Supporting online materials: Figures Figure S1 Ectotherms, endotherms, plants: A general graph using all paired data for endotherms (A), ectotherms (B) and plants (C). Variances are depicted below every boxplot, number of species (n) is on the lower right section of the graph. Figure S2 Plant heat tolerance (A) and cold tolerance (B) for all species (as in figure 4), plus cold hardiness from hardiness zones (C) and maximum frost resistance (D). The data are normalized to the mean (so 0 represents the mean of each dataset) but not to the variances. Both paired and unpaired data were used. As in Figure S1 Variances are depicted below every boxplot, number of species (n) is on the lower right for the paired data and below each variance for the unpaired data. Summary Tables Table S1 - Summary statistics and source of the data used in fig.1 CT: Critical Temperature, LT50: Lethal Temperature for 50% of the population. LT100: Lethal temperature for 100% of the population. CTM: Critical Thermal Maximum, CTMin: Critical Thermal Minimum, SD: (Sunday et al. 2012). HF: (Hoffman et al. 2013), DEU:(Deutsch et al. 2008). FFY: Francisco Ferri-Yáñez, Unpublished, KL: (Kellermann et al. 2012). Paired data used in Fig.1a CTM CTMin Source Class N Mean Var Sd Mean Var Sd Amphibia 26 37.52 11.26 3.35 2.80 20.70 4.55 SD Reptilia 129 42.16 8.23 2.87 7.77 13.03 3.61 SD Arachnida 12 40.85 2.64 1.63 -9.84 16.71 4.09 SD Insecta 56-40 40.79 29.00 5.39 2.80 41.09 6.41 SD/HF 30.63 5.53 DEU Paired data used in Fig. 1b Insecta 38 32.66 13.82 3.72 10.01 Unpaired Insect data used in Fig 1c Maximum Minimum Source Measure N Mean Var Sd N Mean Var Sd CT 220 41.83 21.53 4.37 31 2.49 13.31 3.65 HF/KL LT50 89 36.73 42.40 6.51 215 -7.85 76.95 8.78 HF LT100 84 40.08 58.80 7.67 108 -14.99 234.41 15.31 HF Paired data used in Fig 1d Reptilia 254 44.99 1.67 1.29 7.37 8.26 2.87 FFY Table S 2 - Summary statistics for paired data from Sunday et al. 2012 and Hoffman et al. 2013 on thermal limits of ectotherm orders. Order Acarina Anura Araneae Coleoptera Collembola Diptera Hemiptera Hymenoptera Isoptera Lepidoptera Squamata N 2 26 10 31 3 14 3 10 3 7 134 CTM mean 39.70 37.52 41.09 41.38 33.80 38.13 39.50 41.67 46.25 45.75 42.13 Var 0.08 11.26 2.87 48.61 3.09 8.59 0.56 17.86 2.57 59.45 8.26 sd 0.28 3.36 1.69 6.97 1.76 2.93 0.75 4.23 1.60 7.71 2.87 CTMin mean -6.00 2.80 -10.61 1.82 -9.63 4.64 2.27 5.17 4.93 4.80 7.70 var 1.62 20.70 16.30 55.21 10.09 27.06 2.41 25.30 8.69 49.22 13.49 sd 1.27 4.55 4.04 7.43 3.18 5.20 1.55 5.03 2.95 7.02 3.67 Table S 3 - Summary statistics for plant tolerances. CTM CTMin Dataset N Var Mean Sd N Var Mean Sd LT50 paired 19 9.4 45.89 3.07 19 222.54 -19.88 14.92 LT50 unpaired 178 17.18 47.33 4.15 323 96.86 -12.09 9.84 Hardiness -- -- -- -- 1190 128.6 -28.93 11.34 Frost Resistance -- -- -- -- 106 1495.18 -44.98 38.67 Table S 4 - Summary statistics for Lower Critical Temperature (LCT) and Upper Critical Temperature (UCT) of endotherms. LCT UCT Class N Var Mean Sd Var Mean Sd Mammalia 157 3.53 34.21 1.88 26.24 26.21 5.12 Aves 70 9.50 35.38 3.08 42.80 23.61 6.54 Mammalia+Aves 227 5.63 34.57 2.37 32.62 25.4 5.71 Table S5 - Spearman correlations and significance between thermal limits and environmental temperature as in Figure 5. Tolerance Measure CTM CTMin Climatic Variable Reptiles Amphibians Insects Rho P. Value Rho P. Value Rho P. Value MaxTa -0.495 3.716e-05 0.498 0.010 0.336 0.039 MeanTa 0.035 0.785 0.109 0.595 0.241 0.144 MinTa -0.294 0.019 -0.099 0.630 0.145 0.384 MaxTa 0.291 0.020 0.436 0.026 0.237 0.151 MeanTa 0.303 0.016 0.745 1.29e-05 0.285 0.082 MinTa 0.307 0.014 0.676 0.0002 0.188 0.257 Table S6 -Spearman correlations and significance between thermal limits and environmental temperature for endotherms as in Figure 5. Tolerance Measure UCT LCT Resid L Climatic Variable Mammals Birds Rho P. Value Rho P. Value MaxTa 0.250 0.003 0.377 0.013 MeanTa 0.184 0.032 -0.100 0.523 MinTa 0.152 0.078 -0.149 0.339 MaxTa 0.182 0.034 0.385 0.011 MeanTa -0.024 0.784 0.014 0.929 MinTa -0.081 0.350 -0.080 0.608 MaxTa 0.414 7.012e-07 0.380 0.011 MeanTa 0.316 0.0002 0.088 0.577 MinTa 0.264 0.002 -0.0102 0.948 Thermal tolerance of Liolaemus CTmin and CTmax of Chilean Liolaemus were determined by loss of righting response. Most of the species were captured in a single location by FFY or in several nearby locations and in the same period of time (per species), which gives confidence that individuals of each species experienced similar climatic conditions prior to the capture. All specimens were maintained in identical conditions in the laboratory with availability of water, food (mealworms), a