File - ED 492 Student Teaching E Portfolio

Understanding Backward Design
Grade Level: 8th grade
Week: 15th week
Name: Nayeun Kim
School: Hopwood Junior High School
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Standard(s) and Benchmark(s): Science
Content Objective(s):
Geometry 8.SP
Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
1. Construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to investigate patterns of association
between two quantities. Describe patterns such as clustering, outliers, positive or negative association, linear
association, and nonlinear association.
2. Know that straight lines are widely used to model relationships between two quantitative variables. For scatter
plots that suggest a linear association, informally fit a straight line, and informally assess the model fit by
judging the closeness of the data points to the line.
These are the Standards & Benchmarks from the following content areas: Math (Common Core Standards),
Science, Social Studies
Language Objective(s)
8.W.6. Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships
between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Here you would include the Language Arts Common Core Standards & PSS Standards
Big Idea(s)-Students will understand that…
 Scatter plot
 Line
 Association
 Bivariate measurement
What are the “Big Picture” Ideas students will be able to grasps? Will it be…One digit multiplication, Spanish
Administration, Periodic table?
What essential questions will be considered?
What is construct scatter plot?
What is interpreting scatter plot?
What is association between two quantities?
What is two quantitative variables?
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
8.5.1 Read, display, and interpret scatter plots
8.5.2 Understand the relationship between data
sets and their graphical representations
8.5.3 Compare data sets using measures of center
*They MUST be measureable
and spread
8.5.4 Know different ways to select a survey
sample (e.g., random sample, representation
sample, convenience sample)
8.5.5 Know how sample size affects the validity of
* Standards & Benchmarks
Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence
Performance Task(s) (summary in GRASPS form-See Reference):
Unscrambled letter (types of angles)
Example questions
Activity: draw coordinate plan to grid paper
Draw ray AB, extending it to the edges of the grid
Play jeopardy
What are the activities your students will do for the week?
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Solve example questions
Find angles of Math
Solve example questions
Watch video and write short reflection
Create transversal and angle song
Demonstrate the Pythagorean theorem
After teaching your lesson, reflect on what went good and what changes need or could be made
Note: See Facet of Understanding Reference
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Activity Bank (see reference on there to elements for guided questions to plan activity): list all activities for
the week- classwork, project, homework, learning tasks, assessments, etc.
Outline the learning plan (teaching & learning activities). This plan should be aligned clearly with the desired
results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able
to complete the assessment activities). There are many formats that you can use for this part of the lesson
plan)(e.g. Hunter Elements of Lesson Design), but the plan should include all of the following components:
**Here you will type you Daily lesson plan. Make sure to include the following areas.
DATE: May 6, 2013
Student can
Solve weekly quiz about statistic
MI: mathematical, visual, and interpersonal
1. Materials & resources:
Quiz, answer sheet, math note
2. Time line
Bellwork: Math Drill
Complete weekly quiz
3. Introductory activities
Math drill
Student will have 5 to 10 minutes to solve the math drill by themselves
Teacher will ask some students to come up to the board
They will show their process to solve the questions
Go over the correct answers
4. Developmental activities
Student will have 30 statistic questions that we covered on Friday
Teacher will give clear directions about the quiz
Students may finish the quiz about 40 minutes
5. Closing activities
Teacher will go over the confusing questions with students
Student will give short feedback
Assessment: completion of the quiz
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Activity Bank (see reference on there to elements for guided questions to plan activity): list all activities for
the week- classwork, project, homework, learning tasks, assessments, etc.
Outline the learning plan (teaching & learning activities). This plan should be aligned clearly with the desired
results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able
to complete the assessment activities). There are many formats that you can use for this part of the lesson
plan)(e.g. Hunter Elements of Lesson Design), but the plan should include all of the following components:
**Here you will type you Daily lesson plan. Make sure to include the following areas.
DATE: May 7, 2013
Student can
Display and interpret data in box and whisker plot
Read histogram
MI: mathematical, visual, and interpersonal
1. Materials & resources:
Computer (PPT), math note
2. Time line
Bellwork: Math Drill
Interactive white board
Record histogram about student’s own data
3. Introductory activities
Math drill
Student will have 5 to 10 minutes to solve the math drill by themselves
Teacher will ask some students to come up to the board
They will show their process to solve the questions
Go over the correct answers
4. Developmental activities
Display the following data on the interactive white board.
