1937-1956 Account Book Charge 1937 Jany Feb 25 Mar 15 April 1 May 1 4 5 6 11 14 15 18 June 5 15 19 Augt 4 5 Balance n hands of Boxmaster Flesher Trade dues of admission viz: George Morton Butcher 1a Hill Street Broughty Ferry (son of Archibald Morton elected 1936) David Gansh Butcher 314 Hawkhill Dundee (unfree) Bonnetmaker Trade dues of admission viz: Walter George Baker Traveller 2 Nevington Terrace Broughty Ferry William McDonald Black Music Seller 2 Clepington Road Dundee Edgar Peter Brown Iron Merchant 1 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee William Hills Forster Shipbuilding Manager 316 Ferry Road Dundee George Cameron Parker Shipyard Manager 1 Murray Street Dundee Thomas Winton Timber Merchant 8 Greenfield Place Dundee ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock -do- to 15th ult on £800. 3% Dundee Corporation Redeemable Stock -do- £3150 @ 2¼% from First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd -do- David Galloway on loan of £2000 @ 4¼% -do- David Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4½% Years Feuduty W & A Pope -do- J F McKean ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees ½ years interest D Nicoll on loan of £1500 @ 5% -do- Angus Property Investment Co Ltd on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- S L Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- County Council of Lanark on loan of £1000 @ 3% Years Feuduty Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% Repayment of J R Martins Loan ½ years interest thereon -do- J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4½% J G Sibbald & Son balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property General Accident Assurance amount of fire insurance claim C H Marshall Esq. proportion of General Assembly expenses J & E R Simpson warrant for repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 5th June 1933 Interest to date Order on Bank Account Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 12th November 1936 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 19th March 1937 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 18th May 1937 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 18th November 1936 1 10.11. 4 3. 0 .0 10.10. 0 13. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 63. 0. 0 59..10. 0 12. 0. 29.11. 37.10. 4.10. 4. 1. 7. 5. 0. 37.10. 17.10. 14. 0. 5. 6. 15. 0. 5. 5. 7. 0. 300. 0. 6.15. 5. 0. 11. 5. 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 279. 6. 5 1.11. 3 1.10. 0 170. 3.11 50. 0. 0 2. 0.11 70. 0. 10. 45. 0. 3. 100. 0. 4. 300. 0. 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 52. 0.11 10. 0. 0 70.10. 0 45. 3. 2 100. 4. 2 10 15 Oct 1 8 Novr 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 15 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 24th November 1936 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 27th December 1936 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 1st April 1937 Interest to date Shoemaker Trade dues of admission of James Thyne Potter Shoemaker 6 Bruce Road Downfield Dundee ½ years Dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 -do- interest on £3400 3½% Conversion stock Dues of entry from Clerk to Tailor Trade as follows viz: Ronald Hay Bell Clifton Park Wormit in right of his father Alexander John Stephen Young and Douglas Cuthbert Colquhoun Young both of Ardlogie Leuchars in right of heir father Stephen Young ½ years interest @ 2¾% on £2150 Debenture First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd -do- D Galloway as loan of £2000 @ 3¾% -do- Feuduty National Investment Co -do-do- St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- interest on loan of £200 @ 4% from David Robertson -do- Feuduty J F McKean -do- W & A Pope -do- A Simpson’s Trs -do- Ground Annual Mr Kidd’s Trustees Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 15th May 1937 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 5th June 1937 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 15th July 1937 Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-doYears Feuduty McPhersons Heirs Order on Bank Account ½ years interest from David Nicoll on Loan pf £1500 @ 5% -do- S S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- Angus Property Investment Co on loan pf £700 @ 5% -do- County Council of Lanark on Loan of £1000 @ 3% Years feuduty Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10260 for £3200 -do- J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% J H Nicoll's Reps interest from 7/9/37 to 11/11/37 on loan of £500 @ 4% ½ years interest from D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% 2 2. 2. 2 48. 0. 0 7. 4 101. 9. 4 15. 7 45. 7. 5 3. 9 302. 2. 0 48. 7. 4 102. 4.11 45.11. 2 10.10. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 3. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 29.11. 37.10. 5. 16. 16. 4. 0. 2. 14. 12. 5. 0. 300. 0 .0 1. 8.11 279. 6. 5 1. 3. 8 200. 3.11 12. 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 301. 8.11 280.10. 1 200.16. 6 198. 0. 0 33. 0. 0 16.10. 0 57.15. 0 288.15. 0 232.15. 0 16.10. 0 16.10. 0 3. 1. 8 26. 5. 0 37.10. 0 5. 6. 3 14. 0. 0 17.10 .0 15. 0. 0 5. 0 16. 8 7. 0. 0 48. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 3.11. 6 28. 0. 0 -do- Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Received from Bonnetmaker Trade per Mr Douglas D Urquhart dues of entry as follows: Robert Wray Crawford Engineer Uplands Monifieth Angus John Millar Robb 59 Reform Street Dundee Insurance Branch Agent David Hill McIntosh Drapery Manager 11 Nesbitt Street Dundee David Stewart Soutar Architect Harecraig 26 Dundee Road West Ferry in right of his Father Charles Geddes Soutar John G Sibbald & Son balance of rents of Victoria Chambers property for ½ year to Martinmas 1937 Less fire accounts per their letter Received form Baker Trade per Mr J W Husband the following entries viz: Robert Blackwood Lithographer Dundee Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Robert James Larg musical Instrument Dealer Dundee Member of Bonnetmaker Trade John Loggie C A Dundee Member of he Bonnetmaker Trade James Murray Smith Yeast Merchant Dundee in right of his father Alex Smith a Member of he Baker Trade Samuel Houghton Baker Dundee Unfreeman Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 18 24 21 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 34.10. 0 83. 5. 5 1.11. 3 81.14. 2 -. -. -. -. -. -. 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 13.10. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 4. 7 ½ 4156.15. 8 ½ 1937 Discharge Jany 4 12 28 Feby 1 16 25 26 March 1 12 15 19 April 1 May 1 4 Licence for Armorial Bearings Dundee Corporation for use of Hall F R Jenkins for care of Flag Wm Kidd & Sons account Fire Premium Victoria Chambers Rattray & Co account for the Convener’s *& Clerk’s medals Guarantee Premium Stamps on Certificates Clerks fees on admissions Royal British Hotel account for yesterday’s meeting Waiters Smith Brothers account for Convener’s Hat Corporation Diaries Fire insurance premium over Flag & Gown J & E R Simpson half expense of renewal of lease – Federated Employers Insurance Association Ltd Stamps on Certificates Clerk’s fees on entries Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock interest Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from interest on Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock A Tosh & Son fee for Audit Income tax deducted viz: First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd David Galloway 3 1. 1. 2. 5. 10. 9. 10.13. 8. 0. 6. 10. 10. 3.13. 5 10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. 3. 5 4. 0. 0 4.10. 0 6. 3 1.12. 1.10. 1.10. 45. 0. 14. 2. 45. 7. 0 0 0 0 7 5 2.17. 0 5. 5. 0 7. 7.10 8.18. 2 16. 6. 0 5 Novr 5 6 11 13 14 15 17 18 20 26 June 5 7 10 15 July 1 15 Augt 4 5 9 Sept 7 15 Octr 1 6 8 Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by David Robertson T L Insurance premium – Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted viz; W & A Pope J F McKean Mr Kidd’s Trustees D Nicoll Years feuduty Blackscroft less 1/11d tax J Durham & Son for Vidimus Income Tax deducted viz: Angus Property Investment Co Ltd Dundee Water Debenture Stock S S Miller County council of Lanark Dundee Town Council -doRobert Stewart J R Martin Lodged on Deposit Receipt Paid into Bank Account Income Tax deducted by J S Guild Clerk & Boxmaster ½ years Salary Income Tax deducted by: J B Murray Dundee Corporation Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by: Mrs Wallace -doPaid into Bank Account Lodged on Deposit Receipt John Croall & Son Ltd for hire of car at General Assembly Courier & Advertiser account Paid into Bank Account T Justice & Sons Ltd account J & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Income Tax Lodged on Deposit Receipt Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Remitted Borthwick Wark & Co price of £200 3½% War Stock @ 1005/16 Brokerage & Stamp Exchange Paid into Bank Account Wm Kidd & Sons account for Cash Book & envelopes J Durham & Son Ltd for circulars Courier & Advertiser account advertising Meeting J H Nicoll’s Reps amount of loan @ 4% per annum from this date over Westbank Barnhill Stamps on Certificates Clerk’s fees for admissions Income tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Paid into Bank Account Income tax deducted from Conversion Stock interest Lodged on Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser account Paid into Bank Account 4 50. 0. 0 1. 1. 5 8. 0 0.11 6. 5 1. 3. 9 8.18. 2 4. 3. 3.10. 1. 5. 3.15. 1. 1. 1.13. 1.12. 2 0 3 0 2 2 3 1 7. 9. 8 12.0. 0 2.13. 5 2. 7. 6 200.12. 6 1. 1. 0 10. 9. 3 6. 5 1. 4. 0 16. 1. 1 300. 0. 0 7. 6.11 1. 3. 9 50. 0. 0 19. 9. 8 100. 0. 0 5. 0.11 20. 0. 0 279. 6. 5 3. 0. 0 2. 1. 3 1.11. 3 6. 0 12.12. 0 200. 3.11 10. 0. 0 201.13. 1. 14. 2. 3. 4. 1.12. 1.17. 6 2 8 6 6 6 500. 0. 5. 5. 3. 0. 9. 0. 14.17. 44.12. 1.17. 9. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 12 Novr 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 15 16 18 24 26 Decr 1 6 10 21 Stamps on 3 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 3 admissions Burglary Insurance premium Difference on St Andrews Church Plates account Income tax deducted by First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Paid into Bank Account Income tax deducted viz: J Galloway National Investment Co -doSt Paul’s Episcopal Church David Robertson J F McKean W & A Pope A Simpson’s Trustees C Graham accompanist fee for 5th Inst Income tax deducted by Mr Kidd’s Trustees Paid into Bank Account Baker Trade sum allocated for annuities Shoemaker –doGlover Trade -doTailor Trade –doBonnetmaker Trade –doFlesher Trade -doHammerman Trade –doWeaver Trade -doIncome tax deducted viz: David Nicoll S S Miller Dundee Corporation Angus Property Investment Co County Council of Lanark St Andrew’s Church Officer for care of pews & books Income tax deducted viz; Dundee Town Council -doRobert Stewart Dundee Corporation J S Guild J H Nicoll’s Reps D B Murray Mrs C J Wallace -doLodged on Deposit Receipt Royal British Hotel account for 5th inst Waiters Stamps on 4 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 4 admissions Lodged on Deposit Receipt -doStamps on 2 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 2 admissions Bank Account W P Robertson account for taxi Courier & Advertiser account Bank Account 5 15. 0 15. 0 12. 6 3.16.10½ 7. 7.10 22. 3. 5 9. 7. 1. 4. 4. 1. 0. 0. 3. 3. 6 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 9. 7. 1. 6. 3.10. 4. 7. 3.15. 6 7 0 6 0 1. 3 4. 2 1.15. 0 12. 0. 0 1. 5. 0 17.10 7. 0. 0 2.116. 3 2. 0. 0 13. 8.10 1.10. 0 11. 3. 1. 1. 1. 5. 782.15. 198. 0. 33. 0. 16.10. 57.15. 288.15. 222.15. 16.10. 16.10. 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22. 6. 7 2. 0. 0 27.19. 6 100. 0. 0 14.18.10 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 81.14. 2 10. 0 10. 0 3.10. 0 3. 0 1.17. 6 15. 0. 0 31 Clerk’s certifying fees for year Posts & telephones etc for year 3. 0 .0 5. 0. 0 4156.15. 8½ Vidimus of the Foregoing Account I II III IV Capital as at 31st December 1936 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Repayment of J R Martin’s loan Entry Money during year Fleshers Bonnetmakers Shoemakers Tailors Bakers Less Clerk’s fees & stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 6/5d) Interests Bank Interest Payment from Pullar Mortification Amount of Fire claim Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 17408.19. 4 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 25698.19. 1 300. 0. 0 13.10. 97.10. 10.10. 9. 0. 13.10. 144. 0. 9. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 361. 0. 19. 1. 698. 1. 9.18. 5. 0. 1.11. 7 2 3 1 0 3 1539. 7. 1 2425. 7. 1 135. 0. 0 1094.12. 4 157.11.11 27086. 3. 4 Discharge I II Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising General Assembly Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Ex-Convener’s Medal Convener’s Hat Capital Invested 198. 0. 0 33. 0. 0 16.10. 0 57.15. 0 288.15. 0 222.15. 0 16.10. 0 16.10 6 849.15. 0 12.10. 0 126. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 5. 9 175. 6.10 25. 8. 3 7.13. 9 1.10. 0 1.12. 0 23.13. 0½ 8. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 1250.19. 7½ £200 3½% War Stock Loan to J H Nicoll’s Trs @ 4% III IV 201.13. 6 500. 0. 0 701.13. 6 Sums paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 1296. 4. 5 884. 9. 9 2180.14. 2 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 17544. 3.11½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 25835. 3. 8½ 27086. 3. 4 Capital as at 31st December 1937 I II III IV British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council -do- Dundee Education Authority £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doDavid Galloway’s -doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doMiscellaneous Loan to First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Bank on Deposit Account -do- Account Current Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster V Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 0 9 0 6 800. 1000. 3200. 806. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0 0 0 0 1000. 350. 1400. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 3000. 250. 500. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2150. 0. 0 363. 6. 5 24. 9. 1 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 19927.12. 9 10. 4. 7½ 19917. 8. 1½ 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 25835. 3. 8½ Dundee 9th February 1938 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1837 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other 7 instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Ten pounds four shillings and seven and one half pence (£10. 4. 7½) Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors Dundee 23rd February 1938 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31st December 1937 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof the presents are subscribed. 1938 Charge March 1 14 April 1 18 22 May 3 4 Flesher Incorporation per Messers Hendry & Fenton dues of entry n 16th ulto as follows viz: Robert Nelson Millar Butcher 135 ferry Road Monifieth Sydney Anderson Millar 26 Glenclova Terrace (son of Alexander Millar elected 1934) William Joiner Fitzgerald 26 Park Road Downfield (son of Robert Fitzgerald elected 1923) Robert John Loggie 11 Panmure Street Dundee member of Bonnetmaker Trade. Convener Bonnetmaker Craft per Mr Douglas D Urquhart dues of he following entries admitted on 25th ulto viz: Mathew Waddell Hotel Manager Royal Hotel Dundee John Richmond Bond Solicitor 51 Forfar Road Dundee John Edwin Robertson Jeweller 71 High Street Dundee David Drummond Solicitor 11 Whitehall Street Dundee George Knowles Insurance Manager 51 Mains Loan Dundee William Stewart Horticultural Builder 15 Esplanade Brought Ferry ( son of Robert Stewart) William Alexander Findlay C A 22 Arglye Street Dundee (Member of Flesher Trade) William Lewis Weir Solicitor 4 High Street Dundee (Member of Flesher Trade) ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Hammerman Incorporation per Nigel M Fenton dues of entry of the following admitted 14th inst viz: William W Friskin Architect 26 Castle Street Dundee James J F Lockhart Elmbank South Road Lochee (Member of Bonnetmaker Trade) W Stirling Draffen 5 Glamis Road Dundee Angus r Fulton Professor University College Dundee 21 Glamis Road Dundee Donald F Paterson 82 Old Craigie Road Dundee George Robertson Willison House 56 Barrack Street Dundee James O Fimister 33 Forthill Road Broughty Ferry (Member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Nigel M Fenton Solicitor 4 High Street Dundee (Member of Flesher Trade) ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Order on Bank Account J & E R Simpson warrant for repayment of Income Tax ½ years interest on £2150 loan to First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Years Feuduty W & A Pope 8 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 -. -. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 16.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 0. 0 -. -. -. -. - 58.10. 0 12. 0. 0 10.10 .0 -. -. 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. -. -. - 42. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.12. 6 176. 2.10 29.11. 3 4. 0 5 11 13 14 16 17 23 June 1 20 30 July 12 Augt 9 23 Sept 15 23 -do- J F McKean ½ years interest from David Robertson on loan of £200 @ ¼% ½ years interest From David Nicoll on loan of £1500 @ 5% -do- Angus Property Investment Co on Loan of £700 @ 5% J & E R Simpson balance of David Galloway’s Loan ½ years interest thereon -do- Ground Annual Mr Kidd’s Trustees -do- interest from J H Nicoll’s Reps on Loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- Mrs Wallace on Loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- on Loan of £400 @ 4% Years feuduty Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest from County Council of Lanark on Loan of £1000 @ 3% -do- Robert Stewart of £350 @ 4% -do- S S Miller on Loan of £250. @ 4¼% -do- J S Guild on Loan of £200 @ 5% -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10260 for £3200 -do- D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% Jon G Sibbald & Son balance of rents of Victoria Chambers property for ½ year to Whitsunday 1938 per Statement ½ years interest on £200 3½% War Stock Proportion of General Assembly expenses from Mr C H Marshall Weaver Trade dues of admission of Lewis William Myles Whitehall Crescent Dundee Insurance Inspector son of late William Myles John Milne’s Trustees per Messers E Cowan & Co being further payment of Revenue from the Trust Order on Bank Account J % E R Simpson Income Tax on Milne’s Trust recovered ½ years Dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Deposit Receipt dated 13th October 1936 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 4th May 1937 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st October 1937 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 24th November 1937 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 18th November 1937 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 16th November 1937 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st March 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 15th March 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st April 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 22nd April 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 17th May 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 23rd May 1938 9 1. 7. 4. 0. 37.10. 17.10. 2000. 0. 37.10. 5. 0. 10. 0. 14. 0. 11. 5. 8. 0. 5. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15. 7. 5. 5. 48. 28. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0. 0. 6. 0. 0. 0. 282.10.10 3.10. 0 1.10. 0 3. 0. 0 75. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 23. 5. 7 12. 0. 0 21. 0. 0 8. 0 50. 0. 0 13. 8 44.12. 6 8. 5 81.14. 0 13. 5 50. 0. 0 8. 3 100. 0. 0 16.10 35. 0. 0 3. 9 42. 0. 0 4. 2 44. 12. 6 4. 1 150. 0. 0 12. 6 800. 0. 0 2.16. 4 118. 0. 0 21. 8. 0 50.13. 8 45. 0.11 82. 7. 5 50. 8. 3 100.16.10 35. 3. 9 42. 4. 2 44.16. 7 150.12. 6 802.16. 4 Octr 1 13 Novr 1 ; 2 3 7 9 10 11 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st June 1938 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 12th July 1938 Interest to date Order on Bank Account ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Glover Trade as follows: George Bell Smith Clothier Murraygate Dundee in right of his father Clerk fee & Stamp Robert Doctor Laing 21 Yewbank Avenue Broughty Ferry in right of his Father Clerk fee & Stamp ½ years interest on £2150 Debenture First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Baker Trade dues of admission of the following viz Henry Main Shipbuilder Dundee (member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Hubert Carlton Solicitor Dundee member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Ronald Stewart Murray Smith Yeast Merchant Dundee son of Alexander Smith member of Baker Trade James Young McArthur Baker St Andrews James McDougall Baker Lochee James Hay Stewart Baker Buckhaven Years Feuduty National Investment Co Ltd -do½ years interest from David Robertson on Loan of £200 @ 4% Order on Bank Account Years Feuduty McPhersons Heirs -do- W & A Pope -do- J F McKean -do- A Simpson’s Trustees ½ years interest from David McNicoll on loan of £1500 @ 5% Collection at last night’s meeting for Earl Haig Poppy Fund Deposit Receipt dated 23rd September Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do½ years Ground Annual Mr Kidd’s Trustees ½ years interest from S S Miller on Loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for W M & D S Miller on Loan of £1200 @ 4¼% -do- Angus Property Investment Co Ltd on Loan of £700 @ 5% -do- £3800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Years Feuduty Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest on Mortgage No 337 for £1000 by Lanark County Council Shoemaker Trade dues of admission of the following viz: 10 7. 9 286. 0.10 17. 8 75. 0. 0 2.10 118. 7. 9 186.18. 6 75. 2.10 1000. 0. 0 59.10. 0 2.10. 0 10. 0 2.10. 0 10. 0 6. 0. 0 29.11. 3 -. -. -. -. 3. 0. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 0 0 0 0 900. 0. 0 1. 3. 0 34.10. 5. 16. 4. 0. 26. 5. 3. 1. 12. 2. 12. 37.10. 3.19. 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 2 901. 3. 0 195..10. 0 34. 0. 0 17. 0. 0 59.10 314.10. 0 246.10. 0 17. 0. 0 17. 0. 0 34. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 6. 3 24. 0. 0 17.10. 0 14. 0. 0 5. 0 16. 8 15. 0. 0 14 25 28 Dec 17 21 James D Hardie Director Progress Works Tay Street Dundee David Patterson Solicitor 1 Albert Square Dundee (Member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Interest from 24th September on Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 ½ years interest on Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10260 for £3200 -do- J S Guild on Loan of £200 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart on Loan of £350 @ 4% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps on Loan of £1500 @ 4% -do- Mrs Wallace on Loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% -do- D B Murray on Loan of £1400 @ 4% John G Sibbald & Son balance of Martinmas rents of Victoria Chambers property Bonnetmaker Trade dues of entry of the following viz: James Ross Burgyone Painter & Decorator 33 Commercial Street Dundee David Eric Collier Rector Morgan Academy 15 Fintry Place Broughty Ferry William McIntosh Property Owner & House Factor 10 Minard Crescent Dundee William John Ross Painter & Decorator 29 Barrack Street Dundee Stephen Young Retired Ardlogie by Leuchars 9 A Member of the Tailor Trade Frank Hay Solicitor 148 Nethergate Dundee ½ years interest on £200 3½% War Stock Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 10.10. 0 -. -. - 10.10. 0 4. 5. 6 48. 5. 7. 10. 11. 8. 28. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76. 0. 3 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 52.10. 0 3.10. 0 5. 0. 0 12. 5. 4½ 8364.10. 1½ Discharge Jany 4 31 Feby 3 16 18 Mar 1 7 14 15 Apr 1 Balance due to Boxmaster Licence for Armorial Bearings Dundee Corporation for use of the Hall F r Jenkins for care of the flag Fire insurance Premium Victoria Chambers Corporation Diaries J Durham & Sons Ltd Account Guarantee Insurance Premium Fire Insurance premium over Flag & Gown Stamps on 3 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 3 admissions Clerk’s fees on 6 admissions Stamps on 6 Certificates Lodged on Deposit Receipt Royal British Hotel Account for 23rd ult Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock interest Paid into Bank Account Stamps on 4 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 4 admissions Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock interest Lodged on Deposit Receipt 11 10... 4. 7½ 1. 1. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0 10.13. 0 4.10. 0 16. 0 6. 0 6. 3 15. 0 15. 0 1.10. 0 1.10. 0 35. 0. 0 4. 3. 3 3. 0. 9. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 42. 0. 14.17. 44.12. 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 8 18 18 May 3 4 5 11 13 14 16 17 23 June 1 7 14 30 July 12 Augt 9 23 Sept 15 23 26 Octr 1 13 20 Novr 1 Alex Tosh & Son fee for Audit Smith Brothers Account repairing Flag J & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Income Tax J Durham & Son Ltd account for Vidimus Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Scottish American Trust Co interest -do- W & A Pope -do- J F McKean -do- David Robertson F L Insurance premium Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted by David Nicoll Years Feuduty Blackscroft less 2/- tax Income Tax deducted by: Angus Property Investment Co David Galloway Mr Kidd’s Trustees J F Nicoll’s Reps Dundee Corporation Mrs Wallace -doDundee Town Council -doCounty Council of Lanark Clerk & Boxmaster half years Salary J & E R Simpson amount of Loan to Trustees for Wm M Miller & Duncan S Miller for 5 years @ 4% over subjects 45 Seafield Road Income Tax deducted by: Robert Stewart S S Miller J S Guild Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by D B Murray Lodged on Deposit Receipt John Croall & Son Ltd for hire of taxi at General Assembly Paid into Bank Account Stamps on Certificate Clerk’s fee on Admission Lodged on Deposit Receipt Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary &J & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Tax on Milne’s Trust revenue Paid into Bank Account Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 33% Redeemable Stock dividend Paid into Bank Account Lodged on Deposit Receipt Paid into Bank Account Burglary insurance premium Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock interest Paid into Bank Account -doStamps on 2 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 2 admissions Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Income Tax deducted by First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd 12 1. 0 6. 9 1. 0. 0 4. 7. 9. 7. 1. 5. 2.10. 3.17. 2.16. 2. 0. 1. 1. 4. 2. 6 6 0 0 0 3 0 3 3 6 5. 5. 10.12. 12.12. 1. 7. 150. 0. 8. 2. 0 6 0 6 0 7 1. 7. 8. 9. 7. 6. 9 0 6 3 30. 8. 3 50. 0. 0 1200. 0. 0 1.15. 0 1. 6. 7 1. 5. 0 4. 6. 7 800. 0. 0 13. 4. 0 2. 1. 3 118. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 286. 0.10 3. 0. 3 17. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 75.0. 0 10. 0. 0 2. 2. 0 23. 5. 7 3. 6. 8.14. 900. 0. 1006.17. 12. 16. 7. 43. 2. 6. 0. 10. 10. 1.17. 8. 2. 0 0 0 6 6 3 9 0 0 0 6 7 2 3 7 9 10 11 14 21 22 Lodged on Deposit Receipt Stamps on 4 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 4 admissions Income Tax deducted by: National Investment Co Ltd -doSt Paul’s Episcopal Church David Robertson Convener Fee 1938 Income Tax deducted by McPhersons Heirs W & A Pope J F McKean R Simpson’s Trustees David Nicoll Lord Provosts Poppy Day Fund Paid into Bank Account Following shares as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per P R & J Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Glover –do- D S Mitchell Tailor –do- James A Graham Bonnetmaker –do- Douglas D Urquhart Flesher -do- Nigel M Fenton Hammerman -doWeaver -do- James A Graham Accompanist Fee Clerk & Boxmasters half years Salary Income Tax deducted by Mr Kidd’s Trustees S S Miller Trustees for W M & D S Miler Angus Property Investment Co Dundee Corporation Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council Paid Stamp on 1 Certificate Clerk’s fee on Certificate Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation -doJ S Guild Robert Stewart J W Nicoll’s Reps St Andrews Church Officer of care of pews & books Income Tax deducted by Mrs Wallace -doCourier & Advertiser advertising meeting Royal British Hotel account for 8th inst Waiters Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by D B Murray Paid into bank Account 13 34.10. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 4. 4. 1. 2. 5 5 5 0 16.11 3. 4 0. 7 2. 4 10. 6. 3 1.12. 3 26. 5. 0 11.10. 5 4. 0. 0 901. 3. 0 195.10. 34. 0. 17. 0. 59.10. 314.10. 246.10. 17. 0. 34. 0. 1. 1. 50. 0. 1. 7. 1. 9. 6.12. 4.16. 3.17. 1. 4. 4. 2. 6 3 0 3 0 5 7 6 1. 3. 13. 0. 1. 7. 1.18. 2.18. 6 0 6 6 0 3. 1.10 2. 4. 0 14.17. 8 1.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.1.0 6 5. 0 5. 0 20. 8. 6 2. 0. 0 5. 5.10 2. 1. 3 16. 7. 119. 0. 7.14. 20. 0. 8 0 0 0 26 28 Decr 13 20 21 30 Lodged on Deposit Receipt -doStamps on 5 Certificates Clerk’s fees on 5 admissions J & E R Simpson half years expenses of Lease – Western Assurance Co Rattray & Co foe Ex-Convener Loggie's Medal Clerk’s certifying fees per List Posts telephones etc for year 76. 0. 52.10. 1. 5. 1. 5. 2.18. 9 8. 0. 0 3. 0. 5. 0. 0 8364.10. 1½ Vidimus of foregoing Account I II III IV Capital as at 31st December 1937 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Repayment of David Galloway’s loan Entry Money during year Fleshers Bonnetmakers Hammerman Weavers Glovers Bakers Shoemakers 17544. 3. 11½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 25835. 3. 8½ 2000. 0. 0 Less Clerk’s fees & stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 6/5d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Payment of Revenue from J Milne’s Trust Bank Interest Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Poppy Day Fund Deposit Receipt Account Current 16.10. 108. 0. 42. 0. 3. 0. 6. 0. 34.10. 10.10. 220.10. 13. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 358.11. 19. 1. 696. 0. 5. 0. 75. 0. 10. 0. 1 4 6 0 0 6 207.10. 0 1163.13. 5 163.10..10 3.19. 2 2798. 0. 0 1964.17. 6 4762.17. 3 27395. 0. 8½ Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & salaries 195.10. 34. 0. 17. 0. 59.10. 314.10. 246.10. 17. 0. 34. 0. 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 918. 0. 0 12.10. 0 126. 5. 0 II III IV Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising General Assembly Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Ex-Convener’s Medal Repair of Flag Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested Loan to trustees for W M & d S Miller @ 4% Loan to Dundee Corporation @ 3¼% 3. 0. 0 12. 5. 9 188.11. 6 26.16.11 6. 0. 0 1.10. 3 2.18. 9 14.19. 6 8. 0. 0 10..12. 6 4. 0. 0 1355..10. 2 1200. 0. 0 1000. 0. 0 2200. 0. 0 Sums paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 2732.13. 7 2056.11. 6 4789. 5. 1 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 17768..10. 9½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26059.10. 6½ 27395. 0. 8½ Capital as at 31st December 1938 I II III IV British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council -do- Dundee Education Authority £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Loan to First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Bank on Deposit Account -do- Account Current Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain 15 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 0 9 0 6 800. 1000. 3200. 806. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0 0 0 0 1000. 350. 1400. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2150. 298. 116. 100. 20. 0. 0. 3. 0. 0. 0 0 1 0 0 20154 0. 4 12. 5. 4½ 20141.14.11½ Less Balance due to Boxmaster V Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 266059.10. 6½ Dundee 2nd February 1939 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1838 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Ten pounds four pence half penny (£10. 0. 4½) Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors Dundee 21st February 1939 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1938 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Henry Main Deacon Convener: Peter Kinnear: J C Lamb 1939 Charge March 7 15 16 April 1 May 1 4 8 Order on Bank Account Bonnetmaker trade per Douglas D Urquhart dues of the following entries viz: Ernest George Abbott Retired East India Merchant Monifieth House Monifieth David Dickson McGregor Willsher Millfurnisher & Timber Merchant North Tay Street Dundee James Alexander Bruce Principal School of Economics 371 Blackness Road Dundee William Mann Bradburn Grocer Station Road Carnoustie son of the late William Bradburn John Ross Conacher Master Plumber 274 Blackness Road Dundee son of John Conacher Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton dues of the following entries viz: Angus Bruce Millar Anscott House 9 Church Street Carnoustie (unfree) Robert McWalter Butcher 55 Gray Street Broughty Ferry (unfree) Robert Johnstone Scott 25 Birchwood Place Dundee (son of Alexander Scott elected 1951) William Langlands Lindsay Scott –doCharles Scott (son of Charles Scott elected 1933) ½ years dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Stock 1956/58 ½ years interest on £33400 3½% Conversion Stock ½ years interest on £2150 Debenture first Scottish American Trust Co Ltd ½ years interest from D Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4% Years feuduty J F McKean -do- W & A Pope 16 3.16.11 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 37.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 29.11. 4. 0. 1. 7. 4. 3 0 0 0 10 13 15 17 22 26 31 June 3 July 5 Augt 5 Septr 14 Octr 3 27 Novr 1 2 6 8 ½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1500 @ 5% ½ years Ground Annual Mr Kidd’s Trustees D Nicoll’s Trustees a further reduction of loan Years feuduty Dundee City Council -do½ years interest on £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- on loan of £1000 @ 3% to Lanark County Council repayment of Loan to Dundee Corporation ½ years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- Angus Property Co on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- Trustees for W M & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- from S S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10260 for £3200 -do- -do No 10494 for £1000 -do- Mrs Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Messers J G Sibbald & Son balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property per Statement ½ years interest from D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% -do- on £200 3½% War Stock Repayment of Income Tax for year to 5th April last Order on Bank Account ½ years Dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation Stock ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Flesher Trade per Messers Hendry & Fenton dues admission of David McDonald Butcher 5 Albert Street Dundee admitted unfree on 28th September ½ years interest on loan of £2150 to #first Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Hammerman Trade per Hendry & Fenton dues of admission of William Whyte 35 Lilian Avenue Hilhead Northumberland in right of his father John Whyte admitted 1930 Years feuduty J F McKean -do- a Simpson’s Trustees -do- W & A Pope -do- St Paul’s Episcopal Church ½ years interest from David Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4% Years feuduty National Investment Co Ltd -doSum on Deposit Receipt dated 1st November 1938 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 14th November 1938 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 26th November 1938 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 27th November last Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 15th March 1939 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 18th May 1939 Interest to date Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 27th May 1939 Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do17 37.10. 0 5. 0. 0 360. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 14. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 3200. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 17.10. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 24. 0. 0 6. 6. 48. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 219. 1. 28. 0. 3.10. 190. 5. 10. 0. 12. 0. 59.10. 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 10.10. 0 29.11. 3 3. 0. 4. 12. 12. 16. 4. 0. 5. 16. 34.10. 0 7. 2 119. 0. 0 1. 4.11 76. 0. 3 15. 4 52.10. 0 10. 4 50. 0. 0 4. 2 120. 0. 0 13. 0 230. 0. 0 1. 4. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 34.17. 2 120. 4.11 76.15. 7 53. 0. 4 50. 4. 2 120.13. 0 231. 4. 0 156. 0. 0 52. 0. 