thermoregulatory spot and a photoperiod of 12 hours of light for two days before measurements were taken. Details on Figure 7 Logistic Regression We used range maps built by C. Garín and PAM representing the distribution of Liolaemus buergeri, Liolaemus schroederi and Liolaemus belli in shapefile format. Annual mean temperature maps were downloaded from (bioclimatic variable bio1). Distribution data was integrated in a 10km grid in which each cell was marked as presence if it was covered in more than 50% by the range map; Annual Mean Temperature was integrated in the database using the average pixel value in every grid cell. Logistic regression model was conducted in R version 2.12.2 using annual mean temperature as independent variable. Performance Curves: Performance curves were estimated by fitting a polynomial function to lizard sprint speed measures at eight different temperatures. Ten individuals of each species were chased through a 2m long racetrack divided in 30cm intervals and recorded at 60 frames per second with a high definition digital camera (GoPro® HERO2) at zenith angle. Recordings were reviewed visually frame by frame and the fastest interval was extracted for each race. Further details on the methods are to be published in Ferri-Yáñez et. al. in preparation. Endotherm data (TNZ): The Thermoneutral zone (TNZ) is the range of ambient temperatures for which metabolism of endotherms remains constant and lowest, as thermal balance can be maintained by changes in posture, insulation and peripheral circulation (McNab 2012). Outside the limits of TNZ, endotherms are forced to use energy requiring mechanisms to regulate their body temperature, either by increasing heat production if temperature is below TNZ or by active cooling mechanisms such as sweating or panting when temperature is above TNZ, causing an increase in metabolic rate. We reviewed the literature for TNZ boundaries and constructed a database of paired Lower Critical Temperatures (LCT) and Upper Critical Temperatures (UCT) for birds and mammals (Table S 5). We report and analyze the differences in variance between LCT and UCT, as we consider that it best represent the interaction between the species and the thermal environment. Nevertheless, basal metabolic rate and LCT have an allometric relation with body mass. We examined the relation between LCT and UCT with body mass, and as expected we found a negative correlation between LCT and body mass for both birds and mammals. To account for the effect of mass, we fitted a linear model to LCT and body mass for birds and for mammals separately and examined if the pattern of variance of the residuals. Variance of the residuals for both birds and mammals is still much larger than variance in UCT (bird residuals variance: 30.53, mammal residuals variance: 21.1) Plant data: Plant physiological tolerances (LT50) were gathered from the literature (references provided). Besides the physiological data, we also obtained cold hardiness from compilations combining geographic information and hardiness zones from available databases at Compleat Botanica (, Planfor (, Plants of the Southwest (, Garden Web (, and forestry and botanical information from national or regional repositories at the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (, the North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension (, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (, and the Australian National Botanic Gardens web portal ( Absolute maximum frost tolerance of plant tissues was obtained from Bannister & Neuner 2001. Variance of the different cold tolerance measures was close to one order of magnitude bigger in cold tolerance and cold hardiness, and close to two orders of magnitude bigger in maximum frost resistance than that of heat tolerance (Figure S2) Table S 5 Thermo Neutral Zone (Lct-Uct range) of mammals and bird species. Ref: bibliographic reference number. Sp Tlc Tuc Class Order Family Weight g. Ref Chinchilla laniger 22.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Chinchillidae 426 1 Dasyprocta azarae 18.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dasyproctidae 3849 1 Dasyprocta leporina 20.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dasyproctidae 2687 1 Dolichotis salinicola Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris Myoprocta acouchy 28.00 37.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cavidae 1613 1 22.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cavidae 26400 1 25.00 30.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dasyproctidae 914 1 Octodon degus Octodontomys gliroides Thrichomys apereoides Monodelphis brevicaudata Caluromys derbians 27.