Religious Contacts
• Most conflict occurred if the opposing religion threatened the
power of the government
• Daoism was seen as an alternative religion
• At time during warring states period, Buddhism was practiced,
until rulers declared against it.
Similarities and Differences
• Christianity- No sins, only fulfilling
ones role in life
• Buddhism- No “enlightenment”, or
• Daoism- Purpose is not simply just to
obtain inner harmony, very oposite
• “Everything has beauty, but not everyone
sees it.” ~Confucius
• “Choose a job you love, and you will never
have to work a day in your life.” ~
Works cited
Works Cited
"The Big Religion Chart." The Big Religion
Comparison Chart: Compare World Religions.
ReligionFacts, 1 May 2013. Web. 15 Sept. 2013.
Bulliet, Richard W., Pamela K. Crossley, Daniel R.
Headrick, Steven W. Hirchs, Lyman L. Johnson,
and David Northrup. The Earth and It's Peoples A
Global History Ap Edition. 5th ed. Boston:
Wadsworth Pub, 2010. Print.
"Confucianism." - ReligionFacts. ReligionFacts, n.d.
Web. 15 Sept. 2013.
Work Cited
"Confucianism: Practices Rituals and Festivals." Confucianism:
Practice Rituals and Festivals. PBworks, 2009. Web. 11 Sept.
cianism: Practices Rituals and Festivals>.
Chung, Douglas K. Confucianism: A Portrait. In Beversluis, Joel
(Ed.). (1995). A Sourcebook for Earth’s Community of
Religions. Grand Rapids: CoNexus Press.