0 9 10 11 13 14 27 28 30 Decr 1 28 30 -do-do-do-do-do-do½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1140 @ 5% Years feuduty McPhersons Heirs ½ years Ground Annual Mr Kidd’s Trustees Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart amount of pension allocated to Miss Margaret Shaw now deceased ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- Miller’s Trustees on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- S S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% Years feuduty Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest from Lanark County Council on loan of £3200 @ 3¼% -do- Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- loan of £1000 to Lanark County Council -do- from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Dundee Corporation on loan of £1000 No 10494 Order on Bank Account Collection taken at Bridie Night Supper for Poppy Day Fund ½ years interest from D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% -do- Mrs Wallace on loan of £400 @ 4% -do-£500 @ 4½% J G Sibbald & Son balance of rents of Victoria Chambers property viz; Rents Less Feuduty Income Tax Owners Rates Tradesmen’s Accounts Commission & Stamps ½ years interest on £200 3½% War Stock Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 394. 0. 71.19. 77.10. 161.14. 10.10. 16. 2. 6 8 6 3 6 3 13. 0. 45.10. 240.10. 188.10. 19.10. 26. 0. 28.10. 3. 1. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 6.10. 14. 0. 24. 0. 5. 6. 5. 16. 0 0 0 3 0 8 52. 0. 17.10. 16. 5. 7. 0. 5. 0. 10. 0. 16. 5. 26. 5. 2.10. 28. 0. 8. 11. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 56. 3. 4 3.10. 0 5. 0. 0 7. 0. 0½ 6301.19. 0½ 1939 Discharge Jany 16 20 26 Feby 1 12 Mar 7 11 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1938 Licence for Armorial Bearings Dundee Corporation for use of the Hall Town Officer for care of the flag Fire insurance Premium Victoria Chambers Wm Kidd & Son Ltd account Guildry per J Murray Wilkie half cost of advertising meeting re election of Harbour Trustees Guarantee Insurance premium Fire Insurance premium over Flag & Gown Royal British Hotel account for 21st ult Waiters Thomas Justice & Sons Ltd account for fixing Flag 18 12. 5. 4½ 1. 1. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0 10.13. 0 9. 6 15. 0 6. 0 6. 3 3.16.11 10. 0 4. 6.11 6. 9 15 16 Apr 1 12 May 1 2 18 16 17 18 22 27 31 June 6 8 22 July 6 25 28 Augt 5 Sept 14 Octr 3 4 13 27 Stamps on 5 Certificates Fees on 5 Admissions Stamps on 5 Certificates Fees on 5 Admissions Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock interest Paid into Bank Account Half expense of Lease between Trades and George Burnett Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock interest J Durham & Son Ltd account for Vidimus Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Scottish American Trust Co interest F L Insurance premium Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted viz; Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Town Council -doDundee Water Debenture Stock Lanark County Council Lanark County Council on loan for 5 years @ 3¼% Income Tax deducted viz Robert Stewart Angus Property Co J H Nicoll’s Reps J S Guild Trustees for H M & D S Miller S S Miller Clerk & Boxmaster half years Salary Lodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation -doLodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by Mrs Wallace -doLodged on Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by D B Murray Paid into Bank Account Smith Brothers account for Conveners hat John Croall & Sons Ltd account for hire pf motor car at General Assembly Less Lord Dean of Guild’s proportion Corporation Diaries Courier & Advertiser account Lodged on Deposit Receipt Fee for recovery of Income tax J Durham & Sons Ltd Account Dundee Royal Infirmary annual subscription Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation -do- Conversion Stock Burglary insurance premium Richard Buist & Sons account repairing Church Chairs Lodged on Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Stamp on Admission Clerk’s fee Paid into Bank Account 19 1. 1. 1. 1. 30. 1. 7. 1. 1. 3.17. 4. 2. 6 4 4 0 6 1.18. 4.16. 2.15. 1. 7. 6.12. 1. 9. 6 3 0 6 0 3 3. 0. 0 1.10. 0 5. 5. 5. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 3. 6. 8.14. 2. 8. 16. 7. 1. 7. 40. 0. 8. 2. 8. 0 0 3 3 6 0 7 0 9. 9. 8 3200. 0 .0 4 11.18. 6 50. 0. 0 360.0. 0 13. 4. 0 4. 9. 4 120. 0. 0 3. 1.10 2. 4. 0 230. 0. 0 7.14. 0 20. 6. 0 4. 4. 0 1.10. 4.10. 2. 1. 190. 5. 12.12. 1.10. 10. 0. 3. 6. 16. 7. 12. 5.10. 20. 0. 1.17. 5. 5. 10.10. 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 Novr 1 2 3 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 20 27 28 30 Decr 22 28 Income Tax deducted by First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Lindsay & Scott account for repairing glass panel Half expense of Air Raid agreement Stamp on Certificate Clerk’s fees on admission Income Tax deducted by: J F McKean R Simpson’s Trustees W & A Pope St Paul’s Church David Robertson National Investment Co Ltd -doPaid into bank Account Following shares as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Glover –do- D S Mitchell Tailor –do- James A Graham Bonnetmaker –do- Douglas D Urquhart Flesher -do- Nigel M Fenton Hammerman -doWeaver -do- James A Graham Income Tax deducted viz: David Nicoll McPhersons Heirs Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Water Debenture Stock Miller Trustees S S Miller Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council Angus Property Investment Co Lanark County Council Robert Stewart St Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews and books Income Tax deducted viz: J S Guild J H Nicoll’s Reps Dundee Corporation Revd W T Smellie being donation to St Andrew’s Church towards Restoration Fund authorised per Minute of Meeting of 1st inst Lodged on Deposit Receipt Wm Kidd & Son account for Church Praise Books Courier & Advertiser account Collection taken at Bridie Night Supper to Fund Treasurer Royal British Hotel Account for 13th inst Waiters Accompanist Income Tax deducted viz D B Murray Mrs Wallace -doLodged on Deposit Receipt Clerk’s fees for certifying elections for year per list Paid into Bank Account 20 12.11. 15. 6. 4. 5. 5. 1. 0. 4. 4. 5. 1. 8. 1. 5. 9 2 2 7 0 9 7 2.10. 0 666.19. 2 156. 0. 52 .0. 13 .0. 45.10. 240.10. 188.10. 19.10. 26. 0. 9.19. 6 1. 1. 7 1.15. 1 5.19. 0 8. 8. 0 1.17. 2 1. 9 5.10 18. 4. 0 6. 2. 6 6.16. 3 2. 9. 0 1.15. 0 3.10. 0 6.18. 1 9.16. 0 2.16. 0 3.18. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50. 3. 6 2. 0. 0 12. 3. 1 50. 0. 75. 0. 23. 7. 2. 1. 2.10. 10. 1. 8 1. 5. 0 10. 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 6 3 6 11.16. 8 16.10. 76. 3. 3. 0. 5. 0. 9 4 0 0 29 30 J & E R Simpson Business Account for year Posts, receipts, telephones &c for year 6.12. 0 5. 0. 0 6301.18. 0½ Vidimus of foregoing Account I II III IV Capital as at 31st December 1938 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Repayment of D Nicoll’s Trustees loan -do- Loan to Dundee Corporation 17768.10. 9½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 Entry Money during year Fleshers Bonnetmakers Hammerman Less Clerk’s fees & stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 6/1d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Poppy Day Fund Deposit Receipt Account Current 26059.10. 6½ 360. 0. 0 3200. 0. 0 3560. 0. 0 40.10. 0 37.10. 0 3. 0. 0 81. 0 .0 6. 0. 0 275. 4. 8 19. 1. 6 707. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 4.18.11 75. 0. 0 1011. 5. 1 177.13. 2 2.10. 6 662. 0. 3 781. 1.11 1443. 2. 2 27325.12. 3½ Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising General Assembly Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Convener’s Hat Church renewals 156. 0 .0 52. 0. 0 13. 0. 0 45.10. 0 234. 0. 0 188.10. 0 19.10. 0 26. 0. 0 21 734.10. 0 12.10. 0 100. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 5. 9 225. 1.10 21. 8. 7 6.15. 0 1.10. 0 15. 5 .0 17. 4. 9 4. 4. 0 28.17. 6 II III IV Donation to St Andrew’s Church Restoration Fund Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested Loan to Lanark County Council for 5 years @ 3¼% Sums paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 26. 5. 0 2.10. 6 1211. 7.11 3200. 0. 0 1141. 8. 6 711. 9. 2 1852.17. 8 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 17823.11. 7½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26114.11. 4½ 27325.19. 3½ Capital as at 31st December 1939 I II III IV British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Loan to First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Bank on Deposit Account -do- Account Current Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 0 9 0 6 3463.15. 3 800. 1000. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6806. 2. 0 1140. 350. 1400. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6840. 0. 0 2150. 0. 777. 8. 46.10. 100. 0. 20. 0. 0 3 4 0 0 Less Balance due to Boxmaster V Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 22 3093.18. 7 20203.15.10 7. 0. 0½ 20196.15. 9½ 5917.15. 7 26114.11. 4½ Dundee 19th February 1940 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1839 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Seven pounds and one half penny (£7. 0. 0½) Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors Dundee 11th March 1940 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1939 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Henry Main Deacon Convener: Robt Loggie: Alexander Drummond: W S Goodfellow: F H Fairweather: David Smith 1940 Charge Jany 10 March 12 15 April 1 May 1 2 7 8 13 14 15 16 21 Deposit Receipt dated 5th July 1939 Interest to date -do- 12th April 1939 Interest to date Dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock -do- loan of £2150 to First Scottish American Trust Co Ltd -do- D Robertson –do- £400 @ 4% ½ years feuduty from Messers W & A Pope Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –doOrder on Bank Account ½ years interest from David Nicoll loan of £1140 @ 5% -do- Trustees for H M & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- Stuart S Miller –do- £250 @ 4½% -do- £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Received from First Scottish American Trust Co td repayment of loan Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest from J H Nicoll’s heirs on loan of £300 @ 45 -do-Lanark County Council –do- £1000 3¼% -do- £3200 –doInterest from 1st to 15th instant on loan of £2150 @ 2¾% to First Scottish American Trust Co td ½ years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- Angus Property Investment Co –do- £700 @ 5% ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Tay Street ½ years interest from John S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- @ 3½% on Dundee Corporation Mortgage 10494 for £1000 -do- Mrs S J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Inland Revenue allowance under Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Capital expenditure to provide Air Raid Shelters at Victoria Chambers namely 7/23 190. 5. 2 1. 2. 4 40. 0. 0 7. 9 191. 7. 6 40. 7. 9 12. 0. 59.10. 29.11. 4. 0. 4. 1. 7. 22. 8. 28.10. 24. 0. 5. 6. 14. 0. 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 2150. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 10. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 52. 0. 0 2. 5. 4 7. 0. 0 17.10. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 66.18.11 23 24 27 June 1 3 Augt 6 Septr 16 Octr 2 Novr 1 4 7 8 11 per £ on £191. 5. 7 Order on Bank Account Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last ½ years interest from D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% -do- £200 3½% War Stock Messers John G Sibbald & Son being balance to Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property (including £13. 1.10 Air Raid Shelter Rents) per Statement Order on Bank Account ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church Blackscroft -do- W & A Pope –do-do- J F McKean –do-do- A Simpson’s Trustees –do½ years interest on loan of £200 @ 4% from Mr D Robertson Years feuduty from McPhersons heirs ½ years interest from Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- David Nicoll –do- £1140 @ 5% Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council Blackscroft -do½ years interest from Lanark County Council on loan of £1000 @ 5¼% -do- £3200 –doYears feuduty from National Investment Co Ltd Blackscroft -do½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doDeposit Receipt dated 17th May 1939 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 13th October 1939 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 14th November 1939 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 30th –doInterest to date Deposit Receipt dated 21st May 1940 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 21st May 1940 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 24th –doInterest to date Deposit Receipt dated 3rd June -doInterest to date 24 2105.17. 239. 6. 28. 0. 3.10. 2 1 0 0 289.10. 8 10. 0. 0 12. 0. 59.10. 16. 12. 2. 12. 0 0 0 0 3 0 4. 0. 0 3. 1. 8 17.10. 28.10. 5. 16. 0 0 0 8 16. 5. 0 52. 0. 0 5. 0 16. 0 14. 7. 168. 56. 14. 112. 238. 196. 35. 7. 26. 360. 0. 0 5.12. 6 20. 0. 0 4. 2 75. 0. 0 14. 9 76. 3. 4 14. 3 66.18.11 6. 1 100. 0. 0 9. 4 239. 6. 1 1. 2. 3 289.10. 8 1. 5. 4 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0 .0 0. 0 5. 0 365.12. 6 20. 4. 2 75.14. 9 76.17. 7 67. 5. 0 100. 9. 4 240. 8. 4 290.16. 0 ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street ½ years interest from J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- J S Nicoll’s Reps –do- £200 @ 5% Collection taken for Poppy Day Fund ½ years interest from Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for H M & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- £1000 to Dundee Corporation (10494) -do- Mrs C J Wallace –do- £400 @ 4% -do- £500 @ 4½% John G Sibbald & Son Housefactors balance of Martinmas rents per Statement Note: the adjustment at end of year Whitsunday Rents there falls to be deducted Less ½ years rent for Shelter 12 30 Martinmas Rents there falls to be deducted Air Raid Shelter Rents Less proportion of expense for removing Sandbags & building brick baffle wall ½ years Air Raid Shelter Basement 5. 5. 10. 2. 0. 0. 0. 9. 0 0 0 0 5. 24. 16. 8. 11. 6. 0. 5. 0. 5. 3 0 0 0 0 37.13. 2 13. 1.11 2.19. 9 10. 2. 1 13.1.10 11.12. 8 2.19. 9 1.10. 7 Decr 2 3 27 31 ½ years interest from D B Murray’ loan of £1400 @ 4% -do- £2350 3½% War Stock Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 28. 0. 0 41. 2. 6 5. 0. 0 7. 1. 8½ 1940 Discharge Jany 2 3 4 10 23 Feby 2 16 March 1 13 15 April 1 2 29 30 May 1 2 7 Balance due Boxmaster at 31st December 1939 Dundee Corporation for use of Room F R Jenkins for care of Flag Licence for Armorial Bearings J & E Shepherd per Messers J G Sibbald & Son Trades proportion of cost of Air Raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers adjusted Insurance premium – Victoria Chambers William Kidd & Sons Ltd account Guarantee Insurance premium Insurance premium over Flag & Gown Bank Account Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Bank Account Income Tax deducted on Conversion Stock Alexander Tosh & ‘Son fee for audit Bank Account Additional First Assessment Schedule D on Corporation Loan interest J Durham & Son Ltd for Vidimus William Kidd & Son Ltd account Income Tax deducted viz: First Scottish American Trust Ltd D Robertson Messers W & A Pope J f McKean Robert Blackwood Printer account for list of Members 25 7. 0. 0½ 1.10 .0 10. 0 1. 1. 0 193.14.10 10.13. 0 10. 6 6. 0 6. 3 10. 0. 0 5. 2 .0 6.18. 0 25. 5. 9 5. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 3.12. 0 10. 6 10. 6 11. 1. 9 1. 8. 0 1. 5 9. 5 13. 0. 7 22. 8. 9 13 14 15 21 23 24 25 27 29 June 3 26 Augt 6 Sept 9 16 Octr 4 8 Novr 1 4 7 8 Years feuduty Blackscroft less 2/11d tax Income Tax deducted viz: D S Nicoll Trustees for H M & D S Miller Stuart S Miller Dundee Water Debenture Stock F L premium – Victoria Chambers Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council -doJ H Nicoll’s Reps Lanark County Council -doFirst Scottish American Trust Co Ltd Robert Stewart Angus Property Investment Co Mr Kidd’s Trustees John S Guild Dundee Corporation Mrs C J Wallace -doClerk & Boxmasters salary for half year Deposit Receipt Andrew Ogilvie & Co Stockbrokers price of £2150 3½% War Stock @ 9711/16 Brokerage & Contract stamp J & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt 10 copies Corporation Diary 1940 Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Income Tax deducted by D S Murray Half expenses of lease to Federated Employers Insurance Association Ltd Deposit Receipt Bank Account Dundee Royal Infirmary annual subscription J Murray Wilkie Solicitor one third share of account advertising meeting for election of Harbour Trustees Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Bank Account Income Tax deducted Conversion Stock Bank Account Burglary premium Income Tax deducted viz: St Paul’s Episcopal Church Messers W & A Pope J F McKean Simpson’s Trustees David Robertson McPhersons Heirs Angus Property Investment Co Cheque Book Income Tax deducted viz; David Nicoll 26 5. 5. 0 9.19. 8. 8. 1.17. 5. 5. 6 0 2 0 1. 9 1. 9 3.10. 0 6. 1.10 19.10. 0 17. 0 2. 9. 0 6. 2. 6 1.15. 0 1.15. 0 6. 1.10 3.18. 9 2.16. 0 2100. 5. 8 5.11. 6 25. 9. 8 8. 0 2150. 0. 0 55. 0. 5 50. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 66.18.11 2105.17. 12.12. 239. 6. 5. 0. 2. 5. 9.16. 2 0 1 0 0 0 1.12. 289.10. 10. 0. 10. 0. 0 8 0 0 12.11 5. 2. 6.118. 25. 5. 34. 4. 12. 6.10 5. 1 0.11 5. 1 1.14. 0 1. 6. 2 7. 8. 9 12. 2. 3 0 0 9 3 6 11. 6.10 8. 4 11 12 13 15 27 Decr 2 3 Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council -doNational Investment Co Ltd -doDundee Water Debenture Stock Robert Stewart Following Shares as fixed by General Fund Court viz; Baker Trade per P F & J Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Glover Trade per D S Mitchell Tailor Trade for James A Graham Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade per –doWeaver Trade per James A Graham Henry Main Convener fee Clerk & Boxmaster half years salary Deposit Receipt Bank account Income Tax deducted viz: Mr Kidd’s Trustees J S Gild J H Nicoll’s Reps Treasurer Poppy Day Collection Income Tax deducted viz: Stuart S Miller Trustees for H M & D S Miller Dundee Corporation Royal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd account for General Fund Court Meeting Waiters Income Tax deducted by Mrs C J Wallace -doCourier & advertiser advertising meeting (High School) -do- meeting Deposit Receipt Bank Account Income Tax deducted by D B Murray Deposit Receipt Bank Account J & E R Simpson Business Account Clerk’s Certification fees for year per list Posts, receipts, telephone dues etc for year 2. 1 2. 1 7.14. 5 24.14. 0 2. 1 6.10 6.13 .0 2.13. 6 55. 1. 3 168. 56. 14. 42. 238. 196. 35. 7. 26. 50. 600. 637. 2. 2. 6 2. 2. 6 4. 3. 0 2. 5. 2 10. 4. 0 7.14. 4 12.19. 6 1. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8.10. 0 2. 9. 0 20. 3. 6 13.19. 6 3. 8. 0 4.15. 7 1. 5. 0 1.13. 9 65. 0. 0 39.13. 2 11.18. 0 65. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 2. 9. 6 3. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 7922.12. 6½ Vidimus of foregoing Account I II III Capital as at 31st December 1939 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Repayment of loan to First American Trust Ltd Air Raid Shelter Allowance made Section 22 of the local Defence Act 27 17823 11 7½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 2150. 0. 0 66.18.11 26114.11. 4½ IV V 1939 in respect of Capital expenditure to provide Air Raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Rents recovered in terms of above Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Less Clerk’s fees & stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 6/1d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Income tax repaid – net Poppy Day Fund Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 26. 3. 8 5.19. 6 20. 4. 2 6. 0. 0 320.12. 19. 2. 713.11. 5. 0. 11.18. 4 2 7 0 9 1457. 4. 2 292.10.11 4377.15. 1 87. 3. 1 75. 0. 0 1070. 4.10 226.14. 1 2. 9. 0 27501. 2. 4½ Discharge I II III IV V Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested £2150 3½% War Stock @ 9711/16 Air Raid Shelter Cost of Air Raid Shelter (prop) Removing Sand bags & building back baffle wall Sums paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 168. 56. 14. 42. 238. 186. 35. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 756. 0. 12. 0. 126. 5. 3. 0. 12. 5. 282.17. 19. 4. 5.16. 4. 1. 38. 6. 2. 9. 0 0 0 0 9 4 6 8 6 7 0 1262. 6. 4 2105.17. 2 193.14..10 11.12. 8 205. 7. 6 1410.15. 8 2930. 1. 1 4340.16. 9 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 17742. 5. 9½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28 26033. 8. 6½ 27501. 2. 4½ Capital as at 31st December 1940 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –doPrincipal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Deposit Account -do- Account Current Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 0 9 0 6 2 5569.12. 8 800. 1000. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6806. 2. 0 1140. 350. 1400. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6840. 0. 0 730.19. 9 56. 0. 6 46.10. 4 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 907. 0. 3 7. 1. 8½ 899.18. 6½ 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 26033. 8. 6½ Dundee 6th February 1941 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1840 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Seven pounds and one shilling and eight pence half penny (£7. 1. 8½) Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 16th April 1941 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1940 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Alexander Drummond: Frank Fairweather 29 1941 Charge Jany 30 March 14 April 1 May 1 11 12 14 15 May 15 16 20 June 2 10 Deposit Receipt dated 11th November last Interest to date ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Redeemable Stock -do- £3400 3½ Conversion stock Years feuduty from J F McKean – Blackscroft -do- W & A Pope ½ years interest from David Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4% Messers Edward Cowan & Co further payment to account of accumulated revenue re Mr John Milne’s estate ½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1140 @ 5% -do- Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £400 @ 4% -do- £500 @ 4½% -do- Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 : ½ years interest @ 5% -do- on Dundee Water Debenture Stock ½ years Ground Annual from me Kidd’s Trustees- Tay Street ½ years interest from Lanark County Council on loan of £3200 @ 3¼% -do- £1000 –doYears feuduty from Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -do½ years interest from Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for H M & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- Dundee Corporation Debenture 10494 for £1000 -do- Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- J S Guild -do- £200 @ 5% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps –do- £500 @ 4% -do- D B Murray –do- £1400 @ 4% -do- £2350 War Stock Messes John G Sibbald & Son Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property per Statement viz: Rents collected Additional for Air Raid Shelter Less Feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Commission, advertising, subscription to Property Owners Association, Stamps etc July 29 Augt 15 21 Sept 15 20 Proportion of ½ years rent of Air Raid Shelter Repayment of Income Tax for year 5th April last (including John Milne’s Trust ½ years interest from 5th February last to this date on £350 3% Defence Bonds 1955/65 Bank Account ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Shoemaker Trade dues of entry of William Paterson Jr Overgate Dundee in right of his father William Paterson admitted 1935 30 600. 0. 0 1. 6. 1 601. 6. 1 12. 0. 59.10. 1. 7. 4. 0 0 0 0 4. 0. 0 62.10. 28.10. 8. 0. 11. 5. 0 0 0 0 17.10. 0 14. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 52. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 24. 16. 7. 5. 10. 28. 41. 6. 3 0 .0 5. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 2. 6 394. 1. 6 13. 1.10 407. 3. 4 63.13. 7 15. 12. 0 17. 2. 9½ 96. 8. 9½ 2.19. 8½ 99. 8. 6 307.14.10 308.18. 9 5.11. 0 10. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 Oct 3 Nov 3 4 7 8 11 ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Years feuduty from W & A Pope – Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –do-do- A Simpson’s Trustees –do½ years interest from David Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4% Bonnetmaker Trade following dues of admission viz; George William Davidson Tyre Merchant 2 Brington Road Dundee unfree Patrick William Mackenzie General Manager 66 Johnston Avenue Dundee unfree James Joseph Bradley Wine Merchant 21 Westfield Avenue Broughty Ferry unfree John Robb Slater 1 Kingsway Place Dundee unfree ½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1140 @ 5% Years feuduty from National Investment Co Ltd – Blackscroft -do-do- McPhersons Heirs –do½ years interest from Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church – Blackscroft Deposit receipt dated 12th July 1929 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 15th December 1940 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 3rd December 1940 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 13th May 1941 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 10th June 1941 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 19th June 1941 Interest do date Deposit receipt dated 19th July 1941 Interest do date Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account Order on Bank Account ½ years interest from Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do Trustees for H M & D S Miller –do- on loan of £1200 @:4% -do- J S Nicoll’s Reps on Loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Lanark County Council on loan of £3200 @ 3¼% -do- on Mortgage for loan of £100 @ 3¼% -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council -do31 59.10. 12. 2. 12. 0 0 3 0 4. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 10.10. 28.10. 5. 16. 3. 1. 0 0 0 0 0 8 17.10. 0 16. 0 45.19. 9 2. 8. 9 50. 0. 0 9. 7 65. 0. 0 11.11 240. 0. 0 1.16.11 62.10. 0 5.10 307.14.10 1. 5. 3 50. 0. 0 3. 9 250. 0. 0 13.10 18. 8. 6 50. 9. 7 65.11..11 241.16.11 62.15.10 309. 0. 1 50.3. 9 250.13.10 168. 0. 0 48. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 48. 0. 0 216. 0. 0 184. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 8. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 450. 0.0 5.6. 3 24. 0. 10. 0. 52. 0. 16. 5. 14. 0. 16. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ½ years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 ‘ 4% Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street Weaver Trade being dues of admission of Howard Malcolm Fairweather 4 Struan Place East Newport in right of his father Deacon Frank Fairweather ½ years interest from Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Order on Bank Account ½ years interest from D B Murray on loan of £1400 @ 4% -do- £2350 3½% War Stock John G Sibbald & Son Housefactors balance of Martinmas 1941 Rents of property Victoria Chambers vizt: Ordinary Rents collected Add Air raid Shelter rents 13 14 17 18 Dec 1 Less Feuduty Income Tax Owners Rates Tradesmen’s Accounts ½ years rent of Air Raid Shelter in Basement Factors Commission @ 4% Stamps etc Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 23 31 1941 Dec 31 ½ years interest due Martinmas last on loan of £1000 to Dundee Corporation Less tax Balance due to Boxmaster 7. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 11. 5. 8. 0. 12.10. 28. 0. 41. 2. 395. 0. 6 13. 1.10 408. 2. 4 55. 7. 6 10..15. 0 168. 9.11 13. 6. 4 2.19. 8½ 16. 6. 6 7. 0 367.12. 0 16. 5. 0 8. 2. 6 40.10. 4 5. 0. 0 8.16. 7½ 4454. 3.11½ 8. 2. 6 14. 0. 1½ 8.16. 7½ Discharge Jany 3 6 22 31 Feby 18 March 10 14 15 20 April 1 May 1 7 13 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1940 Town Officer for use of room -do- care of Flag Licence for Armorial Bearings John Durham & Son Ltd account £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Lodged on Deposit Receipt Fire premium Victoria Chambers Guarantee premium Fire Premium over Flag & Gown Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Bank Account Account for Vidimus Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock Alexander Tosh & Son fee auditing accounts Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz: J F McKean W & A Pope David Robertson Deposit Receipt T L Premium Victoria Chambers 32 0 0 0 0 6 7. 1. 8½ 1.10 .0 10. 0 1. 1. 0 15. 0 350. 0. 0 240. 0. 0 10.15. 0 6. 0 6. 3 5. 2. 0 6.18. 0 2. 9. 0 25. 5. 9 5. 5 .0 10. 0. 0 11. 6 1. 8 1.10. 0 2. 7. 2 62.10. 0 8. 0 14 15 16 17 20 June 10 14 19 23 July 24 29 Augt 15 Sept 15 20 30 Octr 3 7 10 Novr 3 7 8 Half years feuduty Blackscroft less 3/6d tax Income Tax deducted viz: David Nicoll Mrs C J Wallace -doAngus Property Investment Co Dundee Water Debenture Stock Mr Kidd’s Trustees Lanark County Council -doDundee Town Council -doStewart S Miller H M % D S Miller Dundee Corporation Robert Stewart J S Guild J H Nicoll’s Reps Clerk & Boxmaster ½ years Salary Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted D B Murray Half expense of lease to George Duncan & Co (Dundee) Ltd -do- Minute of Renewal of Lease to Motor Union Insurance Co Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser advertising Meeting Corporation Diaries Damage Contribution instalment due 1st July last (12-14 Victoria Chambers) J & & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Income tax Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Defence Bonds Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Income Tax deducted Dundee Corporation Stamp on Certificate of admission Clerk’s fees on admission Sea Engraving Stained glass window Income Tax deducted from Conversion Stock Bank Account Burglary premium Courier & Advertiser advertising Meeting Income Tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean Simpson’s Trustees David Robertson Stamp on 4 Certificates of Admission Clerks fees on 4 Admissions Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz: David Nicoll National Investment Co Ltd -doMcPhersons Heirs Angus Property Investment Co St Paul’s Episcopal Church Deposit Receipt 33 4.10 12. 2. 3. 8. 4.15. 7. 8. 7. 0. 2. 2. 26. 0. 8. 2. 2. 2. 2. 5. 10. 4. 8. 2. 2.19. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 1. 6. 2. 0. 3 0 7 8 0 6 0 6 1 1 2 0 6 6 6 0 0 1 0 0 14. 5. 0 2. 6 8. 0 1.10.10 8.15. 0 8. 0 101. 2. 50. 0. 75. 0. 11.18. 4. 7. 5 0 0 0 6 1.17. 50. 0. 1. 2. 3. 7. 6 0 6 6 44.17. 15.15. 250. 0. 2.15. 10. 0. 6. 0. 5. 5. 5. 29.15. 29.15. 12. 1.12. 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 2.13. 1. 0. 1. 0. 42. 0. 1 0 0 0 25. 9. 4 15.19. 8 10 11 13 14 17 18 28 Decr 1 2 31 1941 Bank Account Following shares for Poor as fixed by General Fund Court: Baker Trade per Mr J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per Mr E R Simpson Glover Trade per Mr D S Mitchell Tailor Trade per Mr James A Graham Bonnetmaker Trade per Mr Douglas D Urquhart Flesher Trade per Mr Nigel R Fenton Hammerman Trade –doWeaver Trade per Mr James A Graham Henry Main Convener fee Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by Stuart S Miller Stuart S Miller proportion of War Damage contribution Income Tax deducted by Trustees for H M & D S Miller Trustees for H M & D S Miller proportion of War Damage contribution Income Tax deducted viz; J Nicoll’s Reps Lanark County Council -doDundee Corporation Dundee Town Council -doClerk & Boxmaster half years Salary Income Tax deducted viz: Robert Stewart Mr Kidd’s Trustees J S Gild St Andrew’s Church Officer for attendance to pews books etc Stamps on Certificates of Admission Clerk’s fee on Certificates of admission Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doRoyal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd account for 10th November Waiters Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Income Tax deducted by d B Murray D B Murray proportion of War Damage contribution & Exchange Deposit Receipt -doClerk’s certification fees for year per List J & E R Simpson Business Account to 31st instant Posts, receipts & sundries for year 1108. 7. 6 168. 0. 0 48. 0. 02 16. 0. 0 48. 0. 0 216. 0. 0 184. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 8. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 450. 0. 0 2.13. 1 19. 4 12. 0. 0 2.19. 6 5. 26. 8. 7. 0. 0. 2. 0. 8. 2. 0 0 6 0 4 6 3.10. 0 2.10. 0 2.10. 0 5.12. 4. 0. 12.14. 1. 0. Balance brought down 6 0 0 0 46.13. 4 50. 0. 0 8.10. 2. 0. 5. 5. 40. 0. 9.12. 6 13.14. 0 1. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 16. 8 70. 0. 0 10..10. 4 3. 0. 0 4.19. 6 6.10. 0 4454. 3.11½ 8.16. 7½ Vidimus of foregoing Account I II Capital as at 31st December 1940 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Entry money during year 17742. 8. 9½ 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 34 0 0 0 0 0 26033. 8. 6½ III IV V Shoemaker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Weaver Trade Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 4/10d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Payment to account of accumulated revenue received from John Milne’s Estate Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 3. 0. 0 42. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 48. 0 .0 26. 3. 8 5.19. 5 20. 4. 3 328. 0.11 18. 2. 9 724.18. 6 5. 0. 0 9. 8. 9 1086.10.11 62.10. 0 293. 3. 9 1716. 4. 7 1218.19. 0 2935. 3. 7 27540.17. 5½ Discharge I II III IV V Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Capital Invested £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 War Damage Contribution Victoria Chambers property Stuart S Miller’s Loan H M & D S Miller’s Trustees Loan D B Murray’s loan Sums paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 168. 48. 16. 48. 216. 184. 32. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720. 0. 12. 0. 126. 5. 3. 0. 12. 5. 313.19. 18.18. 3.15. 11. 4. 16. 7. 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 6 6 1237.16. 6 350. 0. 0 44.17. 19. 2.19. 16. 6 6 6 9 1561.14.11 1237. 0. 6 2798.15. 5 Capital at close of Account General Fund 17862. 8. 2.½ 35 49.13 .1 J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26253. 7.11½ 27540.17. 5½ Capital as at 31st December 1941 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3½% War Stock Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Deposit Account -do- Account Current Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 5919.12. 8 800. 1000. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6806. 2. 0 1140. 350. 1400. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6840. 0. 0 576.10. 1 74. 2. 0 46.10. 4 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 770.12. 4 14. 1½ 769.17. 4½ 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 26253. 7. 4½ Dundee 2nd February 1942 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1841 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to fourteen shillings and one penny half penny (£0.14. 1½) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 12th February 1942 36 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1941 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Henry Main Convener: R J Loggie: Alexander S Drummond 1942 Charge Feby 5 9 16 21 March 14 April 1 22 May 2 6 11 15 Flesher Trade per Hugh M Fenton Clerk following dues of admission Thomas Miller 54 North George Street Dundee unfree John Black Jr 279 Blackness Road Dundee in right of his father John Black admitted 1935 George Russell Black –doEdward Piggot Butcher 2 Charleston terrace Dundee in right of his father Alan Piggot admitted 1916 Frederick Robertson Rowanbank Birkhill by Dundee son-inlaw of James Reid admitted 1935 Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Clerk following dues of admission viz George Aimer Shop Fitter 45 Rankine Street Dundee unfree Robert Gordon Watt Brown Manufacturer’s Agent 10 Airlie Place Dundee unfree John William Sutherland Tobacconist 4 East Haddon Road Dundee unfree Robert Stuart Hay Solicitor Dundee unfree Garnet Wilson 496 Perth Road Dundee (Lord Provost) unfree Robert Nicol Hay Phillips Civil Engineer 5 Meric Muir Place Dundee in right of his father James Nicoll Phillips Alexander Baird Winton Timber Merchant 17 Glamis Drive Dundee in right of his father Thomas Winton Thomas Patterson Winton –doJames Hamilton Chemist Afton Bank Downfield in right of his father George Sutherland Hamilton ½ years interest on £350 5% Savings Bonds 1988/65 D B Murray partial repayment of loan ½ years interest to 15th March current on £800 Dundee Corporation 5% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Flesher Trade dues of the following entrants: Andrew Russel Sheriff 11 Park Avenue Dundee unfree James Thomson Bisset 95 Arbroath Road Dundee in right of his father-in-law D L Wilson Stanley Elder 81 Craigie Avenue Dundee in right of his father Albert H Elder ½ years feuduty from J F McKean – Blackscroft -do- W & A Pope ½ years interest from David Robertson on loan of £200 @ 4% -do- David Nicoll –do- £1140 @ 5% do- Angus Property Investment Co –do- £700 @ 5% -do- Stuart S Miller –do- £250. @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for W M & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- £3200 @ 3¼% to Lanark County Council ½ years feuduty from Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -do37 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 400. 0.0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 4. 0 4. 0. 0 28.10. 0 17.10. 0 5. 6. 3 24. 0. 0 14. 0. 0 52. