Part 1

In addition to these slides candidates are strongly
encouraged to visit the ABRP website and review
American Board of Professional Psychology, American Board of Rehabilitation
Psychology Certification Guidelines and Procedures: Candidate’s Manual (2012)
And “Examples of Successful Practice Samples”
To access them go to:
Under RELATED DOCUMENTS (right side of the page) click on:
ABRP Candidates Manual
Under REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY (bottom left side of the
page) click on: Examples of Successful Practice Samples
ABRP Introductory Track
Part I:
The Advantages of ABPP Board Certification
Application and Credential Review
Using ABRP Mentoring Effectively
Understanding and Identifying ABRP Competencies
Lester Butt, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Craig Hospital
Denver, Colorado
Stephen Wegener, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Michele Rusin, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Private Practice
Atlanta, Georgia
Bruce Caplan, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Private Practice
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
 This workshop is for informational purposes
 Requirements can change over time
 Written policies, procedures, and bylaws of
ABPP and ABRP provide the foundation and
parameters for our Board Certification
Introductory Fact
ABPP established in 1947 with
initial financial support from APA
in the form of a loan
Overview of ABPP Board Certification:
 Whereas the EPPP, required for state licensure, is
generic assessment of psychological knowledge, it does
not identify a specialty area nor competency within a
specific practice domain
 Therefore, APA Division membership is solely an
expression of interest within a subject area
 Board Certification, on the other hand, reflects
consolidation of skills earned throughout one’s career,
evidences a natural extension of professional
development and demonstrates competence within
one’s chosen specialty
Benefits of ABPP:
 Nationally recognized credentialing body (vs. vanity boards)
 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology (CoS): given
potential public confusion surrounding the variety of labels
utilized for ‘Board Certification’ and activities of nonpsychologists, CoS has addressed this issue; CoS recognizes the
American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) as the only
national organization of specialty boards to certify specialists
in professional psychology and urges psychologist who wish to
pursue Board Certification to choose the ABPP pathway
 Streamlining Licensure: approximately forty states have some
degree of reciprocity
Benefits of ABPP: Credibility
 Florida Legislation and Board of Psychology
rules/regulations: ABPP recognized in its entirety, i.e.
all specialties, as evidence of valid Board Certification
 The Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and
Internship Centers (APPIC) indicates that one
necessary criterion for member programs is that the
program director “…..has expertise in an area of
postdoctoral training offered and has credentials of
excellence such as the American Board of
Professional Psychology diploma…” (2006)
 Hospital Bylaws: Board Certification is increasingly an
expectation for staff privileges analogous to physician
Benefits of ABPP: Credibility
 Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
(ASPPB): accepts ABPP as evidence that the essential criteria
for education, training, and experience have been met
 IME and forensic considerations
 CARF-accredited programs are aware of ABRP
 Third party payers are aware of ABPP Board Certification
 Most Health Care Providers consider board certification
a minimum standard (2011- 85% of physicians were
Board Certified in one or more specialties; versus 2007only 5% of psychologists)
Benefits of ABPP:
 Training Programs:
Encourage ABPP Board Certification
Board Certification is one of the goals of professional
training with incorporation of specific areas of
 Assists the field of Rehabilitation Psychology with
recognition of a specialty within health care
 Raises the bar for heightened consumer protection
Benefits of ABPP: Practitioner
 Financial:
• Department of Veterans Affairs: allows for a one step increase
within a GS level with attainment of ABPP Board Certification
U.S. Department of Defense: ‘Duncan Hunter National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009’
Given the need for competent and qualified psychologists with
the U.S. Armed Forces, there is an accession bonus for ABPP
Board Certification
Higher income potential (DVA, DoD, PHS, select academic
Professional liability insurance 20% discount offered by some
Benefits of ABPP: Practitioner
 General:
 Heightened credibility with colleagues and referral sources
 Distinguishing oneself from other psychologists within the
job market
 Improve employment possibilities and job security
 Renew emphasis upon life-long learning and professional
 Affirmation of one’s professional identity
Benefits of ABPP: Practitioner
 General:
 ABPP Board Certification streamlines credentialing process
within state licensing boards, insurance companies,
professional practice networks and medical staff
 As previously stated, Board Certification facilitates interjurisdictional licensure and practice mobility
 Confirmation by respected colleagues/peers
 Sense of personal achievement and satisfaction
Benefits of ABPP: Profession
 Establishes standards for competence
 Helps guide training models for mandated areas of
 Increases breadth and depth of knowledge base, skills
and attitudes of practitioners
 Ensures intra-professional regulation
 Allows for public recognition of Rehabilitation Psychology
Benefits of ABPP: Public
 Reduces consumer confusion among practitioners
 Protects consumers
 Assures quality
The Expected…..not the Exceptional
“It is not the exceptional specialist who should be board
certified but the specialist who is not board certified who
should be the exception.”