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Octodontidae 206 1 25.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Octodontidae 152 1 25.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Echimydae 323 1 28.76 36.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 111 2 26.36 35.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 357 2 Didelphis virginiana Lutreolina crassicaudata Marmosa robinsoni Metachirus nudicaudatus Philander opossum 21.16 34.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 3257 2 26.37 35.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 812 2 26.79 37.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 122 2 27.65 35.50 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 336 2 28.98 36.00 Mammalia Didelphimorpha Didelphidae 751 2 Cannomys badius 26.74 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Spalacidae 344 3 Scalopus aquaticus 25.15 33.00 Mammalia Soricomorpha Talpinae 48 3 Spalacopus cyanus 26.53 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Hystricomorpha 185 3 Capromys pilorides 24.00 37.00 Mammalia Rodentia Hystricomorpha 2630 4 Coendou prehensilis Pteropus poliocephalus Pteropus scapulatus 21.86 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Erethizontidae 3280 4 15.00 35.00 Mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 825 5 24.00 35.00 Mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 440 5 Abrothrix andinus 27.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 34.6 6 Abrothrix longipilis Auliscomys boliviensis Auliscomys micropus 27.00 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 42.3 6 24.00 31.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 76.8 6 22.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 62.3 6 Phyllotis darwini 27.50 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 59 6 Octodon bridgesi 22.00 32.50 mammalia Rodentia Octodontidae 176.1 7 Octodon lunatus Perognathus intermedius Dipodomys microps 23.00 33.00 mammalia Rodentia Octodontidae 173.2 7 33.00 36.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 14.9 8 27.00 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 55 9 Akodon azarae 30.00 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 25 10 Dipodomys agilis 26.00 36.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 61 10 Dipodomys merriami 32.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 38 10 Gerbillurus paeba 33.25 35.64 mammalia Rodentia Muridae 31.13 11 Gerbillus pusillus 31.40 38.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 12.6 10 Jaculus deserti 33.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dipodidae 106 10 Jaculus orientalis 28.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dipodidae 139 10 Liomys salvani 31.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 44 10 Mus musculus Napaeozapus insignis Ochrotomys nuttali Perognathus intermedius Peromyscus thomasi peromyscus truei gilberti Rattus norvegicus Reithrodontomys megalotis Ctenomis talarum 27.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 46 10 30.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Dipodidae 22 10 30.00 36.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 20 10 33.00 36.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 15.2 10 28.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 111 10 27.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 33 10 25.00 31.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 160 10 33.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 9 10 25.00 30.00 Mammalia Rodentia Ctenomyidae 116 12 Condylura cristata Leptonycteris sanborni Graomys griseoflavus Macaca mulatta 24.50 33.00 Mammalia Eulipotyphla Talpidae 49 13 35.50 38.00 Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae 44 14 25.60 34.00 mammalia Rodentia cricetidae 69.4 15 10.00 31.00 Mammalia Primates Cercopithecidae 3.9 16 Nasua nasua 25.00 33.00 mammalia Carnivora Procyonidae 3.85 17 Tamias striatus Gerbillurus paeba paeba Gerbillurus seizeri 28.50 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Sciuridae 92.2 18 32.30 35.10 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 33.9 19 32.20 34.80 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 46.1 19 Gerbillurus tytonis Gerbillurus vallinus vallinus Rattus rattus 32.40 34.90 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 29.9 19 33.10 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 38.8 19 26.25 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 225 20 Rattus villosissimus 29.