Apply for funding - Basingstoke Voluntary Action

Community funding – March 2015
Acknowledgement to the Communities Team at Southampton City Council
Basingstoke Voluntary Action is currently developing their Grant Aid information and this document is to
accompany the grant sources currently available on our informative website.
Funding advice of the month:
Full Cost Recovery
The full costs of your project are all the costs directly related to the project plus the
project’s share of the core costs – you have to make sure your funding coves or
‘recovers’ – all your organisation’s costs:
 The direct costs of your projects
 All costs connected with your project, or your group’s core costs
Core costs include:
• Salaries, training costs, venue hire, utilities, publicity, phone expenses, cleaning, etc.
In full cost recovery your group’s core costs are shared amongst your organisation’s
different projects.
You might find yourself unable to pay for all the expenses if you fail to calculate all the
costs properly.
Grants listed in this section (CTRL + click on the name of the fund to take you to more information):
What you can apply for
Who can apply
The Alec Dickson Trust
BBC Children in Need Appeal
Education Endowment Fund
Golsoncott Foundation
Young People
Young People
Community Groups
Community Group
Registered Charity
Young People
Social Enterprise
Registered Charity
Community Group
Registered Charity
Check individual funders
Young People
Community Groups
Registered Charity
Community Group
Community Group
Registered Charity
Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Community Foundation
Henry Smith Holiday Grants
for Children
MacMillan Cancer Support
Orchard Windfalls grant
PRS Music Foundation,
Funding for Organisations &
Wide range of
groups can apply
What you can apply for
Who can apply
Performing Rights Society Women Make Music
SITA Trust Enhancing
Communities Programme Fast Track Fund/Core Fund
Building Work
Building Work
Young People
Young People
Registered Charity
Sport England Community
Sport Activation Fund
The Triangle Trust 1949 Found
The Wolfson Foundation
Woodward Charitable Trust
Youth Music
Registered Charities
Community Groups
Registered Charity
Wide range of
groups can apply
Registered Charity
Community Groups
Registered Charity
The Alec Dickson Trust:
Future meeting dates:
 April 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015
Submitting 2 – 3 weeks before a trustee meeting means we should be able to consider your
application. Applications received less than two weeks before a meeting will roll over to the next one.
Who can apply?
Individuals aged 30 and under or small groups of young people who believe their actions to be in pursuit of the aims
of the Trust.
The Alec Dickson Trust supports young people in the UK who want to use volunteering or community service to
do brilliant things in their communities.
We fund volunteering projects run by young people under 30. If you’re thinking of applying, your project should:
 Be run by a young volunteer, or team of young volunteers
 Take place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
 Have a clear benefit to others in the wider community
 Most importantly, your project should encourage volunteering. The more volunteers you can get involved,
the better!
We also love innovative projects
We would especially welcome the opportunity to support innovative projects.
Applications for grants, not normally in excess of £500, are invited from individuals aged 30 and under or from small
groups of young people who believe their actions to be in pursuit of the aims of the Trust.
Trustees will meet twice a year to consider applications.
All applications for support will be judged on their own merits and in relation to how they expect to achieve or further
the aims of the Trust.
How To Apply
If you’re aged under 30 and want to run a volunteering project in the community that meets the criteria we set
out here, please fill in an application form to tell us more about your project, the need it addresses, the activities you
plan to deliver, and how it will support and encourage youth volunteering.
You can download an application form on the left.
Please send completed application forms to:
The Trust’s board of trustees review applications and decide which to fund on a quarterly basis. We let unsuccessful
applicants know by email after each quarterly meeting. For applications we’d like to fund, a trustee contacts the
referee and (subject to a satisfactory reference) will inform the applicant they’ve been successful and send a
cheque for the requested funds. Sometimes a trustee may contact you to find out more about your project if we like
the sound of it, but need more information to make a decision.
If you have any questions about applying, please read our Frequently asked questions and Top tips for
fundraising applicants. If your question remains unanswered, please email:
Can I apply more than once?
Yes – all applicants, whether they’ve been successful or not, are welcome to reapply for funding. Please note that
we will not fund a project more than twice in any twelve month (rolling) period.
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BBC Children in Need Appeal:
Application Deadline
1 June
1 September
1 December
When is the Decision Due?
Early August
Early November
Early March
Initial Application Deadline
15th May
15th Sep
15th Jan
When is the final decision due?
Mid Oct
Mid Feb
Mid Jun
Who can apply?
Your organisation and project must be based in the UK and you need to be a registered charity or other not-for-profit
BBC Children in Need is the BBC's UK corporate charity. The annual telethon is one of the highs of the BBC
calendar and plenty of activity takes place all across the UK around this time to help raise those crucial pennies to
help improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.
However, Pudsey is busy all year round helping to make sure the money you raise goes to those who need it the
Their grants are open to organisations working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old
and under.
Your organisation and project must be based in the UK and you need to be a registered charity or other not-forprofit organisation.
Within our general grants programme, you can apply for:
Small Grants: of £10,000 or less per year for up to three years:
APPLY for a Small Grant of up to £10,000 (
We give grants for...
