Quiz Question - Merrill College

Road Map to Graduation
Your guide to graduating in four years
September 23,2013
Today’s mile stops
Road Map to Graduation
Graduation Requirements & Navigation Resources
Avoiding speed bumps on your journey
Majors: Clarifying your direction
Scenic byways
Pay attention: it may pay off in the end!
4-year Road Map to Graduation
Year one:
Adjust & Explore
Year two:
Explore & Prepare
Year three: Enhance your Education
Year four:
Prepare for the Future
First Year To-Dos
Meet with one of us!
Take career assessment on the career center website
Research potential majors; consider possible back-ups
Identify the requirements for declaring potential majors
Take foundation courses in areas of interest and
evaluate your performance in these courses
• Prepare to apply for a summer
Graduation Mile Posts
General Education Requirements
University & Campus Requirements
College Requirement
Major Requirements
180 credits
2.0 GPA & no more than 25% P/NP Grades
Mile Post: General Education Requirements
Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC)
Ethnicity and Race (ER)
Composition Requirements
(C1 & C2)
Disciplinary Communication (DC)
Interpreting Arts and Media (IM)
Mathematical and Formal (MF)
Perspectives (choose one 5-credit course)
Environmental Awareness (PE-E)
Human Behavior (PE-H)
Technology and Society (PE-S)
Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Practice (choose one 2-credit course)
Statistical Reasoning (SR)
Collaborative Endeavor (PR-E)
Creative Process (PR-C)
Textual Analysis and Interpretation (TA)
Service Learning (PR-S)
One course = One Requirement
Navigation Resources (GPS)
• Your Merrill Advising Team
• my.ucsc.edu
– Academic Advisement Report
– Student Academic Summary
• Major Department Advising
• General Catalog
• Undergraduate Advising Center
Watch out for speed bumps!
Finish composition requirements on time
Always verify your course enrollments
Watch your speed, the quarter system flies by
Understanding grading policies & academic probation
You’re making good time!
• Composition Requirement 1 (GE Code: C1)
– Satisfy C1 by passing MERR 80A, by previously passing
AWPE, or AP exam or transferable university-level
composition course.
• Composition Requirement 2 (GE Code: C2)
– Satisfy C2 by passing MERR 80B or WRIT 2 or earning a
grade of C or better in a UC-transferable English
composition course (see an advisor to verify transferability
Must be completed by your 7th quarter of enrollment
Enrollment Deadlines
• Add/Drop/Swap Classes: Wed. Oct. 16
– Last day to change class schedule using your portal
• Withdraw from a class: Wed. Nov. 6
– Last day to submit a petition for a W grade by seeing an
academic advisor (at Merrill)
• Winter 2014 Priority Enrollment: Nov. 14
– Check your Student Portal for your enrollment appointments
– Meet with an advisor to answer any questions
– Enroll at the earliest time possible
Evaluating your progress – UCSC Grading Policy
– Pass no pass grading
• Other types of grades
– Incomplete (I)
– Withdraw (W)
• Repeating a course
• Academic Probation
Rules of the Road
Read the syllabus for each course carefully.
Make a plan to study for 6 hours each day.
Complete reading assignments before lecture.
Review lecture notes at the end of every day.
Start assignments early and ask for help if you need it.
If you fail a quiz, assignment, or test – get help right
Do you need roadside assistance?
Learning Support Services
• Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI)
• Tutoring
– Drop-in tutoring for Writing & Math
– On-line Tutor Signup System
Time Management
• Online workshop
Declaring your major…which way to go?
Major Declaration
• All UCSC students are proposed majors until they go
though the declaration process.
• Check your department’s web site for their
declaration procedure (keep in mind you may have to
attend a department meeting or complete
• Plan ahead! Start this process well in advance of the
Declare your major by the end of your second year.
Majorly Confused?
Don’t worry… there’s help
Resource Fair/Majors Fair
Tomorrow 1:00 – 3:00
Merrill Courtyard
Career Center: Selecting a
Major Workshop
October 14 at 4:00 pm
November 20 at 5 pm
Don’t forget those scenic byways!
• Education Abroad Program (EAP)
– Most students go in their junior year
– Cost is similar to UCSC (sometimes less!)
– Must start application process early
UCDC, Intercampus Visit & Domestic Exchange
Student Organizations (SOAR)
Jobs & Internships
Volunteer Connection
PE and Recreation
– Intramural sports, weekend trips and classes
Be sure to check out the fall festival tomorrow
at 3 PM, East Field
Other important welcome week activities
• Core Course meeting Wednesday – 1:00 pm in
Classroom Unit 2 lecture hall.
• Department Orientations – Tuesday morning
• Merrill Resource Fair and Majors Fair – Tuesday, 1:00
• EOP Student Welcome – Wednesday, 10:30-11:30
am, Charles E Merrill Lounge
Thursday – Classes Begin!
Quiz Time!
Quiz Question
What are three ways to touch base with a Merrill
Quiz Question
Where can you check to see which GEs you
have completed?
Quiz Question
By when must you complete the Composition 1 & 2
(C1 &C2) requirements?
Quiz Question
When is the last day to add,
drop or swap classes?
Quiz Question
When is the latest date you can
declare your major?
Need to find the exit ramp?
• Part-time attendance
• Leave of absence
• Readmission