Post- Civil War: Reconstruction
What economic impact did the Civil War have on the South?
What economic impact did the Civil War have on the South?
Devastated-- farms, railroads, and factories destroyed
throughout the South.
Cities of Richmond and Atlanta lay in ruins.
What long term economic impact did
the Civil War have on the South?
What long term economic impact did
the Civil War have on the South?
South would remain a backward, agriculture-based economy
and the poorest section of the nation for many decades
What economic impact did the Civil War
have on the North and Midwest?
What economic impact did the Civil War
have on the North and Midwest?
Strong industrial economy, lay foundation for
industrialization in the next half-century and
emergence of U.S. as global economic power
What political impact did the Civil War have on the nation?
What political impact did the Civil War have on the nation?
Test of federalism, federal government maintains supremacy
Abraham Lincoln’s view that the U.S. was
one nation indivisible prevailed
What social impact did the Civil War have on the nation?
What social impact did the Civil War have on the nation?
600,000 American die. Southerners were left
embittered by their losses. Questions remained
about how to put the nation back together,
both emotionally and politically
Dead at Antietam
What was Reconstruction?
What was Reconstruction?
The period of rebuilding after the Civil War (1865-1877)
What were 5 things that needed to be
“rebuilt” after the Civil War?
What were 5 things that needed to be
“rebuilt” after the Civil War?
Southern economy
Status of newly freed slaves
Southern infrastructure
Southern states readmitted to union
Trust between North and South
How did Abraham Lincoln’s believe the
South should be treated after the Civil War?
How did Abraham Lincoln’s believe the
South should be treated after the Civil War?
No punishment,
“with malice towards none,
with charity for all…to bind
up the nation’s wounds”
How did Lincoln view the political Reconstruction of the nation?
How did Lincoln view the political Reconstruction of the nation?
Reconstruction was a matter of
quickly restoring legitimate state
governments that were loyal to
the Union
Why did Lincoln view Reconstruction as a quick process?
Why did Lincoln view Reconstruction as a quick process?
Secession was illegal,
Confederate states
had never really left the Union.
What happened to Lincoln just a few days
after Lee’s surrender at Appomattox?
What happened to Lincoln just a few days
after Lee’s surrender at Appomattox?
Assassinated at Ford’s Theatre by John Wilkes Booth
Lincoln’s Funeral Procession
What impact did the assassination of
Lincoln have on Reconstruction?
What impact did the assassination of
Lincoln have on Reconstruction?
Allowed the Radical Republicans to influence Reconstruction
in a way more punitive towards the former Confederate states
How did the Radical Republicans believe the
South should be treated after the Civil War?
How did the Radical Republicans believe the
South should be treated after the Civil War?
South should be punished, seceded states
were not allowed back into the Union
immediately and put under military occupation
In what military district was Virginia?
In what military district was Virginia?
Military District 1
What did the Radical Republicans
what to do for former slaves?
What did the Radical Republicans
what to do for former slaves?
Guarantee voting and
other civil rights
to African Americans
(Radical social reform)
What were the
3 “Civil War Amendments”
to the Constitution?
What were the
3 “Civil War Amendments”
to the Constitution?
13th- Abolished slavery
14th- States prohibited
from denying equal rights
15th- Voting rights guaranteed
regardless of “race, color, or
previous condition of servitude”
(former slaves)
Who did the Radical Republicans
clash with in their push
for Civil Rights?
Who did the Radical Republicans
clash with in their push
for Civil Rights?
Andrew Johnson
(successor to Lincoln)
(HINT: Look at the
“freemen’s bureau”—to help
former slaves--- kicked out
by Johnson’s veto power)
What did the Radical Republicans do
to President Andrew Johnson?
What did the Radical Republicans do
to President Andrew Johnson?
Attempted to impeach (formally charge him with misconduct).
Failed by one vote to remove him from office.
What ended Reconstruction?
What ended Reconstruction?
Extremely close election of 1876.
Compromise of 1877–
in return for the White House, Republicans agreed to
end military occupation in the South
Why were the states of S.C., L.A., and FLA, in dispute in 1877?
Why were the states of S.C., L.A., and FLA, in dispute in 1877?
Many votes for the Democratic candidate
were forced through intimidation
What was the impact
of the Compromise of 1877?
What was the impact
of the Compromise of 1877?
Reconstruction failed,
former Confederates
controlled the
Democratic party and
regained power
in the South
What was the legacy of a failed Reconstruction?
What was the legacy of a failed Reconstruction?
