Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology OPT 2314 Course Syllabus OPT 2314 – Prefabricated Orthotics and Pedorthics This course is an Orthotic Fitters and Pedorthic education module. Facility practice procedures, fitting, adjusting and repair of prefabricated orthoses will be taught. Students will also learn those patient management procedures that fall within the American Board for Certification’s scope of practice for a Certified Orthotic Fitter. Prescription criteria, fitting of prefabricated orthoses for the management of specific conditions and injuries will be covered. Topics relating to pathologies, pathomechanics, biomechanics and human anatomy as they relate to the provision of prefabricated orthoses will also be taught. Devices covered include upper extremity orthoses, spinal orthoses including the cervical spine, knee orthoses, compression garments, and lower extremity orthoses. The pedorthics module of this course offers an in-depth study of the various disorders and injuries of the foot and ankle. It prepares the student to learn the proper clinical assessment techniques for individuals with normal or pathological lower extremity conditions. Additional topics include the normal anatomy of the foot and ankle, physical and biomechanical assessment of the foot, gait analysis, footwear analysis, and prescription criteria for the various pedorthic conditions. Fabrication projects include one soft foot orthosis, one UCBL, and shoe modifications. Most forms of rocker soles and shoe will be addressed. Type of course: Lecture/Lab Credit Hours: 4 Total hours of lab for the semester: 75; Total hours of theory per semester: 25; Total hours of clinical per semester: 0. Prerequisites: See above Class Length: Full Semester Instructor Name: Jennifer Block, M.S, CPO Office: HETD--inside O&P main entrance Instructor Phone: (918) 293-5324 Instructor email: Class Format: Face-to-face Contact: My preferred method of contact is email. Please allow 24-48 hours to return your correspondence during the normal work week. Office Hours: 1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. Tuesday and Thursday; 8:00-11:00 a.m. Friday School Name: Nursing and Health Sciences School Phone: (918) 293-5337 Required Texts, References and Materials Texts: Sieg, Kay and Sandra Adams. Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeltal Anatomy. References: Salter, Robert. Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System. Materials: Provided by program Uniform/Tools: Tool kit and scrubs as required by internship site. Estimated Cost for Materials: N/A Estimated Cost for Uniform/Tools: Scrubs $30.00/pair Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 Course Objectives Perform patient assessments Fit prefabricated orthotic devices within accepted fitting parameters Write comprehensive SOAP notes Identify major pathologies managed with prefabricated orthotic devices Identify planes of motion of the skeletal system Assessment of Objectives Fitting Evaluation (F) Fitting Evaluation (F) Homework (F) Quiz, Exam (F) Final Exam (S) Course Activities In this course students will: Identify basic musculoskeletal anatomy. Participate in discussions regarding pathological conditions. Participate in class activities on patient measurement and interpretation of orthometry forms. Develop measurement and selection techniques for prefabricated orthoses. Measure, select, adjust, fit and repair prefabricated orthoses. Design, manufacture, modify, adjust, and repair pedorthic items. Contribute to discussions on patient management skills. Fabricate orthoses for the management of pedorthic pathologies. Assess, evaluate, measure patients in order to select and fit orthotic and pedorthic items. Participate in discussions regarding professional responsibilities and scopes of practice in the orthotic industry. Practice safe appropriate lab and equipment procedures. EVALUATION - GRADES WILL BE BASED ON THE QUALITY AND COMPLETION OF THESE TASKS: (NOTE- Please indicate the course-specific evaluations) Grade Calculation Your grade will be calculated in the following manner: 25% Quizzes Safety and Practice Management Cervical Spine LS Spine Upper Extremity Lower Extremity 35% Fabrication Projects Foot Impression Soft Foot Orthosis UCBL Orthosis Rocker Sole 20% Fitting Evaluations and Homework* 20% Exams Prefabricated Orthotics Final* Pedorthics Final OSUIT Grading Scale A = 90%-100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 59% & below *The student’s grade for these assignments will be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. A 70% competency or higher receives a Pass rating. This Pass/Fail rating is independent of the student’s course grade. Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 Daily and/or weekly quizzes, small weekly assignments and similar type projects: Normal return time to student by next class meeting or no later than one (1) week. Extensive assignments, large lab projects, extensive quizzes, exams and similar type projects: Normal return time to students in one (1) to two (2) weeks. Grade Appeals Your instructor is responsible for adhering to departmental and university grading practices. If you believe those practices and procedures were not consistently and accurately followed in determining your final grade, you have the right to appeal the case to the Academic Appeals Board if informal discussions fail to resolve the issue. The deadline for filing grade appeals is no later than four months after the date the grades are officially due in the Registrar's office, or six weeks after the student begins a new semester, whichever comes first. Please see the following for more information: AUTHORIZED TOOLS Students may use any/all course materials, including books and notes, while participating in classroom activities. All quizzes and written assignments are to be completed independently; no collaboration with classmates is permitted