B.A.S.I.C. Model: Phases III & IV and skills to reinforce Phase II January 11th, 3PM to 5PM Summary B.A.S.I.C. Model Goals: 1. Reinforce Phase II: continue building and expanding the relationships with your residents and seek greater return from them 2. Phase III: building your community culture 3. Phase IV: adjourning your communities at the end of the school year Summary Objectives of Reinforcing B.A.S.I.C. Phase II 1. Focus on the depth of one topic of information: residential experience 2. Maximize the net return of the resident-RA relationship 3. Decrease ratio between vulnerability and intimate information Summary B.A.S.I.C. Model Skills: 1. Spend 15 minutes a week with each room in your community 2. Always take the first step 3. Know the details about your residents to be an expert on your resident and their experience 4. Follow through and follow up 5. Seek opportunities to help them 6. Steer or focus conversations on the resident’s residential experience 7. Really listen 8. Manage the levels of intimacy to build the relationship 9. Mimic the resident to build rapport 10. Affirm without agreeing or judging 11. Find and always start with common ground 12. Ask penetrating questions 13. Have the right mentality to make a person feel comfortable sharing intimate information 14. Be the investment maker/return increaser and cost bearer/cost reducer 15. Be the “right” dog for the needs of the situation Phase III: Expansion and Deepening Time Line: the rest of the school year Goal: expand the depth and connectedness of your community Method: building the culture of your community Criteria: espoused values establishing rituals that residents participate in confronting difficult issues within your community Phase III Criteria (cont’d): Espoused values: traits and actions that your community prefers about which residents speak Rituals: repeated events, public recognition and rewards for contributing to the community or upholding the espoused values Phase III: Discussion Share with your group the espoused values of your buildings, communities, and areas. How do those values express themselves on a day to day basis? Share your rituals with the group. What do the rituals reflect about your communities and staff? Phase IV: Closure Time Line: the last few weeks of the semester; the closer to finals the better Goal: celebrate the community and adjourn Method: final event, or farewell activity Criteria: community members share positive impacts and learning experiences from being part of your community Phase II: Reinforcing the relationships built during last semester Phase II Goal: Know your residents, gather information about DEA’s, and then tap assets Method: socio-grams, stacking conversations, building social networks, identifying DEA’s, tapping assets Results: mixed Although relationships existed, the depth of those relationships was such that information about residents was superficial and identifying DEA’s did not occur. Phase II: Evaluation Identified GAPS: 1. lack of skill development for success in Phase II Those skills are: Information gathering Relationship building Navigating stages of intimacy Applying Social Penetration Theory Identified GAPS (cont’d): Phase II 2. The complexity of the B.A.S.I.C. model Evidence 1: The model starts with superficial and relatively simple tasks but rapidly changes to challenging tasks without warning and guidance. Support 1: RA’s were not able to penetrate the level of intimacy necessary to truly identify DEA’s Support 2: The B.A.S.I.C. model does not provide guidance to traverse the stages of Social Penetration Theory,…… …….leaving users to figure out how to do that….. Phase II ……..so we did! Social Penetration Theory (SPT) and the 5 Stages of Intimacy (5 Stages) Individuals have levels or layers like……. Ogres The Earth Onions SPT and the 5 Stages Voluntary disclosure of information type indicates with what level or layer of the person you are interacting. DEA’s: the two inner levels are where DEA’s would be found The middle layer: Attitudes, opinions, nature of relationships; Core Self: values, beliefs, deep emotions, and self-concept; Outer layer (the public self): information that is obvious by looking or having superficial conversations; Sensitivity to vulnerability increases as topics increase in layer depth. Because of this, identifying DEA’s can be difficult with conventional RA-Resident relationships. SPT and the 5 Stages 5 Stages of Intimacy & 7 Levels of Intimate Information Orientation Exploratory Depth of Intimacy C l i c h é s N o n P e r s o n a l P e r s o n a l Facts DEA Zone: where we can find DEA’s; point in relationship where DEA’s are shared Stable Affective Stable Needs Feelings Opinions Fears, Failures, Weaknesses Hopes & Dreams Time De-penetration Governances of Moving Through the Stages and Sharing of Intimate Info Determinants of Moving to Deeper Levels of Intimacy : Relationship Between Breadth vs. Depth of Discussion Topics Depth of Discussion You should be at this part of the curve with all residentsfocused on the Resident’s Experience. Breadth of Discussion Inverse relationship: as breadth increases, depth decreases. Governances of Moving Through the Stages and Sharing of Intimate Info Determinants of Moving to Deeper Levels of Intimacy : Net Return on a Relationship Reward from the Relationship High Net Return: relationships people want Low Net Return: relationships people do not want Cost of the Relationship Net Return: Determined by cost and reward of the relationships. People want to maximize return and minimize costs of everything, specifically relationships. Governances of Moving Through the Stages and Sharing of Intimate Info Determinants of Moving to Deeper Levels of Intimacy : Sensitivity to Vulnerability Orientation Exploratory Affective Stable Vulnerability DEA Zone Intimacy of Information Privacy Management Theory: Expects that personal boundary rules create a positive relationship between intimate information and vulnerability. Vulnerability decreases