American Literature Tuesday, December 16 1. 2. 3. 4. SSR of “Winter Dreams” Sentence of the Day Parts of Speech/Plot Review Notes Flextime signal: Sparkles Up Ahead… Bring your textbook!!! - Thur. Dec. 18th: Assessment on “Winter Dreams” and “The Killers” American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Materials for today: - Notebook - - Journals Notes Vocabulary Pen/pencil Sentence of Day handout Textbook Scrap paper “The Killers” Please have all the materials on your desk when the bell rings. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 “Winter Dreams” Reading Schedule Monday: Part 1- Part 2 (pg. 413-421 line 310) Tuesday: Part 3-Part 4 (pg. 421 line 311- pg. 430 line 667) Wednesday: Part 5-end of story (pg. 430 line 668- pg. 433) Each class will start with SSR, which will lead into a discussion of the story. Please read at home if you do not finish the section assigned on any given day. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Sentence of the Day 1. Like Charlie who’s choices in the past have lead him regretting his disissions. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Sentence of the Day Subject (noun) + Predicate (verb)= Complete sentence Spelling American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Plot Review- Part I & II We will collaboratively write down 8 sentences that outline the major plot events of the first two sections of the story. The last person to get the paper will possibly have to reorder the events of the story in case a peer didn’t put them in the correct order. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Parts of Speech Pass the plot outline to a neighbor. Circle the subject(s) for each sentence. Underline the verb(s) for each sentence. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Fitzgerald (Notes) Look at “The Killers” and the first section of “Winter Dreams”. How does the style differ? The setting? The characters? The Point of View? Make a list of the similarities and differences by creating a Venn Diagram. American Literature Tuesday, December 16 Fitzgerald (Notes) This work is filled with beautiful similes and metaphors. Ex) beginning on the first page (“The long Minnesota winter shut down like the white lid of a box.”) Find three examples.