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 21 28 June 1 4 6 July 1 Augt 15 21 Sept 15 Octr 1 Novr 2 3 4 6 9 Interest on £1000 loan to Lanark County Council ½ years interest from J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 -do- J S Guild –do- £200 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street ½ years interest from Mrs C J Wallace –do- 3400 @ 4% -do- £500 @ 4½% -do- D B Murray-of- £400 @ 4% -do- £2350 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of 12/14 Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less Feuduty Tradesmen Factors Commission & sundries Add Air Raid Shelter Rents Less paid J & E Shepherd half years rent of Air Raid Shelter Re-payment of Income Tax to 5th April last Bank Account Sum from Deposit Receipt dated 2nd December 1942 Interest to date Sum from Deposit Receipt dated 8th November 1941 ( C Ower’s Bequest) Interest to date Sum from Deposit Receipt dated last December 1941 Interest to date Sum from Deposit Receipt dated 1st June 1942 Interest to date Sum from Deposit Receipt dated 10th November 1941 Interest to date ½ years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Bank Account ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart dues of the following entrants viz: Alexander Martin Coppersmith 234 Ferry Road Dundee J Duncan Dundas Chief Librarian 7 Hermonhill Terrace Dundee John McDonald Transport Inspector 19 Camperdown Road Downfield Dundee ½ years feuduty from W & A Pope - Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –do-do- A Simpson’s Trustees –doSt Paul’s Episcopal Church -do½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1100 @ 5% ½ years feuduty from National Investment Co Ltd Blackscroft -do-do- McPherson’s Heirs ½ years interest from Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% David Robertson balance of loan -do- ½ years interest thereon Deposit Account dated 10th February last 38 16. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 5. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 8. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 4. 8. 6½ 41. 2. 6 395. 1. 6 55. 7. 6 12. 3. 4 16.17. 6½ 13.1.10 2.12. 8½ 84. 8. 4½ 310.13. 1½ 10. 2. 1 ½ 40.10. 4 4.11 15.19. 9 2. 1 70. 0. 0 8. 9 41. 2. 6 0.11 450. 0. 0 3. 2. 3 320.15. 3 321.15. 4 44.17. 6 40.15. 3 16. 1.10 41. 3. 5 453. 2. 3 5. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.10 .0 10.10. 0 10.10 .0 12. 0 2. 3 12. 0 16. 0 28.10. 0 5. 0 16. 0 3. 1. 8 17.10. 0 200. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 64.10. 0 10 11 16 Decr 1 2 14 16 28 31 Interest to date Deposit Account dated 19th May last Interest to date Deposit Account dated 6th June last Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doCollection taken for Poppy Day Fund ½ years interest from Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for Mrs Hay & David Miller on loan of £100 @ 4% -do- Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- £3200 @ 3¼% Lanark County Council -do- £1000 @ 3¼% -doYears feuduty from Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest on loan of £1000 @ 3¼% Dundee Corporation -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street ½ years interest from J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- D B Murray on loan of £1000 @ 4% -do- Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -do- £500 -do- 4½% Bank Account ½ years interest on £2350 3½% War Stock John G Sibbald & son balance of Martinmas rents of Victoria Chambers property viz; Less Feuduty Income Tax Local Rates Tradesmen Commission, stamps etc Add Air Raid Shelter rents from tenants Less paid J & E Shepherd ½ years Rent of Shelter at No 10 Deposit Receipt dated 26th February last Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 4th Jany last Interest to date Interest on Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Account Interest on –do- Special Investment Department Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 9. 4 108. 0. 0 10. 2 305.15.11 1. 5.11 64.19. 4 108. 10. 2 307. 1.10 136. 0. 0 51. 0. 0 17. 0. 0 51. 0. 0 34. 0. 0 8.10. 0 238. 0. 0 178.10. 0 26. 5. 0 6.15. 0 5. 6. 3 24. 14. 52. 16. 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 16. 8 16. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 8. 0 .0 11. 5 .0 15.19. 6 41. 2. 6 395. 0. 6 55. 7. 6 110..15. 0 165. 6. 4 6.19. 3 16.13. 6½ 13. 1.10 2.19. 8½ 355. 1. 7½ 39.18.10½ 10. 2. 1½ 400. 0. 0 3. 4. 8 290. 0. 0 1.10. 6 50. 1. 0 403. 4. 8 291.10. 6 16. 8 4.11. 8 5. 0. 0 2. 211 4785.12. 0½ Discharge Jany 2 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1941 Town Officer for use of rooms 39 14. 1 1.10. 0 26 Feby 2 10 16 18 21 Mar 5 14 23 Apr 1 May 4 6 11 14 13 13 21 25 28 June 1 4 6 2 -do- care of Flag Licence for Armorial Bearings Wm Kidd & Son account John Durham & Son Ltd –doFire premium - Victoria Chambers Less bonus Clerk’s fees on 6 admissions Stamps on 6 Certificates of Admission Bank Account Clerk’s fees on 9 admissions Stamps on 9 Certificates of Admission Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted from Savings Bank interest Boxmaster’s Fidelity premium Deposit Receipt ½ expense of Burnetts lease Income tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Premium over Flag Gown etc Income tax deducted from interest on Conversion Stock Bank Account A Tosh & Son fee for audit Clerk’s fees on 3 admissions Stamps on 3 Certificates of Admission Income tax deducted by: J F McKean W & A Pope David Robertson David Nicoll Angus Property Investment Co Years feuduty Blackscroft Less tax F L premium Victoria Chambers Corporation Diaries Income tax deducted by Stuart S Miller Trustees for H M & D S Miller Dundee Water Commissioners Lanark County Council Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council J H Nicoll’s Reps Dundee Corporation J S Guild Robert Stewart Mr Kidd’s Trustees Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted by Mrs C J Wallace -doClerk & Boxmaster ½ years Salary Income tax deducted by D S Murray Deposit Receipt -doJ & E R Simpson fee for recovery of Income tax Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting 40 10.13. 0 8. 3. 0 13. 2. 2. 0. 14. 5. 9.15. 8. 4. 6 0 0 0 0 4 2 2.13. 12. 0. 7. 0. 26. 0. 2. 2. 8. 2. 5. 0. 8. 2. 2.10. 3.10. 2.10. 1 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 10. 1. 1. 14. 7. 0 0 6 6 2.10. 1.10. 1.10. 15. 0. 2. 5. 2. 5. 64.10. 2.12. 6. 400. 0. 1.13. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 6. 0. 6. 29.15. 1.17. 5. 5. 15. 15. 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 25.15. 6 4. 2 8. 0 3.15. 0 77. 13. 1 108. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 5.1. 6 50. 0. 0 12.11. 3½ 41. 2. 6 290. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 305.15.11 1. 0. 0 July 1 13 21 22 Augt 15 21 Sept 15 Octr 1 7 14 Nov 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 War Damage Contribution in respect of Victoria Chambers property Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department -do- S I Department Deposit receipt ( C Ower’s Bequest) Income tax deducted from Savings Bank interest Bank Account Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Income tax deducted interest on Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Bank Account Income tax deducted from Conversion stock interest Bank Account Burglary premium Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Bank Account Clerk’s fees on 3 Admissions Stamps on 3 Certificates of admission Income tax deducted by viz: W & A Pope F J McKean A Simpson’s Trustees St Paul’s Episcopal Church David Nicoll National Investment Co Ltd -doMcPhersons Heirs Angus Property Investment Co David Robertson Bank Account Following shares for poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per J R Simpson Glover Trade per D S Mitchell Tailor Trade per James a Graham Hammerman Trade per Nigel M Fenton Weaver Trade per James A Graham Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Frank H Fairweather Conveners fee Clerk & Boxmasters ½ years Salary Collection for Poppy Fund to Fund Treasurer Income tax deducted by: Stuart S Miller Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Dundee Water Debenture Stock Lanark County Council -doDundee Town Council -doDundee Corporation J H Nicoll’s Reps Robert Stewart St Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews, books etc Income tax deducted by: Mr Kidd’s Trustees 41 6. 0 1. 1 6. 0 1. 0 14. 5. 0 2. 6 8. 0 1.10.10 8.15. 0 2. 0. 0 44.17. 1. 0. 100. 0. 500. 0. 15.19. 2.12. 2.12. 10. 0. 6 0 0 0 9 6 6 0 6. 0. 6. 0. 29.15. 29.15. 12. 18. 31.10. 15. 15. 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 28. 2. 5 680.11. 4 136. 0. 51. 0. 17. 0. 51. 0. 34. 0. 8.10. 238. 0. 178.10. 26. 5. 50. 0. 6.15. 0½ 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 2. 6 2. 6 8. 4 8. 2. 6 5. 0. 0 3.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.13. 12. 7. 26. 8. 2.10. 0 72.18.11 2. 0. 0 13 26 20 Decr 1 2 10 16 21 28 31 J S Guild Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted by: D B Murray Mrs C J Wallace -doRoyal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd for Monday 9th instant Waiters Deposit Receipt -do-doDundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department Deposit Receipt Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department (interest) --do- S I Department (interest) Courier & advertiser advertising meeting J & E R Simpson Business Account Clerk’s certification fee for year Posts, receipts etc for year 2.10. 0 10. 0. 4. 0. 5.12. 15.17. 1. 0. 5. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 0 0 6 6 0 19.12. 6 16.17. 6 27. 0. 0 41. 2. 6 50. 1. 0 450. 0. 0 240. 0. 0 16. 8 4.11. 8 17. 6 1. 1. 0 3. 5. 0 6.10. 0 4795.12. 0½ Vidimus of foregoing Account I II !II IV V VI Capital as at 31st December 1941 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised D B Murray in partial repayment of loan David Robertson balance of loan Entry money during year Flesher Trade Bonnetmaker Trade 17962. 8. 0 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 400. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 127.10. 0 26. 3. 8 5.19. 5 350.12. 0 19. 3. 5 718. 6. 0½ 5. 0. 0 16. 7.10 1785.18. 6 811. 2. 0 2597. 0. 6 Discharge I 600. 0. 0 42. 0. 96. 0. 138. 0. 10.10. Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 26253. 8. 0 Annual Outgoings Pensions paid 42 20. 4. 3 1109. 9. 3½ 305.15.11 27823. 2 5½ II III IV V Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Damage Contribution Victoria Road property Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 136. 0. 51. 0. 17. 0. 51. 0. 238. 0. 178.10. 34. 0. 8.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 714. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 126. 5. 0 3. 5. 0 4. 2. 9 327.14. 2½ 22. 4. 6 3.16. 3 2.14. 9 16. 5. 0 6.15. 0 1239. 2. 5½ 44.17. 6 1633.11. 8 795. 3.10 2428.15. 6 Sums paid into Dundee Savings Bank Special Investment Department Ordinary Department 504.11. 8 550.16. 8 1035. 8. 4 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 18248. 2. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26539. 2. 6 27823. 2. 5½ Capital as at 31st December 1942 I II III British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3½% War Stock Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do43 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 5919.12. 8 6806. 2. 0 800. 1000. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 1140. 350. 1000. 200. 200. 500. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department -do- S I Department Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 V 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6240. 0. 0 424. 3. 3 58. 3.10 550.16. 8 504.11. 8 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1657.15. 5 2. 2. 11 1655.2. 6 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 26539. 2. 6 Dundee 4th February 1943 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1842 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Four Pounds two shillings and eleven pence (£4. 2.11) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 12th February 1943 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1942 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Frank Fairweather Convener: John Phin: Walter Crichton: Andrew Dargie 1943 Charge Jany 12 Feb 13 Mar 9 19 Apr 1 Weaver Trade per James A Graham Clerk dues of admission of John Graham Meiklejohn Ardmair Newburgh Fife in right of his late father-in-law William Myles D B Murray in further repayment of loan Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -of- to 15th inst on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Flesher Incorporation per Mr Nigel M Fenton Clerk in payment of the following entry dues viz; William Cameron Johnston 4 Catherine Place Tayport in right of his father John Johnston William Knight Fitzgerald 15 Charleston drive Lochee unfree Alistair Constable Donald 20 Strathmartine Road Dundee unfree ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock 44 3. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 12. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 59..10. 0 5 6 26 27 May 3 11 12 13 14 15 Deposit Receipt dated 19th February 1943 Interest to date Bank Account Bonnetmaker Craft per Douglas D Urquhart Clerk dues of the following new entries: Robert Grant Buttars Departmental Manager 153 Arbroath Road Dundee unfree Robert Lee Chalmers Stockbroker 43 Blackness Avenue Dundee unfree James Johnston Davidson Dentist 41 Whitehall Street Dundee unfree Norman Alastair Matheson General Manager and Harbour Engineer 54 Forfar Road Dundee unfree William Murray Nicol Tailor and Outfitter Pitermo Lundie Angus unfree Walter Smith Master Glazier 14 Kenmore Terrace Dundee unfree John Davidson Electrical Engineer Orthog Brington Road Dundee in right of his father George William Davidson Deposit Receipt dated 13th November 1942 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st April 1943 Deposit Receipt dated 6th April 1943 Deposit Receipt dated 14th December 1942 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 2nd December 1942 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st December 1942 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 20th November 1942 Interest to date Dundee Savings Bank viz: S I D Account 1623 Ordinary account Years feuduty from W & A Pope - Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –do½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £1140 @ 5% Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last ½ years interest from J H Nicoll’s Representatives on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- Stuart S Miller on loan of £200 @ 4½% -do- Trustees for W M & D H Miller on loan of £4200 @ 4% -do- £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- £3200 @ 3¼% to Lanark County Council -do- £1000 @ 3½% -do-do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doDavid Nicoll’s Trustees per Messers Reid Johnston 45 450. 0. 0 12. 5 450.12. 5 500. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 4. 4 240. 0. 0 17. 6 50. 0. 0 3.10 41. 2. 6 3. 1 27. 0. 0 2. 2 50. 4. 4 29.15. 0 66. 0. 0 240.17. 6 50. 3.10 41.5. 7 27. 2. 2 500. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 4. 0 1. 7. 0 28.10. 0 327.10. 0 10. 0. 0 17.10. 0 7. 0. 0 5. 6. 3 24. 14. 52. 16. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0 0 0 0 16. 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 360. 0. 0 17 20 June 1 22 Aug 16 19 31 Sept 1 13 27 Octr 1 Novr 2 5 8 Bell and Henderson in further reduction of loan ½ years interest from J S Guild on loan of £200 @ 5% -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street -do- D B Murray on loan of £500 @ 4% Interest from D B Murray on loan of £500 @ 4% from Martinmas 1942 to 13/2/43 ½ years interest from Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -o- £400 @ 4% ½ years interest on £2550 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday 1943 rents of 12/14 Victoria Chambers viz; Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen and sundries Air raid Shelter rents Commission and Stamps Less applicable to Air Raid Shelter Received above Air raid Shelter rents Bank Account ½ years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds B 1960/70 Bank Account -doInterest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds B 1960/70 ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Clerk dues of admission of following new members viz: John Mills Hardie 6 Norwood Terrace West Park Road Dundee in right of his father James D Hardie Douglas Fleming Hardie –doWilliam Patterson 44 Verena Terrace Craigie Perth in right of his father George Patterson ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion stock Baker Incorporation dues of the following entries viz: Charles Ingram Baker Dundee unfree William Robertson Kinnear –doJames Stewart Mollison –doRobert Wilson Restaurateur –doLewis Wilcox Tocher –doYears feuduty from A Simpson’s Trustees Blackscroft -do-do- National Investment Co Ltd – Blackscroft ½ years interest from David Nicoll on loan of £780 @ 5% -do- Angus Property Development Co on loan of £700 @ 5% Collection taken for Poppy Day Fund ½ years interest from J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% 46 5. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 3. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 41. 2. 6 208. 3. 4 55. 7. 4 2.13. 1 4.19. 8½ 16.13. 6½ 77.13.10 330. 9. 6 13. 1.10 44.17. 8 13. 1.10 44.17. 6 5. 5. 12. 0. 5.19. 21.10. 0 0 6 7 12. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0 12. 0 16. 0 19.10. 0 17.10. 0 3. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 10 11 12 13 30 -do- Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for W M and D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doDeposit Receipt dated 25th October 1943 -do- dated 1st June 1943 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated –doInterest to date Deposit Receipt dated 13th May 1943 Interest to date Years feuduty from McPherson’s Heirs – Blackscroft -do- Dundee Town Council –do-do½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street ½ years interest on loan of £1000 @ 3¼% to County Council of Lanark -do- £3200 –do-do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage 10496 for £1000 -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% -do- J S Guild -do- £200 @ 5% -do- Mrs C J Wallace –do- £400 @ 4% -do- £500 –doWeaver Trade per James A Graham Clerk dues of entry of James Anderson Bruce 19 Hazel Drive Dundee in right of his father Duncan William Bruce J G Sibbald & Son balance of half years rents Martinmas 1943 of Victoria Chambers property viz: Rents collected Less Air Raid Shelter Rents Less Feuduty Income Tax Local Rates Tradesmen Commissions etc 5. 6. 2 24. 0. 136. 0. 63. 0. 21. 0. 262.10. 63. 0. 157.10. 42. 0. 10.10. 26. 5. 52.10. 330. 9. 6 1. 9. 1 41. 2. 6 3. 6 327.10. 0 1.12. 5 Less paid Messers Shepherd Factors for neighbouring proprietor half years rent of Air Raid Shelter at No 10 47 331.18. 7 41. 6. 0 329. 2. 5 3. 1. 8 5. 0 16. 8 5. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 52. 0. 0 14. 0. 0 16. 7. 5. 8. 11. 5. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 3. 0. 0 408. 2. 4 13. 1.10 395. 0. 0 50. 7. 6 110.15. 0 168. 9.11 7. 6. 8 16.14. 7 Air Raid Shelter rents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 358.13. 8 36. 6.10 13. 1.10 49. 8. 8 2.19. 8 46. 9. 0 Decr 1 7 31 ½ years interest on £2550 3½% War Stock Bonnetmaker Craft per Douglas D Urquhart dues of admission of the following new entries viz: Robber H Burnett Carrier & Contractor 41 Loraine Road Dundee unfree Charles B Brodie Bee Hive Manufacturer May Villa Wormit Fife unfree Matthew Bishop Cadenhead Manager 37 Lintrathen Gardens Dundee unfree Ivan B M Chalmers Solicitor 7 Clarendon Terrace Dundee unfree George P Grant Sports Promoter 4 Montgomerie Avenue Dundee unfree Robert Stirton Gray Builder 3 Marchfield Road Dundee unfree David Walker Gray Ironmonger 287 Strathmartine Road Dundee unfree James Dunbar Henry Cleaning Superintendent 11 Dalrymple Street Dundee unfree Thomas Mather Johnston Tailor 14 Crichton Street Dundee unfree James S Mollison Bakery Manager 11 Muirfield Place Dundee (Member of Baker Trade) Noel Nelson Physician 6 Dudhope Street Dundee unfree David D Watt Lord Provost’s Secretary 225 Arbroath Road Dundee unfree Pullar Mortification Interest to 28th November last on Dundee Savings Bank Accounts viz: Ordinary Account Special Investment Account Balance due to Boxmaster 41. 2. 6 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10 .0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 10.10 .0 5. 0. 0 10.17. 5.16. 8. 8. 6640. 6. 3 9 9 0 Discharge Jany 4 12 Feby 1 13 22 Mar 4 5 9 18 Apr 1 5 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1942 Town Officer for use of room -do- care of Flag Licence for Armorial Bearings Clerk’s fee on 1 admission Stamp –doFire premium - Victoria Chambers Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted from Savings Bonds Typing Vidimus Boxmasters Fidelity premium Fire premium over Flag, Gown etc Income tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Stamps on 3 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doBank Account Income tax deducted from Conversion Stock Bank Account 48 2. 2.11 2. 0. 0 10. 0 1. 1. 0 5. 0 5. 0 10.13. 0 50. 0. 0 450. 0. 0 2.12. 6 19. 6 6. 0 6. 3 6. 0. 15. 15. 15. 0. 29.15.. 450.12. 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 8 27 May 3 10 11 13 14 15 17 24 22 June 1 2 18 22 Augt 16 18 30 Septr 1 13 27 Messers Andrew Ogilvie & Co Stockbrokers for £500 3% Savings Bonds Stamps on 7 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doDeposit Receipt John Durham & Son Ltd account A Tosh & Son audit fee Dundee Savings Bank on application for £1500 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 Income tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean T L premium Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted by David Nicoll J & E R Simpson fee for recovery if Income Tax Deposit Receipt Years feuduty – Blackscroft Less tax Income tax deducted viz: J M Nicoll’s Reps Angus Property Investment Co Robert Stewart Stewart S Miller Trs of W M & D S Miller Clerk & Boxmasters ½ years Salary Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Water Debenture Stock Lanark County Council -doDundee Corporation Dundee Town Council -doJ S Guild Mr Kidd’s Trustees D B Murray Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department Bank Account Income tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doBank Account Deposit Receipt -doCorporation Diaries Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting War Damage contribution due 1st proximo in respect of Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted from Savings Bonds Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Smith Bros account (Convener Hat) Income tax deducted from Savings Bond Bank Account Income tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Bank Account Burglary premium Stamps on 3 Certificates of admission 49 500. 0. 1.15. 1.15. 66. 0. 1. 9. 5. 5. 0 0 0 0 3 0 1500. 0. 0 2. 0 13. 6 8. 4 4. 2 5. 0. 8.15. 3.10. 2.13. 12.0. 7. 26. 8. 8. 0. 0. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.10. 2.10. 7.11. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 6 5.12. 6 4. 0. 0 15. 8. 14. 5. 16.10. 327.10. 6 0 0 0 0 4. 2 31.18. 0 50. 0. 0 62. 1. 6 360. 0. 0 42. 0. 0 9.12. 11.15. 41. 2. 330. 9. 3. 7. 1. 0. 6 0 6 6 6 0 44.17. 2.12. 10. 0. 3.19. 10.15. 10.15. 6 6 0 6 3 4 6. 0. 6. 0. 12. 15. 0 0 6 0 Octr 1 19 22 25 Novr 1 3 8 9 10 4 13 15 18 Decr 3 7 Clerk’s fees on –doIncome tax deducted from Conversion Stock Bank Account Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Stamps on 5 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees on –doDeposit Receipt National Investment Co Ltd A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean W & A Pope National Investment Co Ltd -doSt Paul’s Episcopal Church David Nicoll Angus Property Investment Co Poppy Day Collection to Fund Treasurer Income tax deducted viz: J H Nicoll’s Reps Stuart S Miller Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Paid following shares for poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Glover Trade per D S Marshall Bonnetmaker Trade per D D Urquhart Tailor Trade per James A Graham Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade per –doWeaver Trade per James A Graham Frank H Fairweather Convener fee Clerk & Boxmasters ½ years Salary Bank Account Royal Hotel (Dundee Ltd) account Waiters Income tax deducted viz: McPherson’s Heirs Dundee Town Council -doMr Kidd’s Trustees Lanark County Council -doIncome tax deducted viz; Dundee Water Debenture Stock Dundee Corporation Robert Stewart J S Guild Mrs C J Wallace -doD B Murray St Andrew’s Church Officer for care of pews, books etc Stamp on 1 Certificate of admission Clerk’s fee –doDeposit Receipt Clerks fees on eleven admissions Stamps -do- Certificates of admission 50 15. 0 29.15. 0 29.15. 0 18. 9 1. 5. 0 1. 5. 0 52.10. 6. 1. 6. 2. 8. 8. 9.15. 8.15. 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 5. 0. 0 2.13. 1 12. 0. 0 20. 1. 7 3. 5. 0 19.13. 1 189. 0. 63. 0. 21. 0. 262.10. 43. 0. 157.10. 10.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 754.17. 0 9.16. 0 1. 0. 0 10.16. 4 1.10.10 2. 6 8. 6 2.10. 0 8. 2. 6 26. 0. 0 38.14. 2 7. 0. 8. 2. 3.10. 2.10. 4. 0. 5.12. 5. 0. 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 35.15. 2. 0. 5. 5. 75. 0. 2.15. 2.15. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 31 Deposit Receipt Courier & advertiser advertising meeting J & E R Simpson Business Account Clerk’s certification fees for year Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department (interest) S I Department –doPosts, stamps etc for year 115.10. 1. 5. 1. 1. 3. 0. 0 0 0 0 10.17. 5.16. 6.10. 6640. 6. 8 9 0 0 Vidimus of foregoing Account I II !II IV V VI VII Capital as at 31st December 1942 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised D B Murray in partial repayment of loan David Nicoll's Trustees Entry money during year Weaver Trade Flesher Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Shoemaker Trade Baker Trade 18248. 2. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 500. 0. 0 360. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257.10. 0 26. 3. 8 5.19.4½ 356.14. 2½ 19. 3. 5 703.11. 1 5. 0. 0 22. 2. 7 20.4. 3½ 1106.11. 3½ 311. 0. 0 1705.10. 6 1330.12. 0 3036. 2. 6 Sums Drawn from Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department S I Department 500. 0. 0 500. 0 .0 Discharge I 860. 0. 0 6. 0. 24. 0. 181.10. 9. 0. 52.10. 273. 0. 15.10. Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Income tax repaid – net Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 21559. 2. 6 Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Glovers Tailors 189. 63. 21. 63. 51 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 1000. 0 .0 28237.13. 1 Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Fleshers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested £500 3% Savings Bonds £1500 –doIII IV V VI 262.10. 0 63. 0. 0 42 .0 .0 262.10. 0 157.10. 0 808.10. 0 12. 0. 0 126. 5. 0 3. 5. 0 12. 5. 9 320. 6. 8 23.11.10 3. 3. 9 1. 1. 0 12. 6. 2 3. 5. 0 1325.15. 3 500. 0 .0 1500. 0. 0 2000. 0 .0 Damage Contribution Victoria Road property Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 44.17. 6 1487.17. 0 1320.14. 9 2808.11. 9 Sums paid into Dundee Savings Bank Special Investment Department Ordinary Department 5.16. 9 420.17.. 8 426.14. 5 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 18576. 0. 7 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26867. 0. 4 28237.13. 1 Capital as at 31st December 1943 I II III British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –doPrincipal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock Loan to Lanark County Council £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -do52 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 800. 1000. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 7919.12. 5 0 0 0 0 0 6806. 2. 0 780. 0. 0 350. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 IV V David Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Department -do- S I Department Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5380. 0. 0 206. 9. 48. 6. 466.14. 10. 8. 100. 0. 20. 0. 851.19. 8. 8. 9 8 4 5 0 0 1 9 843.10. 4 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 26867. 0. 4 Dundee 14th February 1944 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1843 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Eight Pounds eight shillings and nine pence (£8. 8. 9) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 25th February 1944 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1943 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Frank Fairweather Convener: W S Goodfellow: Walter R Crichton: Andrew Dargie: John Phin 1944 Charge Feb 15 Mar 1 11 14 21 Half years interest on £3350 Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £2000 –do- 1960/70 Received from Hammerman Incorporation from Messers Hendry & Fenton dues of entry of David Wilson Taygrove Perth Road Dundee Half years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Bonnetmaker Trade dues of he following new entrants viz: Norman M Allan Manager Wholesale Fruit Distributor 4 Taymouth Place Brought Ferry unfree James Anderson Master Plumber 17 Janefield Place Dundee unfree William Middleton Cathro Dentist 25 Forfar Road Dundee unfree 53 5. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 Apr 1 25 May 4 11 15 16 18 27 James Anderson Davidson Orphanage Superintendent Gray Gouse Invergowrie unfree W R Falconer Wine & Spirit Merchant 25a Clepington Road Dundee (Member of Shoemaker Trade) Alfred George Greig Commercial Traveller 37 Albert Street Tayport unfree James Dunbar Hardie Belting Manufacturer 6 Norwood Terrace Dundee (Member of Shoemaker Trade) James Law Representative 33 Dalkeith Road Dundee unfree James Macdonald Paterson Electrical Engineer (Civil) 14 Ramsay Street Broughty Ferry unfree Rev T J Bunting Minister St Andrew’s Parish Church (Honorary) Hammerman Trade: David W Gray 187 Strathmartine Road Dundee (Member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Edgar P Brown 1 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee (Member of Bonnetmaker Trade) Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Deposit Receipt dated 3rd Decr 1943 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 7 Decr 1939 Interest to date Bank Account Repayment of Income tax for year to 5th April 1944 Half years feuduty from J F McKean -do- W & A Pope Half years interest from Trustees for Mrs Hay & D s Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4& -do- Stuart S Miller on loan of £250 @ 4¼% -do- Lanark County Council viz: -do- loan of £1000 @ 3¼% -do- £3200 @ 3¼% -do- on £800 Dundee Water Deb Stock Lanark County Council principal sum on Mortgage Half years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street Half years interest from Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on loan of £1000 @ 3¼% to Dundee Corporation -do- J S Guild –do- £200 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% -do- D B Murray -do- £500 –do-do- J H Nicoll’s Reps –do- £500 –do-do- David Nicoll –do- 3780 @ 5% Return of cheque from Dundee Savings Bank Ex-Convener John A Beattie being donation to the General Fund of the General Fund Court Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property viz: Rents collected Less Air Raid Shelter rents 54 10.10. 0 - -. - 10. 10. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. -. -. -. -. 59.10. 0 75. 0. 5. 115.10. 8. 0 8 0 8 75. 5. 8 115.18. 300. 0. 335. 2. 1. 7. 4. 8 0 6 0 0 24. 0. 0 5. 6. 3 16. 52. 14. 1000. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 5. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 16. 5. 5. 0. 7. 0. 10. 0. 10. 0. 19.10. 1000. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20. 0. 0 408. 3. 4 13. 1.10 398. 1. 6 Less feuduty Tradesmen & Sundries Commission etc 55. 7. 6 6.11. 1 16.14. 6½ Air Raid Shelter rents Less paid Messers Shepherd factors for neighbouring proprietors ½ years rent of the Air Raid Shelter at No 10 June 1 July 4 Aug 15 19 Sept 1 18 23 Oct 3 11 31 Nov 2 7 Half years interest on £2350 3½% War Stock Bank Account Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds Bank Account Half years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 Interest from 26 April last to date on £200 3% Savings Bonds D 1960/70 Half years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock Hendry & Fenton dues of entry of Mr W Wallace Rae 8 Richmond Terrace Dundee as a Member of the Hammerman Incorporation in right of his father in law the late Mr Christopher Bisset Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Edward Cowan & Co being further payment to account of accumulated revenue of John Milne’s Estate Baker Trade per Mr J W Husband their Clerk dues of entry of the following new Members viz: Cyril Young Nicoll Carrie 2 East Haddon Road Dundee unfree William Edward Boland 22 Dudhope Street Dundee unfree Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church - Blackscroft -do- A Simpson’s Trustees -do- J F McKean -do- W & A Pope -do- National Investment Co Ltd -doPoppy Day Fund collection Repayment of Income Tax for three years to April last in respect of share of revenue from John Milne’s Trust Years feuduty from McPhersons Heirs – Blackscroft Deposit Receipt dated 22 Mar 1944 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 25th April 1944 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 20th May 1944 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 27th May 1944 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st June 1944 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 11th October 1944 Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do55 78.13. 1½ 316.18. 4½ 13. 1.10 329.10. 2½ 2.19. 8½ 326.10. 6 41. 2. 6 44.17. 6 5. 5 .0 10. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 2. 2. 0 12. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 59.10. 0 31. 8. 0 10.10. 10.10. 16. 12. 2. 12. 5. 16. 4. 0. 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 39. 7. 3 6. 1. 8 55. 0. 6. 335. 2. 1.16. 20. 0. 1. 326.10. 1. 9. 41. 2. 3. 34. 5. 0. 0 9 6 0 0 8 6 4 6 5 0 3 55. 6. 9 336.18. 6 20. 1. 8 327.19.10 41. 5.11 34. 5. 3 176. 0. 0 66. 0. 0 253. 0. 0 66. 0. 0 187. 0. 0 33. 0. 0. 10 11 24 28 -do-do-doHalf years interest from Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £770 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- £500 @ 4% -do- David Nicoll on loan of £780 @ 5% Years feuduty from Dundee City Council -doHalf years interest from Stuart S Miller on loan of £2500 @ 4¼% -do- Trustees for Mrs Hay and D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- Lanark County Council on loan of £1600 @ 3% -do- £1600 @ 2¾% -do- Dundee Corporation –do- £800 Water Debenture Stock Half years Ground Annual from Mrs Kidd’s Trust – Tay Street Half years interest from Dundee Corporation on mortgage for £1000 -do- John S Guild –do- £200 @ 5% -do- Mrs C J Wallace on £400 @ 4% -do- £500 @ 4½% -do D B Murray on £500 @ 4% Shoemaker Craft per E R Simpson dues of entry of the following new members viz: John Breslin Bootmaker 22 Constitution Street Dundee unfree Thomas Malone Boot & Shoe Maker Overgate Dundee son of James Bisset unfree James Birrell Boot & Shoe Maker Overgate Dundee unfree William McNab Leather Merchant 35 Ferry Road Monifieth unfree Edward Parker Leather Merchant 4 Farrington Street Dundee unfree Charles Bisset Leather Belting Maker 24 Forest {ark Road Dundee unfree Bruce Leslie Head Buyer 46 Bingham Terrace Dundee unfree James Carmichael Leather Merchant 39 Roseangle Dundee a Member of the Dyer Trade Francis Carmichael Leather Merchant Collingwood Place Barnhill son of the said James Carmichael Housefactors balance of half years rents Martinmas 1944 of Victoria Chambers property viz: Rents collected Less Air Raid Shelter rents Less feuduty Income Tax Local Rates Tradesmen Commission &c 11. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 17. 4. 6 17.10. 0 7. 0 .0 10. 0. 0 19.10. 0 16. 8 5. 0 5. 6. 3 Paid Messers Shepherd Factors for neighbouring property ½ years rent of Air Raid Shelter at No 10 56 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 16. 5. 8. 11. 10. 5. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. 3. 0 .0 408. 2. 4 1. 1.10 395. 0. 6 55. 7. 110.15. 174.17. 8. 2. 16.14. Air Raid Shelter rents 24. 24. 22. 14. 5. 6 0 1 3 7 3415.16. 5 29. 4. 1 13. 1.10 42. 5.11 2.19. 8 39. 6. 3 Dec 1 19 Add Proportion of Plumbers Account for preparing Mutual conductor from J K Mearns & Co Half years interest on £2350 3½% War Stock Interest to 20 November last on Dundee Savings Bank Accounts viz Ordinary Account Special Investment Account Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Clerk being the dues of the following new Members viz: James Douglas Lowson Managing Director Balmore Newport Fife unfree Andrew Armstrong Farquhar See Potato Merchant 301 Strathmartine Road Dundee unfree John Hunt Florist Union Street Dundee unfree Andrew Lickley Proctor Property Agent Ballrogie Carnoustie unfree Angus Wallace North Lea Balmossie Street Barnhill son of and in right of John Angus Wallace George Crichton Hird Boot Buyer 46 Bingham Terrace Dundee a Member of the Shoemaker Craft Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 1. 3. 0 40. 9. 3 41. 2. 6 11.13. 0 5. 6 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 -. -. 5. 0. 0 16.11.11 5989. 