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation
We fund organisations working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young
people's lives.
In our Small Grants programme we are looking for projects where a relatively small amount of money can make a
big difference for children and young people. We are unlikely to fund applications which top up funding for salaries
or larger projects where a small grant would only make a marginal impact on its success.
Who can apply?
 Not-for-profit organisations that work with disadvantaged children and young people of 18 years and under
who live in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
 If your organisation currently has a grant from us, you can apply for further funding providing your current
grant is coming to an end within the next 12 months. You will need to be able to provide convincing
evidence of the differences our grant has made to the lives of the disadvantaged children and young people
you have worked with
Main Grants: over £10,000 per year for up to three years:
APPLY for a Main Grant of over £10,000 (
Our Main Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for grants over £10,000
per year for up to three years. Check the information below to see if your project should apply.
We give grants for...
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation
We fund organisations working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young
people's lives.
Who can apply?
 Not-for-profit organisations that work with disadvantaged children and young people of 18 years and under
who live in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
 If your organisation currently has a grant from us, you can apply for further funding providing your current
grant is coming to an end within the next 12 months. You will need to be able to provide convincing
evidence of the differences our grant has made to the lives of the disadvantaged children and young people
you have worked with.
Application form is available from the Website:
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Education Endowment Fund (EEF):
We are currently looking for applications to a general funding round, this includes applications focusing on
early years. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 1st April 2015.
For consideration in an application round an application must be received before the round deadline
Currently we run one or two general funding rounds a year, when we are open to applications on any area,
and one themed funding round, when we are open to applications on a specific area (eg, digital technology or
neuroscience). The EEF will accept applications at any point when a funding round is open up until the
advertised closing date. We will then review all applications together. There is no advantage in submitting
applications early in either funding round.
You are welcome to contact us when you are in the early stages of thinking about applying to see if we think
your idea has the potential to meet the EEF’s criteria.
Who can apply?
Funding from the EEF is available to any not-for-profit organisation: mainstream primary and secondary
schools, charities, local authorities, academy chains, universities, social enterprises and community interest
For-profit companies may be involved as partners with, or suppliers to, the main not-for-profit applicant. In
such cases, the EEF will need to ensure that our funding is being used for public benefit and meets our
Please note that the EEF can only fund projects for the benefit of pupils and schools in England, including
early years settings. We are, however, very open to innovative ideas from overseas that are applicable to
schools in England.
Support for funding projects focusing on the use of digital technology in raising the attainment of disadvantaged
How much funding can I apply for?
The EEF does not have a set minimum or maximum size of grant that we award. Past EEF grants have ranged from
£90,000 to £1.8m, with the rest somewhere in between: we spend as much as we have to, but not a penny more
than we need to, in order to trial projects we think may raise attainment and narrow the gap. The amount you
request should be commensurate both with the nature and scale of the project and with your capacity to ensure its
successful delivery.
What is the purpose of EEF funding?
The EEF’s remit is to identify, fund and evaluate projects that will raise the attainment of children from
economically disadvantaged backgrounds in schools in England. We then aim to scale up those which are
shown to work best at narrowing the attainment gap between children from low-income backgrounds and their
better-off peers.
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Golsoncott Foundation:
Deadlines:The Trustees meet on a quarterly basis (February, May, August, and November). Applications should be
submitted by the following dates for consideration at the relevant Trustees' meeting:
 30 April
 31 July
 31 October
 31 January
Who Can Apply?
Individuals and organisations with an arts-related project in the UK can apply for funding.
The Foundation's declared objective is "to promote, maintain, improve and advance the education of the public in
the arts generally and, in particular, the fine arts and music".
Grants vary according to context and are not subject to an inflexible limit, but they are unlikely to exceed £5,000 and
are normally given on a non-recurrent basis.
The Trustees’ overriding concern is to support those projects that demonstrate and deliver excellence in the arts, be
it in performance, exhibition, artistic craft, or scholarly endeavour.
Priority is given to applications that focus upon the perfection or promotion of the art in question. Additionally for
those applications involving young people the trustees look to a long-lasting connection between them and the art
form, one which aims at a significant level of participation and achievement, rather than projects that offer little
scope for further involvement.
Second or further applications to the Foundation will not be considered until a minimum of 12 months has elapsed
since determination of the previous application, whether successful or not.
Frequency: Quarterly.
Link to guidelines:
Useful information:
Applicants must submit a proposal in writing and include copies of their latest accounts.
Hal Bishop
Golsoncott Foundation, 53 St Leonard’s Road, Exeter, EX2 4LS
Tel: (01392) 252855
Fax: (01392) 252855
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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation:
Various deadlines – please see the table below.
Who can apply?
Registered charities, voluntary organisations and community groups (PLEASE DO CHECK THE INDIVIDUAL
Causes supported by HIWCF grant funds:
HIWCF is committed to increasing the amount of charitable funding that is available, and accessible, to voluntary
organisations and community groups active in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The funds that we manage are only
available to voluntary and community groups that are working locally.