Russ Bent, Ph.D., ABPP
The ABRP Board of Directors thank you
for your interest in Board Certification
and wish you the very best of success
Overview of the Process
Stephen Wegener, Ph.D., ABPP
 Application
 ABPP Review
 ABRP Review
 Practice Sample Submission & Review
 Oral Exam
Application Process: Part 1
Initial application is to ABPP Central Office
Applications are available online at
Communicating with ABRP
Ellen Snoxell, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Secretary, American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology
Application Process: Part 1
• Initial application is to ABPP Central Office
• ABPP Central Office verifies information
• ABPP verifies licensure
• ABPP Central Office may request additional
Application Process: Part 2
• Specialty credentials review
• Specialty = Rehabilitation Psychology
• Specialty office may also request additional information
Basic Requirements: ABPP
 A doctoral degree from a recognized program in
 Appropriate supervised experience and internship
 Licensure or certification at the independent practice level
as a doctoral-level psychologist in the state in which the
applicant currently practices (note Federal exceptions)
 Post-doctoral training which requires at least two years of
supervised practice in the specialty, or one year of predoctoral and one year of post-doctoral supervision, or the
successful completion of a recognized post-doctoral
program in the applicant’s specialty
Basic Requirements: ABRP
After general credentials are approved by ABPP Central Office,
the ABRP Credentials Committee establishes the following
specialty qualifications:
Two years of supervised practice in Rehabilitation Psychology
which can be satisfied by:
• Two years of post-doctoral supervision, or
• One year of pre-doctoral and one year of post-doctoral
supervision, or
• Completion of a recognized post-doctoral program in
Rehabilitation Psychology
Basic Requirements: ABRP
• Three years of experience in Rehabilitation
Psychology, two of which must be supervised,
which can be satisfied by:
• Three years of clinical experience, one of which
may be pre-doctoral internship with an emphasis
in Rehabilitation Psychology, or
• One or two years of pre- and/or post-doctoral
experience and successful completion of a
recognized post-doctoral program in
Rehabilitation Psychology
• Unique aspects of training/experience are always
Basic Requirements: ABRP
Two supervisor endorsements, at least one of which
must attest to the candidate’s abilities as a
Rehabilitation Psychologist
Two other professional endorsements, which must
attest to the candidate’s abilities as a Rehabilitation
Total of 4 endorsement forms (2 supervisor, 2 other)
Basic Requirements: ABRP
Membership in professional organizations which
have identifiable purposes and policies that are
congruent with those of ABRP is desirable, but not
Senior Application Process
• Applicant must first meet the ABPP general
requirements (e.g., doctoral degree in psychology;
license to practice psychology in one’s state
• Doctoral degree must have been received at least 15
years prior to application
Senior Application Process
• The applicant must have had a recognized,
distinguished career in the field of
Rehabilitation Psychology.
• Supervisor verification of training may be
waived due to length of time since training and
increased likelihood that supervisors may not
be available.
Senior Application Process
• Because senior candidates may have difficulty
obtaining clinical practice cases, other evidence
of competency in the specialty may be used (e.g.,
documentation of program development,
articles, chapters, books, syllabi, supervising or
Senior Application Process
Please note that the full oral examination (i.e., all 4 parts) is
required in the ABRP senior process, and is identical to
the oral examination for any candidate.
Outcome of Credentials Review
 Specialty office will request additional information if
 Once credentials review is complete, the specialty office
notifies ABPP Central Office of the outcome.