6. 4 1944 Discharge Jan 4 5 Feb 2 15 16 Mar 1 1 14 17 21 22 23 Apr 1 May 4 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1943 Town Officer for use of rooms -do- Care of Flag Licence fee for Armorial Bearings Half years expense of renewal of Motor Union Lease Fire premium – Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted from Savings Bond interest Boxmasters Fidelity premium Income Tax deducted from Savings bond interest Bank Account Clerk’s fees for one admission Stamp on Certificate of admission Income Tax deducted on Dundee Corporation Stock interest Typing Vidimus Clerk’s fees for on admissions Stamp on Certificates of admission Fire Insurance premium on Flag & Gown &c Alex Tosh & Son CA fee for Audit Deposit receipt Expenses representing along with Convener Trades at Mr C J Bisset's funeral & Memorial Service viz: W P Robertson & Co Motor Hirers Sundry Expenses Income Tax deducted on conversion Stock interest Bank Account Purchase of £200 3% Savings Bonds Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by J F McKean -do- W & A Pope 57 1. 4. 0 8. 6 2. 8. 1.10. 10. 1. 1. 1.19. 10.13. 2.12. 6. 15. 0. 15. 0. 5. 5. 6. 0. 1. 5. 2. 0. 2. 0. 6. 5. 5. 55. 0. 9 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 1.12. 29.15. 191.4. 200. 0. 16.16. 335. 2. 13. 2. 6 0 5 0 0 6 6 0 10 11 12 16 19 20 27 June 1 July 4 8 Aug 15 19 Sept 1 15 12 Oct 3 11 12 31 Nov 2 4 7 T L premium – Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted by Angus Property Investment Co Years feuduty for Blackscroft Less Tax Income Tax deducted by Stuart S Miller -do- Trs for Mrs Hay & D Miller -do- Lanark County Council -do-do- Dundee Water Debenture Stock -do- Mr Kidd’s Trustees -do- Mrs C J Wallace -do-do- Dundee Town Council -do-doDundee Savings Bank for 3% Defence Bonds Income Tax deducted by J S Guild -do- Robert Stewart Boxmaster & Clerk’s half years Salary Income Tax deducted by D B Murray -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- David Nicoll Messers Andrew Ogilvie & Co Stockbrokers for purchase of 3% Defence Bonds Bank Account Deposit Receipt -do-doCourier & Advertiser advertising meeting War Damage contribution instalment due 1st July 1944 Half expense of Lease Western Assurance Co Income Tax deducted from Savings Bonds interest Dundee Royal Infirmary subscription Income Tax deducted Savings Bonds interest -doBank Account Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corporation Stock interest Burglary premium Stamp on certificates of admission Clerk’s fee for admissions Income Tax deducted on Conversion Stock interest Bank Account Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Stamp duty on certificates of admission Clerk’s fees for admissions Bank Account Income Tax deducted by A Simpson’s Trustees -do- St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- J F McKean -do- W & A Pope -do- National Investment Co Ltd -doPoppy Fund Treasurer collection taken for Poppy Day Fund Fee for recovery if Income tax (re John Milne’s Trust) Bank Account Cheque Book 58 8. 0 8.15. 0 8. 4 4. 2 4. 2 2.13. 1 12. 0. 0 8. 2. 6 26. 0 .0 7. 0. 0 2.10. 0 5.12. 6 4. 0. 0 2. 6 2. 6 8. 2. 6 1000. 0. 0 2.10. 0 3.10. 0 75. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 9.15. 0 1000. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 326.10. 6 41. 2. 6 1. 0 .0 44.17. 6 2.14. 6 2.12. 6 10. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 1. 1. 0 16. 1. 0 6. 0. 0 12. 6 5. 0 5. 0 29.15. 0 29.15. 0 31. 5. 0 17. 6 10. 0 10. 0 21. 0. 0 6. 0 8. 0 1. 1 6. 0 2. 6 8. 0 4. 0. 0 3.13. 6 39. 7. 3 4. 2 8 9 10 17 21 24 28 Dec 1 7 19 28 29 30 Income Tax deducted by McPhersons Heirs Bank Account Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per e R Simpson Bonnetmaker Trade per D D Urquhart Tailor Trade per J a graham Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade –soWeaver Trade per J A Graham Frank H Fairweather Convener fee Royal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd account Clerk & Boxmaster half years salary Income Tax deducted by Angus Property Co Ltd -do- Robert Stewart -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- David Nicoll -do- Dundee Town Council -do-do- Stuart S Miller -do- Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- Lanark County Council -do-do- Dundee Corporation -do- Mr Kidd’s Trustees -do- Dundee Corporation -do- John S Guild St Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews, books &c Income Tax deducted by Mrs C J Wallace -doDeposit Receipt Income Tax deducted by D B Murray Deposit Receipt Stamps on Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees on –doDeposit Receipt Savings Bank account Savings Bank account (Ordinary) interest too 20 Nov last -do- (S I D) –doCourier & Advertiser advertising meeting Stamps on 5 Certificates Clerk’s fees on –doDeposit Receipt Bank Account Stamp on Certificate J & E R Simpson Business Account Clerks certification fees for year 1.10.10 812.17.11 176. 0. 0 66. 0. 0 253. 0. 0 66. 0. 0 187. 0. 0 33. 0. 0 11. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 18.14. 6 75. 0. 0 8.15. 0 3.10 .0 5. 0. 0 8.15. 0 8. 4 2. 6 2.13. 1 12. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 11. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 2.10. 0 8. 2. 6 2.10. 0 2. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 5.12. 6 20. 0 .0 5. 0. 0 90. 0. 0 2.10 .0 2.10. 0 40. 9. 3 41. 2. 6 11.13. 0 5. 6 1. 2. 6 1. 5. 0 1. 5. 0 45. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0 3.13. 6 6.10. 0 5898. 6. 4 Vidimus of foregoing Account I II Capital as at 31st December 1943 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised 18576. 0. 7 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 59 26867. 0. 4 III IV V VI VII Lanark County Council Capital Additions Donation by Ex Convener John A Beattie to General Fund Court Entry money during year Hammerman Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Shoemaker Trade Baker Trade Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Payment from Pullar Mortification Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund John Milne’s bequest Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 1000. 0. 0 20. 0 .0 6. 0. 0 129. 0 .0 90. 0. 0 21. 0. 0 246. 0. 0 13.15. 0 232. 5. 0 26. 3. 8 5.19.4½ 20.4. 3½ 346.15. 5½ 19. 3. 5 707.14. 6 5. 0. 0 16.10. 4 354. 0. 3 4. 0. 0 31. 5. 0 1484. 8.11½ 989.10. 6 1090.17. 0 2090. 7. 6 28623.18. 7 Discharge I III Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested £500 3% Savings Bonds £1500 –do- 176. 66. 66. 253. 187. 33. 11. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200. 0 .0 1000. 0. 0 1200. 0 .0 War Damage Contribution 60 792. 0. 12. 0. 176. 5. 3. 0. 12. 5. 322. 8. 23.19. 3. 0. 8. 7. 26.14. 4. 0. 1684. 0. 0 0 0 0 9 5 6 0 3 2 0 1 IV V VI Victoria Road property Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 44.17. 6 1004. 9. 9 1169. 0. 7 2173.10. 4 Sums paid into Dundee Savings Bank Special Investment Department Ordinary Department Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 5. 6 52.15. 6 53. 1 .0 18904. 1. 3 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27195. 1. 0 28623.18. 7 Capital as at 31st December 1944 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doDavid Robertson’s –doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doStuart S Miller’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 9119.12. 5 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 5806. 2. 0 780. 350. 500. 200. 200. 500. 400. 700. 250. 500. 1200. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5380. 0. 0 211. 9. 0 126.10. 2 519. 9.10 10.13.11 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 988. 3.11 16.11.11 971.11. 0 5500. 0. 0 61 Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 27195. 1. 0 Dundee 16th February 1945 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1844 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Sixteen Pounds eleven shillings and eleven pence (£16.11.11) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 9th March 1945 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31st December 1944 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Frank Fairweather Convener: James Gillies: James McDougall: H J Carlton 1945 Charge Jan 3 13 Feb 15 Mar 1 13 19 Interest on 3% Defence Bonds Refund of Stamp Duty on Certificate Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £200 3% Savings Bonds Flesher Incorporation per Nigel M Fenton dues of the following entries viz: Henry Dick 196 Arbroath Road Dundee (Son of Deacon William Dick) Charles Scott 119 Albert Street Dundee unfree David Lockhart 143 Hilltown Dundee unfree Edward Sandison 32 Constitution street Dundee unfree Alistair M McInroy 71 Gray Street Broughty Ferry unfree Half years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Esq. dues of the following entries vizt: David W Cuthbert Metal Merchant 20 Glamis Terrace Dundee unfree James Rae Gellatly CA 20 Reform Street Dundee unfree Alexander Thomson Herd Town Clerk Depute 3 Castle Terrace Broughty Ferry unfree James Ramsay Nicoll Bank Agent The Cairns Glamis Road Dundee unfree George Nicoll Scott Master Joiner 20 Ancrum Road Dundee son-in-law of James S Curtis John Bain Stenson Master Plasterer 38 Craigie Road Dundee unfree Frank Berry Whyte Dental Surgeon Inverary Terrace Dundee unfree Robert Wilson Restaurateur 33 Union Street Dundee. 62 18.13.11 5. 0 5. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 12. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10.0 10.10. 0 -. -. - 26 Apr 2 20 May 4 10 14 15 16 17 21 30 a Member of the Baker Trade Bank Account Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion stock Repayment of Income tax for year to 5th April 1945 Years feuduty J F McKean Blackscroft -do- Messers W & A Pope – Blackscroft Half years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% Angus Property Investment Co -do- from J H Nicoll’s Reps –do- £500 @ 4% -do- in Dundee Water Debenture Stock Half years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doHalf years interest from Trustees of D S Miller and Mrs Hay on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- £1000 @ 3½% to Dundee Corporation -do- £1600 @ 3% to Lanark County Council -do- £1600 @ 2¾% -do½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street Half years interest from Robert Stewart –do- £200 ‘ 5% Mr Miller repayment of loan over Princes Street property Half years interest thereon -do- David Nicoll –do- £780 @ 5% -do- from Mrs C J Wallace viz: On loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% Half years interest from Mr D B Murray on loan of £500 @ 4% Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers property viz: Rents collected Less Air raid Shelter rents Less feuduty Tradesmen & Sundries Commission &c 31 Aug 19 17 Sept 3 14 Oct 2 6 Less paid Messers J & E Shepherd Factors for neighbouring proprietors half years rent of Air Raid Shelter at No 10 Half years interest on £2350 ‘ 3½% War Stock Interest on 3% Defence Bonds Deposit Receipt dated 20th April 1945 Interest to date Bank Account -doHalf years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds -do- £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Hammerman Incorporation per Nigel M Fenton being dues of entry of John Adamson Strathblane 63 0 0 3 0 0 17.10 .0 10. 00. 0 14. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 24. 16. 24. 22. 0. 0 5. 0 0 .0 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 250. 0. 0 5. 6. 3 19.10. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 408. 3. 4 13. 1.10 395. 1. 6 55. 7. 6 18.10. 4 16.14. 6½ Air Raid Shelter rents June 1 22 July 1 150. 0. 59.10. 323.14. 1. 7. 4. 90.12. 4 304. 9. 1½ 13. 1.10 317.10.11½ 2.19. 8½ 323.14. 3 14. 8 314.11. 3 41. 2. 6 15. 0. 0 324. 8.11 44.17. 6 10. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.10.0 24 Nov 1 5 7 8 9 10 13 13 Strathmartine Road Dundee admitted 3rd October current unfree Baker Trade per J W Husband being dues of entry of Alexander Miller Chiropodist 25 Perth Road Dundee admitted on 23rd instant unfree Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church – Blackscroft -do- A Simpson’s Trustees -do-do- J F McKean –do-do- National Investment Co Ltd –do-do-do- W & A Pope –do-do- McPherson’s Heirs –doHalf years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% Angus Property Investment Co -do- £500 @ 4% Mr J H Nicoll’s reps Deposit receipt dated 22nd Nov 1944 Interest of date Deposit receipt dated 24th Nov 1944 Interest of date Deposit receipt dated 28th Nov 1944 Interest of date Deposit receipt dated 19th Decr 1944 Interest of date Deposit receipt dated 20th March 1945 Interest of date Deposit receipt dated 26th March 1945 Interest of date Savings Bank Ordinary Account Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest on loan £1200 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hay and D S Miller Interest from Mrs Forrest on loan of £300 @ 4% from 13th July to 11th November Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council ground at Blackscroft Half years interest from Lanark County Council on loan of £1600 @ 3% -do- £1600 @ 2¾% Half years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Tay Street Half years interest on loan Dundee Corporation on £800 Water Debenture Stock Interest from Newport Town Council on loan of £200 @ 3% Half years interest from Robert Stewart on loan of £350 @ 4% -do- David Nicoll –do- £780 @ 5% -do- John S Guild -do- £200 @ 5% Collection taken for Poppy Day Fund 64 10.10. 0 16. 12. 2. 16. 5. 12. 3. 1. 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 17.10. 0 10. 0. 0 20. 0. 3. 7. 90. 0. 16. 40. 9. 7. 45. 0. 7. 66. 0. 7. 150.0. 17. 0 0 0 7 3 2 0 7 0 9 0 9 30. 3. 7 90.16. 7 40.16. 5 45. 7. 7 66. 7. 9 150.17. 9 300. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 180. 0. 0 45. 0 .0 281. 5. 0 67.10. 0 191. 5. 0 33.15. 0 11. 5. 0 24. 0. 0 3.19. 6 16. 8 24. 0. 0 22. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 14. 0. 0 2.13..10 7. 0. 19.10. 5. 0. 3.10. 0 0 0 0 15 16 17 Dec 1 4 5 18 27 Bank Account Half years interest from Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £500 @ 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% -do- D B Murray –do- £500 @ 5% Half years interest on £2500 3½ War Stock John G Sibbald & Son balance of Martinmas rents of Victoria Chambers property per their Statement Interest to 20th November last on Dundee Savings Bank Account viz: Ordinary Account Special Investment Account Bank Account Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart dues of admission viz: James A Carr Manufacturer 2 Farington Terrace Dundee in right of his father-in-law George T Watson William Shields Fitzgerald Head Teacher 61 Johnston Ave Dundee David Rodger Fyffe Engineer Eilonhurst 500 Perth Road Dundee Eric Robertson Lesslie Motor Engineer 10 Dudhope Street Dundee William Robertson Morris Motor Agent & Engineer 59 Church Street Broughty Ferry George Muir Head Postmaster 235 Strathmartine Road Dundee George Harvey Smith Pathologist 2 Duff Street Dundee in right of his father the late George Smith Pullar Mortification Balance in hands of Boxmaster 18. 0. 2 11. 8. 10. 41. Feb 3 15 16 Mar 1 9 13 14 19 20 26 Apr 2 5 Balance due to Boxmaster @ 31st December 1944 Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of Rooms -do- care of Flag Fire premium Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds Interest Guarantee premium Income tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds Interest -doBank account Stamps duty on five Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doFire premium on Flag Gown &c Income tax deducted from 3% Redeemable Stock interest Bank account Typing Vidimus Stamps duty on eight Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doLodged on Deposit Receipt -doIncome tax deducted from 3½% Conversion Stock interest Alex Tosh & Son fee for audit 65 0 0 0 6 33.12. 5 16.19. 4 5. 6 25. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 8. 8.11 3997. 8.10 Discharge Jan 3 5. 0. 0. 2. 16.11.11 18.13.11 1.10. 0 10. 0 10.13. 0 2.12. 6 6. 0 1.10. 0 15. 0. 0 16.10. 0 1. 5. 0 1. 5. 0 6. 3 6. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 1.15. 0 1.15. 0 66. 0. 0 150. 0. 0 29.15. 0 5. 5. 0 27 May 4 10 14 15 22 30 June 1 July 2 13 14 31 Aug 9 17 Sept 3 14 Octr 2 3 4 6 24 Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit receipt Corporation Diaries Income tax deducted viz: J F McKean W & A Pope J Durham & Son Ltd Account Town Officer special fee for to-days meeting T L premium Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted by Angus Property Investment Co Income tax deducted by J H Nicoll’s Reps Years feuduty Blackscroft viz: Les tax Income tax deducted from Dundee Water Debenture Stock interest Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council Blackscroft -doIncome tax deducted by D S Miller’s Trustees & Mrs Hay -do- Dundee Corporation interest Income tax deducted by Lanark County Council viz -doClerk & Boxmasters half years Salary Income tax deducted by Mr Kidd’s Trs -do- Robert Stewart -do- John S Guild -do- Mr Miller -do- David Nicoll -do- Mrs C J Wallace -do-do- Mr D B Murray Savings Bank Ordinary Account Town Chamberlain Newport Fife on loan of 7 years @ 3% Savings Bank Account Bank Account Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Bank Account Advanced Mrs Muriel Forrest on loan and over Sandford Monifieth @ 4% per annum Savings Bank War Damage contribution due 2nd July 1945 – Victoria Chambers Dundee Royal Infirmary subscription Income tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds Interest -do-doBank Account Income tax deducted from Dundee Corporation Stock Interest Bank Account Income tax deducted 3½% Conversion Stock Interest Bank Account Courier & Advertiser account Burglary premium Stamp duty on Certificate of Admission Clerk’s fees on admissions Bank Account Stamp duty on Certificate of Admission 66 16.16. 0 323.14. 3 3. 7. 6 13. 6 2. 0 8. 4 4. 2 15. 6 5. 6 10. 0 8. 8.15. 0 5. 0. 0 4. 2 7. 0. 0 2. 6 2. 6 12. 0. 0 11. 0. 0 5. 0 12. 0. 0 8. 2. 6 23. 0. 75. 0. 2.10. 3.10. 2.10. 2.13. 9.15. 5.12. 4. 0. 5. 0. 250. 0. 200. 0. 114.11. 41. 2. 16. 15. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 3 6 3 0 300. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 44.17. 6 10. 0 .0 2.12. 6 15. 0. 0 1..10. 0 16.10. 0 6. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 29.15. 0 29.15. 0 17. 6 12. 6 5. 0 5. 0 1010. 0 5. 0 25 Nov 1 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 Dec 1 4 17 18 31 Clerk’s fees on admissions Bank Account Income tax deducted viz: St Paul’s Episcopal Church A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean W & A Pope McPhersons Heirs National Investment Co Ltd -doAngus Property Investment Co J H Nicoll’s Reps Bank Account Convener Goodfellow fee Paid the following Shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz;`` Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Bonnetmaker Trade per D D Urquhart Tailor Trade per J A Graham Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade -doWeaver Trade per J A Graham Income tax deducted by Trustees of Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- viz: Mrs Forrest Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council -do-do- Mr Kidd’s Trustees -do- Dundee Water Debenture Stock interest Clerk & Boxmasters Salary for half year Income tax deducted viz: Newport Town Council Robert Stewart David Nicoll Bank Account Income tax deducted by John S Guild St Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews, books &c Poppy Day Fund Treasurer Royal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd account Waiters Income tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doD B Murray Bank Account Credited into Savings Bank Account -do- S I John Leng & Co Ltd advertising account Stamp duty on 7 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doDundee Savings Bank Clerk’s Certification fees Posts, receipts & sundries for year Law Agents Business Account 67 5. 0 10.10. 0 18. 0 6. 0 1. 1 6. 0 1.10.10 8. 0 2. 6 8.15. 0 5. 0. 0 16.17. 5 724. 9. 8 26. 5. 0 180. 0. 45. 0. 281. 5. 67.10. 191. 5. 33.15. 11. 5. 12. 0. 1.19. 9 8. 4 2. 6 12. 0. 0 11. 0 .0 2.10. 0 1. 6.11 3.10. 0 9.15. 0 18. 0. 2 1. 0. 0 5.12. 6 4. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28. 0. 7 7. 0. 0 75. 0. 0 14.11.11 33.16.11 2.10. 0 2. 0. 0 3.10. 0 19. 0. 2 14.12. 74.14. 16.14. 5. 1. 5. 1.15. 1.15. 58.10. 3. 0. 6.10. 2. 5. 6 9 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2997. 8.10 Vidimus of foregoing Account I II III IV V VI Capital as at 31st December 1944 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Mr Miller repayment of loan over Princes Street property Entry money during year Baker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Less proportion of Rent of basement paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 18904. 1. 3 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27195.1. 0 250. 0. 0 10.10. 0 126.10. 0 45. 0 .0 10.10. 0 190.10. 0 10. 5. 0 180. 5. 0 26. 3. 8 5.19.4½ 20. 4. 3½ 327.19. 2½ 19. 3. 5 708. 3. 6 20.19.11 306.18. 3 3.10. 0 5. 0. 0 1391.14. 3½ 735. 3. 6 1084. 2 .8 2009. 6. 2 28787. 4. 7 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries 180. 0. 0 45. 0. 0 67.1. 0 280. 5 .0 191. 5. 0 33.15. 0 11. 5. 0 68 810. 0. 13. 0. 176. 5. 3. 0. 12. 5. 305.16. 24. 5. 2.18. 2. 5. 12.15. 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 9 0 6 Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested Loan @ £% for 7 years to Newport Town Council Loan @ 4% Muriel Forest over Sandford Monifieth III IV V War Damage Contribution Victoria Road property Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Ordinary Special Investment 3.10. 0 1366. 1. 2 1366. 12. 200. 0 .0 300. 0. 0 500. 0 .0 44.17. 6 539.14. 142. 7. 460. 0. 5. 2042. 8. Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 3 9 7 6 1 19085. 6. 2 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27376. 5.11 28787. 4. 7 Capital as at 31st December 1945 I II III IV British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loa\n to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property David Nicoll’s Bond Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s –do-doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch 69 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 9119.12. 5 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6006. 2. 0 780. 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 1200. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5430. 0. 0 15.19. 9 84.15. 3 679.10. 5 -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain V Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 10.19. 5 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 911. 4.10 8. 8.11 902.15.11 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 Dundee 19th February 1946 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1845 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Eight Pounds eight shillings and eleven pence (£8. 8.11) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 1st March 1946 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31st December 1945 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. W S Goodfellow Convener: J D Hardie: D S Mitchell: W Stevenson 1947 Charge Jan 3 Feb 14 15 Mar 1 7 13 15 Apr 1 27 May 2 11 13 14 Half years interest on £1000 5% Defence Bonds -do- due 11th November last on loan of £1000 to Dundee Corporation -do- £500 3% to savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £2000 –do- 1960/70 -do- £200 -doDouglas D Urquhart Clerk of the Bonnetmaker Trade dues of admission viz; John Duncan Inches Sheriff Clerk of Angus Lawrieknowe 49 Forfar Road Dundee Matthew McLaren Henderson Jeweller 14 Lammerton Terrace Dundee John Albert Melrose Jute Merchant Reresmount West Broughty Ferry David Reid Solicitor 41 /Ward Road Dundee Half years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Bank Account Half years interest on £3500 3½% Conversion Stock Received repayment of income Tax for year to 5th April 1946 Years feuduty from J F McKean – Blackscroft –do- W & A Pope –doHalf years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% too Mrs Muriel Ferrier -do- £700 @ 5% to Angus Property Investment Co -do- £780 @ 5% to David Nicoll -do- £1200 @ 4% to Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- years feuduty Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft 70 15. 0. 0 16. 5. 30. 3. 5. 5. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 12. 0. 5. 5. 59.10. 313.14. 7. 4. 6. 0. 17.10. 19.10. 24. 0. 5. 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 18 Jun 1 3 Jul 1 15 Sept 2 12 Octr 1 11 Novr 1 2 5 6 8 9 -do-do- interest on loan of £1600 @ 3% Lanark County Council -do- @ 2¾% -do-do- £1000 @ 3¼% to Dundee Corporation -o- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- on loan of £200 @ 3% to Newport Town Council Half years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees - Tay Street Half years interest on £350 @ 4% to Robert Stewart -do- £500 @ 4% to J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- £200 @ 5% to J S Guild -do- £400 @ 4% to Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 4½% -do-do- £500 @ 4% -do-do- £2250 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents viz; Rents collected Less Feuduties Tradesmen’s a/c’s &c Stamp duties, advert & sundries Factor’s Commission `dividend on 5% Defence Bonds Bank Account Half years interest on £300 3% Savings Bonds 1965/75 Bank Account Half years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £200 –do-do- due 15th inst on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock -do- £3400 3¼% Conversion Stock Baker Trade fee on admission of James Barrie Wallace Baker 300 Blackness Road Dundee unfree Years feuduty from W & A Pope - Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –do-do- A Simpson’s Trustees –do-do- St Paul’s Episcopal Church –do-do- National Investment Co ltd -do-doHalf years interest on loan of £780 @ 5% to David Nicoll Deposit receipt dated 27 April last Interest to date Deposit receipt dated 15th July last Interest to date Poppy Day Collection Savings Bank (ordy) Account Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest from Mrs Forrest on loan of £300 @ 4% -do- feuduty from McPhersons Heirs – Blackscroft -do- Ground Annual from Kydd’s Trustees – Tay Street Half years interest on loan of £1600 @ 3% & £1600 @ 2¾% Lanark County Council 71 24. 22. 16. 14. 3. 5. 7. 10. 5. 8. 11. 10. 41. 5. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 395. 1. 6 55. 7. 18. 0. 1.13. 15.16. 6 4 6 0 90.17. 5 304. 15. 100. 5. 10. 30. 3. 4. 1 0. 0 0. 0 5 .0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10.10. 12. 2. 12. 16. 5. 16. 19.10. 313.14. 16. 100. 0. 3. 0. 4 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 314.10.11 103. 4. 300. 26. 165. 44. 253. 66. 187. 33. 11. 6. 3. 5. 0. 3. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 46. 0. 0 12 18 22 Decr 2 4 Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 -do £350 @ 4% to Robert Stewart -do- £200 @ 5% to John S Guild -do- £1200 @ 4% to Trs for Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- £700 @ 5% to Angus Property Investment Co Ltd David Nicoll’s Trs c/o Reid Johnston Bell & Anderson being balance of loan over City Road property Half years interest on loan of £200 @ 3% to Newport Town Council -do- Dundee Corporation on £800 Water Debenture Stock -do- £500 @ 4½% to Mrs Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -do-d-o £500 @ 4% to D B Murray Compensatory interest @ 2% loan of £780 to David Nicoll Half years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% to J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- 3250 @ 3½% War Stock Bank Account Interest from Dundee Savings Bank Balance of Marts 1946 rents of Victoria Chambers property from Housefactors viz: Rents collected per Statement Less Air Raid Shelter rent falling to Capital 16. 8 5. 0 16. 5. 7. 0. 5. 0. 24. 0. 17.10. 780. 0 .0 3. 0. 14. 0. 11. 5. 8. 0. 10. 0. 7.16. 10. 0. 41. 2. 400. 0. 21.13. 458.10. 21.19. 396.10. 41.19. 438.10. Above Rent falling to Capital Less Disbursements on property Chargeable to Capital half years rent of Air Raid Shelter paid by J & E Shepherd 28 31 Add propn of material and utensils of Air Raid Shelter also falling to Capital Douglas D Urquhart clerk of Bonnetmakers Trade dues of admission viz: Rev John Henry Duncan MA. B Phil, DD Minister of Religion The Manse of Dundee unfree Alexander B Bowman Meat Salesman 34 Dalgleish Road Dundee a Member of the Flesher Corp James Charles Grant Wine & spirit Merchant 43 Ancrum Drive Dundee unfree Alexander Hall Smith Teacher of Languages 59 Mains Tce Dundee son of the late George Smith Pharmacist a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Henry Harvey Whitfield Tailor 2 Kerrington Cres Barnhill unfree Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 11 Balance due to Boxmaster at 31st December 1945 Town Officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flag Fire premium Victoria Chambers 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 1 7 6 7 1 407. 9.11 2.19. 9 410. 9. 8 28. 0. 5 49. 2. 4 77. 2. 7 10.10. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 5. 0. 14.10. 4392.15. Discharge Jan 3 0 0 0 0 0 8. 8.11 1.10. 0 10. 0 10.13. 0 0 0 2 5 Feb 6 14 18 Mar 1 7 12 13 15 Apr 1 3 14 27 May 2 4 10 11 14 28 Jun 1 Jul 1 8 15 Aug 15 Wm Kidd & Sons account for 500 letter headings Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Paid into bank Account Income Tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds interest Guarantee premium Income Tax deducted for 3% Savings bonds interest Bank Account Income Tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds interest Stamp Duty on four Certificates of Admission Clerk’s fees -doSavings Bank Account Fire premium over Conveners Robes &c Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Alexander Tosh & Son CA fee for audit Income Tax deducted from 3% Conversion Stick interest Savings Bank Account John Durham & Son account re printing of Vidimus T L premium - Victoria Chambers Fee for recovery of Income tax Deposit receipt Years feuduty Blackscroft Less tax Income Tax deducted viz: J F McKean W & A Pope Mrs Muriel Forrest Angus Property Investment Co David Nicoll Mrs Hay & D S Miller’s Trs Dundee Town Council -doLanark County Council -doDundee Corporation -doNewport Town Council Mr Kydd’s Trustees Clerk & Boxmasters half years Salary Income Tax deducted viz: J H Nicoll’s Reps Robert Stewart J S Guild Mrs C J Wallace -doD B Murray Corporation Diaries 10 @ 7/6d Savings Bank Account -doAccount advertising meeting Bank Account John Durham & Son Ltd account Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from 3 % Savings Bonds interest Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Cheque book Bank Account 73 1. 4. 0 8. 2. 6 8. 2 .6 2.12. 6 6. 0 15. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 1.10. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 42. 0. 0 6. 3 6. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 29.15. 0 29.15. 0 2. 7. 6 8. 0 16.16. 0 313.14. 4 8. 4 4. 2 4. 2 13. 2. 3. 0. 8.15. 9.15. 12. 0. 2. 2. 10.16. 9.18. 7. 6. 6. 6. 1. 7. 2.10. 75. 0. 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 5. 0. 3.10. 2.10. 4. 0. 5.12. 5. 0. 3.15. 41. 2. 304. 4. 1. 0. 15. 0. 1. 5. 100. 0. 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 2. 7. 3 10. 0. 0 4. 2 2.17. 9 Sept 2 Oct 1 2 11 14 Novr 1 7 9 12 13 15 20 21 Income Tax deducted from 3% Savings Bonds interest -doBank Account Income Tax deducted from 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account Burglary premium Clerks fees on admission Stamps on Certificates of admission Bank Account Courier & advertiser meeting Income Tax deducted viz: W & A Pope A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean St Paul’s Episcopal Church National Investment Co Ltd -doDavid Nicoll Bank Account Poppy Day Fund Treasurer Bank Account Convener Goodfellow fee Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz; Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per E R Simpson Bonnetmaker Trade per D D Urquhart Tailor Trade per J A Graham Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade -doWeaver Trade per J A Graham Clerk & Boxmasters Salary for half year Income Tax deducted viz: Mrs Forrest McPherson’s Heirs Lanark County Council Dundee Town Council -do-doJohn S Guild Robert Stewart Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Angus Property Investment Co Ltd Newport Town Council Royal Hotel (Dundee) Ltd account Waiters Income Tax deducted by Dundee Corporation Savings Bank Account Clydesdale –doSt Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews, books &c Income Tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doD B Murray Guildry Incorporation one third dues of advertising joint meeting Bank Account 74 13.10. 1. 7. 18. 3. 26.15. 32.14. 12. 5. 5. 10.10. 2. 0. 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 5. 4 5. 4 0.11 7. 2 2. 3 7. 2 8.15. 6 10. 0. 0 4. 3. 6 714.13.111 26. 5. 0 1665. 44. 253. 66. 187. 53. 11. 75. 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 2.14. 0 1. 7. 9 20.14. 0 7. 5 2. 3 7. 6. 3 2. 5. 0 3. 3 .0 10.16. 0 7.17. 6 1. 7. 0 22.19. 1 1. 5. 0 24. 6. 325. 442. 2. 4. 6. 0. 0. 0. 1 0 0 0 0 5. 1. 3 3.12. 0 4.10. 0 19. 8 12. 0. 0 22 Income Tax deducted from Compensatory interest Income Tax deducted from J H Nicoll’s Reps Bank Account -doSavings Bank Account Credited -do- with accrued interest Courier & advertiser account meeting Stamps on 5 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doDeposit Receipt Bank Account Clerk’s certification fees for year Law Agents Business Account for year Posts, receipts , sundries &c 28 Decr 4 9 21 30 31 3.10. 14.10. 10. 0. 41. 2. 477. 2. 21.13. 1. 7. 1. 5. 1. 5. 34.10. 5. 0. 3. 0. 2. 0. 6.10. 4392.15. 2 0 0 6 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Vidimus of foregoing Account I II III IV V VI Capital as at 31st December 1945 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised David Nicoll’s Trustees repayment of balance of loan Entry money during year Baker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Air Raid Shelter Rents received in terms of Section 22 of the Civil Defence Act 1939 in respect of Air raid Shelter at Victoria Chambers Add proportion of Rent of disposal of material and utensils of Shelter on demolition Less proportion of rent paid to neighbouring proprietors Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank 19085. 6. 2 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 780. 0. 0 10.10. 76.10. 87. 0. 5. 0. Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers 82. 0. 0 49. 2. 2 2919. 9 88. 2. 0 295. 4. 8 19. 3. 5 750.16. 0 22.12.10 296. 8. 4 4. 3. 6 5. 0. 0 1391.18. 9 413.14. 1300.10. 300. 0. 2014. 4. 165. 0. 0 75 0 0 0 0 41.19. 7 Discharge I 27376. 5.11 4 0 0 4 28938. 6. 8 II III Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Weavers Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Law Expenses Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank 44. 66. 253. 184. 33. 11. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 759. 0. 13. 0. 176. 5. 3. 0. 12. 5. 308.12. 29. 9. 5. 7. 2. 0. 15. 5. 4. 3. 0 0 0 0 9 3 1 2 0 8 6 448. 4. 4 1343.16. 2 1240.17. 5 3032.17.77 Capital at close of Account General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 19317.18. 6 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27608.18. 3 28938. 6. 8 Capital as at 31st December 1946 I II III British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loa\n to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond 76 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 9119.12. 5 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6006. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 1200. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4650. 0. 0 IV V Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain 50. 9. 9 128. 1. 5 20. 7.10 10.19. 5 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1929.18. 5 14.10. 2 Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 1915. 8. 3 5917.15. 7 27608.18. 3 Dundee 28th January 1947 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1846 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Fourteen Pounds ten shillings and two pence (£14.10. 2) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 7th March 1947 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1946 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. W S Goodfellow Convener: W Stenson, deacon: James McDougall Deacon: J Bruce Deacon 1947 Charge Jany 3 Feby 6 15 Mar 3 12 Half years interest on £100 3% Defence Bonds P F & J Husband Clerks to the Baker Trade the following dues of admission vizt: Matthew Wadell Resident Director Royal Hotel Dundee a member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Ronald Bruce Wallace Baker 22 Castle Street Dundee a Member of the Flesher Craft Alexander Duncan Representative Baker Sundries Aberdeen unfree Kenneth Williams Hutchison Baker Carnoustie unfree Nicol Page Macgregor Baker Dundee unfree John Morrice Baker Dundee unfree Half years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1965/75 -do- £2000 –do- 1960/70 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Douglas D Urquhart Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade the following dues of admission: Douglas Scott Dryden Fruit Merchant 8 Nelson Terrace Dundee son of William S Dryden Spencer George Dryden –doAlexander Flaming Baird Student 17 Street Broughty Ferry son of Alexander Baird 77 15. 