Fund Name
Affinity Sutton
Brighton Hill
Development &
Support - Youth
Social inclusion
Sports & Recreation
Multiple Issues &
Development &
Support - Older
Social Outings
Development &
Support - Youth
Education & Training
Employment &
Community Chest
and Traineeship
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Henry Smith Holiday Grants for Children:
Date/s of Trip
Dates when Applications Considered
1 May - 30 June 2015
Applications accepted 1 March - 19 May 2015
1 July - 31 August 2015
Applications accepted 1 May - 19 July 2015
1 September - 31 December 2015
Applications accepted 1 July - 19 November 2015
Who can apply?
Schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities are all eligible to apply
The purpose of this scheme is to provide children with a recreational holiday or outing they would not otherwise
have the opportunity to access. This means that we will not fund trips where the primary purpose is education. You
must make a clear case for the financial need of the individuals attending as well as the organisation applying.
Applications can be made for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who
are from areas of high deprivation*, are experiencing disadvantage, or who have a disability. We will consider trips
for children who live in deprived circumstances within an otherwise affluent area, according to the National Indices
for Deprivation, but the case for support must be clearly explained.
Schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities are all eligible to apply. Trips can be to countryside
or city locations, but must be outside the children”s immediate locality. We are able to fund day-trips as well as
longer residential trips, but are less likely to fund trips to high cost attractions (e.g. theme parks).
Grants of between £500 and £2,500 can be considered. We will only fund a maximum of two-thirds of the
total cost of a holiday as we expect some of the funding to be raised elsewhere but please be aware that,
even if we are able to make a grant to your organisation, we may not be able to award you the full amount
you ask for.
It is important to us that no child be excluded on financial grounds from a trip we are supporting.
Your organisation may receive funding for a maximum of three consecutive years. If your organisation has already
received three years' funding, we will not consider a further application until two years after the last grant was
awarded. Each application is considered on its own merits, but demand for our grants is high and always exceeds
the budget available so, we cannot guarantee that each application will be successful.
If you already have a current grant with us through one of our other grant programmes you cannot apply to the
Holiday Grant programme until it is finished.
* by “areas of high deprivation” we mean those that fall within the bottom third of the National Indices of Deprivation.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website for further details.
How to apply
You should apply by completing the Holiday Grants Application form, which can be downloaded using the links at
the bottom of this page.
Please answer every question on the application form
You may enclose additional information, but this should not exceed two pages
Please ensure you enclose all the documents and information we ask you for
All applications (except those from schools) must be accompanied by a copy of your organisation's most
recent audited or independently inspected accounts, and
a detailed budget and fundraising strategy for the trip or holiday which explains where the balance of funds
will be/have been raised.
Your application should be posted to us with your latest audited or independently inspected accounts (NB: schools
are not required to send accounts) to:
Applications — Holiday Grants
The Henry Smith Charity - 6th Floor, 65 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 2AD
It usually takes between six and eight weeks for decisions to be made on applications.
It is important that your application is submitted at the appropriate time. This year, applications will be considered
based on the date of the trip as shown below. Decisions will be made for each period on a first come first served
We reserve the right to share information received from applicants requesting funding, and from those in receipt of
funding from us, with other grantmakers, unless an organisation expressly requests otherwise. Knowingly providing
false information will invalidate any application or grant.
If you are awarded a grant, you will be expected to send us a short report on the trip within three months of it having
taken place.
Your report must include:
Confirmation that the grant has been spent on the purpose for which it was given — i.e. the trip that you told
us about in your original application. If not, please explain.
Information about how the trip went, how many children benefited, what they gained or learned from it, and
any practical results it has produced. Include details of any useful lessons learned that will inform you future
work, or that could be of use to others.
Confirm of whether or not the trip was delivered within budget. If it was not, for example if you have over or
under spent, please explain the reasons for this.
If your organisation does not submit a final report, or your report does not cover these questions, we will not be able
to consider further requests for funding.
For further information please contact Jo Marren on 020 7264 4978.
Downloadable Documents
Holiday Grant Guidelines - Word
Holiday Grant Guidelines - PDF
Holiday Grant Application Form - Word
Holiday Grant Application Form - PDF
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MacMillan Cancer Support Grants:
Grant Panel
Round Two
15th May 2015
30th June 2015
3rd July 2015
Round Three
24th July 2015
22nd Sept 2015
25th Sept 2015
Round Four
16th Oct 2015
1st Dec 2015
4th Dec 2015
Who can apply?
Grants are awarded to projects and activities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We welcome
applications from:
Individuals or groups of people affected by cancer
Organisations and professionals working in partnership with people affected by cancer.
Our Supporting You to Help Others Grant Programme helps give people affected by cancer the opportunity to use
their experiences to support others, while also receiving support themselves. We especially welcome applications
that contribute to achieving Macmillan’s Inclusion vision of a health and social care system where equal access to,
and delivery of the best cancer services are available to everyone living with and beyond cancer.