 ABPP Central notifies candidate.
Communicating with the Specialty
 Initial contact with specialty office is typically
after ABPP credentials review
 Ongoing contact is mostly with specialty office
until after the oral exam
 Practice sample process
 Scheduling and notification of oral examination
Assignment / Selection of Mentor
Michele Rusin, Ph.D., ABPP
• Candidate may choose a mentor (in collaboration with
the ABRP Mentor Chair), or a mentor can be assigned
• Mentorship is voluntary, but is highly advisable
ABPP and ABRP Competencies
2 Competency Types
Bruce Caplan, Ph.D., ABPP
 Foundational Competencies
 Required for all ABPP Board Certifications
 Reflect skills in establishing and maintaining
professional relationships
 Functional Competencies
 Reflect skills that meet the specific needs of persons
with disabilities and their families
ABPP Foundational Competencies
 Interpersonal Interactions
 Individual and Cultural Diversity
 Ethical and Legal Foundations
 Professional Identification
ABPP Foundational Competencies
Interpersonal Interactions
 Sensitivity to welfare, rights and dignity of others
 Capacity to empathically relate to clients and team
members to enhance effectiveness of service delivery
 Awareness of effect of personal interactions on others
 Maintaining appropriate boundaries
ABPP Foundational Competencies
Individual and Cultural Diversity
 Awareness of diversity and multicultural factors as relates
to disability
 Awareness of interaction between one’s own diversity
characteristics and functioning as a Rehabilitation
ABPP Foundational Competencies
Ethical and Legal Foundations
 APA Ethical Principles and Practice
 Current statutory and state laws applicable to practice of
Rehabilitation Psychology
 Issues related to patient confidentiality (e.g., HIPPA)
ABPP Foundational Competencies
Professional Development
 Participation in professional activities relevant
to Rehabilitation Psychology
 Awareness of current issues facing the
 Seeks and utilizes consultation/supervision
 Pursues continuing professional education for
licensing and professional development in the
field of Rehabilitation Psychology in last 2
ABRP Functional Competencies
•These competencies define Rehabilitation Psychology
•These must be kept in mind when applying, when selecting
case material for the practice sample, when writing up the
practice sample, and when preparing and taking the oral
•Required competencies are exactly that - required. There
are multiple ways, however, to demonstrate competencies.
•The competencies discussed today apply to applicants
effective January 1, 2011
ABRP Functional Competencies
 Scientific Base and Application
 Assessment
 Intervention
 Consultation
 Consumer Protection
ABRP Competencies
Scientific Base and Application
 Knowledge of theory and research (T&R) that
informs practice
 Ability to critically evaluate T&R in Rehabilitation
 Coherent explanation of candidate’s approach to
their practice based on T&R
 Awareness of T&R on interpersonal interactions,
diversity (esp. disability status), professional
identification and ethics.
ABRP Competencies
Adjustment to Disability: Patient
Adjustment to Disability: Family
Extent and nature of disability and preserved abilities
Educational and vocational capacities
Personality and emotional functioning
Cognitive abilities
Decision making capacity
Sexual functioning
Substance use/abuse identification
Social and behavioral functioning
ABRP Competencies
 Individual therapeutic interventions as related to
adjustment to disability
 Family/couples therapeutic interventions as related
to adjustment to disability
 Behavioral management
 Sexual counseling with individuals and partners who
have disabilities
ABRP Competencies
Behavioral functioning improvement
Cognitive functioning
Vocational and/or educational considerations
Personality / emotional factors
Substance abuse identification and management
Sexual functioning and disability
ABRP Competencies
Consumer Protection
 Laws related to and including ADA
 Awareness and sensitivity to multicultural and diversity
ABRP Introductory Track
Part II:
Selection of Practice Samples
Writing Practice Samples
Oral Examination
Dan Rohe, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Terrie Price, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
The Rehabilitation Institute of Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri
Aida Saldivar, Ph.D., ABPP (RP)
Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
Downey, CA
Selection of Practice Sample
Dan Rohe, Ph.D., ABPP
 Applicant has one year from time of credentials
approval to submit the practice sample
 Both portions of the sample must demonstrate
breadth and competence in the specialty of
Rehabilitation Psychology
Selection of Practice Sample
 At least one portion of sample must be clinically
 The sample should reflect one’s usual practice of
Rehabilitation Psychology (meaning: try not to
select anything too esoteric, unusual, or obviously
 Encourage selecting an area in which the
candidate is very comfortable and knowledgable
Selection of Practice Sample
 Select complementary cases
 Both cases can demonstrate competencies in
assessment and treatment
competencies/consultation, or
 One case may emphasize assessment, while the
other emphasizes intervention and consultation
 When combined, the practice sample
demonstrates advanced knowledge and practice
in Rehabilitation Psychology
Selection of Practice Sample
Please utilize your mentor when (before) selecting and
preparing your practice sample!