and any instance of such will be considered academic dishonesty. LATE WORK All work (projects, homework and presentations) must be submitted at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Due dates for projects and homework are on your outline, so there should be no surprises. Late submissions of assignments and projects will be accepted within one week, with 10% deducted for each day late. No late work will be accepted after one week without prior arrangements. Work is considered late after the start of class on the day it is due unless I advise you otherwise, or you have an excused absence on the due date. I reserve the right to modify this policy depending on individual circumstances. TESTING Tests may be administered in person or online through D2L. Please make arrangements in advance if you know you will miss a scheduled test. The availability of make-up exams for unexcused absences will be at the instructor’s discretion. UNIVERSITY & COURSE EXPECTATIONS It is the responsibility of each OSUIT student to read, abide by and maintain a copy of the syllabus for this course. Syllabi are available on the OSUIT website. Students understand that excerpts or portions of their work may be utilized for institutional assessment purposes. The purpose of institutional assessment is for verification of student learning and program improvement. Every effort will be made to keep this information confidential. Student Conduct Students are expected to cooperate in maintaining a classroom environment conducive to learning. Courteous and respectful behavior will be expected from all students each day. The use of tobacco in any form on University grounds is prohibited. Students are encouraged to read the OSUIT Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities for a complete explanation of required student conduct: Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 Punctuality Class begins at 8:30 a.m. and roll is taken at that time. If you are not in class when roll is taken, you will be counted absent in accordance with the attendance policy above. If you arrive late, it is your responsibility to check with me and make sure your presence in class has been recorded. Punctuality is a professional skill required by both employers and our program. Consequently, excessive tardiness can affect your grade. If you are tardy 3 times, that will be counted as an absence. Please be on time to both lectures and open laboratory work sessions. Cell phones Use of cell phones in class is not allowed. This includes both lecture classes and open laboratory time. Please turn your cell phone to silent or vibrate during the entire 3 hours of class. Do not leave a lecture to make or receive calls unless it is an emergency. If you need to make or receive a call during laboratory time, please step outside the lab to do so. Lab Conduct An instructor or member of the OSUIT staff must be present when students are working in the lab. No work of any kind may occur in the labs during lunch or before/after classes unless an instructor is present. Only students in the program are allowed in the lab. Students must complete their Machine Safety Checkout before using the lab for the first time. Students may wear scrubs or casual clothing appropriate for working in the lab. No open toed shoe wear, high heels or sandals are allowed. All shirts must have sleeves. No ties, long necklaces or any other potentially dangerous items that could cause injury to the student or others are allowed in the lab. Hair longer than the collar must be tied back while working in the lab. Homework and Research You will be required to conduct light research in order to complete some of the homework assignments. Please make certain that you are familiar with OSUIT’s online databases and journals, and the process for conducting searches within our system. If you need help with conducting online research, please make an appointment with Jenny Duncan in the library. She is glad to help. Dress Code (Required) Field trips, seminars and guest speakers: Casual Professional Lab: Scrubs or casual clothing. Shirts must have sleeves. Closed toe shoes required. Lecture classroom: Scrubs or casual clothing. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the University of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Academic Accommodations/LASSO Center. Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible, and contact The LASSO Center, located in the Noble Center for Advancing Technology – NCAT, top floor, and 918-293-4855 to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. (Fall 2013). More information can be found in the access services handbook: Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty or misconduct is neither condoned nor tolerated at OSUIT. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty or misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty and/or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: (1) Plagiarism: the representation of previously written, published, or creative work as one’s own; (2) Unauthorized collaboration on projects; (3) Cheating on examinations; (4) Unauthorized advance access to exams; (5) Fraudulent alteration of academic materials; (6) Knowing cooperation with another person in an academically dishonest undertaking. Students are required to actively protect their work against misuse by others. For details, refer to The OSUIT Student Handbook (Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior) available online at Attendance Requirements and Guidelines A primary component of OSUIT's Mission is “to prepare and sustain a diverse student body as competitive members of a world-class workforce.” Regular and consistent attendance not only aids in academic success, dependable attendance is a requirement in today's real-world employment; therefore, regular and consistent attendance is a requirement in all OSUIT courses. Definitions: Absent: Failing