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 134 20 Cercartetus lepidus 29.00 33.00 Mammalia Diprotodontia Burramyidae 12 21 Peropteryx macrotis 30.50 37.00 Mammalia Chiroptera Emballonuridae 5 22 Thomomys talpoides 26.00 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Geomyidae 106.8 23 Gerbillus dasyurus Dasycercus cristicauda Sminthqpsis crassicauda Homo sapiens 32.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 27.6 24 30.00 37.00 Mammalia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae 86 25 31.00 38.00 Mammalia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae 19 25 28.50 32.00 Mammalia Primates Hominidae 73.6 26 Setonix branchyurus Pseudocheirus occidentalis Macrotis lagotis 20.00 32.50 Mammalia Diprotodontia Macropodidae 2674 27 25.00 32.50 Mammalia Diprotodontia Pseudocheriridae 872 27 27.00 35.00 Mammalia Peramelemorphia Thylacomyidae 1520 27 Spilogale putorius 30.00 36.00 Mammalia Carnivora Mephitidae 624 28 Isoodon obesulus 25.00 35.00 Mammalia Peramelemorpha Peramelidae 1020 29 Macroderma gigas Elephantulus edwardi Aethomys namaquensis Thallomys paedulcus 30.00 35.00 Mammalia Chiroptera Megadermatidae 150 30 32.50 36.00 Mammalia Macroscelidea Macroscelididae 48.1 31 26.39 34.49 mammalia Rodentia Muridae 64.2 32 27.46 35.89 mammalia Rodentia Muridae 132.42 32 Notomys alexis 32.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 32.3 33 Notomys cervinus Leggadina hermannsburgensis Sorex minutus Peromyscus californicus insignis Peromyscus californicus parasiticus Peromyscus critinus pergracilis Peromyscus critinus stephensi Peromyscus eremiscus eremiscus Peromyscus m. gambeli Peromyscus m. sonoriensis Peromyscus t. gilberti Peromyscus t. truei 33.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 34.2 33 31.00 36.00 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 12.2 34 24.00 30.00 Mammalia Soricomorpha Soricidae 4.45 35 28.00 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 45.5 36 27.00 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 49.6 36 29.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 20.9 36 28.50 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 15.9 36 30.00 36.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 21.5 36 29.00 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 19.1 36 29.00 32.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 24.2 36 27.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 33.3 36 29.00 34.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 33.2 36 Geomys pinetis 26.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Geomyidae 202.8 37 Heliophobius kapeti Heterocephalus glaber Spalax leucodon Tachyoryctes splendens Dipodomys deserti Clethrionomys californicus Clethrionomys gapperi Lagurus curtatus Microtus longicaudus Arvicola richardsoni 28.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Bathyerginae 88.5 37 31.00 37.00 Mammalia Rodentia Bathyerginae 39.2 37 25.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Spalacidae 207.7 37 27.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Spalacidae 202.5 37 29.50 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Heteromydae 106 2 25.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 18.3 38 26.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 20.8 38 25.00 33.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 30.3 38 26.50 33.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 26.9 38 22.50 33.50 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 51.3 38 Neofiber alleni 25.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 258.1 38 Ondatra zibethicus 15.00 30.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 1004.6 38 Pitymys pinetorum 23.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 23.8 38 Arctictis binturong Arctogalidia trivirgata Eira barbara 27.00 36.00 Mammalia Carnivora Viverridae 1428 39 19.00 38.00 Mammalia Carnivora Viverridae 2010 39 26.00 35.00 Mammalia Carnivora Mustelidae 2950 39 Nandinia binoata Pardoxurus hermaphroditus 27.00 34.00 Mammalia Carnivora Nandiniidae 4270 39 27.00 36.00 Mammalia Carnivora Viverridae 3160 39 Fossa fossa 26.00 34.00 Mammalia carnivora Eupleridae 2260 39 Potos flavus Herpailurus yagouaroundi Hyaena hyaena 25.00 33.00 Mammalia Carnivora Procyonidae 2030 39 27.00 34.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 8400 40 23.00 36.00 Mammalia Carnivora hyaenidae 34300 40 Leopardus pardalis 22.00 33.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 10500 40 Leopardus wiedii 29.00 38.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 3600 40 Lynx rufus 19.00 32.