information sharing. Vulnerability increases as we approach relationship levels where DEA’s would be shared, making receiving that information, at best difficult, or at worse, not possible. Using the Governances to Achieve the B.A.S.I.C. Model’s Goal Goal: to maximize the positivity of the residential experience through creating strong, involved communities To meet this goal requires creating resident buyin and maximizes individual return from being part of the community. Using the Governances to Achieve the B.A.S.I.C. Model’s Goal 3 Objectives: 1. Depth: focus on the resident’s individual experience on campus 2. Maximize net return: decrease the resident’s costs and increase their return 3. Decrease ratio between vulnerability and intimate information Skills for Meeting the Objectives Time Perspective: measured as quality of time Power function per unit of time relationship of Relationship Between Time and Quality of Time in Units of Quality Return Quality of Time Time Quality of Time and Time: 1. At first, the quality of time increases as time spent increases. 2. Relationship reverses after some given threshold, where quality of time decreases as time continues to increase. Action on Time Perspective Invest 15 minutes per week with each room or apartment. Maximize the Quality of Time by: 1. investing that time when all residents are in the room 2. focusing the conversation on the residential experience Skills for Meeting the Objectives Depth: Focusing/steering the conversation to the resident’s residential experience 1. To uphold the residential experience value of our office, we need to focus on information about that experience. 2. Gather information specific to their individual experience and to their individual needs. Action on Focusing/Steering Conversations 1. Question asker: steer the conversation with your initial and follow up questions 2. Reinforce topics of interest with your responses (e.g. “that’s really interesting, tell me more” vs. “Ok”) 2a. Be a discriminating interest taker: take interest in all the resident’s topics, but show interest in the important topics 3. Agenda setting: “let’s talk about [this topic]”; “I‘m here to talk about [this]”; Skills for Meeting the Objectives Maximizing net return: maximizing the resident’s return and minimizing the costs of the relationship 1. Be the investment maker and the cost bearer of the relationship. Action on Maximizing Net Return 1. Investment Making/Return Increasing and Cost Bearing/Cost Reducing: Be the right “dog” for the situation Being an expert on their residential experience Action on Maximizing Net Return Be the right dog: Pit Bulls I just want to be your friend!!! Personality Traits: -aggressive -disregards failures/rejection -persistent -tough minded Maximize Net Return by: -seeking out residents -not giving up if the residents are not open at first -taking the first step Use when residents: -are aloof -are fringe dwellers -are busy or distracted Action on Maximizing Net Return Be the right dog: Golden Retrievers If you throw the ball, I will bring it back to you…every time Personality Traits: -service oriented -want to help -loyal -playful Maximize Net Return by: -doing stuff for the residents -finding out answers -leaving positive feelings behind, impressions of loyalty -following up -being consistent Use when residents: -need answers you do not have -need something -need some mental relief -need to follow up Action on Maximizing Net Return Be the right dog: Chihuahua Tell me everything about yourself. My giant ears are conduits of information. Personality Traits: -detail oriented -good memory -talkative -information focused Maximize Net Return by: -knowing the details of the resident’s life -remembering resident’s current events -starting and keeping conversations going -knowing the policies/procedures of Res Life Use when residents: -need directions -have important information for you to have (which is all the time) Action on Maximizing Net Return Be the right dog: Beagle You can count on me to be there and to feel your feelings; and once you are ready for it, maybe make a suggestion. Personality Traits: -reliable -good listeners -intelligent -empathetic -emotional Maximize Net Return by: -being available and reachable -listening without opinion -empathizing -making suggestions -being reliable Use when residents: -need to vent -need to find you (which may be all the time) -need follow through -need support -need persuading Action on Maximizing Net Return Be all the dogs to maximize net return: 4. Really listen to the residents needs and wants, build trust, and be supportive. 1. Always take the first step. 3. Go to the end of the Earth to find the ball they threw…and then bring it back. 2. Take an interest in them and their experience. Action on Maximizing Net Return Being an expert on the resident’s experience: Know the resident’s motivation (what they want intrinsically) Know their goals (what their purpose is) Know their interests (what they do) Know the facts and perceptions of their experience Turning that information into knowledge (taking action with the information/DEA’s and Tapping Assets) Link suggestions to motivation, purpose, and interests based on facts and individual resident’s perceptions. Skills for Meeting the Objectives Decrease the ratio of vulnerability and intimate information. Sensitivity to Vulnerability Red Line: goal relationship Orientation Exploratory Affective Stable Blue Line: average relationship The difference between the two curves is the change in sensitivity to vulnerability. Vulnerability Intimacy of Information Action on Decreasing Vulnerability Building Rapport: showing the resident you are alike 1. not judging, affirming without agreeing (e.g. “That’s interesting.”, “I understand.”, “That makes sense to me.”, “Ok”, etc.) 2. mimic them (e.g. mimic their actions {but not the copy cat game}, buy into them, speak to them in their language) 3. Always starting with the common ground B.A.S.I.C. Activities Activity time!