Introduction to Structural Units

Chapter 1
Anatomy and Physiology
• Anatomy
–Shape and structure of an
organism’s body and the
relationship of one body part to
• Physiology
–Function of each body part and
how the functions of various body
parts coordinate to form a
complete living organism
Branches of Anatomy
 Gross anatomy
 Microscopic anatomy
 Developmental anatomy
 Comparative anatomy
 Systematic anatomy
Terms for Location or Position and Direction
 Anterior or ventral
Front or in front of
 Posterior or dorsal
– Back or in back of
 Cephalic and caudal
– Toward the “head end” or “tail
 Superior and inferior
– Above or below another
Terms for Location or Position and Direction
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Terms for Location or Position and
 Medial and lateral
Toward or away from the midline
 Proximal and distal
Toward or away from the point of
attachment or origin
 Superficial/external and
On or near the surface or deep
Terms for Location or Position and
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Checkpoint Questions
1. Which term means “towards the tail end?”
2. What is another word for “posterior?”
3. What does the term means “towards the point of
Body Planes and Sections
 Sagittal plane
Right and left parts
 Midsagittal plane
Equal right and left parts
 Coronal (frontal) plane
Vertical at right angles to the sagittal
 Transverse or cross section
Horizontal; divides body into upper
and lower parts
Body Planes and Sections
Body Cavities
 Dorsal cavity
Brain and spinal
Cranial cavity
Spinal cavity
 Thoracic cavity
 Abdominopelvic
Abdominal cavity
Pelvic cavity
Body Cavities
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Abdominopelvic Cavity Regions
 Epigastric region (upper)
– Just below sternum
 Right and left hypochondriac
– Just below ribs
 Umbilical (middle)
– Located around the navel
Abdominopelvic Cavity Regions
 Right and left lumbar
Extend from anterior to
 Hypogastric (lower)
Pubic area
 Right and left iliac
Also called right and left
inguinal areas
Abdominopelvic Cavity Regions
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Smaller Cavities
 Orbital cavity
– Eyes, eyeball muscles, optic
nerves, and lacrimal (tear) ducts
 Nasal cavity
– Parts that form the nose
 Buccal cavity
– Teeth and tongue
Checkpoint Questions
1. What is the cavity that forms part of the nose?
Nasal Cavity
2. What are the terms that mean “just below the ribs?”
Right and left hypochondriac
3. What is the difference between the midsagittal and
sagittal planes?
Sagittal – separates body into right and left parts
Midsagittal – separates body into EQUAL right and left parts
Life Functions
 Living organisms may be unicellular
organisms or multi-celled organisms. They
include humans, plants, animals, etc.
 All living organisms are capable of carrying
on life functions.
Life Functions
 These functions allow living organisms to
live, grow, and maintain themselves.
Life Functions
 Movement
– Muscle system
 Ingestion
– Digestive system
 Digestion
– Digestive system
Life Functions
 Transport
– Circulatory system
 Respiration
– Respiratory system
 Synthesis
– Digestive system
Life Functions
 Assimilation
– Digestive system
 Growth
– Skeletal system
 Secretion
– Endocrine system
Life Functions
 Excretion
– Urinary system
 Regulation (sensitivity)
– Nervous system
 Reproduction
– Reproductive system
Human Development
Cells  Tissues Organs Organ system  Organism!
Body Processes
 Metabolism
– Functional activities of the
cell that result in growth,
energy release, use of food,
and secretions
• Anabolism
– Building up
– Breaking down
 Ability of the body to
regulate its internal
environment within
narrow limits
 Essential to survival
 Works on a negative
feedback system
Metric System
 Measurements for length, weight, and
 A decimal system
 Based on the power of ten
 Uses prefixes such as centi-, milli-,
Metric System
 Lengths measured in meters
 Weights measured in grams
 Volumes measured in liters
Checkpoint Questions
1. What is the difference between catabolism and
Catabolism – breaking down
Anabolism – building up
2. Excretion involves which body system?
Urinary System
3. Weight is measured in what using the metric