Leadership Short Course Harvard Graduate School of Education – Principals’ Center A small number of scholarship opportunities are available to mid-career principals currently employed by the South Australian Department for Education and Child Development (DECD). Scholarships are offered by the Public Education Foundation (PEF) and sponsors include the Harvard Club of Australia, the Teachers Mutual Bank and the PEF. Successful applicants will receive sponsorship valued at $14 000. This includes course fees, travel and accommodation. Selection process 1. First stage: Submit your full application with cover letter to DECD. Your cover letter must express your interest in a scholarship and explain in no more than 250 words how you will apply learning from your nominated leadership course to your work in DECD. 2. Second stage: DECD will submit eligible applications to the Public Education Foundation (PEF) selection process, for consideration by the PEF selection panel. Applications are due to DECD on Monday 22 February 2016 at 5.00pm 1. Please complete, scan, attach and send your application with cover letter via email to: decd.scholarships@sa.gov.au 2. If email is not possible, please send the original, signed application to: Attention: Michelle ANTUNES SAIEL Scholarship Programs, Workforce Development, DECD Courier R11/58 or GPO Box 1152, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Please note: incomplete or incorrectly completed applications may not be considered. Successful applicants will be advised of the outcome of the selection processes in early 2016. Further information Please direct queries in the first instance to: Telephone: 8463 7556 Email: decd.scholarships@sa.gov.au Checklist Carefully check and ensure you meet the prerequisites for scholarships and course Complete full application form with cover letter Attach your CV Have your Education Director endorse your application Advise your Education Director and other referees that they may be contacted Make and keep a copy of this application for your records Who can apply? To be eligible for a Harvard Club of Australia Education scholarship, you must: be a current principal in a government primary or secondary school (assistant principals, deputy principals and pre-school directors are not in scope for these leadership courses); be a mid-career principal. Ideally applicants will have served as a principal in a government primary or secondary school in Australia for between three and ten years; be committed to continue as principal in the government school system for at least another five years; be available to share your learnings and act as an Ambassador for the Public Education Foundation, SA Department for Education and Child Development and the Teachers Mutual Bank (if applicable) on return. Previous applicants are welcome to reapply. Please note that scholarship recipients are responsible for obtaining the consent of their employer prior to accepting this award and prior to travel as appropriate. What does the scholarship provide? Each scholarship is valued at approximately $14 000 and includes: all tuition fees for one of two Harvard Graduate School of Education programs, either Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership or Leadership: an Evolving Vision; return airfares; accommodation for the duration of the course. What courses are on offer as part of this scholarship opportunity? There are two courses offered by the Harvard Graduate School of Education – Principals’ Center which this scholarship opportunity can fund. You need to choose which of these two programs is most relevant to your needs and interests. You will only be funded to attend one program. The choice is: Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership More information: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/improving-schools-art-leadership Suitable for 1-5 years of leadership experience Course dates: 26 June 2016 – 2 July 2016 Leadership: an Evolving Vision More information: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/leadership-evolving-vision Suitable for 3+ years of leadership experience Course dates: 10 July 2016 – 16 July 2016 v1 December 2015 | 2 What are the selection criteria? The selection panel will consider the following selection criteria: evidence of significant ability as a school leader, commitment to public education and capacity for leadership into the future; evidence of a candidate’s enthusiasm for furthering their own professional development and education; other personal qualities and personal circumstances that would enhance the candidate’s suitability for a Harvard Club of Australia Education Scholarship. Who selects the scholarship recipients? A selection panel will review all scholarship applications according to the criteria set out in the application form. The selection panel will include a representative of the Public Education Foundation, the Harvard Club of Australia, Teachers Mutual Bank and a serving public school principal. After considering all applications, the selection panel will make recommendations to the Board of the Public Education Foundation for approval. Please note that the selection panel may invite a number of applicants for interview before making its final decision. What are the terms and conditions of the scholarships? It is a condition of the scholarship that funds provided are used for purposes consistent with the intent of the scholarship. Before applying for this scholarship, please ensure that you read the terms and conditions available online here. How do I apply for this scholarship opportunity? Principals should apply using the application form beginning on the next page. The application form requires you to: complete a short answer questionnaire; provide references from two referees. Your first referee must be from the education sector, for example your supervisor or area director. The second referee is a ‘community referee’, for example your local Member of Parliament, local PCYC director or Rotary Club President; provide a copy of your CV, complete with your educational qualifications, your employment and teaching history and information about any extra-curricular activities you have undertaken as