Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation UCC Climate Change Workshop H2020 Briefing and Funding Opportunities Dr Sonia Monteiro Research Officer Ext. 3054 4th Floor, Food Science Building 27 May 2013 1 Horizon 2020 ( Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation The new EU research and innovation funding programme (2014-2020) What’s new • A single programme bringing together 3 programmes/initiatives* • Coupling research to innovation • Focus on societal challenges facing EU society • Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond * the 7th Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development (FP7), the innovation aspects of Competitiveness & Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), the EU contribution to the European Institute of Innovation 2 and Technology (EIT) Organisation of H2020 International Cooperation Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Europe 2020 Priorities European Research Area Shared Objectives & Principles Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; Europe in a Changing World Secure societies Industrial leadership Leadership in Enabling Technologies (ICT, Nanotechnology, Materials,) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in Science Frontier Research - ERC Future and Emerging Technologies - FET Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Career Development) Simplified Access Research Infrastructures Coherence with other EU & MS Actions Work programme preparation Important dates (provisional) June 2013 – 1st drafts of WP and Strategic Programmes for 2014-2016 Nov 2013 – Final drafts of Work programmes available January 2014 – Official Start of H2020 3 Engagement in WP preparation Advice from NCP network Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Irish researchers should be planning for their H2020 participations and looking to influence the agendas Engage with relevant NCPs and National Delegates* How can you prepare for H2020? Network and build links with potential partners now Who are key players? Who has been involved in previous projects/stakeholder groups? Become an EU evaluator ( Register for the Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups ( Join European Technology Platforms or other relevant stakeholder groups Engage with NCPs and National Delegates Some areas, such as Marie Curie and the ERC, are bottom-up so you could start early thinking about potential proposal ideas for H2020 *for full list of current NCPs see 4 Useful Links Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation EC Horizon 2020 website H2020 Fact Sheets Innovation Union EU International Strategy for Research and Innovation European Research Area JPI-Climate JPI on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) JPI Oceans (Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans) Useful Links Water JPI (Water challenges for a changing world) Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation CIRCLE-2 ERA-Net European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) Global research alliance on agricultural greenhouse gases International Funding- European Union Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Marie Curie Individual Actions IEF IIF IOF CIG Intra-European Fellowship International Incoming Fellowship International Outgoing Fellowship Career Integration Grants Any field of research Any field of research Any field of research Any field of research Researchers working in Europe Researchers outside of Europe Researchers working in Europe Researchers not working in Ireland 12 to 24 months 12 to 24 months Grant provides: Salary Grant provides: Salary Contribution to research expenses Contribution to research expenses Call details 14 Mar – 14 Aug Call details 14 Mar – 14 Aug 24 to 36 months (includes 6-12mths reintegration in Europe) 2 to 4 years €25 000 per year (research expenses) Grant provides: Salary Contribution to research expenses Call details 14 Mar – 14 Aug Call deadlines 18 Sep 7 European Research Council Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Starting Grant Consolidator Grant Advanced Grant Scientific Excellence Scientific Excellence Scientific Excellence Any field of research Any field of research Any field of research 2 to 7 years post PhD 7 to 12 years post PhD Track record of early achievements Track record of early achievements Leaders in their field (based on trackrecord of previous 10 years) Up to € 1.5 million for up to 5 years Up to € 2 million for up to 5 years Up to € 2.5 million for up to 5 years 1 stage submission/2 step evaluation 1 stage submission/2 step evaluation 1 stage submission/2 step evaluation Call details st 1 / 2nd Quarter 2014 Call details nd 2 Quarter 2014 4th Call details Quarter 2014 8 COST ( Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Brings together researchers and experts in different countries working on specific topics Does NOT fund research, but supports networking activities such as meetings, conferences, short term scientific exchanges, etc. COST Actions Researchers from a minimum of 5 COST Countries Around 130 000€ p.a. for up to 4 years (for a network of 19 countries) Cooperation with Non-COST countries is welcome Inter-disciplinary proposals are welcome Benefits of participating in COST Development of international networks Participation in leading edge research Actions can be the foundation of applications to H2020 & other international programmes 9 COST Countries Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation The 27 EU Member States, EFTA Member States (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland), EU Candidate Countries (Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey), COST Cooperating States (Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) Countries with Reciprocal Agreements Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Argentina 2 Step Application Process: Preliminary proposals (1500 words/ 3 A4 pages) Brief overview of the project and expected impact Next Collection Date – September 27 Full Proposals Invitation – 22 November Deadline for submission – 24 January 2014 Interview March 2014 Results April 2014 10 OECD Co-operative Research Programme ( Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Funding available for: • international conferences (i.e workshops, congresses & symposia) • research fellowships Research themes: • The Natural Resources Challenge • Sustainability in Practice • The Food Chain Closing Date: Tuesday 10 September 2013, midnight (Paris time) Applicants and host institution must be in countries that currently participate in the OECD Co-operative Research Programme* *Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States. 11 Other upcoming international opportunities Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards ( index.jsp) European University Institute Global Governance Fellowships ( etFellowships/Index.aspx) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Max Planck Research Awards ( Environmental Research and Education Foundation Unsolicited Grants ( Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee Networking Grant ( 12 Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation Thank You Questions? 13