to attend all or a significant portion of a class or lab session. A. Students may not be marked as absent if missing class for situations such as, but not limited to 1. participating in a required university activity such as a field trip; 2. fulfilling a military obligation; 3. a mandatory court appearance; 4. death in the immediate family; 5. extreme illness or accident to oneself or immediate family. Instructors, at their discretion, may require proof of such events. B. It is the responsibility of the student to contact and inform the instructor and/or department in advance of such excused absences whenever possible. Tardy: Arriving late to class as defined by the individual class instructor. Faculty, at their discretion, may equate three tardies to equal one absence. Procedures: Early Intervention A. Any student who misses 10% of an individual course (or earlier at faculty discretion) during a regular fifteen-week semester, or the equivalent portion of time in a shorter session, will have their name submitted by that course instructor to the OSUIT Early Alert System for retention intervention. B. At the point the Early Alert is issued, the student must meet with their assigned faculty advisor or designated faculty/staff member within seven (7) academic calendar days for counseling on how to improve their attendance and academic success. Excessive Absences A. The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw any student from an individual course who misses 20% of that course, whether excused or unexcused, and, in the Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 opinion of the instructor, the student does not have a reasonable opportunity to be successful in the course. B. Students should be aware any of the following may impact their financial aid: 1. being administratively withdrawn from a course 2. dropping a course 3. their last date of attendance in a course Please see OSUIT Policy 2-021 for full details and procedures. Course Outline See attached schedule. Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 OPT 2314: Pre-Fabricated Orthotics and Pedorthics M/W 8:30 – 11:50 a.m. 1/06 Course Guidelines Fitter Overview Lecture Lecture 1/11 Workplace Safety Practice Management Lecture Lecture 1/13 A&P Overview Part 1 Lecture 1/18 MLK Holiday No Class 1/20 Quiz: Practice Management A&P Overview Part 2 Cranial/Cervical Anatomy Bones Muscles Pathology of the Head and Neck Cervical Orthoses Types Fitting Parameters Quiz Lecture Lecture Fitting of Prefabricated Cervical Orthoses T/L Spinal Anatomy Bones Muscles Biomechanics T/L Spinal Pathologies Spinal Precautions The Nervous System Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Spinal Cord Injuries Lab Lecture Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis LSO Overview LSO Rationale Fitting of LSO Corset Lecture Quiz: Cervical Section Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis TLSO Overview TLSO Rationale Fitting of TLSO Jewett Cash Semi-Rigid TLSO Quiz Lecture 1/25 1/27 2/01 Lecture Lecture Lab Lecture Lab Lab Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 OPT 2314: Pre-Fabricated Orthotics and Pedorthics M/W 8:30 – 11:50 a.m. 2/03 Upper Extremity Anatomy Bones Muscles Biomechanics Brachial Plexus Pathology of the Upper Extremity Upper Extremity Orthoses Lecture 2/08 Quiz: Thoracic/Lumbar Spine Section Fitting of Prefabricated UE Orthoses Shoulder Orthoses Elbow Orthoses WHO Quiz Lab 2/10 Normal Human Locomotion Pathological Gait Lecture Lecture 2/15 Lower Extremity Anatomy Proximal to and Including the Knee Bones and Muscles Nerves Biomechanics Lecture 2/17 Quiz: Upper Extremity Section Quiz Pathology of the Lower Extremity Lecture Trauma Congenital and Degenerative Disorders LE Orthoses—Knee and Proximal Lecture 2/22 Fitting of Prefabricated Knee Orthoses Lower Extremity Anatomy Distal to the Knee Bones and Muscles Nerves Biomechanics 2/24 Lower Extremity Pathology Lecture Trauma and Overuse Syndromes Congenital and Degenerative Disorders Lower Extremity Orthoses—Ankle and Foot Lecture 2/29 Fitting of Prefabricated AFOs Venous Insufficiency and Lymphedema Anatomy: Circulatory System SOAP Notes Lecture Lecture Lab Lecture Lab Lecture Lecture Lecture Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 OPT 2314: Pre-Fabricated Orthotics and Pedorthics M/W 8:30 – 11:50 a.m. 3/02 Compression Garments Types Fitting Parameters Fitting of Compression Garments Anatomy of the Foot Bones and Muscles Biomechanics Foot Pathology Diabetes Mellitus Trauma and Pressure Injuries Lecture Shoes Types and Fitting Parameters Fitting of Prefabricated Shoes Lecture Lab Lab Lecture Lecture 3/07 Start of Pedorthics Section 3/09 Quiz: Lower Extremity Section Foot Orthoses Types Fitting Parameters Custom Fabricated Foot Orthoses Types Materials Quiz Lecture 3/14 - 3/18 Spring Break No Class 3/21 Prefab Final Exam Distributed Foot Impressions/Models Biofoam Cast Preparation Biofoam Impressions: Open Lab Foot Model Modification: Open Lab Lecture Lecture/Demo 3/23 Prefab Final Exam Due Custom Soft FO Fabrication Foot Model Modification: Open Lab Foot Models Due Exam Lecture/Demo Lab Project Due (End of Class) 3/28 Custom Soft FO Fabrication: Open Lab Lab Lecture Lab Lab Instructor: Jennifer Block OPT 2314: Prefab and Pedorthics Spring 2016 OPT 2314: Pre-Fabricated Orthotics and Pedorthics M/W 8:30 – 11:50 a.m. 3/30 Custom Soft FO Due Semi-Rigid and Rigid Foot Orthoses Types Materials UCBL Orthosis Project Due Lecture 4/04 SOAP Notes Due UCBL Cast Modifications UCBL Cast Modifications: Open Lab Assignment Due Lecture/Demo Lab 4/06 Thermoforming UCBL Posting Finishing UCBL Fabrication: Open Lab Lecture/Demo 4/11 Final Exam Review UCBL Fabrication: Open Lab Lecture Lab 4/13 UCBL Foot Orthosis Due Shoe Modifications Rocker Soles Indications/Contraindications Project Due Lecture 4/18 Pedorthics Final Exam Rocker Sole: Open Lab Exam Lab 4/20 Rocker Sole: Project Due Project Due (End of Class) Lab