part of your schooling duties. v1 December 2015 | 3 1. Applicant details Title First name Surname Preferred name Employee ID number Home address Post code Home telephone Department email Mobile @schools.sa.edu.au Alternate email (Optional) Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Yes No Would you like your application to be considered for all scholarships that provide sponsorship for this same Harvard leadership short course? Yes No 2. Current employment The Public Education Foundation has advised that this opportunity is only open to Principals. Assistant Principals, Deputy Principals and Pre-School Directors are not eligible to apply at this time. Employment status with DECD Contract employment Permanent full-time Contract length Permanent part-time Contract end date Number of years as a public school principal Current position Current site Site number Site address Post code Site telephone Total enrolment Student attendance rate % of indigenous students % LBOTE students % of students with special needs Please outline any additional school funding, on top of your base grant, received through government or philanthropic funds, including P&C fundraising (you may add an additional page if required). I confirm that I have attached a copy of my Curriculum Vitae to this application which includes: educational qualifications, employment and teaching history and information about any extra-curricular activities undertaken as part of schooling duties. Yes v1 December 2015 | 4 3. Short answer questionnaire You may add additional pages if required, but please write no more than 250 words for each answer. a) Please describe your school, programs and educational values, and provide a brief description of your school’s student body and faculty; include anything unique or special about your school. b) Discuss your most significant challenge and its impact on your role as a school leader. v1 December 2015 | 5 c) Please describe an achievement at your school that you are particularly proud of. Outline how you set about achieving this and how you measured your success, giving specific reference to student learning outcomes. d) On your return from Harvard, how do you propose to share your learnings with other educators? v1 December 2015 | 6 e) There are two courses on offer as part of this scholarship opportunity. You will need to choose one: 1) Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership More information: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/improving-schools-artleadership Suitable for 1-5 years of leadership experience Course dates: 26 June 2016 – 2 July 2016 2) Leadership: an Evolving Vision More information: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/leadership-evolving-vision Suitable for 3+ years of leadership experience Course dates: 10 July 2016 – 16 July 2016 Which one of the two courses do you think will be the most relevant to you? What do you hope to gain from this course? v1 December 2015 | 7 4. Referee 1: Education Sector Referee Title First name Surname Preferred name Position Organisation Address Post code Telephone Mobile Email Referees should refer to the following selection criteria when completing their statement: evidence of candidate’s significant ability as a school leader, commitment to public education and capacity for leadership into the future; evidence of candidate’s enthusiasm for furthering their own professional development and education; any other personal qualities and personal circumstances that would enhance the candidate’s suitability for a Harvard Club of Australia Education Scholarship. Referee’s statement (max 250 words): Education Referee Signature Date v1 December 2015 | 8 5. Referee 2: Community Referee Title First name Surname Preferred name Position Organisation Address Post code Telephone Mobile Email Referees should refer to the following selection criteria when completing their statement: evidence of candidate’s significant ability as a school leader, commitment to public education and capacity for leadership into the future; evidence of candidate’s enthusiasm for furthering their own professional development and education; any other personal qualities and personal circumstances that would enhance the candidate’s suitability for a Harvard Club of Australia Education Scholarship. Referee’s statement (max 250 words): Community Referee Signature Date v1 December 2015 | 9 6. Education Director endorsement Your Education Director must endorse this section of your application. They have the option to add comments below. Please note that you may also nominate your Education Director as your Education Sector Referee. Education Director’s comments - optional (max 200 words): This section must be completed by the Education Director. Education Director name Education Director signature Education Director contact number Education Director DECD email address @schools.sa.edu.au Date v1 December 2015 | 10 7. Applicant agreement I have read and agree to the scholarship terms and conditions Yes I give permission to the Public Education Foundation to collect, use, and disclose my personal information in this application form for the purpose of assessment and administration of the scholarship Yes If successful in my application, I give permission to the Public Education Foundation to publicise my name, school, photograph, and scholarship award on the website of the Public Education Foundation, via email, print and electronic media Yes I understand that during the scholarship selection process my personal information will be shared with selection panel members and may be shared with other parties in order to comply with our obligations of care Yes If you would like to be added to the Public Education Foundation’s list to receive further information about other scholarship opportunities please check here Yes I certify that the information I have provided on this application form is accurate, up-todate and complete. In applying, I acknowledge that personal information about me will be used in the interests of the proper and prudent management of this scholarship opportunity, including my name appearing in media releases. Yes Applicant name Applicant signature Date v1 December 2015 | 11