Bacteria Worksheet Name Date The Bacterium The Typical Bacterial

Name _________________________
Date __________________________
The Bacterium
The Typical Bacterial Cell:
Label and then Define the following Parts of the above bacterium :
1. Flagella______________________________________________________________
2. Cell Wall ____________________________________________________________
3. Plasmid _____________________________________________________________
4. Nucleoid Region ______________________________________________________
5. Capsule _____________________________________________________________
6. Pilli ________________________________________________________________
7. Ribosomes ___________________________________________________________
8. Chromosome _________________________________________________________
Bacteria belong to the kingdoms: ____________________________ and ______________________
They are classified in many ways:
One way deals with the amount of a chemical called _____________________________ found in their
cell wall. If this material is located on the outside of the cell wall the bacterium is classified as a(n)
_________ ___________ bacterium.
Another way is by shape:
Rod shaped bacteria are also called __________________________; while spherical bacteria are
called_____________________________. Spiral shaped bacteria are named
Label the following bacteria found below.
a. ______________ b._______________ c.________________
What is the shape of the E .coli in the picture below?
Many bacteria can cause disease and are labeled ______________________. Many gram negative
bacteria are ______________________________.
Most bacteria reproduce by _____________________________ and _________________,
________________________is the transfer of genetic material between 2 cells that are temporarily
joined by tube-like structures called _________________________.
Bacteria are also classified based on nutrition. Bacteria that can carry on photosynthesis are called
_______________, while the remainder are called __________________________, since they cannot
make their own food.
Many bacteria can live in an oxygen atmosphere and are called ______________________. Others will
be killed by the oxygen and must live without it. They are called _________________________.
The main function of most bacteria is to decompose dead organic material. They are called
____________________________.Examples of Bacteria:_____________________________
1. Where can bacteria be found? Give examples:
2. Prokaryotes were once in the Kingdom ________________ and lacked a __________
and ____________________________________.
3. What are the 2 Domains for prokaryotes?
_______________________ and ________________________
4.____________________ live in extreme environments and are sometimes called
5. Label the bacteria (prokaryotic cell) structures on the diagram. Give the
function/importance of each. (Write the functions/importance on the diagram.)
Chromosome Capsule Pili Flagella Plasma membrane Ribosomes
6. What are the 3 shapes of bacteria and the specific name of each?
8. Bacteria reproduce ______________ by a process called ___________ _________.
9. Bacteria reproduce very _________________.
In ten hours, 1 bacterium can become ______________ bacteria.
10. Explain the difference between the following:
Heterotrophic Bacteria
Photoautotrophic Bacteria Chemoautotrophic Bacteria
11. What are endospores and what do they do?
12. Are all bacteria harmful? __________
13. Describe 3 beneficial (helpful) ways bacteria are needed:
14. What are decomposers?
15. How can E. Coli be both bad and good??
16. How are bacteria important in the production of foods?? Give and example.
17. How are bacteria important in the production of medicines? Give and example.
18. What is a pathogen?
19. Name 4 diseases caused by bacterial infections and how the ways we can control bacterial
20. What is antibiotics and How do antibiotics work?