 Research and teaching examples address mostly
non-required competencies and should only be
utilized in conjunction with a well-rounded and
comprehensive clinical case
 All candidates must submit at least one clinical
write-up that covers many competencies in
assessment, intervention and consultation
Practice Sample: General Goals
 Reveal candidate’s conceptualization
 Demonstrate application of Rehabilitation Psychology
principles to the questions and decisions involved in
the case
 Citation of contemporary research
 For clinical case: integrate medical, psychosocial,
theoretical, and research information into
candidate’s conceptualization and actions
 Show consultation with involved professionals (e.g.,
physician, physical/occupational therapist, etc.)
Practice Sample: Logistics
 Be clear about what you did vs. what another professional did
 Use active voice (e.g. “I conducted…” vs. “an assessment was
Clearly written; spelling and grammar accurate
APA style
Clinical material de-identified
Conforms with APA ethical standards, state laws of practice,
and other regulations (ADA, HIPAA)
Writing the Practice Sample
Terrie Price, Ph.D., ABPP
 Description of Candidate’s work setting
 Introduction
 Narrative
 Supporting materials
 Practice Sample consists of two parts
 One part MUST be a clinical case
 The 2 portions, including supporting materials,
must not exceed 50 double-spaced typewritten
Writing the Practice Sample
Introductory Statement
The first practice sample portion is recommended to
include a brief description of the candidate’s work
Writing the Practice Sample
Introduction (1-2 pages)
 The context, purpose, and rationale for the case
 Case abstract
 Competencies that the Candidate believes are
Writing the Practice Sample
Regardless of the work type (clinical, research, etc.), the
narrative should describe your work and
communicate how your work embodies the principles
of Rehabilitation Psychology
Much more about the narrative portion to come…
Writing the Practice Sample
Supporting Materials
 Shows your work is “real” – do not alter the
document beyond removing identifying
 Gives concrete example of what you are
describing in the narrative
More information about supporting materials to
Supporting Materials
 Additional supporting documentation or other
materials may be requested
 Supplementary materials must not increase the length
of the sample beyond the page limits.
Practice Sample Narrative Section
 Clinical cases
 Consultation reports
 Teaching / training curricula
 Research-based samples
 Instrument development
 Program development
Helpful Hint
Examples of acceptable
Practice Samples are
posted on the ABRP
Clinical Case: Suggested Format
Patient characteristics
Assessment Strategies
Diagnostic Impressions
Treatment recommendations
Clinical interventions
Recommended consultation
Follow-up care
Consumer protection issues
Justification for limitations in the case
Clinical Case: Suggested Format
“Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?”
Outcome of case, emphasizing how candidate impacted
the outcome
Clinical Case: Supplementary Materials
 Provides examples of the work described in the narrative
 Provide information to allow examiners to determine how
clinical data is being interpreted and used
Clinical Case: Supporting Materials
 An evaluation report or compilation of treatment notes
alone does not constitute a clinical practice sample.
Clinical Case: Supporting Materials
Supporting materials may include (but are not limited
 Sections of test reports
 Test score summary sheets
 Chart, office, or progress notes
 Team conference summaries, or portions thereof
 Medical documentation
 Correspondence
Consultation Case: General Guidelines
 Demonstrate the Rehabilitation Psychology principles and
practices underlying the consultation
 Describe the Candidate’s activities and rationale.