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 9400 40 Panthera leo 9.00 33.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 98000 40 Panthera onca 10.00 36.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 50400 40 Panthera tigris 17.00 34.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 137900 40 Puma concolor 9.00 35.00 Mammalia Carnivora Felidae 37200 40 Pteropus rodricensis 24.00 35.50 Mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 254.5 41 Dobsonia minor 27.50 35.00 mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 73.7 41 Dobsonia praedatix 26.50 33.50 mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 179.5 41 Nyctimene albiventer 28.00 33.50 mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 30.9 41 Manis javanicus 23.00 34.00 Mammalia Pholidota Manidae 2110 42 Orycteropus afer 26.00 34.00 Mammalia Tubulidentata Orycteropodidae 48000 42 Oxymycterus roberti Tachyglossus aculeatus lawesi Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus Tamandua tetradactyla Zaglossus bruijni 33.00 34.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 83.5 42 24.00 33.00 Mammalia Monotremata Tachyglossidae 2140 42 18.00 31.00 Mammalia Monotremata Tachyglossidae 3580 42 23.00 35.00 Mammalia Pilosa Myrmecophagidae 3500 42 18.00 33.00 Mammalia Monotremata Tachyglossidae 10300 42 Procavia capensis 20.00 30.00 Mammalia Hyracoidea procaviidae 3457 43 Macaca fuscata 32.50 35.00 Mammalia Primates Cercopithecidae 9.55 44 Neotoma lepida 31.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia cricetidae 106 45 Myotis tisanoides Pteronotus quadridens Macroscelides proboscideus Canis dingo 32.50 34.50 Mammalia Chiroptera Vespertilionidae 8.4 46 30.00 38.00 mammalia Chiroptera Mormoopidae 4.9 47 35.00 38.00 Mammalia Macroscelidea Macroscelididae 45 48 10.00 32.50 Mammalia Carnivora Canidae 18066.67 49 Acomys cahirinus 27.00 32.50 Mammalia Rodentia Muridae 42 50 Crocidura russula Crocidura suaveolens Myotis lucifugus 27.50 35.00 mammalia Eulipotyphla Soricidae 10.4 51 27.50 35.00 mammalia Eulipotyphla Soricidae 6.5 51 32.50 34.50 Mammalia Chiroptera Vespertilionidae 9.5 52 Vulpes zerda 23.40 32.00 mammalia Carnivora Canidae 1.1 53 Onychomys torridus 30.00 35.00 Mammalia Rodentia Cricetidae 19.1 54 Eutamias minimus 26.00 34.00 mammalia Rodentia Sciuridae 50.6 55 Aotus trivirgatus 28.00 30.00 mammalia Primates Aotidae 1020 56 Cebuella pygmaea 27.00 34.00 mammalia Primates Callitrichidae 153 56 Lemur fulvus Nycticebus pygmaeus Nycticebys coucang 30.00 40.00 mammalia Primates Lemuridae 2330 56 27.50 35.00 mammalia Primates Lorisidae 388 56 25.00 33.00 mammalia Primates Lorisidae 1300 56 Perodicticus potto 25.00 29.00 mammalia Primates Lorisidae 1090 56 Tupaia belangeri 27.50 35.00 mammalia Scandentia tupaiidae 120.67 56 Phalanger sericeus 15.00 30.00 mammalia Diprotodonta Phalangeridae 1353.2 57 Phalanger 12.50 32.50 mammalia Diprotodonta Phalangeridae 1389.7 57 carmelitae Hipposideros diadema Hipposideros maggietaylorae Melonycteris melanops Sporophila aurita 29.00 34.00 mammalia Chiroptera Hipposideridae 37.2 58 30.00 34.00 mammalia Chiroptera Hipposideridae 18.2 58 28.00 33.00 mammalia Chiroptera Pteropodidae 53.3 59 28.90 39.20 Aves Passeriformes Emberizidae 9.8 60 Scardafella inca day Scardafella inca night Coracopsis vasa 30.00 44.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 42 61 32.00 35.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 42 61 10.00 35.00 Aves Psittaciformes Psittrichasiidae 465 62 Zenaidura macroura Callipepla californica Lichmera indistincta 30.00 37.50 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 91.4 63 27.50 37.50 Aves Galliformes Odontophoridae 149.6 63 30.00 39.00 Aves Passeriformes Meliphagidae 10 64 Meliphaga virescens 34.00 39.00 Aves Passeriformes Meliphagidae 27.5 64 Baeolophus ridgwayi 17.10 35.70 Aves Passeriformes Paridae 16.6 65 Poecile gambeli Lophophaps ferruginea Aegotheles cristatus Thinocorus rumicivorus Ceococcyx californianus Columba livia 14.70 32.00 Aves Passeriformes Paridae 10.95 65 33.00 39.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 80.7 66 31.30 34.80 Aves Caprimulgiformes Aegothelidae 45 67 33.00 38.00 Aves Charadriiformes Thinocoridae 55.5 68 27.00 36.00 Aves Cuculiformes Cuculidae 284.7 69 23.00 36.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 314.6 69 Fulica atra 20.00 34.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 842.5 70 Caloenas nicobarica 25.00 37.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 613 71 Columba vitiensis 22.00 34.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 467.9 71 Ducula bicolor 26.00 36.