The grants we offer:
Start up funds -To support the start up of a new self-help and support project for people affected by cancer
Development funds - To support the ongoing activities and development of self-help and support projects for people
affected by cancer.
User Involvement Grants - To encourage the involvement of people affected by cancer in the design and
improvement of cancer services.
Individual Development Grants - To enable people affected by cancer to develop their skills and use their cancer
experience to help support others affected by cancer.
Where to find out more
You can find out more about the grants and how to apply, by downloading our Guidance Notes and Application
Your local Macmillan Involvement Co-ordinator (MIC) can provide advice, information, support and training and tell
you how to apply for grants to set up or develop your group. Your application will also need to be discussed and
signed off by your MIC prior to submission, so please contact them at your earliest opportunity. Find your nearest
The dates for 2015 are set out below. Unfortunately, due to the number of applications received, we are unable to
accept forms after the deadline.
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Orchard Windfalls grant:
The deadline for applications is the 31st of March 2015.
Who can apply?
Applications must be on behalf of a school or community group which is a charity / not for profit organisation
This grant fund is open to all schools and community groups within the United Kingdom, with the condition that
children under the age of 16 are involved in the planting or, where the trees are too large to be directly handled by
them, related educational activities. This educational aspect might be during the design, planning and planting of
the orchard or, in schools, it might be part of curriculum related projects that will be enhanced by the preliminary
activities or the subsequent availability of fruit trees on or near to the school site.
Orchard Windfalls Fund 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
- Children under the age of 16 must be ACTIVELY involved in the planting process;
- Planting must take place on publicly accessible land, usually in public or charity ownership;
- The school or community group must be able to raise 25% of planting costs;
- Fruit-bearing shrubs or hedge plants are not eligible for funding;
- Apple and pear trees on selected root stocks are the only trees eligible for funding;
- Planting must take place during National Tree Week (or as soon as possible afterwards);
- Applications in respect of work already carried out are not eligible.
If your project meets all the criteria listed, you are eligible to apply for a grant.
For further information you can download the Application Form and accompanying guidelines for the Orchard
Windfalls Fund 2015 here.
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PRS Music Foundation, Funding for Organisations & Groups:
The next deadline for applications is Monday 27th April 2015
Other 2015 deadlines:
Stage 1 deadline Stage 1 decision Stage 2 deadline Funding decision date
Mon 20 Jul
Thu 6 Aug
Thu 20 Aug
Mon 28 Sep
Mon 28 Sep
Tue 20 Oct
Tue 3 Nov
Fri 18 Dec
Who can apply?
community interest company
company limited by guarantee
local authority are able to apply for funding through this scheme.
Please note that we do not fund companies limited by shares.
Funding for Organsations & Groups offers grants of up to £5,000. Applicants who have previously been awarded
an Open Funding grant can apply for more than £5,000. We advise that returning applicants seeking more than
£5,000 contact us prior to application.
Our funding includes support of:
PR and marketing
commissions of new music by UK-based creators*
exciting community projects
music creator residencies
live programmes featuring new UK music
*We define 'commission' as an individual or group engaged by a third party to create a new piece of music.
Before applying to us, you must read the Application Stages and Deadlines and PRSF's Open Funding
Criteria to check if your project is eligible for support.
The application is a 2 stage process. Only those with successful 1st stage applications will be asked to
continue on to the 2nd stage.
We strongly recommend that you read this short document before beginning an application.
To begin or continue an application click here.
Activities we can support:
projects involving the creation of new music (e.g. a commission, residency, education project or tour)
programmes that strongly feature or are based around new music (e.g. promoting a series of live events
featuring outstanding new music, the new music component of a festival programme, artist development
programme or multiple commissions)
equipment/rehearsal space hire if it is an essential part of the project
administrative costs (e.g. time spent organising the project, letters, printing, stamps)
development time (e.g. the time it will take the music creator to work on the new material)
website creation (only if part of wider activity)
promotional activity/PR costs relating directly to your development as an artist/the project (only if part of
wider activity)
musician fees (we will not fund a project if you do not pay your musicians)
contingency (up to 10% of the total project budget)
concerts, record launches, gigs, tours, installations, festivals and promoters which feature a significant
programme of new UK music.
recording costs
Recording costs that we can support:
studio recording time
producer fees
live recordings
rehearsal time
musician fees
equipment hire
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Performing Rights Society - Women Make Music:
The next deadline for applications is 27 April 2015 (for projects happening from 1 August 2015). There will be
another deadline on 28 September 2015 (for projects happening in 2016).
Who can apply? UK-based:
If you are a:
 solo performer
 solo songwriter or composer
 promoter or event producer
 band/ensemble/orchestra
 collective
 charity
 community interest company
 company limited by guarantee
 local authority
 school, college or university
 festival/promoter
...working in any genre, with at least 18 months professional experience, you may be eligible to apply for funding
through this scheme.
The application is a 2 stage process. Only those with successful 1st stage applications will be asked to
continue on to the 2nd stage.
Financial support of up to £5000 is available, and new music in any genre is welcome.