Consultation Case: Suggested Format
 Setting and reason for the consultation
 Patient characteristics
 Assessment strategies
 Diagnostic impressions
 Treatment recommendations
Consultation Case: Suggested Format
 Rationale for the assessments and interventions should
be clear and supported by scientific literature.
Consultation Case: Supporting Materials
Materials may include, but are not limited to
 Materials recommended for clinical case
 Letter from consumer describing consultant’s role and
results achieved
Teaching/Training Case
Course or program outlines alone do not constitute an
acceptable Practice Sample portion
Teaching/Training Case: Suggested Format
 Describe the rationale for the curriculum
 Indicate how the curriculum relates to and
includes the principles and practices of
Rehabilitation Psychology
 Specify the Candidate’s role in designing and
implementing the curriculum
Teaching/Training Case: Supporting Materials
Materials may include, but are not limited to
 Course outline
 Recommended readings
 Annotated bibliography
 Letters from students or colleagues emphasizing
how the course impacted their work in
Rehabilitation Psychology
Research Based Sample: Suggested Format
 Description of research program
 Detail how research program relates to the principles
and practices of Rehabilitation Psychology
 Outcomes and implications of research
 Future directions
Research Case: Supporting Materials
Initial page from key publications related to research
Selected portions of articles
Selected portions of grant proposals
Selected portions of program development
Letters from collaborators describing candidate’s role in
Instrument Development: Suggested Format
 Discuss the rationale for developing the instrument
 Describe the Candidate’s role in the conceptualization,
development, and validation phases
 Indicate how this instrument relates to the principles and
practices of Rehabilitation Psychology.
Instrument Development: Supporting
 Submission of the instrument alone or articles
about the instrument alone does not
constitute an acceptable Practice Sample
 However, the instrument and portions of
articles describing the instrument would likely
be included in the supporting materials
Program Development: Suggested Format
 Describe the rationale for the program
 Indicate how the program relates to and
includes the principles and practices of
Rehabilitation Psychology
 Describe clearly and in detail the Candidate’s
role in designing and implementing the
Program Development: Supporting
 Promotional materials, advertisements, or testimonials
should ordinarily not be submitted as supporting material
After the Writing is Done
 Submit practice sample to ABRP Secretary
 Pay fee to ABPP
 Secretary distributes practice sample to 3 reviewers
The Practice Sample Review
 Reviewed by 3 examiners. Two out of three “pass” votes
are required
 Practice sample is reviewed as a whole. A “pass” or “not
pass” decision is made about the practice sample viewed
in totality
The Practice Sample Review
Three member committee
Practice samples reviewed independently
Each reviewer designates competencies evident in
the practice sample
Practice sample is reviewed as a whole. A “pass” or
“not pass” decision is made about the practice
sample viewed in totality
The Practice Sample Review
Each reviewer writes Q’s for oral exam
 Q’s are designed to pinpoint areas of
practice sample weakness or need for
further inquiry
 2 out of 3 votes advances the candidate to
the oral exam
The Practice Sample Review
 Breadth and depth of practice must be demonstrated
 Must show clear rationale for what was done
 Basis for assessment & intervention must be well
The Practice Sample Review
 Conclusions / recommendations must be
supported by data and literature
 Medical and other historical information must
be reported and integrated
 Emotional / psychopathologic factors must be
evaluated and integrated into the case
The Practice Sample Review
 The supporting materials are appropriate in the
context of the practice sample
 Practice sample must conform to APA ethical
standards (and other relevant standards, e.g.,
 Specialty level of practice as a Rehabilitation
Psychologist is demonstrated
The Practice Sample Review
A “pass” decision allows the candidate to be admitted to
the oral exam.
This is not a final “pass” rating for the practice sample
portion of the oral exam
The Practice Sample Review
 If the Candidate does not pass (i.e. two
examiners do not pass the practice
samples}, the Candidate receives a letter
containing verbatim comments from the
three reviewers regarding
strengths/weaknesses in addition to
suggestions for improvement
Writing the Practice Sample
Situations That Necessitate Revision and
Resubmission of a Practice Sample
Situations That Necessitate Revision and
Resubmission of a Practice Sample
Not addressing key competencies
Case not adequately de-identified
Insufficient number of competencies demonstrated
Missing or inadequate/insufficient supporting materials
Misinterpretation of data
Situations That Necessitate Revision and
Resubmission of a Practice Sample
 Inadequate description or chronology of
candidate’s role in case.