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 453.6 71 Ducula pacifica 27.50 35.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 333.4 71 Ducula pinon 23.00 37.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 583.8 71 Ducula pistrinaria 27.00 35.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 394.2 71 Ducula radiata 22.00 37.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 333.6 71 Ducula rubricera 24.00 36.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 418.8 71 Ducula zoeae 19.00 32.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 602.3 71 Goura cristata Gymnophaps albertisii Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Leucosarcia melanoleuca Ptilinopus melanospila Ptilinopus perlatus Phalaenoptilus nuttallii Aceros plicatus Aulacorhynchus prasinus Aulacorhynchus sulcatus Pteroglossus aracari 19.00 35.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 2187.2 71 22.00 36.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 241 71 20.00 30.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 443 71 24.00 36.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 466.1 71 22.00 33.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 98.7 71 24.00 32.00 Aves Columbiformes Columbidae 196 71 35.00 44.00 Aves Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae 40 72 16.00 35.00 Aves Coraciformes Bucerotidae 1781.6 73 23.00 34.00 Aves Coraciformes Bucerotidae 174.7 73 23.00 31.00 Aves Coraciformes Bucerotidae 131.7 73 29.00 35.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 200.7 73 Rampastos tucanus Ramphastos dicolorus 25.00 35.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 420.3 73 20.00 34.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 328.9 73 Ramphastos toco Selenidera maculirostris Trachyphonus darnaudii Anas aucklandica aucklandica Anas aucklandica chlorotis Anas aucklandica nesiotis Anas castanea 17.00 34.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 582 73 24.00 34.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 130.5 73 35.00 38.00 Aves Piciformes Ramphastidae 36.6 73 30.00 37.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 373.1 74 24.00 38.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 528.8 74 30.00 37.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 371.1 74 24.00 37.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 483.3 74 Anas gracilis Anas rhynchotis variegata Aythya novaeseelandiae Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos Aramides cajanea 30.00 39.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 393.7 74 22.00 37.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 508 74 16.00 33.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 488.4 74 12.00 38.00 Aves Anseriformes Anatidae 717.1 74 31.00 38.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 374.3 75 Gallinula mortierii 15.00 35.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 954.4 75 Gallinula tenebrosa Gallirallus australis hectori Gallirallus owstoni Gallirallus philippensis mellori porphyrio hochstetteri Porzana cinerea Amphispiza belli nevadensis Cinclus mexicanus 17.00 36.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 512.4 75 30.00 38.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 813.5 75 28.00 38.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 198.8 75 18.00 37.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 173.6 75 9.00 31.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 2758.3 75 28.00 37.00 Aves Gruiformes Rallidae 47.9 75 28.00 37.00 Aves Passeriformes Emberizidae 18.6 76 11.50 34.00 Aves Passeriformes Cinclinae 50.2 77 Passer domesticus 25.00 28.00 Aves Passeriformes Passeridae 23.7 78 Trochilus polytmus 20.00 29.00 Aves Apodiformes Trochilidae 6.3 79 Trochilus scitulus 20.00 29.00 Aves Apodiformes Trochilidae 4.9 79 Pycnonotus sinensis Cyanoliseus patagonus Apteryx oweni Cyanoramphus unicolor Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Cyanoramphus auriceps Collocalia esculenta Collocalia vanikorensis 25.00 33.00 Aves Passeriformes Pycnonotidae 29.38 80 15.00 30.00 Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae 251.04 81 6.00 29.00 Aves Struthuiformes Apterygidae 2674.667 82 18.00 33.00 Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae 129.4 83 22.00 37.00 Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae 56.1 83 22.00 37.00 Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae 52.9 83 31.50 34.00 Aves Apodiformes Apodidae 6.8 84 30.00 34.00 Aves Apodiformes Apodidae 11.6 84 References: References corresponding to Table S 5: 1. 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