0. 0 -. -. -. -. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 10.10. 5. 5. 50. 0. 3. 0. 12. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 27 April 1 May 5 6 13 14 15 20 June 2 4 July 1 Aug 15 21 29 Septr 1 13 16 23 25 29 John Johnston Director Johnston Stores Ltd Hazel Drive Dundee unfree William Vaughan Doe Special Director Low & Bonar Ltd 3 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee unfree Norman Peattie Jute Merchant 5 Glamis Road Dundee unfree William Douglas Waddell Officer of H M Marines c/o Royal Hotel Dundee son of Matthew Waddell Order on Bank Account Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock -do- from J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £300 @ 4% -do- feuduty from W & A Pope Blackscroft -do- J F McKean -do-do- interest from Mrs Muriel Forrest on loan of £300 @ 4% -do- Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 5% -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% -do- on £800 Dundee Corporation Debenture Stock -do- Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 -do- Lanark County Council on loan of £1600 @ 3% and £1600 @ 2¾% -do- Newport Town Council –do- £200 @ 5% -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street -do- feuduty from Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -do-do- interest from Mrs Hay & D S Miller on loan of £1200 @ 4% -do- J S Guild on loan of 3200 @ 5% -do- D B Murray –do- 3500 @ 4% Repayment if Income Tax for year to 5th April last Half years interest from Mrs C J Wallace on loan of £400 @ 4% -do- £500 @ 4% -do- £2350 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz; Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Miscellaneous 2 Stamps duty Factors Commission &c Half years interest on £1000 3% Defence Bonds -do- £350 –doBank Account Stewart Carson & Co being further payment to account of accumulated Revenue for years 1944/47 re John Milne’s Estate Half years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £800 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Dundee Corporation Nigel M Fenton clerk to he Hammerman Incorporation dues of admission viz; Crawford Whyte 87 Cairnfield Place Aberdeen in right of his father Crawford Whyte Repayment of Income Tax for 3 years to 5th April last share of revenue from John Milne’s Trust Clerk to Shoemaker Craft dues of admission viz; George Keay Chalmers 40 High Street Dundee unfree James Kennedy Breslin 1 Constitution Street Dundee in right of his father Tailor Trade dues of admission viz; 78 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 200. 0. 59.10. 10. 0. 4. 1. 7. 6. 0. 17.10. 7. 0. 14. 0. 16. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 24. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 294.16. 1 8. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 41. 2. 6 396.11. 6 60.18. 10. 2. 16. 4. 2. 16. 8. 3 2 0 6 3 92.14. 2 303.17. 4 15. 0. 0 5. 5 .0 10. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 38.11. 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 Novr 4 5 6 8 10 11 14 25 26 Dec 1 4 George Mitchell Wilkie Cliftonbank Wormit in right of his father-in-law Alexander Bell Half years feuduty from W & A Pope - Blackscroft -do- J F McKean -doClerk of Weaver Trade dues of admission pf James Samson Forbes Solicitor Dundee unfree Half years interest from Mrs Forrest on loan of £300 @ 4% -do- feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church Years -do- Mr McPherson’s Heirs – Blackscroft -do- Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd –do-do- Dundee Property Reversionary Co –doDeposit Receipt dated 29th March 1947 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 12th May 1947 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 4th June 1947 Interest to date Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest from the Angus Property Investment Co on loan of 3700 @ 5% Poppy Day Fund collection Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doHalf years interest from Newport Town Council on loan of £200 @ 3% -do- Lanark County Council on loan of £11600 @ 3% and £1600 @ 2¾% -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% -do- Mrs C J Wallace –do- £400 @ 4% -do- £500 –do-do- Trustees of Mrs Hay & D S Miller –do- £200 @ 4% -do- J S Guild –do- £200 @ 5% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- £500 @ 4% -do- Dundee Corporation on mortgage No 0494 for £1000 -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street -do- interest from D B Murray -do- £500 @ $% Interest on Savings Bank Account (Ordinary) -do- S I D viz: 1946 1947 Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of the following admission viz: Thomas Bryce Lightbody Baker Methil Fife son of James Stewart Lightbody a Member of the Baker Trade Alfred Doig Baker Dundee unfree William Knight Fitzgerald Butcher Dundee a Member of the Flesher Trade Bank Account -doHalf years interest on £2350 3½ % War Stock Housefactors balance of Martinmas Rents of Victoria 79 3. 0. 0 12. 0 2. 3 10.10. 6. 16. 3. 1. 5. 16. 200. 0 .0 12. 2 294.16. 1 13.10 33.17. 4 13. 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 200.12. 2 295. 9.11 34.10. 26. 5. 156. 0. 52. 0. 78. 0. 247. 0. 221. 0. 65. 0. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.10. 4. 7. 5. 16. 0 6 0 8 3. 0. 0 46. 0. 14. 0. 7. 0. 8.0. 11. 5. 2. 0. 5. 0. 10. 0. 16. 5. 5. 0. 10. 0. 40. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5. 0 5. 6 3. 0 .0 10.10. 0 -. -. 27.19. 9 100. 0. 0 41. 2. 6 22 29 31 Chambers property viz: Rents Collected Feuduty Income Tax Owners Rates Tradesmen’s accounts Housefactors commissions &c Douglas D Urquhart Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade Dundee the following dues of admission viz; John Burns Spring Manufacturer 15 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee unfree George Gordon Drummond Engineer 5 Hazel Drive Dundee son of Alexander S Drummond David S Moyes Schoolmaster Schoolhouse Lundie by Dundee a Member of the Flesher Trade Andrew Huggan Scott Insurance Branch Manager 21 Fonstane Road Monifieth unfree Pullar Mortification Balance due to Boxmaster 482. 3. 8 60.18. 99.13. 264.12. 10.3. 9.13. 3 6 8 1 9 455. 1. 3 27. 2. 5 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 -. -. 10.10. 5. 0. 8. 8. 3605. 2. Discharge Jany 3 21 Fey 6 11 15 19 March 1 3 12 13 25 27 April 1 19 May 5 6 8 18 Balance due to Boxmaster @ 31st December 1946 Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flag etc Fire premium Victoria Chambers Stamp duty on Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doBank Account John Durham & Son Ltd account Income tax deducted from Interest on 3% Savings Bonds Guarantee premium Income tax deducted from interest on 3% Savings Bonds Bank Account Income tax deducted interest on 3% Savings Bonds Income tax deducted Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock Stamp duty on 7 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doBank Account Fire premium over Conveners robes etc Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted from interest on 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account Alexander Tosh & Son CA fee for audit Income tax deducted viz: J H Nicoll’s Reps W & A Pope J F McKean Years feuduty – Blackscroft Less tax T L premium – Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Muriel W Forrest 80 14.10. 2 15. 0 .0 1.10. 0 1. 0. 0 10.13. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 14. 0. 0 3. 1. 9 2. 7. 6 6. 0 13.10. 16.10. 1. 7. 5. 8. 1.15. 1.15. 43.10. 6. 200. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 26.15. 6 32.14. 6 5. 5. 0 4.10. 0 1.10 12. 2 8. 4 3. 9 4. 7 8. 0 2.14. 0 0 0 4 7 14 15 16 20 29 June 3 4 11 July 1 22 Aug 15 21 29 Septr 1 13 15 16 25 26 Octr 1 9 25 29 Novr 4 5 Angus Property Investment Co Robert Stewart Dundee Corporation -doLanark County Council Newport Town Council Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Town Council -doBoxmasters half years Salary Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Hay & D S Miller J S Guild D B Murray Deposit Receipt Fee for recovery of tax Income tax deducted by Mrs C J Wallace -doCorporation Diaries Bank Account Deposit Receipt Courier & advertiser account Bank Account John Durham & Son Ltd account Courier & advertiser account Bank account Income tax deducted from interest on 3% Savings Bonds Subscription to Dundee Royal Infirmary Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted from interest on 3% Savings Bonds -doBank Account Income tax deducted from interest on Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock Bank Account Stamp Duty on Certificate of admission Clerk’s fees -doFee for recovery of Income Tax (Milne’s Trust) Bank Account Stamp Duty on 2 Certificates of admission Clerk’s fees –doBank Account Income tax deducted from interest on 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account Courier & Advertiser Burglary Premium Clerk’s fees on 2 Certificates of admission Stamps on -doClerk’s fees on Certificate of admission Stamps -doIncome tax deducted viz: A Simpson’s Trustees W & A Pope J F McKean Stamp Duty on Certificate of admission Clerk’s fees -do81 7.17. 3. 3. 6. 6. 7. 6. 20.14. 1. 7. 2. 5. 2. 2. 75. 0. 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 10.16. 2. 5. 4.10. 294.16. 14.14. 3.12. 5. 1. 3.15. 41. 2. 303.17. 1. 4. 15. 0. 1.15. 1. 4. 2.17. 2. 7. 10. 0. 25. 0. 13.10. 1. 7. 18. 3. 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 6 4 0 0 6 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 5. 8. 6.12. 5. 5. 3. 3. 38.11. 10. 10. 15. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.15. 32.14. 1.16. 12. 10. 10. 5. 5. 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 5. 4 5. 4 0.11 5. 0 5. 0 6 10 11 14 19 25 26 Decr 1 4 6 10 16 22 31 Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Forrest St Paul’s Episcopal Church Mr McPhersons Heirs Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -doBank Account Convener Goodfellow fee Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per e R Simpson Tailor Trade per Alexander Bell Bonnetmaker Trade per D D Urquhart Flesher Trade per Nigel M Fenton Hammerman Trade –doClerk & Boxmaster half year Salary Income tax deducted by Angus Property Investment Company Poppy Fund Treasurer Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council ( feuduty) -doNewport Town Council (loan) Lanark County Council –doDundee Corporation (Water Deb stock) Robert Stewart Mrs C J Wallace -doMrs Hay & D S Miller J S Guild Nicoll’s Reps Dundee Corporation (Mortgage No 10494) Me Kidd’s Trustees D B Murray Bank Account -doCredited Savings Bank Account (Ordinary) with accrued interest -do-( S I D ) -doBank Account Clerk’s fees on admissions Stamps on Certificates of admission Royal Hotel account Waiters Deposit Receipt Bank Account -doSt Andrew’s Church officer for care of pews, books &c Guildry Incorporation ½ dues of advertising joint meting Courier & Advertiser Account Stamps on 3 admissions Clerk’s fees –doBank Account Clerk’s certification for year Posts. Receipts & sundries for year 82 2.14. 7. 1. 7. 2. 7. 800. 2. 26. 5. 156. 52. 78. 247. 221. 65. 75 0 2 9 3 2 5 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 7.17. 6 4. 7. 6 27.19. 4 1. 0. 0 2. 7. 1. 7. 20.14. 6. 6. 3. 3. 3.12. 5. 1. 10.16. 2. 5. 4.10. 7. 6. 2. 5. 4.10. 25. 0. 20. 0. 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 40. 0. 10. 13.10. 10. 10. 1 6 0 0 0 28..19. 4 100. 0. 0 41. 2. 6 27. 2. 5 2. 0. 0 1. 3.10 1.18. 0 15. 0 15. 0 24 0. 0 3. 0. 0 4.10. 0 3605. 2. 7 Vidimus of Accounts 1947 I II III IV Capital as at 31st December 1946 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Entry money during year Baker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Shoemaker Trade Hammerman Trade Tailor Trade Weaver Trade Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/2d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Payment to account of accumulated Revenue from Mr john Milne’s Estate Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 19317.18. 6 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27608.18. 3 55. 0 .0 67.10. 0 27. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 166.10. 0 11.10. 0 155. 0. 0 330..19. 19. 3. 687.15. 42. 9. 315.10. 4. 7. 5. 0. 9 0 0 7 1 6 0 25. 0. 0 789.13. 5 1183. 4. 4 1981.17. 9 1430.4.11 __________ 29194. 3. 2 Discharge I II III Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Clerk’s election fees Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank 156. 52. 78. 247. 221. 65. 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 819. 0. 0 14.10. 0 176. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 5. 9 267.13. 7 34. 4. 4 7. 5.10 15. 2. 3 4. 7. 6 92.13. 1243. 2. 40.1. 2207. 6. Capital at close of Account 83 5 7 7 7 1353.14. 3 General Fund J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 9549. 9. 2 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27840. 8.11 29194. 3. 2 Capital as at 31st December 1947 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loan to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 9119.12. 5 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6006. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 1200. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4650. 0. 0 175. 9. 9 187.19. 8 1660. 7.11 11. 9.11 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 2155. 7. 3 8. 8. 4 2146.18.11 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 27840.8.11 Dundee 26th February 1948 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr James and Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitors Dundee Joint Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1847 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Eight Pounds eight shillings and four pence (£8. 8. 4) 84 The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 8th March 1948 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1946 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. W S Goodfellow Convener: Frank H Fairweather: J Patterson: David McDonald: J Lockhart: G B Smith: J A Bruce 1948 Charge Jany 5 Feby 10 March 1 13 16 19 April 1 6 May 6 12 13 14 15 Interest on 3% Defence Bonds due 1st inst Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1950/56 15. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 -do- £200 3% -do- 1960/70 -do- £2000 3% -do-do- £800 £% Redemption Stock Dundee Corporation Douglas D Urquhart Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee the following dues of admission viz: John Adamson Wire & Sheet Metal Fabricator 7 Glamis Place Dundee Member of the Hammerman Craft Samuel Rendall Drever Lecturer 319 Clepington Road Dundee Edwin L Falconer Retires 12 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee Anthony William Hall Cinema & Theatre Publicity Director 64 Old Glamis Road Dundee Ian MacLean Hotel Manager Royal British Hotel Dundee Walter Robertson Merchant 4 Cainlochan Road Broughty Ferry Dundee Peter Smith Wine & Spirit Merchant 2 Dalrymple Street Dundee Alfred George Whitton Hardware Merchant 19 Strathern Road West Ferry Dundee Rebate on Burglary Policy No B 1 59173 from General Assurance Co Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Stuart S Miller in partial repayment on loan over 65 Seafield Road Dundee Interest @ 4% per annum from 11th November last Stuart S Miller expense of discharge Years feuduty in respect of ground at Blackscroft from J F McKean -do- W & A Pope Half years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% Mrs Muriel Forrest -do- £500 –do- D B Murray -do- £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co Ltd -do- £200 @ 4½% Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -do-do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Deb Stock -do- £1600 @ 2¾% and £1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council -do- feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -do85 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 5. 6 59.10. 0 400. 0. 0 6. 8.11 16.11. 0 1. 7. 0 4. 0 6. 0. 10. 0. 17.10. 11. 5. 8. 0. 14. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 46. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 17 28 June 1 15 24 July 1 6 16 27 Aug 16 Septr 1 14 Oct 11 22 27 Novr 1 2 3 5 -do- interest from Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller on loan of £800 @ 4% -do- Newport Town Council -do- £200 @ 3% -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Tay Street subjects -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 -do- Robert Stewart on loan of £3350 @ 4% -do- Mrs Low (J H Nicoll’s Reps) –do- £500 @ 4% -do- John S Guild -do- £20 @ 5% Housefactor balance of rents of Whitsunday Victoria Chambers property Less Feuduty Tradesmen’s a/c’s Miscellaneous Factors Commission Half years interest on £2350 @ 3½% War Stock Bank Account Donation from Weaver Trade Interest on 3% Defence Bonds Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Bank Account Weaver trade per Mr James S Forbes Clerk dues of entry of Hubert G Scott The Weisha Perth Road Dundee Bank Account Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- £2000 –do-do £800 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Dundee Corporation -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Interest on Dundee Savings Bank S I D Account Uplifted from Dundee Savings Bank S I D Account P J & J Husband Clerk to Baker Trade the following dues of admission David Alexander Logan Civil Servsnt Dundee James Alexander McHardy Bakers Sundries Merchants Dundee John Simpson Baker Dundee From John L Stevenson Clerk to the Dyer Trade dues of admission viz: George Crichton Riverview Invergowrie unfree David W Watson Balgowan 510 Perth Road Dundee unfree Years Feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church in respect of ground at Blackscroft -do- W & A Pope -do-do- A Simpson’s Reps –do-do- J F McKean –doHalf years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Resp Years feuduty from Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd in respect of ground at Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% from Angus 86 16. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 5. 16. 7. 10. 5. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 482. 4. 8 60.18. 3 16.12. 9 16. 0 19.15.10 97.12.10 384.11.10 41. 2. 6 25. 0. 0 1. 1. 0 15. 0. 0 267. 9. 8 6. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 10.10. 0 200. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0 .0 12. 0. 59.10. 1. 1. 1050. 0. 0 0 6 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 16. 12. 12. 2. 0 0 0 3 10. 0. 0 16. 0 5. 0 17..10. 0 8 9 10 16 22 25 Decr 1 Dccr 3 21 Property Investment co From Savings Bank t ordinary Account Deposit Receipt dated 28th May 1948 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 29th August 1947 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 21st December 1946 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 27th November 1947 Interest to date Order on Bank Account -do-do-do-do-doPoppy Day Fund collection Bank Account Half years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% from Mrs Muriel W Forrest -do- £3200 (£1600 @ 2¾% & £1600 @ 3%) from Lanark County Council -do- £800 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 -do- £200 @ 3% to Newport Town Council Half years Ground Annual due by Mr Kidd’s Trustees in respect of ground at Tay Street Half years interest on loan of £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £200 @ 3% from John S Guild Years feuduty from Mr McPherson’s Heirs ground at Blackscroft -do- Dundee Town Council -do-doBank Account Half years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from D B Murray -do- £500 @ 4½% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -doInterest on Savings Bank Account ( Ordinary) Half years interest on loan £2350 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of rents of Martinmas Victoria Chambers property Less Feuduty Owners Rates Income Tax Tradesmen’s a/c’s Factors Commission Half years interest on £1200 @ 3½% War Stock D D Urquhart Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade dues of entry viz: James Stewart Anderson CA 12 Glamis Terrace Dundee son of David Lindsay Anderson a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Alister Goodfellow Master Baker St Evox Westbarn Road Broughty Ferry a Member of the Baker Trade William Leith Jackson Cycle & Motor Cycle Agent 16 87 200. 0. 0 384.11.10 17. 1 25. 0. 0 2.10 34.10. 0 6. 3 100. 0. 0 9. 4 385. 8.11 25. 2.10 34.16. 3 100. 9. 65. 0. 2334. 0. 156. 0. 78. 0. 234. 0. 52. 0. 4.19. 26. 5. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6. 0. 0 46. 0. 16. 0. 16. 3. 0. 0 0 5 0 5. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 3. 1. 5. 16. 36.19. 10. 11. 8. 41. 41. 8 0 8 8 0 .0 5. 0 0. 0 1. 9 2. 6 475. 1. 5 60.18. 3 236.15. 2 99.13. 6 53. 9.10 19. 6. 5 450. 3. 2 22.18. 3 21. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 -. -. 10.10 .0 Kingsway Place unfree Donald Junor Assistant Actuary 29 Dundee Road West Ferry Dundee Kenneth Hamilton Kelly Hotel Manager Royal Hotel Dundee unfree Nicol Page McGregor Master Baker Stromar Middlebank Crescent Dundee a Member of the Baker Trade David F Smith Manager 20 Airlie Place Dundee unfree William Trail Wilson Head Teacher c/o Robertson 48 William Street Dundee unfree Pullar Mortification Balance in hands of Boxmaster 29 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 5. 0. 0 15.18.10 5218. 4. 0 Discharge Jany 5 27 July 16 18 Mar 1 13 15 16 April 1 2 6 14 14 28 May 1 6 11 12 By balance brought down Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of room -do- for care of Flag, Gown &c John Durham & son Ltd account William Kidd & Son Ltd account Insurance premium on Victoria Chambers property Less bonus Income tax deducted from interest on £% Savings Bonds National Guarantee & Suretyship Association Income tax deducted from interest on 3% Savings Bonds -do- 3% Savings Bonds -do- 3& Redemption Stock Dundee Corporation Bank Account Stamps on seven admissions Clerk’s fees -doBank Account Income tax deducted from 3½% Conversion Stock Alexander Tosh & Son CA fee for audit Royal Hotel Account Income tax deducted from interest on 4% per annum from 11th November last Expense to T & BAP Less outlays Getting partial Discharge Stamped £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 @ 95 7/8 Commission Stamp &c Dues on Bank Draft Bank Account T L Premium – Victoria Chambers General Assurance Co first premium on All Risks Policy Income tax deducted viz: J F McKean W & A Pope Paid years feuduty Blackscroft property Less tax Town Clerk Dundee Corporation for Diaries Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Muriel Forrest D B Murray Angus Property Investment Co Ltd 88 8. 8.4 15. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 11. 6 2. 2. 0 10.13. 0 7. 3. 0 3.10. 2. 7. 6. 1. 7. 13.10. 5. 8. 6.12. 1.15. 1.15. 73.10. 21.15. 5. 5. 16. 8. 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2.18. 1 16.11. 3 1. 5. 0 383.10. 0 1. 2. 0 15. 6. 3 10. 0 384.12. 2. 25. 0. 8. 5.14. 0 1 0 0 0 12. 2 1.10 8. 4 3. 9 4. 7 3.15. 0 2.14. 0 4. 1. 0 7.17. 6 15 18 28 June 1 14 15 28 July 1 6 16 27 Augt 16 Septr 1 14 Octr 11 22 27 28 Novr 1 2 Mrs C J Wallace -doDundee Corp Water Deb Stock Lanark County Council Dundee Town Council -doMrs Hay & D S Miller Boxmaster half years Salary Income tax deducted viz: Newport Town Council Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Corporation Mortgage Robert Stewart J H Nicoll’s Reps John S Guild Bank Account Deposit Receipt Savings Bank Account Porter Bros Ltd account for renovating flag Smith Bros account for cleaning Robe Courier & Advertiser account Rattray & Co account for badges John Durham & Son Ltd account Bank Account Fee for recovery (of Income tax) Savings Bank Account Income tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Stamp duty on certificate of admission Clerk’s fees -doBank Account Savings Bank S I D Account Income tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- 200 –do- 1960/70 -do- £2000 –doBank Account Income tax deducted from £800 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Dundee Corporation Bank Account -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account Courier & Advertiser advertising Meeting Bank Account Andrew Ogilvie & Co for purchase pf £1200 3½% War Stock Commission, contract stamp &c Stamps on three admissions Clerk’s fees -doBank Account Stamps on two admissions Clerk’s fees -doBank Account Income tax deducted from feuduty in respect of Ground at Blackscroft Income tax deducted by W & A Pope -do- A Simpson’s Trs -do- J F McKean -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps 89 5. 1. 3.12. 6. 6. 20.14. 2. 2. 7. 4. 75. 0. 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 1. 7. 0 2. 5. 0 7. 6. 3 3. 3. 0 4.10. 0 2. 5. 0 17. 0. 0 386.11.10 41. 2. 6 7.10. 0 1.10. 6 1.14. 0 25. 0. 0 2.10. 0 15. 0. 0 16.16. 0 267. 9. 8 1250. 5. 0 5. 6 2.1 4. 5. 5. 10. 0. 200. 0. 2. 7. 1. 7. 13.10. 18. 3. 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5. 8. 6.12. 26.15. 32.14. 2. 6. 1. 1. 0 0 6 6 0 6 1253.11. 15. 15. 31.10. 10. 10. 21. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 2 5. 4 5. 4 0.11 6.10. 0 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 16 22 25 Decr 1 3 20 29 31 -do- Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -do-do- Angus Property Investment co Bank Account Bank Account Clydesdale Bank Bank Account Paid the following shares for the poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Hammerman Trade per J & N M Fenton Flesher Trade –doBaker Trade per J W Husband Tailor Trade per J S Forbes Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart Shoemaker Trade per Douglas Hardie Cheque Book Handed same to Fund Treasurer (Poppy Day Fund Collection) Convener Drummond fee Clerk & Boxmasters Salary for half year Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Muriel W Forrest Lanark County council Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Dundee Corporation (Water Deb Stock) Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 Newport Town Council Mr Kidd’s Trustees Robert Stewart John S Guild Courier & Advertiser account (Meetings) Income tax deducted viz: McPherson’s Heirs Dundee Town Council -doRoyal British Hotel Account Waiters Income tax deducted viz: D B Murray Mrs J C J Wallace -doBank Account Savings Bank Account (Ordy) Bank Account -doSt Andrew’s Church office for care of pews, books &c Stamps on six admissions Clerk’s fees –doBank Account -doPosts, receipts and sundries for year Clerk’s certification fees for year 7. 8. 7.17. 20. 0. 200. 0. 545.17. 60. 0.0 234. 0. 0 156. 0. 0 78. 0. 0 234. 0. 0 52. 0. 0 8. 4 4.19. 6 26. 5. 0 75. 0. 0 2.14. 20.14. 7. 4. 6. 6. 7. 6. 1. 7. 2. 5. 3. 3. 2. 5. 1.16. Capital as at 31st December 1947 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest 36.19. 8 1. 0. 0 19549. 9. 2 5075. 0. 0 90 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1. 7. 9 2. 3 7. 2 Vidimus of foregoing Account 1948 I 2 3 6 0 0 4 37.19. 8 41.10. 5. 1. 3.12. 10.11. 41. 1. 22.18. 21. 0. 2. 0. 1.10. 1.10. 55.10. 5. 0. 6.10. 3. 0. 5218. 4. 0 3 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II III IV V Vi Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Mrs Hay & D S Miller Trustees partial repayment of loan of £1200 Entry money during year Baker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Weaver Trade Dyer Trade Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/7d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Ordinary Account -do- S I D Account 3215.19. 9 27840. 8.11 400. 0.0 31.10 .0 129. 0. 0 10.10. 0 21. 0. 0 192. 0. 0 9.10 188.10. 0 407.10. 1 19. 3. 0 705. 3.11 43.19. 9 250.13. 8 4.19. 6 5. 0. 0 1456. 8.11 544. 1.10 1133. 4. 8 1350. 0. 0 212.12. 5 3158.17.11 Miscellaneous Expenses in partial repayment of Mrs Hay & D S Miller’s Trustees loan Less outlays etc paid to date 16.11. 3 15.16. 3 15. 0 29461. 3.10 Discharge I II Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers Fleshers Hammerman Donations Convener’s fees & Salaries Convener’s Badge Clerk’s election fees Insurance Less Rebate on Burglary Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 @ 957/8 £1200 3½% War Stock 156. 52. 78. 234. 234. 65. 3. 176. 25. 3. 9.18. 0 5. 6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.12. 266. 1. 59.12. 5.16. 27. 4. 4.19. 6 8 8 0 5 6 394.12. 0 1253.11. 0 1638. 3. 0 91 891. 0. 0 1456. 8. 11 III IV Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Ordinary a/c S I D a/c Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 384.11.10 1194. 1. 4 349.15.11 301 1. 6 3129. 8. 7 19770.12. 4 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 29061.12. 1 29461. 3.10 Capital as at 31st December 1948 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Principal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loan to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10757.15. 5 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6006. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 1200. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4650. 0. 0 15.19. 9 249.16. 4 160. 1.10 -. -. 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1145.17.11 15.18.10 2289.19. 1 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 92 5917.15. 7 38061.18. 1 Dundee 11th February 1949 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1848 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Fifteen Pounds eighteen shillings and ten pence (£15..18.10) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 17th March 1949 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1948 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Alexander S Drummond Convener: W Stevenson Philip: David McDonald 1949 Charge Jany 5 27 Feby 15 March 1 3 14 April 1 15 May 2 17 15 Received dividend on 3% Defence Bonds Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Order on Bank Account -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds 1965/75 -do- £2000 Savings 3% -do- 1960/70 -do- £200 –doHendry & Fenton Clerks to he Flesher Trade dues of admission viz: Kenneth Murray 88 Albert Street Dundee (son of John Murray, died) Wm Drysdale Jr 69 Americanmuir Road Dundee (son of Wm Drysdale) Jack Alexander Gray 17 Gordon Street Barnhill ( son of Alexander Gray) Matthew Morrison 2 High Street Newport (con of George T Morrison) J McArthur Renwick 7 Constitution Terrace Dundee (son-inlaw of David Alexander Morison) Hugh McNab 168 Perth Road Dundee unfree David Robb 467 Strathmartine Road Downfield Dundee unfree James Reid Camperdown Dairy Buttar’s Loan Lochee Dundee unfree Half years interest on £800 3% Dundee Corporation Red Stock 195658 -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account Feuduty from W & A Pope – Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –doHalf years interest on Angus Property Investment Co on loan of £700 @ 3% -do- £800 @ 4% from Mrs Hay & D S Miller Years feuduty from Dundee Corporation – Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on £800 @ 3½% Stock Dundee Corporation Water Debenture -do- £3200 (£1600 @ 3% & £1600 @ 2¾%) to Lanark County 93 15. 0. 0 6. 0. 12.10. 5. 5. 30. 0. 3. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 12. 0. 59.10. 50. 0. 4. 1. 7. 0 0 0 0 0 17.10. 16.0. 5. 5. 0 0 0 0 14. 0. 0 46.0. 0 16 18 19 24 28 June 1 2 July 1 Aug 15 Septr 1 15 Octr 1 14 27 Novr 1 3 4 7 Council -do- Debenture No 10494 Dundee Corporation -do- £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- Mrs Muriel Forrest -do- £300 @ 4% -do- Newport Town Council -do- £200 @ 3% -do- £200 @ 5% from Mrs John S Guild -do- £500 ´4½% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 4% from Mrs Mary Low -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street -do- interest £500 @ 4% from David B Murray Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last Half years interest on £3550 3½ War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less Feuduty Tradesmen’s Accounts Miscellaneous Factors Commission &c Donation from Weaver Trade Interest warrant on 3% Defence Bonds Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £3000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £200 –do-do- Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 -do- £3400 3½% War Stock Hendry & Fenton Clerks to the Hammerman Trade dues of admission viz; R Scott Fyffe Stannergate Garage Dundee unfree John G A Whyte 87 Carinfield Place Aberdeen – son of Crawford Whyte Esq. J W Husband Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of admission vizt: John Taylor Beveridge Traveller 8 Taymouth Place Broughty ferry unfree Peter Gillies Bakery Manager 7 Collingwood Street Barnhill unfree Douglas Scott Dryden 9 Arnhall Drive Dundee a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Spencer George Dryden 8 Nelson Terrace Dundee a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade W & A Pope years feuduty – subjects Blackscroft Mr A Simpson’s Trustees –doSt Paul’s Episcopal Church –doDeposit Receipt dated 27th May 1949 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 2nd June 1949 Interest to date Mrs Forrest Half years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% Years feuduty from Dundee Property Investment Co Ltd – Blackscroft subjects -doCollection for Poppy Day Fund Bank Account 94 45.0. 0 7. 0. 0 6. 0 .0 3. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 8. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 268.11.11 62. 2. 6 475. 5. 1 60.18. 26.12. 6. 18.18. 3 3 0 6 107. 5. 0 365.18. 1 3. 3. 0 15. 0. 0 6. 0. 5. 5. 30. 0. 5. 0. 12. 0. 59.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10.10. 0 -. -. -. -. 2. 3 12. 0 16. 0 268.11.11 11. 2 565.18. 1 15. 6 269. 3. 1 366.13. 7 6. 0. 0 16. 5. 4.12. 52. 0. 0 0 0 0 10 11 15 17 22 Decr 1 2 30 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- Lanark County Council on loan of £3200 (£1600 @ 3% & £1600 @ 2¾%) -do- Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 @ 3% -do- J H Nicoll’s Reps on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street -do- £200 @ 3% to Newport Town Council Half years feuduty from Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -do-do- Mr McPherson’s Heirs –doHalf years interest D B Murray on loan of £500 @ 4% -do- Robert Stewart -do £350 @ 4% -do- Trustees for Mrs Hay & D s Miller on loan of £800 @ 4% -do- J S Guild -do- £200 @ 5% -do- Angus Property Investment Co –do- £700 @ 5% -do- £400 @ 4% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 4¼% -doBonnetmaker Trade p Douglas D Urquhart amount of pension allocated to Miss Helen Brown now deceased Savings Bank Account interest Half years interest on £3550 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Martinmas rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Owners Rates Income tax Tradesmen’s Accounts Housefactors commission Bonnetmaker Trade p Douglas D Urquhart amount of pension allocated to Mrs J McInnes now deceased Bonnetmaker Trade p Douglas D Urquhart dues of admission viz: Douglas Banks Dundas 7 Hermonhill Terrace Dundee in right of his father J Duncan Dundas Charles C Lang Hillside Road Dundee Arthur J Miller 5 Windsor Street Dundee Duncan S Miller 6 Esplanade Broughty Ferry Dundee in right of his father Stuart S Miller Stuart Mitchell 1 Muirfield Crescent Dundee Ralph Pride 43 Blackness Road Dundee Edward James Stevenson 8 Loraine Road Dundee David Bell Barclay 28 Shamrock Street Dundee a Member of he Baker Trade Pullar Mortification Balance brought down 95 78. 0. 78. 0. 169. 0. 234. 0. 65. 0. 234. 0. 26. 5. 24.16. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14. 0. 0 46. 0. 15. 0. 10. 0. 5. 0. 8. 0. 16. 5. 3. 1. 10. 0. 7. 0. 10. 0. 5. 0. 17.10. 8. 0. 11. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13. 0. 0 19. 0. 0 62. 2. 6 461.11. 9 60.18. 304. 1. 99.13. 15. 7. 18.17. 3 6 6 3 3 398.17. 9 62.14. 0 26. 0. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 2.10. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 0 0 0 0 -. -. 5. 0. 0 9. 6.10 3449. 1. 1 Discharge Jany 5 27 Feby 1 15 28 March 1 3 14 16 18 April 1 7 26 May 2 12 11 18 25 28 June 1 10 July 1 Balance due to Boxmaster as at 31st December 1948 Income tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of rooms -do- for care of Flag &c John Durham & son Ltd account John Rattray & Co account for Ex-conveners Badge (Mr Goodfellow) Fire premium Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds 1965/75 National Guarantee & Suretyship Association premium Income tax deducted from £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 Bank Account -doStamps on nine admissions Clerk’s fees -do-do- £800 3% Dundee Corp Deb Stock 1956/58 All Risks premium Alexander Tosh & Son Audit fee Income tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account St Andrew’s Church contribution to War memorial T L premium Victoria Chambers Years feuduty Blackscroft Less Tax Income tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean Angus Property Investment Co Mrs Hay & D S Miller Dundee Corporation Blackscroft -doWater Debenture Lanark County Council Dundee Corporation Debenture No 10494 Robert Stewart Boxmaster half years Salary Income tax deducted by viz: Mrs Muriel Forrest Newport Town Council John S Guild Mrs C J Wallace Mrs Mary A Low Mrs Kidd’s Trustees David B Murray Bank Account Fee for recovery Deposit Receipt Bank Account Deposit Receipt John Durham & Son Ltd account Income tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 96 15.18.10 2.14. 