Social Penetration Theory: Relationship Development Stages

Ari Hillman
Michael Friedman
Social psychologist
Bachelors from New York
Masters and Ph.D in psychology
from the University of Maryland
Currently works in department
of psychology at the University
of Utah
Published six books and one
(Plous, S. , 2010)
Born in Michigan in 1933
Social Psychologist
B.S. of Chemistry in 1959 at
Western Reserve University.
M.A. in Psychology in 1961
from Howard University
Ph.D in Phylosophy in 1965 at
University of Delaware
(Jones, J.,2000,)
5 Stages in Which Relationships Develop
Orientation Stage
Exploratory-affective Stage
Affective Stage
Stable Stage
Depenetration Stage
Reward-Cost Assessment
 Basis for relationship growth
 Give and receive
Onion Metaphor
 Layers to one’s true self
(Giri, V., 2009)
Depenetration Stage
Stable Stage
Affective Stage
Exploratory-affective Stage
Orientation Stage
The Breadth (Outer
First impression
Superficial information
of oneself- How one
talks, dresses, or walks.
Early stages of
The Depth (Core layer)
The private details of
ones life
The core of ones
beliefs- how one feels,
interests, or values.
Later stages of the
Will You Be My Friend; Facebook as a Model of
Evolution of the Social Penetration Theory
 Natalie, Pennington
 computer-mediated communication(CMC) and the effect it
has on the formation of relationships.
 facebook (Computer-mediated communication) is speeding
up the process of relationships
 there are different views on what’s considered “public” and
what’s considered “private”
What Stage of The Relationship Are You In?
 For each of the 7 different people listed.....
 Check the box that fits best…..
 With the stage you believe your relationship is currently in
Depenetration Stage
Stable Stage
Affective Stage
Exploratory-affective Stage
Orientation Stage
Jones, J. (2000, March 1). Dalmas A. Taylor (1933-1998) | DeepDyve.
DeepDyve. Retrieved April 21, 2014, from