Improving the local healthcare system

Improving the
local healthcare
Commissioning for Value
March 2015
Bob Ricketts
Director of Commissioning
Support Services Strategy
1. Context:
The Forward View sets out unprecedented challenges
for the NHS nationwide & local healthcare systems:
Rising demand
Increasing public & political expectations
Constrained resources
Out-dated over-stretched service models (all sectors)
Persistent unacceptable variation – in outcomes,
access & VFM
1. Context: Demand for care is growing rapidly
We are facing a rising burden of avoidable illness across England from
unhealthy lifestyles:
1 in 5 adults still smoke
1/3 of people drink too much alcohol
More than 6/10 men and 5/10 women are overweight or obese
70% of the NHS budget is now spent on long term conditions
People’s expectations are also changing
1. Context: New opportunities
New technologies and treatments
• Improving our ability to predict, diagnose and treat disease
• Keeping people alive longer
• But resulting in more people living with long term conditions
New ways to deliver care
• Dissolving traditional boundaries in how care is delivered
• Improving the coordination of care around patients
• Improving outcomes and quality
• NHS IQ Improving Quality in Supporting CCGs to commission
personalised care for people with LTC via LTC Improvement Prog.
• Commissioning Support: Lead Provider Framework
…but the financial challenge remains, with the gap in 2020/21
previously projected at £30bn by NHS England, Monitor and
independent think-tanks
2. Commissioning for improvement:
To deliver the Forward View we need approaches which …
• Incentivise high quality integrated pathways which deliver high
quality ‘joined-up care’ – MSK: Bedfordshire
• Are place-based, with effective co-commissioning - avoiding
fragmentation from ‘multiple commissioners’
• Make the best use of resources (NHS-funded, LAs, communities,
users) – “there is only one Leeds pound”
• Reward delivery of the best outcomes for users, carers &
communities (social value)
• Address demand risk explicitly
• Catalyse new configurations/partnership of providers
• Include, not marginalise, non-NHS partners
• Are deliverable & proportionate to the problem – commissioner
and provider capacity & capability is a real issue
3. We need commissioning for outcomes: What
is it?
Narrative on OBC
NHS CA Quality
Working Group
3. Commissioning for outcomes = a spectrum
There is a spectrum of approaches:
Embedding outcomes in contracting:
Using outcome measures in, e.g. secondary care, to drive-up quality, linking
payment much more closely to performance.
Outcome-based population commissioning
a key vehicle to drive transformation & secure better outcomes, service
integration and value for specific populations or groups (e.g. frail older
people with multiple, complex problems; EoLC), or re-balance incentives by
paying for outcomes
*International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement
The core of ICHOM's mission is to define a
common language to measure outcomes:
"ICHOM Standard Sets"
ICHOM facilitates a process with
international physician and registry
leaders and patient representatives to
develop a global Standard Set of
outcomes that really matter to patients,
by medical condition
Physician and
registry leaders
Patient representatives
Our end-product: a Standard Set, with the
domains that should be systematically
measured, and clear definitions
Treatment approaches
Watchful waiting
Active surveillance
External beam radiation therapy
Androgen Deprivation
▪ Other
A "reference guide"
contains all the details
to measure in a
standard way the
(link to download)
1 Recorded via the Clavien-Dindo-Classification
2 Recorded via the Common Terminology Criteria for
3 Recommended to track via the Expanded Prostate
Adverse Events (CTCAE), version
Cancer Index Composite (EPIC)-26
© 2013 ICHOM. All rights reserved. When using this set of outcomes, or quoting therefrom, in any way, we solely require that you always make a reference to ICHOM a s the source so
that this organization can continue i ts work to define more standard outcome sets.
ICHOM have already developed 12 Standard
Sets, covering 35% of the disease burden
3. Embedding outcomes in contracting:
Bedfordshire CC Group developed an outcomes based contract using
ICHOM Lower Back Pain outcomes Set
Bedfordshire CCG has
constructed a
musculoskeletal care
contract with Circle
ICHOM Lower Back Pain
Set incorporated into the
contract and Circle
expected to report on
these outcomes
A baseline will be
measured in Year 1 and
then annual
improvements in the
outcome Set will result in a
financial reward.
ICHOM conclusion: Incorporating outcomes into contracts with providers is an
ICHOM conclusion: Incorporating outcomes into contracts with providers is an
excellent way to ensure quality measurement and to incentivise improvement.
excellent way to ensure quality measurement and to incentivise improvement.
3. Outcome-based population commissioning:
Integral to core OBC’ /COBIC model are:
• Identifiable & measurable outcomes
• That those outcomes can be linked to desired behaviours
• That those behaviours can be incentivised through payment
• Spans primary, community & secondary care
• At-scale for populations (but can be done on a smaller scale,
introducing a % payment for specific outcomes)
• More mature & long-term relationship with providers (7+
year contracts)
• ‘Lead provider’ or ’Alliance’ contracting
3. Outcome-based population commissioning:
Key components of fully-developed OBC:
• Population-based (frail older people, multiple complex
problems; EoLC) or major pathway(s) (MSK)
• Outcome-focused capitation payment*
• ‘Lead provider’ or ‘alliance’
• Provider(s) co-ordinates care planning & delivery
• Provider(s) takes on much of the demand risk
*LTC Year of Care Commissioning EI sites – testing
population capitated budget for LTC cohorts, new contracting
& delivery models
3. Outcome-based population commissioning:
OBC still emerging, but examples:
• Bedfordshire (MSK)
• Cambridgeshire (range of services for older people)
• Staffordshire (cancer & EoLC for 1m+)
• Sussex (MSK)
• Greater Huddersfield & Kirklees CCGs (community
services lead provider)
• Smaller-scale: Oxfordshire & Milton Keynes (sexual
health; substance abuse)
EI sites for Year of Care commissioning: Southend,
Leeds, Kent, West Hampshire, Barking, Dagenham &
Havering and Redbridge
3. Outcome-based population commissioning: CSFs
Critical Success Factors:
• Know what problem you’re trying to solve
• Commission the underpinning analysis – e.g. RightCare ‘deep
dive’; CfV packs
• Be clear what you’re trying to achieve
• Set identifiable & measurable outcomes
• Link outcomes to desired behaviours
• Think about how to incentivise the right behaviours – not just
through payment systems
• Engage systematically, consistently & early – users, communities,
clinicians, providers, ‘politicians’
• Budget for resources - capability & capacity
• Start small!
Useful sources:
General overview:
NHS CA Quality Working Group
King’s Fund: How to measure for improving outcomes: a guide for
Embedding outcomes:
ICHOM International Consortium for Health Outcomes
Useful sources:
Outcome-based population commissioning:
COBIC & Cobic Club uk
Right Care Casebook series : Paul Corrigan & Nick Hicks
“What organisation is necessary for commissioners to develop
outcomes-based contracts?”
COBIC Explained – NHS Change Model
Contracting models:
King’s Fund: Contractual models for commissioning integrated
care Nov. 2014