The aims of Women Make Music are:
 Break down assumptions and stereotypes within the music industry by encouraging role models for future
Raise awareness of the gender gap and to ensure that women are aware that support for new music is
available to them
Increase the profile of women who are creating new music in the UK
Stimulate new collaborations between organisations and female music creators.
Please note that music creators previously supported through Women Make Music are not eligible to apply for
funding from this scheme in 2015.
You can sign up to our newsletter to receive regular updates.
Please note that music creators previously supported through Women Make Music are not eligible to apply
for funding from this scheme in 2014.
We support both individuals and organisations/groups through this scheme. Eligibility is the same as our Open
This funding supports:
 songwriters and composers who want to create new music for live performance and recording
solo performers who want to *commission new music which they will perform live or record
organisations/groups who would like to commission a female composer to create new work
music creator residencies
Funding can be used to assist with the costs of the first performance and/or the fee for the music creator and our
support is available for music written by UK-based creators working in any music genre.
*We define 'commission' as when an individual or group of individuals is/are engaged by a third party to create a
new piece of music.
To begin a new application please click here.
Please note that the old applications system has now closed. All applications must now be made using our new
system. Please note you will need to register a new user account with this provider.
If you require assistance at any point in the process, please email with the
subject line ‘PRSF Momentum new form’ and we will be able to help.
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SITA Trust Enhancing Communities Programme - Fast Track Fund/Core
Next deadline: 23rd March (Core Fund) and 13th April (Fast Track Fund)
Other deadlines:
CORE FUND: There are 3 funding rounds each calendar year for the Core Fund.
5pm on 23rd March 2015
5pm on 27th July 2015
17th July 2015
20th November 2015
There are 6 funding rounds each calendar year, forthcoming dates are as follows:
Application deadline :
Notification of decision by:
5pm on 13th April 2015
12th June 2015
5pm on 15th June 2015
14th August 2015
5pm on 17th August 2015
16th October 2015
5pm on 19th October 2015
18th December 2015
Who can apply?
Not-for-profit organisations including community groups, parish councils, charities, local authorities and voluntary
Enhancing Communities Core Fund
Enhancing Communities Fast Track Fund
Core Fund
Grants of up to £60,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations whose community leisure amenity improvement
project has an overall cost of no more than £250,000. Grants are available in 115 funding zones in England,
Scotland and Wales.
Click here for the Core Fund Application Guide
Fast Track Fund
Our Fast Track Fund provides grants of up to £20,000, available to not-for-profit organisations with a community
leisure amenity improvement project that has an overall cost of no more than £40,000.
Applicants will find out whether their application has been successful within 60 days of the application deadline
We can support projects in any of 115 funding zones around qualifying sites owned by our donor, SITA UK.
To see if your project site is in one of our funding zones please visit our postcode checker.
Click here for the Fast Track Fund Application Guide
Support is provided for community projects in qualifying areas of England, Scotland and Wales. The type of projects
supported include improvements to community amenities such as village halls, public parks and sports facilities, and
improvements to historic buildings and structures.
Extra help for applicants
If you think you may require some help with involving volunteers in the delivery of your project or with planning &
risk assessment, volunteer engagement & management or training you may wish to contact BTCV who might be
able to offer some practical support. If BTCV subsequently becomes involved in a project, their costs can
be included as part of the total budget in the application to SITA Trust. BTCV do not have to be involved in your
project in order for an application to be successful - this opportunity is purely available for those seeking a bit of
extra support.
N.B The total amount applied for, including any BTCV costs, cannot exceed the fund limit of £5,000 for the
volunteer support fund or £25,000 for the major works fund.
For more info on how BTCV can assist you please read the relevant application guide.
Improve your field and take part in the Great British Elm Experiment
Applicants to both strands of the QEII Fields Fund can, as part of their project budget, opt to buy an elm sapling to
plant within their field so they can take part in the Great British Elm Experiment. More information is held within the
application guide for each funding strand
The Coach House, Eastwood Park, Falfield, South Gloucestershire, GL12 8DA
Tel: 01454 262910 / Fax: 01454 269090
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Sport England Community Sport Activation Fund (England):
Funding rounds
There are five opportunities to apply for this Fund over the next four years. Given the number of opportunities to
apply we encourage you only to apply when your project is ready.
 Round 4 - opened 20 January 2015 and closing 5pm on 20 April 2015
 Round 5 - opening spring 2016 (exact dates to be confirmed).
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply you must be one of the following:
Fully constituted club, association or trust - an organisation, generally within the voluntary sector, with its own
constitution or memorandum and articles of association; Community amateur sports clubs; Local authority; Local
education authority - schools; Community Interest Company (CICs); National governing body (NGB); Industrial
Provident Society.
Please check the website for more details.
Building on the success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012, Sport England wants to work with local
partners to capitalise on this inspiration and get even more people doing sport at a local level.
Community amateur sports clubs, local authorities, schools, colleges and universities are among those eligible to
apply for grants of between £50,000 and £250,000 for projects that will increase participation in sport. Sport
England will not prescribe how projects will deliver but will invest in what works best in different areas, based on
local evidence.