Jim Crow Era– long period in which
African Americans in the South were
denied the full rights of American citizenship
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Richmond, Virginia and
Atlanta, Georgia
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the Midwest and
Northern states?
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Richmond, Virginia and
Atlanta, Georgia
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the Midwest and
Northern states?
Strong industrial growth, laid
foundation for future
industrialization and prosperity
What long-term economic impact
did the Civil War have on the
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Richmond, Virginia and
Atlanta, Georgia
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the Midwest and
Northern states?
Strong industrial growth, laid
foundation for future
industrialization and prosperity
What long-term economic impact
did the Civil War have on the
War left South backward,
agricultural-based economy and
poorest section of nation for
What was the period of rebuilding
after the Civil War?
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Richmond, Virginia and
Atlanta, Georgia
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the Midwest and
Northern states?
Strong industrial growth, laid
foundation for future
industrialization and prosperity
What long-term economic impact
did the Civil War have on the
War left South backward,
agricultural-based economy and
poorest section of nation for
What was the period of rebuilding
after the Civil War?
Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Who believed in not punishing the
South, “with malice towards none,
with charity for all… bind up the
nation’s wounds…”
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the South?
Devastated, farms, railroads,
industry destroyed by war
What two southern cities were
particularly devastated by the Civil
Richmond, Virginia and
Atlanta, Georgia
What economic impact did the
Civil War have on the Midwest and
Northern states?
Strong industrial growth, laid
foundation for future
industrialization and prosperity
What long-term economic impact
did the Civil War have on the
War left South backward,
agricultural-based economy and
poorest section of nation for
What was the period of rebuilding
after the Civil War?
Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Who believed in not punishing the
South, “with malice towards none,
with charity for all… bind up the
nation’s wounds…”
Abraham Lincoln
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
What happened to Abraham Lincoln
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
What happened to Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Who believed in punishing the
South, and put it under military
occupation during Reconstruction?
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
What happened to Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Who believed in punishing the
South, and put it under military
occupation during Reconstruction?
What did the Radical Republicans
want to do for former slaves?
Radical Republicans in Congress
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
What happened to Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Who believed in punishing the
South, and put it under military
occupation during Reconstruction?
Radical Republicans in Congress
What did the Radical Republicans
want to do for former slaves?
Guarantee voting and other civil
What were the 3 “Civil War
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
What happened to Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Who believed in punishing the
South, and put it under military
occupation during Reconstruction?
Radical Republicans in Congress
What did the Radical Republicans
want to do for former slaves?
Guarantee voting and other civil
What were the 3 “Civil War
13th, 14th, 15th
What amendment abolished
Why did Abraham Lincoln believe
that Reconstruction would be a
quick process?
Secession was illegal, Southern
states had never really left the
What happened to Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
just a few days after Lee’s
surrender at Appomattox?
Who believed in punishing the
South, and put it under military
occupation during Reconstruction?
Radical Republicans in Congress
What did the Radical Republicans
want to do for former slaves?
Guarantee voting and other civil
What were the 3 “Civil War
13th, 14th, 15th
What amendment abolished
13th amendment
What amendment guaranteed equal
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
Who did the Radical Republicans
continually clash with in their quest
to guarantee civil rights?
15th amendment
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
15th amendment
Who did the Radical Republicans
continually clash with in their quest
to guarantee civil rights?
President, Andrew Johnson
What did the Radical Republicans
do to Andrew Johnson?
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
15th amendment
Who did the Radical Republicans
continually clash with in their quest
to guarantee civil rights?
President, Andrew Johnson
What did the Radical Republicans
do to Andrew Johnson?
Impeach, but fail to remove from
What enabled former Confederates
to regain power in the South?
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
15th amendment
Who did the Radical Republicans
continually clash with in their quest
to guarantee civil rights?
President, Andrew Johnson
What did the Radical Republicans
do to Andrew Johnson?
Impeach, but fail to remove from
What enabled former Confederates
to regain power in the South?
Compromise of 1877
What did the Republicans gain by
allowing the Democrats control of
the South in 1877?
What amendment guaranteed equal 14th amendment
rights, no state could deny?
What amendment guaranteed
voting rights regardless of “race,
color, or previous condition of
15th amendment
Who did the Radical Republicans
continually clash with in their quest
to guarantee civil rights?
President, Andrew Johnson
What did the Radical Republicans
do to Andrew Johnson?
Impeach, but fail to remove from
What enabled former Confederates
to regain power in the South?
Compromise of 1877
What did the Republicans gain by
allowing the Democrats control of
the South in 1877?
White House
What was the legacy of a failed
What was the legacy of a failed
Jim Crow, long period of denying
African American full rights of