0 18. 6. 0 1.10. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 8.11 12.10. 0 10.13. 0 2. 7. 3 6. 0 13.10. 0 1. 7. 0 18. 0. 0 57. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 2. 5. 0 5. 8. 0 5.14. 0 5. 5. 0 26.15. 6 52.14. 6 21. 0 .0 8. 0 8. 4 3. 9 4. 7 1.10 13. 2 7.17. 6 7. 4. 0 2. 3 2. 3 6. 6. 0 20.14. 0 6.15. 0 3. 3 .0 75. 0. 0 2.14. 0 1. 7. 0 2. 5. 0 3.12. 0 4.10. 0 2. 5. 0 4.10. 0 10. 0. 0 16.16. 0 268.11.11 62. 2. 5 365.18. 1 2.10. 0 2.14. 0 Aug 11 15 17 Septr 1 Octr 1 13 14 27 28 Novr 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 14 John Durham & Son Ltd account Income tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Bank account Income tax deducted from £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 Bank Account Income tax deducted from Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Bank Account Income tax deducted from £3400 3½% War Stock Bank Account Courier & advertiser account Bank account Clerk’s fee on 2 Admissions -doBank account Income tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean Mr A Simpson’s Trustees St Paul’s Episcopal Church Bank Account Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Forrest Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -doJ & E R Simpson fee for Town & Country Planning Act To Poppy Day Fund Treasurer Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz: Shoemaker Trade p Douglas Hardie Tailor Trade p J S Forbes Baker Trade p J W Husband Bonnetmaker Trade p D D Urquhart Hammerman Trade p W Wallace Rea Flesher Trade p Edward Piggot Convener Drummond’s fee Clerk & Boxmaster Salary for half year Royal British Hotel account Waiters Pipes & Tobacco Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Corporation Water Deb stock Lanark County Council Dundee Corporation Mortgage Ni 10494 J H Nicoll’s Reps Mr Kidd’s Trustees Newport Town Council Dundee –do-doMr McPherson’s Heirs D B Murray Robert Stewart Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller J S Guild 97 19. 2. 7. 2.17. 13.10. 1. 7. 18. 3. 6 5 9 0 0 0 5. 8. 6.12. 26.15. 32.14. 2. 6. 13.10. 10. 10. 2.10. 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 5. 4 0.11 5. 4 7. 2 685.16. 8 300. 0 .0 2.14. 7. 2. 2.12. 4.12. 52. 78. 169. 284. 65. 234. 26. 75. 24.16. 0 1. 0. 0 2.12. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28. 8. 0 1.12. 0 6. 6. 20.14. 6.15. 4.10. 2. 5. 1. 7. 7. 2. 1. 7. 4.10. 3. 3. 7. 4. 2. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 9 0 0 0 0 12 14 15 16 18 22 Decr 1 22 30 Angus Property Investment Co Bank Account John Durham & son account Income Tax deducted from loan of £400 ´4% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 4¼% -doCorporation Diaries Bank Account -doSavings Bank account Bank Account -doClerk’s fees on seven admissions Bank Account St Andrew’s Church officer Posts, receipts and sundries for year Clerk’s certification fee for year 7.17. 6 7. 0. 0 1. 2. 9 3.12. 83 43 4.10. 5. 0. 19. 0. 62. 2. 62.14. 26. 0. 1.15. 58.10. 2. 0. 6.10. 2.15. 3449. 1. Vidimus of foregoing Account 1949 I II III IV V Capital as at 31st December 1948 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Entry money during year Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade Baker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade 19770.12. 4 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 57. 0. 13.10. 20.10. 56.15. 147.15. 7. Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/7d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions Received from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Ordinary Account -do- S I D Account 0 0 0 0 0 5 140.1. 0 527.12. 1 19. 3. 0 423. 5. 0 20. 6. 8 251.15.11 4.13. 0 5. 0. 0 14452.14. 8 3. 3. 0 634.10. 0 1145.11. 0 -. -. -. -. 1780. 1. 0 Discharge I 28061.12. 0 Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Bakers Shoemakers Tailors Bonnetmakers 169. 52. 78. 334. 98 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 296519. 9 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Fleshers Hammerman II III 234. 0. 0 65. 0. 0 832. 0. 0 Less pensions returned from Bonnetmaker Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Clerk’s election fees Convener’s Badge Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Law Expanses Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Ordinary a/c S I D a/c Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 39. 0. 24. 0. 176. 5. 3.10. 12.10. 17. 1. 264.15. 33.13. 3.16. 18.11. 4.12. 8.12. 897. 4. 0 1100. 2. 0 19. 0. 0 -. -.- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 793. 0. 0 560.10. 3 21016 6. 5 20013. 9. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28304. 9. 6 29657.19. 9 Capital as at 31st December 1949 I II III British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do$1200 –do£350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks & Debentures £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loan to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -do99 1215. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 350. 0. 500. 0. 1500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10757.15. 5 6006. 2. 0 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV V W M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Branch -do- S I Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 800. 0. 0 300. 0. 0 4250. 0. 0 278.13. 9 204. 7. 9 779.10. 0 -. -. 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1382. 3. 4 9. 6.10 1378.16. 6 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 28304. 9. 6 Dundee 2nd February 1950 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1849 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Nine Pounds six shillings and ten pence (£9. 6.10) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 13th February 1950 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1949 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Alexander S Drummond Convener: Charles Scott Deacon: Andrew Wallace Deacon: W Stevenson Philip Deacon 1950 Charge Jany 4 5 17 Feby 13 15 March 1 15 17 Balance carried down Income Tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flag etc Fire premium Victoria Chambers Laird & Sinclair for wreath Income Tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Bank Account Bank account Half years interest on £300 3% Bonds 1960/70 -do- £2000 –do-do- £800 3% Dundee Corp Red Stock 1989/58 Nigel M Fenton Joint Clerk to the Flesher Incorporation dues of admission viz: James R Bowman c/0 34 Dalgleish Road Dundee in right of his father A B Bowman Brough Baxter 77 Arbroath Road Dundee in right of his father James Baxter 100 9. 6.10 2.14. 0 18. 6. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 10.13. 0 2. 0. 0 2. 7. 3 200. 5. 6 325. 6. 6 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0. 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 20 April 1 13 May 4 16 June 1 William Potts 188a Strathmartine Road Dundee in right of his father James S Potts Gordon McGregor c/o 6 Liff Road Lochee Dundee in right of his father-in-law James S Wallace Alexander McLeod 51 Princes Street Dundee in right of his father-in-law John M Morris John Wallace 143 Ferry Road Monifieth in right of his father James S Wallace Alexander McLeod 51 Princes Street Dundee in right of his father R M McLeod Walter Baird 100 Logie Street Lochee unfree Wm A Bowden 14 Woodside Terrace Dundee unfree Benjamin C Vincent 45 Union Street Dundee unfree James Wallace Balmydown Farm Strathmartine unfree David G Walker 22 Ferry Road Dundee unfree Douglas D Urquhart Clerk to he Bonnetmaker Incorporation dues of admission viz: Cecil Gordon Black Master Painter & Decorator St Helens 129 Ancrum Road Dundee John Gibb Ferguson Medical Practitioner 2 Hawkhill Place Dundee in right of his father-in-law James A Davidson John Johnston Jr Grocer 15 Esplanade Broughty Ferry in right of his father John Johnston George Walker Johnston Medical Student 1 Hazel Drive Dundee –doRonald S McKenzie Medical Practitioner 14 Lawside Road Dundee Andrew Lawis Ramsay Mill Manager 30 Douglas Street Dundee in right of his father the late Andrew L Ramsay Wilson S Roberts Painter 9 Dalkeith Road Dundee Benjamin C Vincent Master Butcher 10 Muirfield Street Dundee a Member of the Flesher Trade £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Repayment if Income Tax to 5th April 1950 Years feuduty from W & A Pope – Blackscroft -do- J F McKean -doHalf years interest on loan of £1600 @ 2¾% & £1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council -do- Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 Dundee Corporation -do- £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -d-o- £200 @ 3% from Newport Town Council -do- £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock Half years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft subjects -do-do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees - Tay Street subjects Half years interest on loan of £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £300 @ 4% from Mrs Forrest -do- £800 @ 4% from Mrs Low Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller –do- £200 @ 5% John S Guild -do- £500 @ 1½% -do Mrs Wallace –do- £500 @ 4% -do- D B Murray £500 @ 4% Half years interest on £3900 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz: 101 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5 .0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5 .0 -. - .59.10. 264.11. 4 4. 0 1. 7. 0 46. 0. 45. 0. 17.10. 3. 0. 14. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 7. 6. 10. 16. 11. 8. 10. 68. 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 16 July 1 31 Aug 15 29 Sept 1 15 OCTR 3 26 Novr 1 4 8 Rents collected Tradesmen’s Accounts Miscellaneous Factors commission &c Donation from Weaver Trade Dividend on 3% Defence Bonds Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock Edward Cowan & Co being further payment to account of accumulated revenue for years 1947/50 re John Milne’s Estate Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Repayment of Income tax for three years to 5th April last on share of revenues from John Milne’s Trust Half years interest on £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £2000 –do-do- £800 @ 3½% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 -DO- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock J W Husband Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of admission viz: Kenneth Lonie Philip Flour Importer Dundee in right of his father Wm McGlashan Philip Archibald Soutar Clark Flour Miller Montrose Alexander Miller Lindsay Baker Dundee Alexander Mackie Baker Dundee Alfred George Whitton Hardware Merchant Dundee a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Years feuduty from Mr A Simpson’s Trustees ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean -do-do- W & A Pope -doCollection for Poppy Day Fund Deposit Receipt dated 2nd December 1949 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st June 1950 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 31st July 1950 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 29th August 1950 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 2nd December 1949 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 2nd December 1949 Interest to date Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-doYears feuduty from Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd – Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Deb stock Bonnetmaker Trade per Douglas D Urquhart amount of pension allocated to Mrs Louisa Ogilvie now deceased Half years interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs 102 60.18. 44. 9. 14. 18.17. 3 2 0 3 134.18. 8 336.14. 1 3. 3. 0 15. 0. 0. 6. 0. 0 31. 5. 0 5. 5. 0 27. 1. 4 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0 .0 59.10. 0 2.15 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 0 0 0 0 -. -. 12. 2. 12. 5. 0. 62.14. 5. 336.14. 14. 31. 5. 0. 37.1. 0. 0 7 1 4 0 8 6 6 0 3 0 0 62.19. 7 337. 8. 5 33. 5. 8 37. 2. 0 195. 52. 52. 195. 286. 65. 26. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 4 16. 8 14. 0. 0 13. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 11 Hay & D S Miller -do- £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street subjects Half years interest on mortgage No 10494 for £1000 Dundee Corporation -do- on loan of £200 @ 3% from Newport Town Council -do- £3300 (£1600 @ 3% & £16000 @ 2¾%) from Lanark County Council -do- £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Reps 17.10. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 3. 0 .0 46. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 Discharge 20 March 1 7 15 17 20 29 Andrew Ogilvie & Co price of £350 3½% War Stock @ 961/16 plus charges National Guarantee & Suretyship Association premium Income Tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 --do- £200 3% -doAll Risks premium Income Tax deducted from £800 3% Dundee Corp Red stock 1856/58 Bank account Clerk’s fees on 11 admissions Bank account Clerk’s fees on 7 admissions Bank account Alex Tosh & Son Audit fee 103 323. 6. 4 6. 0 1. 7. 0 13.10. 0 5.14. 0 5. 8. 0 6.12. 0 2.15. 0 70.10. 0 1.15. 0 41.15. 0 5. 5 .0 April 1 3 13 20 20 May 4 13 20 16 June 1 9 Aug 15 29 Sept 1 15 Octr 3 12 26 Novr 1 6 Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account John Durham & Son account Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt T L premium Victoria Chambers Andrew Ogilvie & Co price of £350 3½% War Stock @ 961/16 plus charges National Guarantee & Suretyship Association premium Income Tax deducted viz: W & A Pope T F McKean Years feuduty over Blackscroft subjects Less tax Income Tax deducted viz: Lanark County Council Mortgage No 10494 Dundee Corporation Angus Property Investment Co Boxmasters half years Salary Income Tax deducted viz: Newport Town Council Dundee Corporation Water Deb Stock -do- - Blackscroft -doKidd’ Trustees Robert Stewart Mrs Forrest Mrs Low Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller John S Guild Mrs Wallace -doD B Murray Bank Account Deposit Receipt Courier & Advertiser for advertising meeting Transport 3 % Guaranteed Stock Income Tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £”500 –do- 1960/70 Bank Account -do- £800 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 -do- £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank Account Courier & Advertiser for advertising meeting Clerk’s fees on 4 admissions Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz: Mr A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean W & A Pope Poppy Fund Manager Bank Account Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz: 104 26.15. 32.14. 6..10. 16.16. 264.11. 8. 6 6 6 0 4 0 323. 6. 4 6. 0 1.10 12. 2 8. 4 3. 9 4. 7 20.14. 6.15. 7.17. 75. 0. 0 0 6 0 1. 7. 0 6. 6. 0 2. 3 2. 3 2. 5. 0 2. 3. 0 2.14. 0 4.10. 0 7. 4. 0 2. 5. 0 5. 1. 3 3.12. 0 4.10. 0 68. 5. 0 336.14. 0 2. 4. 0 31. 5. 0 2. 7. 3 3.13. 6 51. 1. 6 1. 7. 0 13.10. 0 18. 3. 0 5. 8. 0 26.15. 6 32.14. 6 2. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 33.10. 0 5. 4 0.11 5. 4 5. 0. 0 468.15. 8 8 9 11 13 14 21 Dec 1 12 18 20 30 Baker Trade p J W Husband Shoemaker Trade p Douglas Hardie Tailor Trade p J S Forbes Bonnetmaker Trade p D D Urquhart Flesher Trade p Edward Piggot Hammerman Trade p W Wallace Rae Convener Drummond’s fee Clerk & Boxmaster Salary for half year Income Tax deducted viz; Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -doBank Account Deposit Receipt Royal British Hotel account Peter McLean Ltd for pipes Tobacco Waiters Income Tax deducted viz: Dundee Corporation -do-do- Water Deb Stock Trs for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Angus Property Investment Co Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494) Newport Town Council Lanark County Council Robert Stewart J H Nicoll’s Reps John S Guild Bank Account Income Tax deducted viz; David Milne Mrs Forrest D B Murray St Paul’s Episcopal Church Mrs C J Wallace -doBank Account Savings Bank Account Bank Account -doGuildry Incorporation 1/3 dues of expenses incurred re election of Harbour Trustees Courier & Advertiser advertising meeting Posts’ receipts & incidents for year Clerk’s Certification fees for year 195. 52. 52. 195. 286. 65. 26. 75. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 2. 65. 6. 200. 0. 2 3 4 0 46. 2. 3 1. 4. 0 1.11. 8 1. 5. 0 4. 0. 8 50. 2.11 2. 7. 6. 6. 7. 4. 7.17. 25.5. 6.15. 1. 7. 20.14. 3. 3. 4.10. 2. 5. 10. 0. 3 5 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. 7. 2.14. 4.10. 7. 5. 1. 3.12. 20. 0. 19. 9. 119. 4. 25. 0. 8 0 0 2 3 0 0 6 6 0 1. 8.10 2. 0. 0 6.10. 0 2.15. 0 3871.18. 0 Vidimus of foregoing Account 1950 I II Capital as at 31st December 1949 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Entry money during year Flesher Trade 20013. 9. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 67.15. 0 105 28304. 9. 6 Hammerman Trade Baker Trade III IV V Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/7d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Payment to Account of accumulated Revenue from Mr John Milne’s Estate Capital Additions Received from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Account 41.15. 33.10. 143. 0. 8. 5. 0 0 0 0 387.13. 19. 3. 735.10. 21.11. 281. 3. 5. 0. 5. 0. 7 0 0 1 4 0 0 31. 5. 0 134.15. 0 1486. 6. 0 3. 3. 0 932. 5.11 1240.13. 7 -. -. 2172.19. 6 29938.13. 6 Discharge I III IV Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Tailor Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade 195. 52. 195. 52. 286. 65. 845. Less pensions returned from Bonnetmaker Trade & Flesher Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Capital Invested £350 3½% War Stock @ 961/16 Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank a/c Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 176. 5. 0 17. 1. 0 264.115. 1 35. 7. 1 7.12.10 15. 0. 6 5. 0. 0 806. 0. 0 545. 2. 1 323. 6. 4 869.11.11 1231. 2. 0 19. 9. 6 21210. 3. 5 20286.11. 5 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 Capital as at 31st December 1950 106 28577.11. 2 29928.13. 6 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£1200 –do£350 –do- (purchased during year) £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loan to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 323. 6. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 111081. 1. 9 800. 806. 1000. 3200. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6006. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 800. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4250. 0. 0 245.19. 194.16. 798.11. 100. 0. 20. 0. 1329. 7. 6.15. 9 2 0 0 0 3 5 1322.11.10 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 28577.11. 2 Dundee 8th February 1951 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1850 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found them to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Six Pounds fifteen shillings and five pence (£6.15. 5) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors (blank) February 1951 107 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1950 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Alexander S Drummond Convener: Alister Goodfellow: W Stevenson Philip Deacon 1951 Charge Jany 3 Feby 15 26 March 1 12 14 April 3 May 7 8 9 14 15 Half years interest on 3% Defence Bonds -do- £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 -so- £350 Savings Bonds 1955/65 Received on Deposit Receipt dated 9th November 1950 Interest to date Order on Bank Account Half years interest on £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £2000 –doFrank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade viz; Ian David Burke Architect 10 Oakley Place Broughty Ferry Wm Devlin Motor Engineer 74 Seafield Road Dundee Robert Dickson 11 Oxford Street Dundee Albert Edward Hope MA: BA: Bed Rector 5 Castle Terrace Broughty Ferry David Anderson Mitchell Tailor 84 Old Craigie Road Dundee James Thyne Potter 22 Strathern Road West Ferry a Member of the Cordiner Trade Gordon Grant Simpson Coppersmith 37 Mains Terrace Dundee Robert Simpson Coppersmith 38 Dalgleish Road Dundee John Fender Tait Dental Surgeon 72 Blackness Avenue Dundee Dividend on £800 Dundee Corp 3% Red Stock Half years interest on £3400 3½& Conversion Stock -do- feuduty from W & A Pope – Ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean -doRepayment of Income tax to 5th April last Half years interest from Mrs Muriel W Forrest on loan of £300 @ 4% -do- £700 Angus Property Investment Co -do- Dundee Corporation £800 Water Debenture Stock -do- £800 @ 4% Trustees on Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 from Dundee Corporation -do- £200 @ 3% Newport Town Council -do- £11600 @ 3% & £1600 @ 2¾% Lanark County Council Lanark County Council repayment of loan of £16001 Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – ground at Blackscroft -doHalf years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – ground at Tay Street Half years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £200 @ 5% John S Guild -do- £500 @ 4½% Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -do108 15. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 200. 0. 0 5. 7 200. 5. 369. 7. 3.0. 30. 0. 7 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 12. 0. 59.10. 4. 1. 7. 264.11. 0 0 0 0 0 6 6. 0. 17.10. 14. 0. 16. 0. 0 0 0 0 15. 3. 46. 1600. 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 7. 5. 11. 8. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 June 1 28 July 3 Aug 8 15 14 30 Novr 2 6 8 -do- £500 4% D B Murray Bank Account Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Subscriptions &c Comm. & Stamps Half years interest on £4300 @ 3½% War Stock Donation from Weaver Trade Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Dividend on 3% Defence Bonds Half years interest on £1550 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 Savings Bond 1955/65 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- £5000 –do-do- £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock 1956/58 J W Husband Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of admission viz: James McHardy Wallace Bakery Manager (son of the late John Wallace a Member of the Baker Incorporation) Alec Sorley Ramsay Bowman Baker Arbroath Robert Cromar Buchan Produce Merchant Dundee Charles Gallagher Bakery Manager Dundee Alistair Mackay Porteous Baker Arbroath Years feuduty from A Simpson’s Trustees ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –doW & A Pope –do-do- Dundee Property Reversionary Co –do-doDeposit Receipt dated 9th May 1951 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 1st June 1951 Interest to date Years feuduty from David Milne - ground at Blackscroft Half years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co Bank account -do-do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Reps Collection for Poppy Day Fund Half years interest on loan o f£1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council -do- £200 @ 3% from Newport Town Council -do- Mortgage No 10494 Dundee Corporation -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – ground at 109 10. 0. 0 1566.17. 4 467.4. 9 601.8. 3 186.14.11 14. 0 19. 1. 9 207. 8.11 259.15.10 75. 5. 0 3. 3. 0 6. 45. 31. 5. 5. 50. 12. 266.11. 6 13. 1 259.15.10 11. 2 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 2.15. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 12. 2. 12. 16. 5. 0 3 0 0 0 265. 4. 5 260. 7. 0 3. 1. 8 17.10. 17..10. 195. 0. 26. 0. 52. 0. 182. 0. 286. 0. 65. 0. 26. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. 0. 0 4. 3. 0 24. 0. 3. 0. 15. 0. 14. 0. 16. 0 0 0 0 8 14 19 20 21 23 Decr 1 3 28 31 Blackscroft -doHalf years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – ground at Tay Street Half years interest on loan of £8880 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hay & d S Miller -do- £200 @ 4% from John S Guild -do- £800 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £300 @ 4% from Mrs Muriel Forrest Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church - ground at Blackscroft Half years interest on from D B Murray on loan of £500 @ 4% Bank Account Interest on Savings Account Half years interest on loan of £400 @ 4% over Cobden Street subjects from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 4½% over West Part Gardens -do-do- £4300 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Martinmas rents collected Victoria Chambers viz: Rents Collected Less feuduty Owners Rates Income Tax Tradesmen’s accounts Commission etc Received from Frank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade dues of admission viz: James Anderson Bruce Jute Manufacturer Craigmach Norrie street Broughty Ferry Member of the Weaver Trade William Small Caird Outfitter 17 Reform street Dundee Member of the Tailor Trade Andrew Clark Master Slater 5 Muirfield Street Dundee James Gordon Mortimer Tailor & Clothier 42 Bridge Street Montrose son of john Mortimer a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade John McCallum Linen Buyer 70 Johnston Avenue Dundee Ian McTavish Ramsay Secretary City Saw Mills 30 Douglas street Dundee son of Andrew Lawson Ramsay a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Hubert Gordon Scott Jute Manufacturer The Weisha Ninewells Dundee a Member of the Weaver Trade David Macgregor Smith Glazier 18 Noran Avenue Dundee Pullar Mortification Bank Account Balance brought down 5. 0 5. 0. 0 16. 5. 7. 6. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 16. 0. 0 10. 0 .0 32.17. 1 32.17. 1 8. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 75. 5. 0 477. 3. 6 58. 2.10 258. 4. 1 105. 4. 3 34.14. 8 19. 9. 9 470.15. 7 6. 7.11 -. - .-. -. 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 5. 0. 0 45. 0. 0 2. 5. 3 6679. 6. 4 Discharge Jany 3 4 Balance brought down Income tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of room -do- for care of Flag etc 110 6.15. 5 2.14. 18. 6. 1.10. 1. 0. 0 0 0 0 17 18 Feby 10 126 24 March 1 12 14 20 April 3 10 21 May 7 8 9 14 15 16 June 1 7 16 July 3 Fire premium 12/14 Victoria Chambers Wm Kidd & Son Stationers account Income tax deducted from £300 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 National Guarantee & Suretyship Association Ltd premium Bank account Andrew Ogilvie & Co for purchase of £400 3½% War Stock @ 921/16 Add commission stamps &c Income tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £2000 –doClerk’s fees on 8 admissions Bank account All Risks premium – Convener’s Gown, Safe etc Income tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock 1956858 Alexander Tosh & Son audit fee Income tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion stock Bank account John Durham & Son Ltd account T L Premium Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean Years feuduty ground at Blackscroft Less tax Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Muriel W Forrest Angus Property Investment Co Dundee Corp Water Debenture Stock Mrs Hay & D S Miller’s Trustees Dundee Corp Mortgage Mo 10494 Boxmaster’s half years Salary Income tax deducted viz; Newport Town Council Lanark County Council Bank account Income tax deducted viz; Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doMr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street J H Nicoll’s Reps Robert Stewart John S Guild Mrs C J Wallace D B Murray Andrew Ogilvie & Co Stockbrokers price of £4550 $% Consolidated Stock @ 10013/16 Add brokerage etc Deposit Receipt Bank Account John Durham & Son account General Assurance Co additional premium on T L premium No 8474 Income tax deducted from £600 British Transport 3% Guarantee Stock 1978/88 111 368. 5. 0 1. 2. 0 10.13. 18. 2. 7. 6. 200. 5. 0 6 3 0 7 369. 7. 1. 7. 13.10. 2. 0. 82. 0. 5.14. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 8. 5. 5. 26.15. 32.14. 2.12. 8. 0 0 6 6 6 0 1.10 12. 2 8. 4 3. 9 4. 7 16.16. 0 266.11. 4 2.14. 7.17. 6.13. 7. 4. 7. 2. 75. 0. 0 6 0 0 6 0 1. 8. 6 21.17. 0 1600. 0. 0 2. 2. 2. 5. 4..10. 3. 3. 2. 5. 3.12. 4.10. 1562.11.10 4. 5. 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1566..17. 4 259.15.10 75. 5. 0 1.19. 0 8. 0 2.17. 0 8 Aug 15 Sept 1 14 15 Octr 2 17 30 31 Novr 2 6 8 10 12 13 14 Bank account Income tax deducted from £1550 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account -do- £3350 Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £200 3% -do- 1960/70 -doBank account Income tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Bank account Income tax deducted from £3500 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account Courier & Advertiser account of advertising meeting Clerk’s fee on 5 admissions Bank Account Income tax deducted viz: A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean W A Pope Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -doRepaid J & E R Simpson proportion of J & J Goy Ltd account relative to removal of Trades safe J & E R Simpson years rent of terms of General Fund Court Minute Bank account Income tax deducted viz: David Milne Angus Property Investment Co Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per J W Husband Shoemaker Trade per Douglas Hardie Tailor Trade per J S Forbes Bonnetmaker Trade per Frank Hay Flesher Trade per John C Williamson Hammerman Trade per D W Gray Convener Hardie’s fee Clerk & Boxmasters Salary for half year Poppy Day collection to Fund Treasurer Income tax deducted viz: J H Nicoll’s Reps Lanark County Council Newport Town Council Mortgage No 10494 Dundee Corp Dundee Corp Water Deb stock Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doMr Kidd’s Trustees Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller John S Guild Robert Stewart Mrs Muriel W Forrest St Andrew’s Church officer Richard Buist & Son account for repairs to Church chairs Dundee Corporation for Diaries Income tax deducted viz: 112 15. 0. 0 14.14. 6 16. 5. 6 2. 9.11 1. 8. 6 14. 5. 0 17. 6. 6 5.14. 0 6. 6. 0 28. 5. 3 31. 4. 9 2. 5 .0 1. 5. 0 48.15. 0 5. 1. 5. 7. 2. 8 1 8 7 5 14.10. 0 40. 0 .0 520.11. 5 1. 9. 3 9. 6. 3 195. 26. 52. 182. 286. 65. 26. 85. 4. 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 0. 0 3. 0 4.10. 0 11. 8. 0 10. 8. 6. 7. 2. 6 7.12. 0 7.11 2. 5 2. 7. 6 7.12. 0 6. 7. 6 3. 6. 6 2.17. 0 3. 3. 0 15. 6 5.12. 6 20 21 23 Decr 1 12 17 St Paul’s Episcopal Church D B Murray Royal British Hotel account on division Peter McLean for pipes Colin Baird for Tobacco & Cigarettes Waiters Savings Bank account Income tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doBank account -doCourier & Advertiser account advertising meeting Clerk for 5 admissions Posts, receipts & incidents for year Clerk’s Certification fee for year 7. 7 4.15. 0 32.17. 1 1.10. 0 2. 9.11 1. 5. 0 5. 1.11 3.16. 0 5. 6.11 75. 5. 0 6. 7.11 2.15. 0 1. 5. 0 6.15. 0 2.15. 0 6679. 6. 4 Vidimus of foregoing Account 1951 I II III IV V VI Capital as at 31st December 1950 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Received from Lanark County Council Entry money during year Bonnetmaker Trade Baker Trade 20286.11. 5 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28577.11. 2 1600. 0. 0 118. 5. 43.15. 162. 0. 4.10. Less Clerk’s fees & Stamps Income Rents Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/7d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions Received from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Account 0 0 0 0 157.10. 0 266. 3. 9 19. 3. 0 758.10. 0 21. 8.10 247.15. 4 4. 3. 0 5. 0. 0 1322. 3.11 3. 3. 0 734. 7. 2 2946. 6. 5 -. -. 3570.13. 7 30060. 8. 1 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Tailor Trade Flesher Trade 195. 86. 182. 52. 286. 113 38. 2 .0 19.19. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 III IV Hammerman Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Insurance Clerks election fee Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Proportion of Rent & Rates Capital Invested £400 3½% War Stock @ 921/16 £6550 4% Consolidated Stock @ 10013/16 Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank a/c Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest 65. 0. 5.13. 176. 5. 17. 9. 2.15. 278. 8. 48. 7. 5. 0. 33. 3. 4. 3. 58.13. 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 806. 0. 0 618.16. 8 369. 7. 0 6566.17. 4 1936. 4. 4 524. 7. 2 2745.13. 2 19.19. 0 32889.19. 4 20344.11. 8 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28638.11. 5 30060. 8. 1 Capital as at 31st December 1951 I II III British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£1200 –do£350 –do£400 –do- (purchased during year) £400 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£4500 $% Consolidated Stock - (purchased during year) £1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loan to Newport Town Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -do114 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 323. 6. 369. 7. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 4566.17. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 13017. 6. 1 4406. 2. 0 800. 806. 1000. 1600. 200. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 IV V Angus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain 700. 500. 800. 300. Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 4250. 0. 0 15.19. 9 94. 2.11 818.10. 0 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1048.13. 0 4. 5. 3 1044. 7. 9 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 28635.11. 5 Dundee 10th March 1952 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1851 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found them to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Four Pounds five shillings and three pence (£4. 5. 3) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 20th March 1952 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1951 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. D F Hardie: Alex S Drummond: James A Davidson: Alex C Herd: Ed Piggot 1952 Charge Jany 3 26 Feby 1 15 dividend of 3% Defence Bonds Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Nigel M Fenton Clerk to the Hammerman Trade dues of admission viz: Mr Alexander McAra 28 Duntrune Terrace Dundee A member of the Trades Mr Alistair F Murray Kincordie House Kingennie Mr W A Findlay CA 20 Bingham Terrace Dundee a Member of the Trades Mr Robert Simpson 38 Dalgleish Road Dundee a Member of the Trades Mr Gordon Simpson 37 Mains Terrace Dundee a member of the Trades Half years interest on £4500 4% Consolidated Stock George B Smith Clerk to the Glover Trade dues of admission of Mr Gavin Garnet Wilson 9 Oxford Street Dundee in right of his father Sir Garnet Wilson Half years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 115 45. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 -. -. -. -. -. -. 31. 0. 0 2.15. 0 5. 5. 0 3 15 18 April 1 May 5 13 14 15 16 20 June 2 3 13 30 July 1 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- £2000 –doBank account Dividend on £800 Dundee Corp 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Frank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade dues of admission of the following viz: S F Barbieri Director 67 Magdalen Yard Road Dundee William Blain Journalist 35 Nesbitt Street Dundee James D Collins Director of Education 23 Seafield Road Broughty Ferry Archibald D Gibson Medical Practitioner 4 Dudhope Street Dundee Edward J Neilson Managing Director Tighoonie 45 Hill Street Broughty Ferry James Roberts Medical Practitioner 43 Constitution Road Dundee John Greig Sibbald Surveyor 15 Hillcrest Road Dundee son of the late John G Sibbald a Member of the Bonnetmaker Craft Jack Stewart Insurance Clerk 37 Craven Gardens Barkingside Ilford Essex a son-in-law of John Mortimer a Member of the Bonnetmaker Craft Andrew Scott Swan Plumber 147 Arbroath /Road Dundee Half years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Years feuduty from W & A Pope – ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean Half years interest on loan of £700 @ 3% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- Robert Stewart –do- £350 @ 4% Newport Town Council repayment of Bond Half years interest on Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 Dundee Corporation ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – ground at Tay Street Dundee ½ years feuduty from Dundee Town Council – ground at Blackscroft Half years interest on loan of £200 @ 3% from Newport Town Council -do- £1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council -of- £800 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- £300 @ 5% from John S Guild -do- £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Reps -do- £3000 @ 4% from Mrs Muriel W Forrest -do- £400 @ 4% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £500 @ 5½% -do-do- £500 @ 4% from D B Murray -do- £4300 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents Collected Less Feuduty Tradesmen’s a/c’s Subscriptions, Commissions etc Donation from Weaver Trade Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April 1952 Half years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 116 3. 0. 30. 0. 12.10. 12. 0. 0 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5 .0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 59.10 .0 4. 0 1. 7. 0 17.10. 14. 0. 7. 0. 200. 0. 0 0 0 0 15. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 3. 24. 16. 5. 10. 6. 8. 11. 10. 75. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 477. 4. 0 58. 2.10 18. 3. 8 20. 6. 3 96.12. 9 580.11. 3 3. 3. 0 245.16.11 July 1 6. 0. 