The fund aims to:
Increase once a week participation in sport by those aged 14 and above.
Encourage and support local partners to work together to develop new approaches to delivery.
Invest in projects that will deliver sustainable participation increases.
Support communities across England to help ensure sport becomes a regular part of the majority of
people's lives.
Projects must be focused on a particular local geographical area within England. To be eligible projects must
identify a specific community, neighbourhood or local area within which the project will deliver and justify the choice
of the area and the impact the project will have there.
Examples of the kind of projects Sport England expects to fund are:
Activities that encompass Sport England's wide definition of sport.
Informal, "come and try it" opportunities which will build regular sustained, once a week, participation.
Multi-sport activities that provide people with a range of choices and opportunities.
Family orientated opportunities, where funding is focused on those aged 14 and above.
Local activator roles that focus on directly organising and delivering new local sports opportunities for
The Community Sport Activation Fund is a £40 million Lottery revenue fund developed to support grassroots activity
at a very local level.
The Fund was designed in response to demand and will aim to unlock potential and resources. We will not
prescribe how projects will deliver but will invest in what works best in different areas, based on local evidence.
Projects the fund is aimed at
The kinds of projects we expect to fund include:
Activities reflecting a broad range of sports
Informal opportunities which could lead to regular participation
Multi-sport activities which provide people with a range of choices and opportunities to suit them
Family orientated activities with a focus on 14 plus age group
Local activator roles that focus on directly organising and delivering new opportunities for participation.
Projects could be for up to three years and the grants will range from £50,000 - £250,000 with partnership funding
The best projects for this fund will demonstrate the following key characteristics:
A focus on a clearly defined geographical area and community
Demonstrable understanding of sporting needs
Evidence of what potential participants want or need in order to take part in sport once a week
Local partners working together to deliver and help fund the project
A clear and robust delivery plan
Realistic, but ambitious, numbers for increasing and sustaining once a week participation
Do I need partnership funding?
Yes, some partnership funding is required. One of the key features of this fund is working in partnership at a local
level to deliver sporting outcomes. The applicant and their partners must demonstrate their commitment to the
success of the project by investing an appropriate amount of their own resources. We will normally require an
overall contribution from you and your partners that is at least one third (1/3) of the total project costs.
At least half of your partnership funding must be financial; the other half may be contributed as ‘in-kind’. Please
see our detailed FAQ on what counts as eligible in-kind partnership funding.
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The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund:
Deadline: Late April 2015 for organisations working with carers
We hold one round of Development Grants per year for organisations working with carers, and one round per year
for organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders. This is to ensure applicants have a
higher success rate and high quality applications are not rejected, compared to holding two or more rounds with
lower success rates.
Organisations working with carers
Late April 2015 – deadline for application submissions
Late June 2015 – all applicants notified whether they have been shortlisted or unsuccessful
July/August/September 2015 – shortlisted applicants visited by the Triangle Trust
End of October 2015 – all shortlisted applicants notified of outcome
February 2016 – all grants must have started
Organisations working with rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders……………..
2015 and beyond.....
The timetable for subsequent years will be the same in terms of months, but exact dates will be announced at the
beginning of each year. We will only be offering Development Grants and not Project Grants for the foreseeable
Who can apply?
Applicants must be a registered charity, not-for-profit social enterprise or community interest company working
within the UK with a UK office.
Social enterprise and community interest companies must have a governing document which shows the name,
aim/purpose, objects of the group, including a dissolution clause - what happens if your group ceases to function.
This clause should show that you are a not-for-profit group by confirming that any assets remaining after all debts
are paid will be given to another voluntary group with similar aims. This document should also include details of your
Trustees or management committee.
We offer funding for specialist community and voluntary organisations working with carers or the rehabilitation of
offenders or ex-offenders within the UK.
Only complete applications submitted using the online form by 5 pm on the published closing date will be accepted.
Please ensure you meet all the criteria and read the instructions on how to apply before registering to access the
online submission form.
Development Grants
The Triangle Trust recognises in the current economic climate, building a solid foundation for long-term
sustainability for your organisation can be of higher importance than starting a new project. We therefore offer
Development Grants to provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs.
We would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when our grant
comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.
Grants are available for up to £40,000 or 50% of the organisation’s current annual income, whichever is lowest, per
year for 3 years. We would expect to see the amount requested each year tapering down as applicants develop
other income streams to replace the grant income. The 50% of annual income limit is in place to discourage
smaller organisations making an unrealistic step change in income that cannot be sustained when the grant ends.
Project Grants
Prior to the launch of our Development Grants we offered a single round of Project Grants for specialist registered
charities working with carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders. The successful recipients of these
grants will be detailed on our website soon. The Development Grants have replaced the Project Grants so we will
not be offering any further Project Grants for the foreseeable future.
Apply for funding
We will be holding one round per year for organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders.
This will ensure applicants have a higher success rate and high quality applications are not rejected, compared to
holding two or more rounds with lower success rates.