Have students use the writing tool and use a line plot to sort the data.
With the class, deaf a box and whisker plot of the data on the IWB.
Have students use the pointing tool to indicate the measures of variation.
5. Closing activities
Student will think about themselves and write down one data
Create a histogram based on the data and explain to other students
Give feedback at least 3 students.
Assessment: finish math drill
Participate and complete interactive white board
Create histogram
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Activity Bank (see reference on there to elements for guided questions to plan activity): list all activities for
the week- classwork, project, homework, learning tasks, assessments, etc.
Outline the learning plan (teaching & learning activities). This plan should be aligned clearly with the desired
results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able
to complete the assessment activities). There are many formats that you can use for this part of the lesson
plan)(e.g. Hunter Elements of Lesson Design), but the plan should include all of the following components:
**Here you will type you Daily lesson plan. Make sure to include the following areas.
DATE: May 8, 2013
Student can
Construct and analyze circle group
Solve the questions based on what we learned today
MI: mathematical, visual, and interpersonal
1. Materials & resources:
Computer (PPT)
2. Time line
Bellwork: Math Drill
Class website
Solve the real problems
3. Introductory activities
Math drill
Student will have 5 to 10 minutes to solve the math drill by themselves
Teacher will ask some students to come up to the board
They will show their process to solve the questions
Go over the correct answers
4. Developmental activities
Have students conduct a survey of the class’s favorite ice cream flavors.
Teacher will open the computer and input the data
Have class decided on four flavors on which to vote. Then ask them to g to the class web site and vote
Use spreadsheet to create a circle graph and dis play result
Students will analyze the data that they vote
5. Closing activities
Teacher will solve one word question
Students will take the note how to solve the question step by step
Teacher will give one similar exercise question that student can solve
Students will come up to the board and show their answer
Assessment: participate in class survey
Make graph with the given data (based on survey)
Complete the example word question
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Activity Bank (see reference on there to elements for guided questions to plan activity): list all activities for
the week- classwork, project, homework, learning tasks, assessments, etc.
Outline the learning plan (teaching & learning activities). This plan should be aligned clearly with the desired
results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able
to complete the assessment activities). There are many formats that you can use for this part of the lesson
plan)(e.g. Hunter Elements of Lesson Design), but the plan should include all of the following components:
**Here you will type you Daily lesson plan. Make sure to include the following areas.
DATE: May 9, 2013
Student can
Select, organize, and construct appropriate data display
MI: mathematical, visual, and interpersonal
1. Materials & resources:
Computer (PPT), math note
2. Time line
Bellwork: Math drill
Mini lecture
Practice question
3. Introductory activities
Math drill for 5 minutes
Some of students will come up to the board and solve the questions
Go over the Monday quiz questions
4. Developmental activities
Mini lecture
Prepare ppt to explain translation
Students will write down note during the mini lecture
I will explain to students and give some easy example to get the concept of contents
Student will exercise same but little but difficult questions
Go over with whole class
5. Closing activities
Teacher will solve one word question
Students will take the note how to solve the question step by step
Teacher will give one similar exercise question that student can solve
Students will come up to the board and show their answer
Completion of sample questions
Take the note
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Activity Bank (see reference on there to elements for guided questions to plan activity): list all activities for
the week- classwork, project, homework, learning tasks, assessments, etc.
Outline the learning plan (teaching & learning activities). This plan should be aligned clearly with the desired
results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able
to complete the assessment activities). There are many formats that you can use for this part of the lesson
plan)(e.g. Hunter Elements of Lesson Design), but the plan should include all of the following components:
**Here you will type you Daily lesson plan. Make sure to include the following areas.
DATE: May 10, 2013
Class Jeopardy
Student can
Review what we learn this week
Play jeopardy
Go over the questions together
MI: mathematical, visual, and interpersonal
1. Materials & resources:
Computer (PPT)
2. Time line
Give instruction
Play jeopardy
Go over the questions together
3. Introductory activities
Review that we learned about this week
Give clear directions to students
4. Developmental activities
Play jeopardy with group
5. Closing activities
Review the jeopardy
Assessment: play jeopardy
Review difficult questions