 Inadequate description or consideration of
patient’s emotional/personality functioning
 Absence of internal integration of case
 Case does not follow a rehabilitation model: e.g.,
the candidate’s involvement is not in
collaboration or consultation with other
rehabilitation professionals
Options to “ No Pass”
 Revise. Candidates are given one opportunity to
revise practice sample material that does not
meet the defined criteria. No additional charges
 If the decision is “not pass,” the candidate receives a
letter from the ABRP Secretary detailing the Review
Committee’s feedback regarding the Practice
Samples’ strengths/weaknesses as well as
suggestions for improvement
 Resubmit. After one re-submission, if further
review is needed, candidate must pay additional
Final Practice Sample Comment
 Examples of successful Practice Samples are located on
our ABRP link accessed via ABPP website
Overview of the Oral Exam
Aida Saldivar, Ph.D., ABPP
4 total hours, 3 individual examiners
 Orientation (15 minutes)
 Review of Clinical Vignettes (60 minutes)
 Clinical Vignette # 1 (40 minutes)
 Clinical Vignette # 2 (40 minutes)
 Ethics Vignettes (30 minutes)
 Practice Sample Exam(40 minutes)
 Debriefing (10 minutes)
The Oral Examination Committee
Three member committee
Screening for conflicts of interest
Whenever possible, oral exam Chair is also the
Chair of the practice sample committee
Committee reviews the comments from the
practice sample review committee
Committee members discuss those
competencies that still need demonstration
Oral Examination Observers
An observer may be present in one of two
possible scenarios:
Quality assurance and monitoring
In neither situation will the observer have any
vote or input about the candidate’s
Oral Examination: Clinical Vignettes
 Candidates have up to 30 minutes to examine
vignettes and select two for examination
 May not select two vignettes from same
diagnostic group (e.g., cannot select two adult
TBI cases)
 Candidate has 60 total minutes to study and
take notes on vignettes (incl 30 min above)
 Each vignette is discussed with one examiner
for 40 minutes (per vignette)
Oral Examination: Clinical Vignettes
 Candidate presents summary of case and
assessment/treatment plan
 Examiner poses questions on what was
presented, omitted or hypothetical questions
which might alter some of case material to
demonstrate selected competency areas
Oral Examination: Ethics
 Examiner selects 2 or 3 one-paragraph vignettes
 Candidate takes a few minutes to read each vignette
 Candidate is asked to describe key ethical issues and
relevant sections of ethics code or state laws of practice
which are related and potential ways to resolve conflicts
 Each vignette is presented one at a time.
 Not necessary to resolve clinical issues
Oral Examination: Practice Sample
 Questions are derived from those
proposed by the reviewers
 Additional questions will also arise during
the oral exam
 Practice sample content may serve as a
springboard (e.g., “Let’s suppose
Oral Examination: Practice Sample
Need to reveal the chain of logic involved
in the practice sample
• Need to demonstrate knowledge of
relevant literature
• Candidate must clearly demonstrate
depth and breadth in the required
competencies in the field of
Rehabilitation Psychology
After the oral exam
Oral Exam committee members meet as a group and
determine whether the candidate was able to
demonstrate presence of the required competencies over
the course of the examination (not just during the
practice sample exam)
 Each member votes to “pass” or “not pass” the
entire exam
 If the candidate is passed by two of the three
examiners, the candidate has passed the oral
 One does not “fail” any one part of the exam
 If the candidate does not pass (i.e., 2 examiners
do not pass the examinee), on the first vote, a
discussion is required.
 A second vote is taken after the committee is
certain that a fair discussion of the candidate's
entire performance has been presented.
Notification Process
 Official reporting form is completed and
returned to ABPP Central Office
 ABPP Central Office informs the candidate
of the outcome
Appeals Process
 60 days to file an appeal with ABRP
 ABRP appeals committee is appointed
 Candidate may then appeal to ABPP
 ABPP Policy: an exam result cannot be
overturned, but candidate may be reexamined without charge if appeal is upheld
Sign Up for Mentoring