The application process will be two-stage. Following the submission of your initial online application, shortlisted
applicants will be asked to host a visit from the Triangle Trust where they will be required to present their strategic
plan for the next few years.
The grants provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs to support the development of a solid foundation
for the long-term. The Triangle Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income
sources, so that when the grant comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.
Funding is available for up to £40,000 per year for 3 years. The closing date for submissions is 14 May 2013 and
all previous successful and unsuccessful applicants to the Trust are welcome to apply.
Please note we will only be holding one round of Development Grants per year for organisations working with
carers. This will ensure applicants have a higher success rate and high quality applications are not rejected,
compared to holding two or more rounds with lower success rates. The Development Grants have replaced our
previous Project Grants. We will not therefore be offering any Project Grants for the foreseeable future.
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The Wolfson Foundation:
Secondary Education programme deadlines: the lead-in time from a Stage 1 application to consideration by
Trustees is longer than for our other funding programmes, due to our policy of visiting schools as a part of the
application process.
Autumn round
Stage 1 applications: accepted until 15 April
Stage 2 applications: deadline 15 June
Funding decision: December
See more at:
The Wolfson Foundation runs two funding rounds each year (operates to a slightly different timetable than the
Secondary Education programme), a Spring and Autumn round. For most programme areas, the key dates are:
Spring round
Stage 2 applications: deadline 1 March
Funding decision: June
Autumn round
Stage 1 applications: accepted before 1 July
Stage 2 applications: deadline 1 September
Funding decision: December
Please note that there may be a cap on the number of applications that are invited for each funding round and it is
therefore advisable to submit your application well in advance of the Stage 1 deadline dates. Applications received
before the Stage 1 deadline may be deferred until a later funding round if the current one is over-subscribed.
Secondary Education
Who can apply?
Special schools and special colleges are eligible to apply under this funding programme, as are charities providing
education and employment opportunities to adults with learning disabilities.
Disability and Special Needs
Throughout its history the Wolfson Foundation has not only funded medical research but has also made awards for
people with particular health needs or disabilities, often through smaller charities doing excellent work in a specific
local community.
Capital projects include building refurbishments, new buildings, or extensions. The purchase of specialist equipment
can be funded where a strong case is made. These grants are awarded to charities of all sizes, in the following
- learning disabilities and mental health
- physical disabilities (including visual or hearing impairments and rehabilitation)
- older people
Successful grant applications generally have identified gaps in local provision or made an attempt to meet
increasing demand on services, with careful regard for the sustainability of their project in an increasingly
challenging climate.
Nearly £10 million has been awarded over the last five years, to over 200 different organisations.
We are particularly interested in hearing from organisations working with disabilities for which it may be harder to
raise funds from the public.
See more at:
We generally only fund capital projects (buildings/refurbishment, equipment) and only award grants to charities or
organisations with charitable status (or equivalent). We fund within four main programme areas, and you will find
more details on eligibility criteria within the relevant area: Science & Medicine; Arts & Humanities; Education; Health
& Disability. See more at:
Please visit our How to apply page for details of the application process. Once you have read the relevant pages on
our website to check that your project is eligible, you can submit a Stage 1 application via our online forms (found
on the relevant funding programme page). See more at:
The Wolfson Foundation has a two stage application process. These pages explain the process and timing of
making an application. Details of eligibility and what we fund are contained within the various funding programme
pages. Please note that, under some funding programmes, applicants are asked to submit via partner
organisations, and so the application process and deadlines may vary from those described here. Such cases are
signposted within the relevant programme area pages.
We are committed to rigorous assessment in order to fund high quality projects. All applications undergo detailed
internal review and assessment by external experts. As such, the time between submission of a Stage 1 application
and a funding decision on a Stage 2 application will be a minimum of some five months (and may in some cases be
substantially longer). As we do not make retrospective grants (i.e. your project will need to be ongoing at the time
that it is considered by our Trustees), it is important to plan carefully the timing of your application.
The pages in this section provide an overview of the timing of the application process and what is required at each
See more at:
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Woodward Charitable Trust:
Diary dates for applications:
General grants are usually allocated following Trustees' meetings in January and July each year. Children's
Summer Play scheme grants are considered in April. All application forms are assessed on arrival and
acknowledged within 6-8 weeks. If additional information is required we will contact you further.
Applicants must make sure we receive a project budget.
Children's Summer Play Scheme Grants
The Children's Summer Play Scheme meeting will take place in May 2015.
The deadline for receipt of applications for the Children's Summer Play Schemes is on Friday, 17 April
2015. Please do not send any applications for the Summer Play Schemes until after 2 February 2015.
Please do not apply for the Summer Play Scheme grants if your charity's annual income is over £100k.
July 2015 Meeting
The deadline for applications for the July 2015 meeting will be Friday, 15 May 2015.
Who can apply?
Applications are accepted from UK registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £300,000.