0 Aug 1 15 Sept 1 15 Oct 1 14 21 Novr 3 5 9 10 11 12 17 Dividend on 3% Defence Bonds Bank account -doHalf years interest on £4500 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955*65 -do- £2000 –do-do- £200 –do-do- £800 3% Dundee Corporation Redeemable stock 1956/58 Half years interest on 3400 3½% Conversion Stock Dyer Trade dues of entry of Mr E R Simpson a freeman Nigel M Fenton Esq. Clerk to the Hammerman Trade dues of admission of one new Member viz; Lovat Grant Esq. 5 Argyll Street Dundee Gordon D H Doig Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of 5 admissions of new members viz: Robert Thomson Fimister Wilson Catering Manager Dundee (son of Robert Wilson a Member of he Baker Incorporation Edward George Wilson Beckingham Company Secretary Dundee Peter Fisher Sales Supervisor Dundee John Strachan Meeckie Catering Engineer Dundee Gordon Douglas Hunter Doig Solicitor Dundee Years feuduty from A Simpson’s Trustees ground at Blackscroft -do- J McKean -do- W A Pope -do- Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd –do-doCollection Poppy Day Fund Deposit Receipt dated 29th May 1952 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 3rd June 1952 Interest to date Deposit Receipt dated 30th June 1952 Interest to date Bank account -do-do-do-do-do-doHalf years interest on £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock -do- feuduty from Dundee Town Council ground at Blackscroft -doHalf years interest on Mortgage No 10494 Dundee Corporation amount £1000 Years feuduty from David Milne’s Trustees ground at Blackscroft ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees ground at Tay Street Half years interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Esq. -do- £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart Esq. -do- £1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council -do- £700 @ 5% Angus Property Investment Co -do- £500 @ 4% from J H Nicoll’s Reps Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church ground at Blackscroft Half years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from David B Murray 117 15. 0. 185. 2. 79. 3. 31. 0. 5. 5. 30. 0. 3. 0. 12. 0. 59.10. 2.15. 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 12. 2. 12. 16. 5. 7. 7. 200. 0 .0 1. 9. 3 380.11. 3 2. 9.10 295.16.11 1..14. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 201. 9. 3 383. 1. 1 297.11. 195. 0. 26. 0. 52. 0. 169. 0. 312. 0. 65. 0. 26. 5. 14. 0. 5. 16. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 15. 0. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0. 0 16. 0. 7. 0. 84. 0. 17.10. 10. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 16. 0 10. 0. 0 19 21 26 28 Dec 1 16 26 29 31 Bank account Half years interest on loan of £200 @ 5% from J S Guild Bonnetmaker Trade amount of Pension allocated to Miss A M E Norrie now deceased Half years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% from Mrs Muriel Forrest -do- £500 @ 4½% from Mrs C J Wallace -do- £400 @ 4% -doJ Hunter Sutherland Joint Clerk to the Flesher Trade dues of admission of new members viz: Alexander Anderson 22 Hilltown Dundee Ernest James Black 126 Logie Street Dundee David Boyd 75 Perth Road Dundee David Thoms Hendry 35 Balgavies Avenue Dundee James Henry 2040 Hawkhill Dundee Charles Inglis 157 Hilltown Dundee John Inglis West Park Dundee George Jarron 103 Victoria Road Dundee Norman Patterson 168 Arbroath Road Dundee Webster Leslie Thomson 11 Mauchline Avenue Mid-Craigie Dundee Bank account -doHalf years interest on £4300 3½% War Stock Frank Hay Esq. Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of admission of new members viz: Ronald Kerr Murray Burns Accountant 320 Blackness Road Dundee Thomas Donaldson Duncan Master Baker 300 Ferry Road Dundee Member of the Baker Trade Ian William Fleming Panton Chartered Accountant 9 Fort Street Dundee Alexander Smith Chartered Civil Engineer Dundee Harbour Trust Dundee son of Alexander Smith Sr a Member of the Bonnetmaker Craft Ronald S Murray Smith Manager 6 Addison Road Broughty Ferry Member of the Baker Trade Alexander Pattullo Slarks Commercial stationer 9 Hue Street Broughty Ferry Robert Hogg Thomson Wine & Spirit Merchant Glenoyn Dalhousie Road Barnhill Dundee Interest on Savings Bank Account credited 30th November last Pullar Mortification Balance carried down 31. 2. 9 5. 0. 0 13. 6. 11. 8. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 1. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5 .0 5. 0 5 .0 10. 16. 83. 75. 5. 5. 0. 5. 0 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 -. - .10. 5. 0 10. 5. 20. 9. 5. 0. 7. 8. 4174.14. 0 0 0 6 7 Discharge Jany 3 9 16 26 Feby 1 Balance brought down Income Tax deducted from £400 British Transport Guaranteed Stock Paid into Bank Account Town Officer for use of room -do- care of Flag etc John Durham & son Ltd account Fire premium 12-14 Victoria Chambers Clerk’s fees for 2 admissions Income Tax deducted from £15500 4% Consolidated Stock 118 4..5. 3 2.17. 18. 3. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 2. 10.13. 10. 14.14. 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 15 18 3 March 1 3 15 18 19 April 1 2 23 May 5 8 13 14 15 20 23 June 2 3 20 July 1 3 5 10 Aug 1 Clerk’s fees on one admission Bank account Income Tax deducted from £3350 Savings Bonds 1955/65 Bank Account National Guarantee & Suretyship Association Ltd premium All Risks premium – Convener’s Robe &c Income Tax deducted from £300 3£ Savings Bonds 1960/70 -d-o £2002 –doBank account Rattray & Co account Income Tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corp 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Clerk’s fees for 9 admissions Bank account Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account James Ramsay account for case for Chain Badge T L Premium – Victoria Chambers Income Tax deducted viz: W & A Pope J F McKean Years feuduty on ground at Blackscroft Less tax Income Tax deducted from £700 @ 3% from Angus Property Development Co Boxmaster half years Salary Income Tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- £250 @ 4% from Robert Stewart Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted viz: Mortgage No 104945 Dundee Corporation Mr Kidd’s Trustees Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doNewport Town Council Lanark County Council Trs for Mrs Hay & D S Miller John S Guild J S Nicoll’s Reps Mrs Muriel W Forrest Mrs C J Wallace -doD B Murray Bank account Deposit Receipt Fee for recovery if Income Tax Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Proportion of expenses relative to Opposition to Dundee Harbour & Tay Ferries Provisional Order 1952 viz: Gray Robertson & Wilkie J & E R Simpson Alexander Tosh & Son audit fee Courier & Advertiser account Income Tax deducted from £1550 4% Consolidated Stock 119 5. 0 18.15. 6 2. 9.10 2.15. 2 6. 0 5.14. 0 1. 8. 6 14. 5. 0 17. 6. 6 12.10. 0 5.14. 2. 5. 77. 5. 28. 5. 31. 4. 5. 5. 16. 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 1.11 12.10 8. 4 3.11 4. 5 8. 1. 3 75. 0. 0 6.13. 0 3. 6. 6 200. 0. 0 7. 2. 6 2. 7. 6 2. 5 2. 5 1. 8. 6 11. 8. 0 7.12. 0 2. 7. 6 4.15. 0 2.17. 0 3.16. 0 5. 6.11 4.15. 0 75. 5. 0 380.11. 3 16.16. 0 295.16.11 2.17. 0 185. 2. 9 79. 3. 6 264. 6. 5. 5. 2. 5. 14.14. 3 0 0 6 15 Sept 1 1 15 Oct 1 14 15 21 Novr 30 5 6 8 10 12 17 19 Bank account Income Tax deducted from £300 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £1550 –do-do- £200 –doBank account Income Tax deducted from £800 3% Dundee Corporation Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Bank account Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion stock Bank account Clerk’s fee on above entry on one admission Advertisement account Clerk’s fees on one admission Bank account Clerk’s fees on 5 admissions Years rent & rates per General Fund Court Minute viz: Rent Rates @ 12/10¼ Income Tax deducted viz: A Simpson’s Trustees J F McKean W A Pope Dundee Property Reversionary Co Ltd -doDavid Dickie & Sons Picture Hangers, Cards etc Messers Fraser & Son account – Mounting & Framing photographs etc Poppy Day Collection to Treasurer Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by The General Fund court viz; Baker Trade p Gordon D H Doig Shoemaker Trade p John Hardie Tailor Trade p J S Forbes Bonnetmaker Trade p Frank Hay Flesher Trade p John C Williamson Hammerman Trade p David W Gray Convener Hardies fee Clerk & Boxmasters half years Salary Bank account Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock Dundee Town Council – Blackscroft -doDundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 David Milne’s Trustees – Tay Street Mr Kidd’s Trustees – Tay Street Mrs Hay & D S Miller’s Trustees Robert Stewart Lanark County Council Angus Property Investment Co J H Nicoll’s Reps St Paul’s Episcopal Church D B Murray Royal British Hotel account for division Peter McLean for pipes Colin Baird for tobacco Waiters 120 16. 5. 6 2. 9.10 14. 5. 0 1. 8. 6 17. 6. 6 5.14. 6. 6. 28. 5. 31. 4. 5. 2.10. 5. 10. 5. 1. 5. 40. 0. 0 25.15. 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 65.15. 0 5. 1. 5. 7. 2. 13. 8 1 8 7 5 4 7. 7. 0 7. 7. 6 195. 26. 52. 169. 312. 65. 26. 75. 882. 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 0. 0 1. 9 6.18. 0 2. 5 7.11 7. 2. 6 1. 9. 3 2. 7. 6 7.12. 0 3. 6. 6 11. 8. 0 8. 6. 3 4.15. 0 7. 7 4.15. 0 51. 2. 9 2. 5. 0 16. 1 1. 5. 0 4. 6. 0 55. 9. 9 21 28 Decr 1 16 19 23 26 31 Income tax deducted from loan of £200 @ 5% from J S Guild Bank account Income tax deducted viz: Mrs Muriel Forrest Mrs C J Wallace -doClerk’s fees on 10 admissions Bank account John G Sibbald & Son deficit on Martinmas rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Owners Rates Income tax Tradesmen’s accounts Commission etc Bank account Clerk’s fees on 5 admissions Bank account Advertising account St Andrew’s Church officer for care of books Savings Bank account Town officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flags etc Posts’ receipts & incidents for year Clerk’s Certification fee for year 2. 7. 6 13. 0. 0 2.17. 0 5. 6.11 3.16. 0 2.10. 0 102.10. 0 484.1.11 58. 2.10 280. 3. 9 105. 4. 3 37. 0.11 19.15. 4 500. 7. 0 Vidimus of foregoing Account 1952 I II III IV V VI Capital as at 31st December 1951 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Received from Newport Town Council Entry money during year Dyer Trade Glover –doHammerman –doBaker –doFlesher –doBonnetmaker Trade 20344.11. 8 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28635.11. 5 200. 0. 0 Less Clerk’s fee Income Rents (less deficit of £16. 5. 1 at Martinmas 1952) Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/5d) Interests Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions Received from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt 121 2.15. 2.10. 30.15. 43.15. 102.10. 121. 0. 303.10. 8.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 295. 0. 0 364. 6. 2 19. 3. 2 764.10. 0 26. 2. 7 279. 0.11 7. 7. 6 5. 0. 0 1465.10. 4 3. 3. 0 876. 8. 2 16. 5. 1 75. 5. 0 1. 5. 0 43.15. 0 2.10 .0 3. 3. 0 20. 9. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 7. 7. 6 2.15. 0 4174.14. 7 Account Current Savings Bank Account 273. 9. 1 -. -. 2148.17. 3 ___________ 30399. 4. 9 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Tailor Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade 195. 26. 169. 52. 312. 65. 819. Less pension returned from Bonnetmaker Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Clerks election fee Convener’s Badge Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Stationery, posts & sundries Poppy Day Fund Proportion of Rent & Rates Trust Provisional Order Alleal Sums Paid into Bank II 876. 8. 2 1482. 9. 5 30. 9. 0 20371.17. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£1200 –do£350 –do£400 –do- (purchased during year) £400 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do- 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 323. 6. 369. 7. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 122 806. 0. 0 930. 7. 3 2379. 6. 7 Capital as at 31st December 1952 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13. 0. 0 7. 5. 0 176. 5. 0 2.15. 0 12.10 17. 9. 0 286.12. 2 60.13. 9 7. 5. 0 22. 5. 7 7. 7. 6 65.15. 0 264. 6. 3 Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank a/c Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest III 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 9 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 28662.17. 6 30399. 4. 9 II III IV V £4500 $% Consolidated Stock - (purchased during year) £1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –coD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doMrs Wallace’s Bond -doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doJ W Nicoll’s Reps -doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 4566.17. 4 1000. 0. 0 384.12. 0 13017. 6. 1 800. 806. 1000. 1600. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 4206. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 500. 400. 700. 500. 800. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4250. 0. 0 45.19. 304. 3. 838.19. 100. 0. 20. 0. 1279. 2. 7. 8. 9 3 4 0 0 4 6 1271.13.10 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 28662.17. 6 Dundee 3rd February 1953 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1852 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found them to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Seven Pounds eight shillings and six pence (£7. 8. 6) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 2nd April 1953 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1952 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. D F Hardie: James A Davidson: Alexander S Drummond: James T Potter 1953 Charge Jany 5 Feby 2 4 March 2 Dividend on 3% Defence Bonds ½ years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 -co- £1550 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 -do- £200 –do- 1960/70 -do- ~ £2000 –do123 15. 0. 0 6. 31. 5. 3. 30. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 9 14 25 26 April 1 10 18 May 7 11 15 16 19 20 June 1 3 Order on Bank account Dividend on £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Bank Account (Service Charge) Nigel M Fenton Esq. Clerk to the Hammerman Trade dues of admission of new Members viz: Lord Provost William Black Arnhall 301 Perth Road Dundee David S Whyte 84 Harestane Road Downfield Dundee Thomas Thomson The Cottage 8 Bridge Lane Barnhill John Herbert Lemon Whelan Little Marlowe Longforgan Herbert M Smail 28 Farington Street Dundee Free Member Rev T R S Campbell St Andrew’s Church Manse Albany Terrace Dundee (Honorary Member) Edward R Simpson Clerk & Boxmaster of they Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee (Honorary Member) Nigel M Fenton dues of H M Smail’s admission Bank account ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock J M Hardie Clerk to the Shoemaker Trade dues of admission of 2 new members viz: John Findlay 168 Lochee Road Dundee unfree Douglas Piggot 166 Clepington Road Dundee unfree Dyer Trade dues of 3 new Members John Findlay Walter Montague Shepherd Hermon Lodge Hotel Victoria Road Broughty Ferry unfree Ralph Rcordon 67 Seafield Road Broughty Ferry unfree Sidney Clifford Cull 9 Mountpleasant unfree Edward Cowan further payment on account of accumulated Revenue for 3 years to 7th February last on John Milne’s Trust Mr Low repayment of Mr Nicoll’s loan of (blank) Mr Low ½ years interest to Whitsunday 1953 Years feuduty from Messers W & A Pope ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –doMrs Wallace in repayment of loan of £500 and £400 over Westpark Gardens Mrs Wallace interest on £500 to this term at 4½% -do- £400 @ 4% ½ years interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Trustees for Mrs Hat & d S Miller Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council ground at Blackscroft -do½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees ground at Tay Street ½ years interest @ 3% from Lanark County Council -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock ½ years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- £200 @ 5% from John S Guild Esq. -do- £500 @ 4% from David B Murray -do- £300 @ 4% from Robert Stewart -do- £350 @ 4% from Mrs Muriel W Forrest -do 343.00@ 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s Accounts 124 6. 5. 0 12. 0. 0 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. -. -. -. -. 3. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 59.10. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5 .0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 87.10. 0 500. 0. 10. 0. 0 4. 0 1. 7. 0 90. 0. 0 11. 5 .0 8. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 5. 0. 0 24. 0 .0 14. 0. 0 17.10. 5. 0. 10. 0. 7. 0. 6. 0. 75. 5. 484. 2. 6 58. 2.10 51.17. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 July 1 Aug 3 15 21 Sept 1 14 Octr 1 22 28 Novr 2 7 9 10 Subscription Commission &c Bank account --do½ years interest on 3% Defence Bonds -do- British Transport Guaranteed Stock 1975/85 -do- £1550 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last (including John Milne’s Trust) ½ years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 –ofDeposit Receipt dated 12th May last Interest to date Bank account ½ years interest on £800 3% Redeemable Stock Dundee Corporation 1956/58 ½ years interest on £3400 @ 3½% Conversion Stock -do- Dundee Corporation £1000 Debenture due Whitsunday last Frank Hay Esq. Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of 3 admissions viz: David Stewart Anderson Coigach 21 Navarre Street Barnhill Dundee (son of David Alexander son deceased a Member of the Bonnetmaker Craft) John Douglas Anderson 2 Ure Street Dundee –doIan Henry Buist Carmichael 258 Arbroath Road Dundee (son of Daniel Carmichael –doCharles Scott 130 Kingsway Dundee Member of the Flesher Trade Gordon D H Doig Clerk to the Baker Trade sued of admission on new Members viz: Alfred Boyack Wallace Aystree Broughty Ferry (son of the late David Wallace . Member of the Baker Trade) Joseph Perrie Gellatly 2 Latch Road Brechin Allan Calder Sturrock 30 West High Street Forfar A J Lindsay Robertson dues of 1 admission to the Flesher Trade of Alistair James Lindsay Robertson Donation from Weaver Trade Years feuduty from A Simpson’s Trustees - ground at Blackscroft -do- J McKean –doW& A Pope –doCollection for Poppy Day Fund Years feuduty from Dundee Property Reversionary Co –do-do- Dundee Property Investment Co – ground at Union Street Deposit Receipt dates 4th June 1953 Interest to date Bank Account -do-do-do-do-do-doYears feuduty from Dundee Town Council – ground at Blackscroft 125 4. 0 20. 0.10 130. 9. 0 353.13. 6 5. 5. 0 60. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 6. 0 .0 31. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 324.10. 1 30. 0. 0 3. 0 .0 916.15. 4 4.13.11 921. 9. 3 750. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10. 0 15. 0. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 -. -. - 2. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 3. 3. 0 353.13. 6 2. 3. 0 12. 2. 12. 6.16. 16. 5. 0 3 0 6 0 0 355.16. 195. 0. 26. 0. 39. 0. 156. 0. 247. 0. 65. 0. 26. 5. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16. 8 11 12 13 16 23 24 29 28 Dec 1 2 29 ½ years interest on loan of £800 from Trustees of D S Miller & Mrs Hay Years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church - ground at Blackscroft ½ years interest on Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 @ 3% -do- £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- £1600 @ 3% Lanark County Council -do- £500 @ 4% from D B Murray -do-- £700 @ 3% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- 3300 @ 5% from Mrs M Forrest subjects Sandford ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees – ground at Tay Street Bank account Years feuduty from David Milne’s Trustees ground at Blackscroft ½ years interest on loan of £200 @ 5% from John S Guild -do- £300 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps subject Queen Street Broughty Ferry Interest on Savings Bank Account credited on 20th November last Bank account -doJ Hunter Sutherland Joint Clerk to the Flesher Incorporation dues of admission of new members viz: Rev T R S Campbell Hon Member James Martin 25b Park Avenue Dundee Thomas Craig 34 Union Street Dundee Thomas Sands Montgomery 323 Kingsway Dundee Malcolm Towns 42 Princes Street Dundee John Johnston 6 Allan Street Dundee (a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade) Bank account ½ years interest on £4300 @ 3½% War Stock Bank account Deposit Receipt dated 21st Aug 1852 Interest to date Pullar Mortification Balance carried down 16. 0. 0 16. 0 15. 0. 14. 0. 24. 0. 10. 0. 17.10. 6. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0. 0 48.18.11 3. 1. 8 5. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 20.19. 0 130. 0. 0. 26. 0. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 5 10. 5. 0 10. 5.0 -. -. 40. 4. 6 75. 5. 0 500. 0. 0 324.10. 1 1. 4. 1 325.14. 5. 0. 30.12. 7039. 0. 2 0 0 0 Discharge Jany 5 19 Feby 2 16 17 March 2 Balance brought down Income tax deducted from £400 British Transport Guaranteed Stock 1978/8 Paid into Bank account Fire premium Victoria Chambers Repaid Dyer Trade dues of entry of E R Simpson (a Member of the Incorporation) received on 14th October 1952 Income tax deducted from £1000 $& Consolidated Stock Bank account Income tax deducted from £300 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 Bank Account National Guarantee & Suretyship Assoc Ltd All Risks premium Income tax deducted from £3200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 126 7. 8. 6 2.17. 0 18. 8. 0 10.18. 0 2.15. 0 14.14. 6 16. 5. 6 2. 9.10 2.15. 2 6. 0 5.14. 0 1. 8. 6 9 14 28 26 27 April 1 10 1 20 May 7 11 12 16 19 20 21 June 1 3 8 30 July 1 Aug 3 15 Bank account Income tax deducted from £2000 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 Bank account Dundee Corporation for Diaries Income tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock Bank account Bank Service Charge Clerk’s fee on 4 admissions Bank account Repaid Clerk to Hammerman Trade overpaid re H M Smail New cheque book Income tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion stock Bank account -doClerk’s fees for 5 admissions Income tax deducted from ½ years interest to Whitsunday 1953 on J H Nicoll’s loan of £500 Deposit Receipt T L premium Victoria Chambers Income tax deducted from years feuduty from Messers W & A Pope -do- J F McKean Esq. John Durham’s account ½ years feuduty ground at Blackscroft Less tax Income tax deducted viz: Mrs C J Wallace -doTrustees for Mrs Hay & D S Miller Deposit Receipt Boxmaster ½ years Salary Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council - Blackscroft -doBank Account Income tax deducted viz: Mr Kidd’s Trustees Lanark County Council Dundee Corporation Water Deb Stock Angus Property Investment Co John S Guild Esq. David B Murray Esq. Robert Stewart Esq. Income tax deducted from interest on loan of £300 from Mrs Muriel W Forrest Bank account Deposit Receipt John Durham & Son Ltd account Alex Tosh & Son Audit fee Income tax deducted from interest on £400 British Transport Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Bank account Income tax deducted from interest on £1550 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account Income tax deducted from interest on loan £350 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 127 1.11. 14. 5. 15.15. 6. 5. 6 0 0 0 5..14. 6. 6. 5. 1. 0. 44. 0. 3. 0. 8. 28. 5. 31. 4. 37.10. 1. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 9 0 0 4.15. 0 505. 5. 0 16. 0 1.11 12.10. 0 1.12. 6 8. 4 3.11 4. 5 5.. 6.11 3.16. 0 7..12. 0 916.15.11 75. 0. 0 2. 5 2. 5 23.15. 8 2. 7. 10.10. 6. 6. 8. 6. 2. 7. 4.15. 5. 6. 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 2.17. 75. 5. 353.13. 5.12. 5. 5. 0 0 6 0 0 18.19. 0 18. 6. 0 18.19. 0 17. 1. 0 2. 7. 3 Aug 21 Sept 1 14 14 2 23 26 31 Nov 2 3 6 7 9 Nov 9 10 11 Bank account Fee for recovery of Income Tax Deposit Receipt Income tax deducted from interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 –doBank account -doJ B Hay & Co on account of work done tp property per Architects Certificate Income tax deducted from Interest on £3400 3½% Conversion stock Bank account Income tax deducted from interest on £1000 Debenture from Dundee Corporation Bank account John Leng & co Ltd advertisement account Clerk’s fee on 3 admissions Bank account Clerk’s fee on 3 admissions Bank account Clerk’s fee on 1 admission Bank account James N Robb for tobacco Income tax deducted viz: A Simpson’s Trustees J McKean W A Pope Years rent and rates per G F C Minute viz; Rent Rates Peter McLean Lt account for pipes Paid Waiters yesterday Poppy Day Collection to Treasurer Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Property Reversionary Co – ground at Blackscroft -do- Union Street Bank account Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz; Baker Trade per Gordon D H Doig Esq. Shoemaker Trade per John Hardie esq. Tailor Trade per A Lindsay Robertson Esq. Bonnetmaker Trade per Frank Hay Esq. Flesher Trade per J Hunter Sutherland Esq. Hammerman Trade per Nigel M Fenton Esq. Convener Hardie’s fee Clerk & Boxmaster half year Salary Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council Blackscroft -doTrustees of D S Miller & Mrs Hay St Paul’s Episcopal Church Blackscroft Dundee Corporation No 10494 --do- Water Debenture stock Lanark County Council D B Murray Angus Property Investment Co Ltd 128 2.17. 24. 7. 324.10. 13.10. 1. 7. 18. 3. 921. 9. 9 6 1 0 0 0 3 750. 0. 0 26.15. 6 32.14. 3 6.15. 8. 5. 1. 2. 15. 8. 5. 15. 23. 5. 5. 10. 5. 16.. 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 4 1. 0 5. 4 40. 0. 0 25.15. 0 65.15. 1.19. 1.10. 6.16. 0 0 0 6 7. 3 2. 3 355.16. 6 195. 26. 39. 106. 247. 65. 26. 75. 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 0. 0 2. 3 7. 6 7. 4. 0 7. 3 6.15. 0 6. 6 .0 10.16. 0 4.10. 0 7.17. 6 12 27 28 Decr 1 2 3 11 28 29 Mrs M Forrest Sandford Mr Kidd’s Trustees Tay Street Bank account Royal British Hotel account at division Income tax deducted viz: David Milne’s Trustees Blackscroft John S Guild Income tax deducted from ½ years interest on loan for Robert Stewart’s Reps Queen Street Broughty Ferry Bank account John Leng & co advertisement account Additional share for poor to Flesher Trade per J Hunter Sutherland (Mrs Findlay) Clerk’s fee on 4 admissions Bank account John G Sibbald & Son deficit on Statement of Martinmas Rents of Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Owners Rates Income tax Tradesmen’s accounts Commission etc Bank account St Andrew’s Church officer for care of Books J B Hay & Co further pm account of repairs to property per Architects Certificate Bank account John Leng's advertisement account Dundee Corporation for diaries Receipts and incidents for year Clerks fees Certification fee for year Town Officer for use of rooms -do- for care of Flag etc 2.14. 0 2. 5. 0 32. 6. 9 48.18.11 1. 7. 9 2. 5. 0 3. 3 .0 1. 2. 6 1. 2. 0 26. 0 .0 1. 0. 0. 41 .0. 0 487.13.10 60.18. 288. 2. 99.13. 58.16. 20. 7. 3 2 6 9 8 527.18. 4 500 .0. 325.14. 2.15. 6.17. 7.17. 2.15. 1. 0. 1. 0. 7039. 0. Vidimus of foregoing Account 1953 I II III IV Capital as at 31st December 1952 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Received payment of J H Nicoll’s Bond -do- Mrs Wallace’s Bond 20371.17. 9 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 28662.17. 6 500. 0. 0 900. 0. 0 1400. 0. 0 Entry money during year Hammerman Trade Shoemaker –doDyer –doBaker –doFlesher –doBonnetmaker Trade Weaver –do- 41. 0. 20.10. 30.15. 28. 5. 41. 0. 8. 5. 10. 5. 175. 0. 5. 0. Less Clerk’s fee Income 129 40. 4. 6 74. 5. 0 3. 3. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170. 0. 0 0 2 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 V VI Rents (less deficit of £48. 4. 6 at Martinmas 1953) Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/5d) Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions Received from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 313. 9. 19. 3. 29. 0. 200. 2. 6.16. 5. 0. 0 2 0 7 6 0 1443. 6. 8 3. 3. 0 1594.18.11 232. 3. 5 3919. 2. 4 2148.17. 3 30279. 6. 9 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Tailor Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Clerks election fee Insurance Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Poppy Day Fund Proportion of Rent & Rates Stationery, posts & sundries Repayment to Dyer Trade of overpaid entry money Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank a/c Expenditure on Property Payments on account of restoration Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest II III IV 195. 0. 0 26. 0. 0 39. 0. 0 156. 0. 0 273. 0. 0 65. 0. 0 5. 3. 0 176. 5. 0 2.15. 0 17. 9. 0 263. 2. 6 58. 8.11 5. 0. 0 6.16. 6 65.15.. 0 28.17.10 2.15. 0 2100. 3.11 2201.4. 5 20.19. 0 632. 7. 9 4328. 7. 4 1250. 0. 0 19381.19. 3 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 Capital as at 31st December 1953 I 754. 0. 0 British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do- 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 130 0 9 0 6 2 27642.19. 0 30279. 6. 9 II III IV V £1200 –do£350 –do£400 –do- (purchased during year) £400 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£4500 $% Consolidated Stock - (purchased during year) £1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –doD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Mrs Muriel Forrest’s Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1253.11. 323. 6. 369. 7. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 4566.17. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 13017. 6. 1 800. 806. 1000. 1600. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 4206. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 700. 800. 300. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2850. 0. 0 521. 4. 181. 4. 859.18. 100. 0. 20. 0. 1682. 7. 30.12. 9 8 4 0 0 4 0 1651.15. 4 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 27642. 19. 0 Dundee 12th February 1954 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1853 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Thirty Pounds twelve shillings (£30.12. 0) The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 11th March 1954 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31st December 1953 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. H I Macgregor: A S Drummond: James T Potter: D A Gray 1954 Charge Jany 4 Interest due 1st inst on 3½% Defence Bonds ½ years interest on £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 131 15. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 19 19 Feby 1 15 26 March 1 12 22 April 1 May 6 11 12 May 14 15 18 June 1 15 24 25 July 1 Deposit Receipt dated 18th April last Interest to date Paid into Bank account J B Hay & Co on account of property per Architects Certificate ½ years interest on 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £550 3% Savings Bonds Frank Hay Esq. Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of admission of new members viz: William Sinclair Gauldie Waterside Invergowrie Lovat Grant 5 Argyle Street Dundee Member of the Hammerman Trade Ian P Murray 20 Union Street Dundee son of T R Murray Alexander Gordon McAra 28 Duntrune Terrace Broughty Ferry Dundee Member of the Hammerman Trade Charles Edward Spalding 22 Bell Street Dundee ½ years interest on £200 3% Savings Bonds -do- £2000 -doInterest Warrant on £800 3% Red Stock 1958/58 Dundee Corporation J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Hammerman Trade sues of admission of new members viz: Leslie Forbes Mitchell 51 Old Craigie Road Dundee Robert Cuthbert Lamont Shielding Hyndhurst Terrace Dundee Allan Stewart Watson 11 Lawside Terrace Dundee Edward Hunter Leslie Shepherd Hope Park West Ferry Dundee ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock ½ years feuduty from W & A Pope ground at Blackscroft -do- J F McKean –do½ years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps ground at Queen Street Broughty Ferry -do- £700 @ 5% Angus Property Investment Co Ltd -do- £800 @ 4% D S Miller & Mrs Hay Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from D S Murray -do- £1600 @ 3% from Lanark County Council Interest from Dundee Corporation ½ years ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees ½ years interest on loan of £300 @ 4% from Mrs Forrest -do- £200 @ 5% from John S Guild ½ years interest on £4300 3½% War Stock Housefactors balance of Whitsunday rents for Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s Accounts Subscription Commission &c Mrs M Forrest repayment of Loan -do- interest to date Repayment of Income Tax for year to 5th April last Bank account ½ years interest on £400 3% British Transport Guaranteed Stock Dividend on £500 Defence Bonds Premium on redemption of 3% Defence Bonds (3rd issue) 132 505. 5. 0 5. 5. 9 510.10. 510.10. 500. 0. 31. 0. 5. 5. 9 9 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 -. - .2.15. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 59.10. 4. 1. 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 0. 0 17.10. 0 16. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 10. 0. 0 24. 0 .0 15. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 75. 5. 0 487.15. 1 60.18. 38. 6. 4. 20. 7. 3 8 0 8 115.16. 7 370.18. 300.0. 1. 0. 259. 5. 500. 0. 6 0 0 3 0 6. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 23 Aug 2 16 Sept 1 15 25 27 Octr 1 9 22 26 Novr 2 5 8 9 Proportion of “All Risks” premium for Three Trades ½ years interest on £1550 3% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 3% Savings Bonds -do- due on £2000 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 –do-do- £800 3% Redeemable Stock Dundee Corporation Donation from Weaver Trade Bank account ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock J M Hardie Esq. Clerk to Shoemaker Craft dues of 3 admissions: William A Campbell c/o Edward Parker & Co Ltd Progress Work Dundee John Mitchell Boath c/o Messers J & E R Simpson Victoria Chambers Dundee Wm R Armstrong c/o William Smith (Shoemakers) Ltd 3 Bell Street Dundee Frank Hay Esq. Clerk to Bonnetmaker Craft dues of 5 admissions viz: John Arnot 9 Binstead Avenue Dundee Norman Bennet 87 Magdalen Yard Road Dundee Robert Cuthbert Lamont Shieldaig Lyndhurst Terrace Dundee (Member of Hammerman Craft) Allan Stewart Watson 4 Lawside Terrace Dundee (Member of Hammerman Craft) Gordon Doig Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of admission viz: Thomas Donaldson Duncan Jr Ingleside 31 Broughty Ferry Road (son of Thomas D Duncan Member of Baker Incorporation) William Andrew Soutar Dryden 8 Nelson Terrace Dundee (son of the late Wm Alex Spencer Dryden a Member of the Baker Incorporation David Goodfellow 81 Gray Street Broughty Ferry (son of William Steven Goodfellow a Member of the Baker Incorporation Thomas Weston Grant 107 Ancrum Road Dundee Norman Eliott Hutchison 84 Queens Road Aberdeen A J Lindsay Robertson Clerk to the Waver Trade dues of admission viz: Lewis Findlay Robertson Weildene 506 Perth Road Dundee A J Lindsay Robertson (Member of the Tailor Trade) Withdrawn from Dundee Savings Bank Debited Bank Account (Savings) Years feuduty from Dundee Reversionary Co for ground at Blackscroft -do½ years interest on loan of £00 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps Collection for Poppy Day Fund Bank account -do-do-do-do-d -do-do½ years interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Mrs Hay & d S 133 7. 31. 0. 5. 5. 30. 0. 3. 0. 12. 0. 3. 3. 300. 0. 59.10. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. -. -. - 2. 15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 300. 0. 0 0. 8 5. 0 16. 0 7. 0. 6.16. 187.10. 25. 0. 37..10. 150. 0. 262.10. 40.10. 26. 5. 16. 0. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 2 29 Decr 1 28 Miller ½ years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock -do- at 3% on £1600 Lanark County Council -do- Dundee Corporation Mortgage No 10494 for £1000 @ 3% Years feuduty from McPhersons Heirs per David Milne’s Trust -do- Dundee Corporation -do-do- Mr Kidd’s Trustees ½ years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% from Angus property Investment Co -do- £200 @ 5% from John S Guild Federated Employers Association Ltd gratuitous contribution to General Fund Court Commercial Union “Ex gratia contribution re renovations for building” Motor Union Insurance Co “ex gratia” contribution to General Fund Court Western Assurance Co -doYears feuduty from A Simpson’s Trustees Years feuduty from W & A Pope -do- J F McKean ½ years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from David B Murray J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Flesher Trade dues of admissions viz: Charles Anderson 58 Mains Road Dundee James Grewar 144 Albert Street Dundee William Menzies Ireland 34 Overgate Dundee James Stewart Mitchell East Pitkerro Road by Dundee Charles Young Shielhill Tealing Bank Account Interest on Savings Bond Account credited on 20 th November Dundee Printers gratuitous contribution to General Fund Court Bank Account Dividend on £4300 3½% War Stock Pullar Mortification Bank account Balance carried down 16. 14. 0. 24. 0. 15. 0. 3. 1. 16. 5. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 17.10. 0 5. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 50. 0. 50. 0. 12. 12. 2. 10. 0. 0 0 0 0 3 0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5 .0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 44. 0. 7 20.17. 0 30. 0. 289.14. 75. 5. 5. 0. 3. 3. 19. 1. 