General Application Guidelines
It is recommended that all applicants take time to read these guidelines in order to avoid submitting applications that
are likely to be rejected and look at our Annual Reports for previous years. This will give more of an idea of both the
type of organisation supported and the amounts awarded. Only if you think your project falls within our criteria
should potential applicants telephone the administrator, Karin Hooper on 020 7410 0330, to seek advice. Before
you call please have your charity registration number to hand. Trustees are keen to spare charities the wasted time
and costs involved in applying when there is no prospect of success. Please note that only about 15% of applicants
are successful and the majority of grants are for less than £5,000.
Applications will only be considered if they fall within the following areas:
1. Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour.
2. Minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers. Projects that promote integration and community
cohesion will be favoured.
3. Prisoners and ex-offenders. Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or exoffenders are supported as well as requests to help prisoners families.
4. Disability projects which can include rehabilitation and training for people who are either physically disabled
or learning disabled, as well as help to improve employment prospects.
5. Homelessness, especially affecting young people and women, and covering facilities such as women's
6. Arts outreach work by local groups for the benefit of disadvantaged people.
7. Environmental projects, especially with a strong educational element.
The amounts awarded in each category are available in our annual report.
Trustees DO NOT fund unsolicited applications from charities whose annual income exceeds £300,000 or
Construction projects such as playgrounds, village halls, and disabled accesses
General school appeals including out of hours provision
Medical research
Parish facilities
Playgroups and pre-school groups
Requests for vehicles
Individuals in any capacity
Educational fees
Trustees review grant applications twice a year, usually in January and July. Please consult the diary page for upto-date deadlines for receipt of applications.
Types of grants
Small grants, £100-£5,000 (around 100 grants made per year). Charities should note that only 19 grants
for £3,000 or more were made in 2010/11).
Large grants, over £5,000 (around 6 grant are made per year). Large grants are mainly give to charities
already known to the Trustees. Please note that applications for large grants will automatically be
rejected unless they are discussed with the administrator prior to submission.
Children's summer playscheme grants £500-£1,000 (about 35 grants made per year). Applications for
these are made separately and considered in April each year. The charities annual income should be under
The Trustees favour small-scale, locally based initiatives. Funding is primarily for one-off projects, but the Trustees
are willing to consider funding running costs (including core cost and salaries).
Application forms
Trustees will only consider appeals made on their own application form and every section must be completed
including the Statement of Financial Activities. The general grant application form and the summer scheme grant
application form are both available in the application form section of this website. If you would like an application
form sent electronically please email Karin Hooper at
You are asked to keep the grant application form to one page. It is not sufficient to answer "see attached
documents". If supplementary information is sent this should be in addition to the information requested by the
Trustees on their form. Please ensure you complete the amount required section. All applications must include a
detailed project budget.
Please be clear when applying who your target users are, what your projected outcomes are and how many
people will benefit from the grant. If this is a continuation of existing work what are your outcomes to date?
If your request is for a one-off project, what will be its legacy? Trustees are interested in helping smaller
organisations that offer direct services and those that encourage cross community participation. Any
participation by past or current users of the service should be mentioned and is encouraged. It should be
noted that a lack of this information may prejudice your application.
We also request that you tell us the region in which you operate (i.e. Scotland, North East or West, Northern
Ireland, Wales, Yorkshire & the Humber, East or West Midlands, East Anglia, London, South East or South West or
the Channel Islands).
The amounts awarded in each category are available in our annual report on the website.
Annual Report and Accounts
To reduce the carbon footprint of our application process, please do not send us your Annual Report & Accounts
with your initial application unless they are unavailable on the Charity Commission Website.
If your charity's income is under £10,000 we will need to see evidence of your income and expenditure for the past
If your application passes the first round we may contact you for further information.
Project budget
All applications must include a detailed project budget. If your application is for a specific project, it would also be
helpful to know where the balance of funds will come from.
Please return completed applications to:
Mrs Karin Hooper
The Woodward Charitable Trust, The Peak, 5 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1AP
or via email to:
If you are sending an application in the post please do not send duplicate copies via email. We only want
one copy, please. Any exception to this may prejudice your application.
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Youth Music:
Fund A
 23rd April 2015
 23rd July 2015
 22nd October 2015
 21st May 2015
 5th November 2015
 September 2015 (TBC)
Who can apply?
Registered Charities or not-for-profit organisations such as Companies Limited by Guarantee or constituted
community groups. Profit-sharing organisations based in the UK are also eligible to apply, so long as the work they
propose to undertake will not make any profit for the organisation
FUND A - £2,000 to £30,000:
awards smaller grants for high-quality projects that will help us achieve our vision for a musically inclusive
FUND B - £30,001 to £200,000 (to a maximum of £100,000 per annum):
awards smaller grants for high-quality projects that will help us achieve our vision for a musically inclusive
FUND C- £50,000 to £180,000 per annum
awards larger grants for projects with a dual role of delivery and strategic work: developing, promoting and
supporting musically inclusive practice.
Need match funding (see the website)
Choose your fund
 Start your Fund A application
Start your Fund B application
Start your Fund C application
See more at:
Tel: 0207 902 1060
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