5340. 6. 0 9 0 0 0 5 3 Discharge Jany 4 15 19 Feby 1 15 6 Balance brought down Income tax deducted from British Transport 3 % Guaranteed Stock Fire Premium 12/14 Victoria Chambers Less bonus Paid into Bank account J B Hay & Co further on account of property per Architects Certificate Income tax deducted from 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account Income tax deducted from £850 3% Defence Bonds Bank account National Guarantee & Suretyship Association Ltd Guaranteed Premium 134 30.12. 0 2.14. 0 10.13. 0 8.19. 9 1.13. 3 510.10. 9 500.0 .0 13.19. 0 17. 1. 0 2. 7. 8 2.17. 9 6. 0 22 26 March 1 8 12 22 April 1 19 May 3 6 7 11 10 21 June 1 2 11 15 24 28 July 1 23 “All Risks” premium Alexander Tosh & Son audit fee Clerk’s fees on 3 admissions Bank account Income tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds Bank account Income tax deducted from £2000 3% Savings Bonds Bank account John Durham’s account Income tax deducted from £800 3% Red Stock 1956/58 Dundee Corporation Clerks for 4 admissions Bank account Income tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account T L premium (General Accident) ½ years feuduty – ground at Blackscroft Less tax Income tax deducted viz: W & A Pope – Blackscroft J F McKean –doJohn Durham & Son account for Vidimus of Accounts Income tax deducted viz: Robert Stewart’s Reps – Queen Street property Angus Property Investment Co Ltd D S Miller & Mrs Hay Income tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock Bank account Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Town Council -doD B Murray Boxmaster ½ years Salary Income tax deducted viz: Lanark County Council Dundee Corporation Bank account Income tax deducted viz: Mr Kidd’s Trustees Mrs M Forrest John S Guild Paul & Matthew’s account Bank account -doJohn Durham’s account Income tax deducted from interest received from Mrs M Forrest Bank account Recovery of Income Tax Bank account J B Hay & Co further per Architects Certificate Income tax deducted from interest on £400 3% British Transport Guaranteed Stock Bank account -do“All Risks” Premium on Mace (NB Insce Co) 135 8. 4 3. 9 5.14. 5. 5. 15. 23. 5. 1. 7. 1.13. 13.10. 16.10. 15. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5. 8. 1. 0. 4. 0. 26.15. 32.16. 2.16. 0 0 0 6 6 0 4. 7 1.10. 0 12. 1 4. 0. 0 3. 3. 0 7.17. 6 7. 4. 0 6. 6. 0 7.14. 0 2. 2. 4.10. 75. 0. 8 8 0 0 10.16. 0 6.15. 0 21. 9. 0 2. 5. 2.14. 2. 5. 1. 4. 75. 5. 370.18. 19. 8. 0 0 0 6 0 6 5 9. 300.11. 19. 8. 259. 5. 500. 0. 0 0 6 3 0 2.14. 3. 6. 10. 0. 1.10. 0 0 0 0 Aug 2 3 16 Sept 1 15 27 28 Oct 1 8 9 22 26 Novr 2 4 5 8 9 16 17 Income tax deducted from interest on £1550 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account Income tax deducted from interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds -do- £2000 –do-do- £200 –do-do- £800 3% Redeemable Stock Dundee Corporation J B Hay & co account per Architects Certificate Sheriff Officer for serving Intimations Income tax deducted from interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock John Leng & Co account Clerk’s fee on 3 admissions -doBank account -doPeter McLean’s account for pipes Bank account Clerk’s fee on 1 admission Bank account Savings Bank Charges James Robb for tobacco etc Income tax deducted viz: Dundee Reversionary Co – Blackscroft -doRobert Stewart’s Reps Collection for Poppy Day Fund to Treasurer Waiters yesterday Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by the General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per John Doig Esq. Shoemaker Trade per John Hunter Esq. Tailor Trade per A J Lindsay Robertson Esq. Bonnetmaker Trade per Frank Hay Esq. Flesher Trade per J Hunter Sutherland Esq. Hammerman Trade per Nigel Fenton Esq. Treasurer’s Salary for ½ year Convener Wallace’s fee Income tax deducted viz: Lanark County Council Dundee Corporation Bank account Income tax deducted from feuduty – David Milne’s Trust Dundee Corporation -doMr Kidd’s Trustees Angus Property Investment Co John S Guild Years rent & rates per General Fund Court Minute Book viz: Rent Rates Income tax deducted viz: R Simpson’s Trustees W & A Pope J F McKean David B Murray 136 13.19. 0 17. 1. 0 40. 0. 0 25.10. 0 2. 7. 13.10. 1. 7. 5. 8. 300. 0. 2. 2. 6 0 0 0 0 6 26.15. 1.12. 15. 15. 28.15. 30.15. 2. 5. 10. 5. 5. 300. 0. 0. 1. 7. 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 2. 7. 8. 3. 6.16. 1.10. 3 3 0 6 0 187.10. 35. 0. 27.1. 100. 0. 262.10. 62.10. 75. 0. 26. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.16. 6.15. 8. 5. 1. 7. 7. 2. 2. 5. 7.17. 2. 5. 0 0 0 9 6 3 0 6 0 65.10. 0 5. 5. 1. 4.10. 4 4 0 0 19 Clerk’s fees on 5 admissions Bank account Royal British Hotel account Interest into Savings Bank account Bank account John G Sibbald & Son deficit on Statement of Martinmas Rents of Victoria Chambers Less feuduty Owners rates Income Tax Commissions etc Bank account -doJohn Leng & Co advertising Account Solicitors Business account Corporation Diaries Posts, receipts for year Clerk’s Certification fee for year Town Officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flag St Andrew’s Church officer for care of books per Mr R S Graham 22 29 Dec 1 3 10 22 24 28 1. 5. 28.15. 44. 0. 20.17. 30. 0. 0 0 7 0 0 289.14. 75. 5. 90. 0. 2.10. 9. 9. 6.17. 7.17. 3. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 9 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 490. 3. 6 60.18. 3 295.11.10 99.15. 6 20.9. 8 779.18. 3 3. 3. 0 5340. 6. 3 Vidimus of Account 1954 I II III IV V VI VII Capital as at 31st December 1953 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Capital Realised Repayment of Mrs Forrest’s Bond Capital Payment Premium on Conversion of Defence Bonds Entry money during year Baker Trade Shoemaker –doBonnetmaker -doFlesher –doHammerman –doWeaver –doLess Clerk’s fee Income Rents (less deficit of £289.14. 9 at Martinmas) Interests Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/5d) Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions (including £3.3£/- from Weaver Trade) Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 137 19351.19. 3 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 27642.19. 0 300. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 28.15. 30.15. 54. 0. 28.15. 41. 0. 10. 5. 193.10. 6. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 187.10. 0 81. 3. 698. 0. 19. 3. 26. 2. 239.16. 6.16. 5. 0. 9 0 0 9 9 6 0 1076. 2. 9 232. 3. 0 505. 5. 0 2393. 8. 2 Savings Account 300.3 0. 8 3198.14. 0 29149.14. 9 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Tailor Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Clerks Election Insurance )less 7/6 from Three United Trades) Income tax Audit & Division Advertising Poppy Day Fund Proportion of Rent & Rates Stationery, posts & sundries Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current payments on Account of Restoration Property Expenditure Further Capital at close of Account General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest II III IV 187.10. 25. 0. 37.10. 150. 0. 262.10. 62.10. 5. 3. 176. 5. 3. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.11. 9 241.11..10 58. 8.11 6. 0. 0 6.16. 6 65.15. 0 35.14. 5 2343.16. 9 20.17. 0 725. 0. 0 604. 5. 2 2364.13. 9 1300. 0. 0 1250. 0. 0 18229. 9.10 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26520. 9. 7 29149.14. 9 Capital as at 31st December 1954 I II British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£1200 –do£350 –do£400 –do- (purchased during year) £400 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£4500 $% Consolidated Stock - (purchased during year) £1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 138 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 323. 6. 369. 7. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 4566.17. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 800. 0. 0 806. 2. 0 13017. 6. 1 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –doD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Branch Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain III IV 1000. 0. 0 1600. 0. 0 350. 500. 200. 700. 800. Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 V 4206. 2. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 2550. 0. 0 15.19. 131.12. 580.14. 100. 0. 20. 0. 848. 7. 19. 1. 9 8 5 0 0 1 2 829. 5.11 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 5917.15. 7 26520. 9. 7 Dundee 28th April 1955 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1854 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to Nineteen Pounds one shilling and two pence (£19. 1. 2). The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 12th May 1955 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1954 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Andrew Wallace Convener: B Leslie Deacon: John Williamson Deacon: J W Hutchison Deacon 1955 Charge Jany 4 Feby 10 March 1 4 14 23 25 Interest on 3½% Defence Bonds -do- £400 3% British Transport Stock -do- £1500 4% Consolidated Stock ½ years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 –do-do- £2000 –doOrder on Bank Account -do- £800 3% Redeemable Stock Dundee Corporation Bank account Frank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of admission of new Members viz: John Mitchell Boath Solicitor 12 Victoria Chambers Dundee Alexander Moir Easson CA 14 Cowgate Dundee Alexander John Mackenzie Doctor 2 Kelso Street 139 18.10. 6. 0. 31. 0. 5. 5. 0 0 0 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0 .0 15.15. 0 12. 0. 0 2. 6 -. -. 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 29 April 1 7 29 May 9 13 14 17 19 25 June 1 3 25 July 1 Aug 1 4 15 Dundee John Strachan Mudie Doctor 6 Argyle Street Dundee David Arnot Shepherd Chartered Surveyor 59/51 Gellatly Street Dundee Robert Thomson Fimister Wilson Master Baker 22 Lawside Avenue Dundee J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Hammerman Craft dues of admission of new Members viz: Matthew Waddell 263a Perth Road Dundee Thomas P Winton 17 Glamis Drive Dundee A F Duncan 63 Pert Road Dundee Peter C Robertson 87 Clepington Road Dundee The Rt Hon Henry James Scrymgeour Wedderburn, Earl of Dundee Birkhill Dundee Due on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Return of overpaid Stamp Duty on Commercial; Union Lease Commercial Union repayment of Stamp Duty Western Assurance –do½ years interest on loan of £800 to Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- £500 @ 4% to David Murray Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council -do½ years interest on loan of £700 from Angus Property Investment Co Motor Union repayment of Stamp Duty on Lease ½ years interest on £800 3½% Dundee Corporation Water Deb Stock -do- £1600 from Lanark County Council -do- Mortgage for £1000 from Dundee Corporation -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Federated Employers repayment of Stamp Duty on Lease ½ years interest on loan of £200 @ 5% to John S Guild Years feuduty from J F McKean – Blackscroft -do- W & A Pope –doDundee Printers Lid repayment of Stamp Duty on Lease ½ years interest on £4300 3½% War Stock ½ years interest on loan of £350 @ 4% Robert Stewart & Son Housefactor balance of Whitsunday Rents for Victoria Chambers viz: Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Subscriptions Commission etc Proportion of “All Risks” Premium on Mace from Three United Trades ½ years interest on £400 3% British Transport Guaranteed Stock Due on 3½% Defence Bonds ½ years interest on £1000 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April last ½ years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds 140 -. –.2.15. 0 -. -.. -. -. -. -. 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 59.10. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 10. 0 16. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 17.10. 0 1. 0. 0 14. 24. 15. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 1. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 4. 0 1. 0. 0 75. 5. 0 7. 0. 0 543.19. 2 60.18. 69. 6. 4. 21.15. 3 2 0 0 150. 3. 7 393.15. 7 7. 6 6. 0. 17.10. 31. 0. 500. 0. 241. 8. 5. 5. 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 Sept 1 14 Octr 1 7 12 21 25 Nov 1 4 5 7 8 9 Flesher Trade amount of pension allocated to Mrs Myles now deceased ½ years interest on £200 3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 -do- £3000 –do-do-£800 3% ~Red Stock Dundee Corporation -½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Donation from Weaver Trade J M Hardie Esq. Clerk to Shoemaker Craft dues of 2 admissions viz: James Small 27 Kirkgate Perth Norman Charles Mottashow 87 Hilltown Dundee Rev T R S Campbell BD Albany Terrace Dundee (Honorary Member) Frank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of admission viz: James Calder Braid CA 11 Reform Street Dundee James Nicoll Phillip Jr Chargehand 21 Sutherland Street Dundee Bank account Gordon Doig Clerk to the Baker Trade dues of the following viz: Alan Robt Rogers Bruce Company Director Gynack 69 Panmure Street Broughty Ferry (Free) Thomas Adams Baker 202 High Street Montrose (unfree) Alan Campbell Lemon Company Director The Hollies Holly Road Broughty Ferry (unfree) The Rt Hon David Ralph Gore Wolseley Earl of Airlie KT GCMO MB JP (Hon) Frank Hay Solicitor Dundee Rt Hon Henry James Earl of Dundee JP DL LLd (Hon) Revd Thomas Strathern Robertson Campbell Batchelor of Divinity (Hon) Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee (Hon) Sum on Deposit Receipt dated 24th June 1955 Interest to date Collection for Poppy Day Fund ½ years interest on loan of £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps Years feuduty from Dundee Property Reversionary Co -do-do- W & A Pope -do- A Simpson’s Trustees -do- J F McKean ½ years interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Hay & Miller’s Trust Bank account -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doYears feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- Mrs McPhersons Heirs 141 12.10. 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 59.10 .0 3. 3. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 4. 6 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. 500. 0. 0 3.12. 8 503.12. 8 6.10. 0 7. 0. 2.16. 5. 12. 12. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 3 16. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 169. 0. 0 26. 0. 0 38. 0. 0 156. 0. 0 234. 0. 0 39. 0. 0 15 40 49.13. 3 16. 0 3. 1. 8 10 11 12 17 21 30 Dec 1 9 31 -do- Dundee Corporation -do½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock -do- Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Int Warrant on £1000 Dundee Corporation Loans Fund G Smith Boxmaster of the Glover Trade dues of 2 admissions viz: Ralph Robertson Adam Richmond Terrace Dundee Gavin George Adam Fernlea Maule Street Carnoustie ½ years interest on loan of £1600 @ 3% from County Council of Lanark -do- £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- loan of £200 @ 5% from John S Guild -do- £500 @ 4% from D B Murray Interest on Savings Bank Account to 20th Novr House Factors balance of Martinmas Rents for Victoria Chambers: Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Commission etc Owners Rates Income Tax Insurance ½ years interest on £4300 3% War Stock J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Flesher Trade dues of admission viz: Wm Dick Jr 79 Constitution Street Dundee Butcher son of Wm Dick Butcher 120½ Hilltown a Member of this Trade Ian Robinson McFarland Dentist 53-55 High Street Newburgh Fife a son-in-law of John M Mungo Hide & Tallow Merchant Ian Piggot Butcher 60 Frederick Street Dundee a son of Edward Piggot Butcher 50 Wellgate Dundee a Member of this Trade Pullar Mortification Bank Account Balance carried down 16. 8 5. 0 14. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 10. 5. 0 100. 5 .0 24. 0. 17.10. 5. 0. 10. 0. 14.10. 0 0 0 0 6 549. 7. 1 63.13. 36. 4. 22.19. 308. 5. 94. 2. 1. 5. 7 7 0 3 9 0 526.10. 2 22.16.11 75. 5. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 0 2.15. 5. 0. 3. 3. 122. 8. 3437. 8. 0 0 0 7 2 Discharge Jany 4 27 Feby 1 14 16 18 March 1 4 14 Balance brought down Income Tax deducted from £400 3% British Transport Guaranteed Stock G A First premium on new Policy over Victoria Chambers property Income Tax deducted from £1550 4% Consolidated Stock -do- £350 3% Savings Bond National Guarantee & Suretyship Assoc Ltd G A, A R Premium Income Tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bond -do- £2000 –doPaid into Bank account Rattray & Co Account re ex-Conveners Badge Income Tax deducted from £800 Red Stock Dundee Corporation 142 19.1. 2 2..14. 17. 3. 13.19. 2. 7. 6. 5.14. 1. 7. 13.10. 16.10. 15.15. 5. 8. 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 25 29 April 1 9 23 May 4 7 9 12 13 14 17 18 19 June 1 3 9 23 July 1 19 Aug 1 4 15 Sept 1 14 Octr 1 12 25 31 Novr 1 3 Bank account Bank Service Charge Clerk’s fee on 4 admissions Bank account Clerk’s fee on 2 admissions Bank account Stamp Duty on Lese of Western Assce -do- Lease – Commercial Assce Co Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion stock Bank account Stamp on Dundee Printers Lease T L Policy – G A Stamp Duty on Motor UNION Lease -do- Federated Employers Lease Income Tax deducted from loan of £300 to Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- £500 at 4% to David Murray -do- years feuduty from Dundee Town Council -doYears feuduty for ground at Blackscroft Less Tax Income Tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corporation Water Deb stock Bank account Income Tax deducted from Mortgage for £400 from Dundee Corporation Bank account Income Tax deducted from ground annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees Boxmaster’s half year Salary Income Tax deducted from loan of £200 @ 5% to John S Guild -do- years feuduty from J F McKean -do- W & A Pope Bank account Income Tax deducted from loan of £350 @ 4% to Robert Stewart & Son Bank account Alexander Tosh & Son fee for audit of accounts “All Risks” premium on Mace Income Tax deducted from £400 3% British Transport Guaranteed Stock Bank account W & D Alexander account for 25 copies Vidimus Income Tax deducted from £1550 4$ Consolidated Stock Deposit Receipt (23rd June 1955) -doFee for recovery of Income Tax Income Tax deducted from interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 3% -so- 1960/70 -do- interest on £2o00 3% -do-do- div on £800 3% Red Stock Dundee Corp -do- interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Clerk’s fee on 2 admissions Bank account Bank Service Charge Peter McLean account Clerk’s fee on 3 admissions Bank account Colin Baird re Bridie Supper 143 6.12. 2. 1. 0. 20.10. 10. 20.10. 15. 2. 0. 26.15. 32.14. 1. 0. 16. 1. 0. 1. 0. 7. 4. 4.10. 2. 2. 8. 4 3. 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4. 7 5.19. 0 8. 1. 0 6. 7. 6 8.12. 6 2. 5. 0 75. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 12.1. 8 1.10 75. 5. 0 3. 3. 393.15. 5. 5. 1.10. 0 7 0 0 2.11. 20.19. 2.15. 15. 3. 500. 0. 241. 8. 19. 8. 2. 4. 1. 5. 12.15. 5. 2. 25. 5. 10. 13…. 0. 4. 2. 5. 15. 23. 5. 2. 3. 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 7 6 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 17 29 Dec 1 7 12 16 20 31 Bank account Treasurer Poppy Fund Waiters Income Tax deducted from interest on loan of £300 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps Bank account Income Tax deducted from Dundee Property Reversionary Co -do-do- W & A Pope -do- A Simpson’s Trust -do- J F McKean -do- interest on loan of £800 @ 4% from Hay & Miller’s Trust Paid the following dues for poor as fixed by General Fund Court viz: Baker Trade per Gordon Doig Esq. Shoemaker Trade per John Hardie Esq. Tailor Trade per A J Lindsay Robertson Esq. Bonnetmaker Trade per Frank Hay Esq. Flesher Trade per J Hunter Sutherland Esq. Hammerman Trade per Nigel Fenton Esq. Treasurer’s half year Salary Convene Wallace’s Salary Royal British Hotel’s account Income Tax deducted from feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- Mrs McPherson’s Heirs -do- Dundee Corporation -do-do- ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Debenture Stock Bank account Income Tax deducted from interest warrant on £1000 Dundee Corporation Loans Fund Bank account Clerk’s fee on 2 admissions Bank account Income Tax deducted from ½ years interest on £1600 @ 3% from County Council of Lanark Bank account Income Tax deducted from ½ years interest on loan of £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- on loan of £200 @ 5% from John S Guild John Leng & Co account Income Tax deducted from ½ years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from D B Murray Savings Bank account Fire Pol – G A Bank account -doJohn Durham & Son account Clerk’s fee on 3 admissions Bank account Years rent & Rates per G F C Minute viz; Rent Rates John Leng account W & D Alexander’s account Posts for year 144 503.1. 8 6.10. 0 1.10. 0 2.19. 6 4. 0. 6 6. 9 2. 1 5. 1 5. 1 0.11 6.16. 0 169. 0. 26. 0. 39. 0. 156. 0. 234. 0. 39. 0. 26. 5. 26. 5. 49.13. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6. 1. 6. 7. 2. 9 1 0 1 5.19. 0 8. 1. 0 6. 7. 8.12. 10. 24. 0. 6 6 0 0 10. 4. 0 13.16. 0 7. 8. 9 2. 2. 6 1. 7. 6 4. 5. 0 16.10. 0 18. 3. 0 22.16.11 75. 5. 0 19. 8 15. 0 8. 5. 0 40. 0. 0 26. 2.10 66. 3.10 1. 7. 6 12. 3 7.17. 6 Clerk’s Certification for year Town Officer for use of rooms -do- care of Flag St Andrew’s Parish Church Officer for case of books 3. 1. 1. 5. 3437. 0. 0. 0. 3. 8. Vidimus of Account 1954 I II V IV V Capital as at 31st December 1954 General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest Entry money during year Baker Trade Shoemaker –doBonnetmaker -doFlesher –doHammerman –doGlover –do- 18229. 9..10 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 Less Clerk’s fee Income Rents Interests Feuduties (less over feuduty of 4/7d) Bank Interest Income Tax repaid – nett Poppy Day Fund Payment from Pullar Mortification Capital Additions Donation from Weaver Trade Sums Drawn from Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current 26520. 9. 7 23. 5. 20.10. 39. 0. 8. 5. 20.10. 20.10. 132. 0. 4.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127.10. 0 416.12. 701. 0. 14. 3. 18. 2. 221.19. 6.10. 5. 0. 6 0 0 3 8 0 0 1383. 7. 9 3. 3. 0 500. 0. 0 1258. 3. 3 17058. 3. 3 28034.10. 4 Discharge I Annual Outgoings Pensions paid Baker Trade Shoemaker Trade Tailor Trade Bonnetmaker Trade Flesher Trade Hammerman Trade Less Pension repaid by Flesher Trade 169. 26. 39. 154. 234. 39. Donations Convener’s fee & salaries Clerks Election fee Insurance )less 7/6 from Three United Trades) Income tax Audit & Division Convener’s Badge 0. 0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 0 .0 0. 0 5. 3. 0 176. 5. 0 3. 0. 0 43. 5. 250. 8. 61. 1. 15.15. 145 3 1 8 0 663. 0. 0 12.10. 0 150.10. 0 0 0 0 0 2 Advertising Poppy Day Fund Proportion of Rent & Rates Stationery, posts & sundries Sums Paid into Bank Deposit Receipt Account Current Savings Bank Capital at close General Fund Court J Milne’s Bequest Charles Ower’s Bequest II III 5. 0. 0 6.10. 0 66. 3.10 12.11. 5 1344. 0. 2 741. 8. 1 14.10. 0 625. 3. 2 2099.13. 3 18468.17. 2 5075. 0. 0 3215.19. 9 26758.17. 2 28034.10. 4 Capital as at 31st December 1955 I II III IV V British Government Securities £1500 3½% Conversion Stock £1500 –do£400 -do£200 3½% War Stock £2150 –do£1200 –do£350 –do£400 –do- (purchased during year) £400 3% Savings Bonds 1955/65 £500 –do- 1960/70 £450 –do£200 –do£4500 $% Consolidated Stock - (purchased during year) £1000 3% Defence Bonds £400 British Transport 3% Guaranteed Stock 1978/88 Municipal Stocks etc £800 Dundee Water Debenture Stock £800 Dundee Corporation 3% Redeemable Stock 1956/58 Loan to Dundee Corporation Loan to Lanark County Council Loans secured on Heritable Property Robert Stewart’s –doD B Murray’s -doJ S Guild’s –doAngus Property Investment Co’s –doW M & D S Miller’s Trustees Bond Miscellaneous Bank on Deposit Receipt Bank on Account Current Dundee Savings Bank Ordinary Pullar Bequest Gold Badge & Chain Less Balance due to Boxmaster Heritable Properties Victoria Road Property Blackscroft Feuduties Ground Annual of £10 1265. 3. 1613.12. 433. 6. 201.13. 2105.17. 1253.11. 323. 6. 369. 7. 350. 0. 500. 0. 4500. 0. 200. 0. 4566.17. 1000. 0. 384.12. 0 9 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 13017. 6. 1 800. 806. 1000. 1600. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 4206. 2. 0 350. 500. 200. 700. 800. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 2550. 0. 0 257. 7.10 217. 9. 7 505. 4. 8 100. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 1190. 2. 1 122. 8. 7 1067.18. 6 5500. 0. 0 192.15. 7 225. 0. 0 146 5917.15. 7 26758.17. 2 Dundee 17th April 1956 We have examined the foregoing Account of the Intromissions of Mr Edward Reginald Simpson Solicitor Dundee Boxmasters to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the year ended 31st December 1855 and having compared these Intromissions with the Vouchers and other instructions have found hem to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched closing with a Balance due to the Boxmaster amounting to One hundred and twenty two Pounds eight shillings and seven pence (£122. 8. 7). The Security Writs of Investments have been exhibited and appear in order Alexander Tosh & Son CA Auditors 31st May 1956 The Committee appointed for auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts do hereby certify that they have this day examined the same for the year ending 31 st December 1955 and found them correctly stated and sufficiently vouched. In testimony whereof these presents are subscribed. Andrew Wallace Convener: B Leslie: J W Hutchison: T M Strachan: J M Robb 1956 Charge Jany 4 Feby 1 13 15 March 1 14 20 26 28 ½ years interest on £400 British Transport Stock Dividend on 3½% Defence Bonds ½ years interest on £1550 4% Consolidated Stock Order on Bank Account -do½ years interest on £350 3% Savings Bonds -do £200 3% -do-do- £2000 –doDividend on £800 3% Redeemable Stock Dundee Corporation Frank Hay Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of admission of new members: John Norman Curr 234 B Ferry Road Dundee Dental Surgeon Unfree Wm Andrew Soutar Dryden 8 Nelson Tce Dundee Fruit 7 potato Merchant Free George Christie Stenson 2 Martin Street Dundee Electrical Contractor unfree Charles Donald Webster 66 Bruce #Road Dundee Sanitary Inspector (son) Bank Account J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Hammerman Craft dues of admission: James Hunter Sutherland Solicitor 11 High Street Dundee (Hon Member) Frank Allison Hibberd 16 Clepington Road Dundee unfree Duncan Cameron Sillars Duntair Ninewells unfree Wm Hughes 4 E Somerville Place Dundee unfree Douglas Fleming Gow 226 Arbroath Road Dundee unfree George Lewis Senior Invercarse Hotel Perth Road Dundee unfree Alex Bailie 4 Brington Place Dundee unfree John Jameson Thomson 8 Bridge Lane Barnhill (son) 147 6. 0. 17.10. 31. 0. 57. 3. 120. 0. 5. 5. 0 0 0 8 0 0 3. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. 10. 5 .0 2.15. 0 5. 6 -. -. 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 2.15. 0 April 2 May 5 8 14 15 18 June 1 2 6 28 July 2 3 Aug 1 6 15 23 Sept 1 18 24 26 Robert Taylor Lamont 13 Murray Street Dundee (son) ½ years interest on 33400 3½% Conversion Stock ½ years interest on loan of £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps Years feuduty from W & A Pope -do- J F McKean ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb stock ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees ½ years interest on £1600 3% from County of Lanark Years feuduty from Dundee Town Council for ground at Blackscroft -doRepayment of loan to Lanark County Council Dividend Warrant from Dundee Corp loan fund for £1000 ½ years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from David B Murray -do- £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- £200 @ 5% from John S Guild -do- £800 @ 4% from Mrs Hay & D S Miller -do- £4300 3½% War Stock. Order on Savings Bank account Deposit Receipt dated 4th Aug 1955 Interest to date thereon Deposit Receipt dated 15th May 1956 House factor balance of Whitsunday rents for Victoria Chambers Rents collected Feuduty Tradesmen’s accounts Commission etc Subscription Insurance Less proportion recovered from Insurance Co Proportion from Three United Trades of premium over Mace ½ years interest on £400 British Transport Stock Interest on 3½% Defence Bonds ½ years interest on £1550 4% Consolidated Stock Repayment of Income Tax to 5th April ½ years interest on £350 3½% Savings Bonds Bank account ½ years interest on £2000 3% Savings Bonds -do- £200 –do-do- £800 3% Red Stock Dundee Corporation Bank account Frank Hay Esq. Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Craft dues of 2 admissions John Douglas Cochrane 2 Briarbank Tce Dundee William Low Jr The Bryans 89 Dundee Road Broughty Ferry Leslie Forbes Mitchell 24 Albany Terrace Dundee 148 2.15. 0 59.10. 0 7. 0. 0 4. 0 1. 7. 0 14. 0. 0 5. 0.0 24. 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 1600..0. 0 15. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 17.10. 5. 0. 16. 0. 75. 5. 200. 0. 241. 8. 4.14. 1600. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 549.13. 0 63.13. 7 78. 5. 6 22.19. 3 4. 0 1. 5. 0 166. 7. 4 13. 5.10 153. 1. 6 396.11. 6 7. 6 6. 0. 0 17.10. 0 31. 0. 0 226.10.11 5. 5. 0 500. 0. 0. 30. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 5. 6 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 0 -. -. - 27 Octr 2 23 Nov 6 6 9 10 12 14 22 28 29 30 Dec 1 9 7 (Member of the Hammerman Trade) Donation from Weaver Trade ½ years interest on £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Gordon Doig Esq. Clark to the Baker Trade dues of admission: George Bruce Teacher 3 Rosewood Tce Westpark Road Dundee (son) William Keir Baker 33 Charlotte Street Dundee Jas Gordon Robertson Bakery Manager 62 Alpin Road Dundee Years feuduty from Dundee Reversionary Co -do-do- from St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- E Simpson’s Trust -do- W & A Pope -do- J F McKean ½ years interest on £800 Dundee Corporation Water Deb Stock D/R dated 9th Nov ‘56 Interest Years feuduty from Dundee Corp -doCollection for Poppy Day Fund yesterday Years feuduty from Mrs McPherson’s Heirs Interest on £1000 from Dundee Corp Loan Fund -do- £2000 @ 5¼% from Dundee Harbour Trust Bank account ½ years Ground Annual from Mrs Kidd’s Trs Bank account -do--do-do-do-do½ years interest on £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- Loan of £800 @ 4% from Trust from D S Miller & Mrs Hay -do- loan of £200 @ 5% from John S Guild Interest from Dundee Savings Bank ½ years interest on loan of £550 @ 4% from Robt Stewart’s Reps Housefactors bal of Martinmas Rents for Victoria Chambers. Rents collected Less feuduty Tradesmen’s a/c’s Com> etc Rates Stamps &c Income Tax ½ years interest on £500 @ 4% from David Murray Bank account ½ years interest on £4300 3½% War Stock Bank Account J Hunter Sutherland Clerk to the Flesher Trade dues of admission: George Adam Baker 258 Blackness Road Son-in149 3. 3. 0 59.10. 0 2.15. 0 10. 5. 0 10. 5. 4. 5. 16. 16. 12. 12. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 3. 3.11 503. 3.11 16. 8 5. 0 1. 6. 0 3. 1. 8 15. 0. 0 41.12. 1 26. 5. 0 5. 0. 0 143. 0. 0 26. 0. 0 39. 0. 0 182. 0. 0 260. 0. 0 26. 0. 0 17.10. 0 16. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 12. 7. 6 7. 0. 0 559. 4.10 63.13. 7 31. 2.10 22. 7. 5 332. 2. 3 19. 6 94. 2. 9 544. 8. 4 14.16. 10. 0. 44.10. 75. 5. 26. 0. 6 0 7 0 0 2.15. 0 28 law of J Clark Wm D Bennet Butcher 4 Shore Tce George C Gabriel Butcher 46 Scott Street Fred S Hobson Butcher 16 Maule Street Monifieth John F McMachon Butcher 126 Kingsway E John H Peebles Butcher Theydem Longforgan Sydney Sim Butcher 186 Brook St Broughty Ferry Pullar Trust Bank a/c Balance carried down 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 10. 5. 5. 0. 3. 3. 69. 7. 7274.14. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 Discharge Jany 4 Feby 1 13 15 24 25 March 1 8 14 20 26 25 April 2 30 May 5 8 14 15 16 18 Balance brought down Income Tax deducted from £400 3% British Transport Stock Paid into Bank account -doIncome Tax deducted from £1500 4% Consolidated Stock J B Hay final account for repairs on Property per Certificate Allan & Frisken fee Income Tax deducted from £350 3% Savings Bonds National Guarantee & Suretyship Assoc Ltd H A R Policy – G A Income Tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds -do- £2000 -doCorporation Diaries Income Tax deducted from £800 3% Redeemable Bonds Dundee Corporation Clerk’s fees on 3 admissions Bank Service Charge Dues on 3 admissions Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank T L Pol – G A Income Tax deducted from loan of £350 @ 4% from Robert Stewart’s Reps Income Tax deducted from years feuduty from W & A Pope -do- J F McKean Income Tax deducted from £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock Income Tax deducted from ½ years Ground Annual from Mr Kidd’s Trustees -do- £1600 3½% from County of Lanark Bank account Income Tax deducted from feuduty from Dundee Town Council for ground at Blackscroft -doDeposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from Dundee Corp loan Fund for £1000 Bank account Income Tax deducted from ½ years interest on loan of £500 @ 4% from David B Murray Bank account Half years feuduty for ground at Blackscroft Less tax Income Tax deducted from ½ years interest on loan of £800 £200 150 122. 8. 2.11. 3. 9. 17.10. 13. 3. 57. 3. 120. 0. 2. 4. 6. 0. 5.14. 7 0 0 0 6 8 0 7 0 0 1. 5. 6 12.15. 0 6. 5. 0 5. 2. 15. 5. 2. 0. 25. 5. 34. 4. 16. 0 0 6 0 9 3 0 2.19. 1. 11. 5.19. 6 8 5 0 2. 2. 6 10. 4. 0 16.13. 6 2. 2. 1600. 0. 6. 7. 8.12. 1 1 0 6 6 4. 5. 0 8. 1. 0 8. 4 3 6. 4.10 2. 2. 6 20 23 June 1 2 4 27 July 2 3 5 24 Aug 1 6 9 15 23 Sept 1 17 24 26 Octr 2 12 23 Nov 6 6 8 9 10 @ 5% from John S Guild Income Tax deducted from on loan of £800 @ 4% from Mrs Hay & D S Miller Alex Tosh & Son Account for certifying Intromissions Boxmaster half year Salary Savings Bank charge for cheque Dundee Harbour Trust on loan for 5 years @ 5½% Bank account North British & Mercantile Insurance Co W & D Alexander’s account Income Tax deducted from £400 British Transport Guaranteed Stock Bank account -doCity Collector for use of Committee Room Bank account Income Tax deducted from interest on £1500 4% Consolidated Stock Bank account Fee for recovery of Income Tax Bank account W & D Alexander account for printing of Vidimus of accounts Income Tax deducted from £350 3½% Savings Bonds Bank account Deposit Receipt Income Tax deducted from £2000 3% Savings Bonds Bank account Income Tax deducted from £200 3% Savings Bonds Bank account Income Tax deducted from £800 3% Red stock Dundee Corporation Bank account Bank Service Charge Clerk’s fees on 2 admissions Bank account Income Tax deducted from £3400 3½% Conversion Stock Bank account John Leng a/c Peter McLean’s a/c Dues of 3 admissions Bank account Income Tax deducted from years feuduty from Dundee Reversionary Co -doIncome Tax deducted from years feuduty from St Paul’s Episcopal Church -do- E Simpson’s Trust -do- by years feuduty from W A Pope -do- J F McKean James N Robb’s a/c Tax deducted from ½ years Inter on £800 Dundee Corp Water Deb Stock Bank Tax deducted from years feuduty from Dundee Corp -doHanded same to Lord Provost Waiters yesterday 151 6.16. 0 5. 5. 0 75. 0. 0 0. 8 2000. 0. 0 396.11. 6 1.10. 0 1. 4.10 2.11. 3. 9. 17.10. 1. 0. 60. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 13. 3. 6 17.16. 6 15.15. 0 226.10.11 2.17. 6 2. 4. 7 3. 0. 5 500. 0. 0 12.15. 0 17. 5. 0 1. 5. 6 1.14. 6 5. 2. 6.18. 5. 10. 20.10. 25. 5. 34. 4. 2. 5. 2. 3. 15. 23. 5. 0 0 6 0 0 9 3 0 6 0 0 2. 1 6. 9 6. 9 5. 1 5. 1 0.11 18. 4 5.19. 0 503. 3.11 7. 0 2. 1 7. 6. 0 1.10. 0 12 14 22 30 Dec 4 7 13 17 26 28 Tax deducted from years feuduty from Mrs McPherson’s Heirs -do- interest pm £1000 from Dundee Corp Loan Fund Bank a/c Tax deducted from Interest on £2000 @ 5¼% from Dundee Harbour Trust Bank account Treasurer’s half years Salary Convener Wallace’s Salary Tax deducted from ½ years Ground Annual from Mrs Kidd’s Trustees New Cheque book Paid the following shares for poor as fixed by General Fund Court: Baker Trade per Gordon Doig Shoemaker Trade per John Hardie Tailor Trade per A J Lindsay Robertson Bonnetmaker Trade per Frank Hay Flesher Trade per J Hunter Sutherland Hammerman Trade per Nigel Fenton Tax deducted from ½ years Interest on £700 @ 5% from Angus Property Investment Co -do- £800 @ 4% from Trust for D S Miller & Mrs Hay Wm Kidd & Son account Tax deducted from ½ years Interest on Loan of £200 @ 5% from John S Guild Bank a/c Savings Bank Fire Insurance G A Tax deducted from ½ years Interest on Loan of £350 @ 4% from Robt Stewart’s Reps -do- £500 @ 4% from David Murray Royal British Hotel account Baker Trade pension for Mrs White Clerk’s fee for 7 admissions Bank Years Rent & ‘Rates viz: Rent Rates John Leng’s account Dundee Corp for Diaries Posts for year Clerk’s certification fee for year Town Officer for use of Room -do- care of Flags St Andrew’s Church officer for care of Books 152 1. 6. 1 6. 7. 6 8.12. 6 19.16. 2 26.15.11 75. 0. 0 26. 5. 0 2. 2. 6 8. 4 143. 26. 39. 182. 260. 26. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 8. 9 6.16. 0 11. 0. 8 2. 2. 6 12. 7. 6 18. 3. 0 40. 0. 0 29.13. 4 2.19. 4. 5. 44.10. 26. 0. 1.15. 64. 5. 6 0 7 0 0 0 69.13. 2.15. 5.12. 7.17. 3. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 3. 3. 7574.14. 4 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 5